HomeMy WebLinkAboutSacred Heart Street Dance (BPW Approved 8/9/23) i oEPA i • A `(� ` , SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION J 'y j*' Submittal of this application does not guarantee approval of the event. FR50 This application must be completed in its entirety Any applications not completed will be dented automatically Before applying.please acknowledge that addendum will he utilized in instances where add,hcnal liability on behalf of the applicant may occur Applications must Include a detailed site plan which clearly shows all temporary structures Including but not limited to tents,portable toilets,stages,bleachers,dumpsters,fencing.inflatables,etc at the time of submission If you are applying on behalf of a nonprofit plca;e proN,i(le proof of organization s nonprofit drsignahor EVENT INFORMATION Name of Event _ _.._.___ — Type of Event Event Dates) Event Time Event Day 2 tiler -- — Event Time --_- --__—.-- -- ! A Event Day 3 —_._. A/1 - Event Time Event Location •1.'t l — Alternate Date.Time and Location I•-j' Will additional time be needed for set up/break down'(please cheek) OYES []NO Set up will begin on(date) —___ _._ at(time) Break down will begin on(date) _____ — __-- _--- at(time) —_ Please provide a detailed description of your proposed event(be spec,ni f I( l. . Ev. ►►it.t) ,, r)i,. k.,i5 lc.+ ��u�! truck` k ;t►i.vc_ I : .� - (iLtv�'."S I , �. ., i ` ( 1 > ,1I,F+:.lt c.pv`,e 1) • SeTID COP"' Is this event open to the public'fpreal, hr"k! F_1 YES I ]NO Estimated attendance' ._ — Estimated number of teams participating"tamleh-tuumament onty) 'rer5 mJy be Jssessed dur.ng post event,nspea'bon of Jrfudf JtlenOJrn a...reeds abos'e'est,n die 1 ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organzaonnnmo... ngme. ,"no . . �1w^ OFv'p`om [iwunp,cl^ OGo"ernmertu UNeignmo'hoom*osucia`/on ,--,other Name -_ Street Address City ` v���°`\\' _ - '-_ s'z�� -__ Z'nCome Websit - ------ ---- ----- --- [mai\ ~ �L� ~- \ Social Media —ri �' On-�e[o� u Contact / � '° o" ,xrcomoc,pxor: On-site Contact[nw//_-- Phone number and/or emoil you want the public tp contact for more/"'c,mmvnanclvou«voeuom.ne —�--'-^~�-^----~—~--�— ----T---------- ---- Number*years this event has taken place*ametson* /,this e�demn,m"ced/nother areas 1please chftw OYES [lwO om **~'t - -- - --- COST &FUNDING /,cli,e P,uc`.'"*^�*, Adults _-__-' cmmwen scvmn How will ticket Ale revenue be used? � � x the proceeds w the"ent at(,intended lot morqlanizaion otter ohan the apptic3nt please provide the wllowinginformation oon,xOrgonsumn %m funds which will mdonated cootaunym" Contact Phone ----__ nmnmm,onmrm,m ROAD CLOSURE Will your event require road closures?(please check) O YES Ctl NO If yes.please describe the roads that would be closed and provide the opening/closing dates and times Also please attach map detailing closures and cross streets Name of streets Date/Time of Closure 44- Date!f ime of Opening _.. t PARKING Will you need any parking tots reserved for non-public use'(ph'ase check) ❑YES [},NO Will you be using areas for oft-site parking?(please check) fl YES ❑NO TRAFFIC CONTROL Will your event require traffic control'(dense chcvkr OYES ❑NO ALCOHOL Will alcohol be served at your event?(pica:c cher k) ❑YES 0 NO FOOD Will food be served at your event?1pieas'checks YES ❑NO If yes.will food be sell-prepared?(please chr_ki ❑YES 0 NO INFLATABLE ATTRACTIONS: (Please make sun to Include on site mop) Will inflatable attractions(bounce houses.slides.games)be part of this event'iprea:echeck) nYES ❑NO If yes.who will staff the attractions? f 1Vendor Cl Event Staff AMPLIFIED SOUND: Will amplified sound be used at your event?tpkease cheek) DYES 0 NO If yes.what will be amplified(music.speeches,etc)?rpi ase check) []YES 0 NO If yes.what time(s)will sound be amplified' — (,L/ � - t l ' t 1 if yes what sound company will provide sound' 14 AUDIO/VISUAL EQUIPMENT: Please list any AN equipment to he used at your event 45_ t St A -�p 3 ENCING ease make sure to include on site map) ((you be using temporary fencing for your event?(please check) CI YES []NO yes.what company will provide fencing? tEFUSE AND RECYCLING Please make sure to Include on site map) NM you need refuse containers(dumpsters)for your event?(please Owl.) ❑YES LINO If yes.how many will be use& If yes,what company will provide refuse and recycling services? _.___—___ — - -- --- RESTROOMS rl5f6c t" (Please make sure to include on site map) Will your event require temporary restrooms?)please check) C.1 YES LI NO If yes.how many? It yes,what company will provide restroom services? L i 7 • - — tzEc. A Citr0- CLEAN-UP: Will you use a cleaning company for event clean-up?roseate checkl ❑YES Cl NO It yes,what company will provide cleaning service?__. --- ELECTRICITY: Will you be using temporary electric(generator)at your event?rciraw ci'kl OYES ❑NO II yes.what company will provide electric service? —..._ —. TENTS (Please make sure to include on site map) Will you be using tents,stages ticket booths,etc at the event?ipi"are check! OYES 1]NO It yes.will tents be larger than 150 square feet(larger tents require permit)?Veasecheck)❑YES 0 NO If yes,please indicate the number and size of tents and desnbe how tents will be used If yes for larger tents.what company will be providing tents? PROMOTING/ADVERTISING: What type of promotion/advertising do you have planned for your event? 4 1AS 501 ..._overets ,cina '=.ehC7_ _eau gra -..tea . .7astc.s G cress s p ARNE.% sue. . ,o ►. ad s lid 1wer�:s aa,SVt.DAM&it b Ow r�- _:F,_�t.:z:;a::a,7iu actSts.,Ina voge7�dde CKTS a.a;. . -•- aoc a a4 K='cdoe*CMS 6URsI swag Atr)wA liq"mei& 0 • e 10 &S k UAW' kz:a..U.?S.W._1 _ ....N e7.E'�_i_: ee Y.t: ne.FR PLR Ja.riCi}'_ yak: ar. :. D.E 4%4 a.343.4:: v.E xr,x:erriedl.; p Sias J