HomeMy WebLinkAboutHR Contract for New Insurance for 2024 City of Jeffersonville
Government Contract Coversheet
Please note: All information MUST be completely filled out and submitted to Clerk's Office
within 48 hrs of execution.
Date Submitted to Clerk: 06/27/2033
Department: Human Resources
Vendor Name: Brown and Brown
Sign Date: 6/9/2023
Ending Date: 12/31/2023
Amount of Original Contract: $30,000.00
Is this an amendment or change order
to original contract? Yes or No
Amended Contract Amount:
Purpose: shopping new insuracne for 2024 and coordiantinio of
the transition to a new provider for all health related
benefits. Coordination of open enrollment and new halth
electronic platform
For Clerk's Office to fill out
Date uploaded to Gateway:
THIS CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), effective June 1, 2023 (the "Effective Date"), is
made by and between CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE ("Company"), and BROWN & BROWN OF KENTUCKY, INC.,
Company wishes to retain Consultant to perform certain specified advisory services as described in this Agreement.
Consultant wishes to perform such services according to the terms and conditions in this Agreement for the
compensation set forth in this Agreement. The parties agree as follows:
1. Term. The term of this Agreement shall at the request of Consultant. Company further agrees
commence on the Effective Date and continue for a to provide Consultant with notice of any material
until December 31, 2023, unless sooner terminated changes in Company's business operations, risk
as herein provided. exposures or in any other material information
provided under this Agreement. In addition, Company
2. Relationship of Parties. Consultant is an shall carefully read each insurance policy issued to
independent contractor and nothing in this Agreement Company in order to confirm the accuracy of the facts
is intended nor shall be construed to create an reflected therein and that the policy(ies)contain(s)the
employer/employee relationship, a joint venture terms and coverages desired. Company is
relationship or partnership relationship. In responsible for recommending any changes to
consideration of the compensation paid to the insurance policies issued to Company.
Consultant by the Company, Consultant will provide
services to the Company as an insurance consultant. 5. Compensation. In consideration of the
Company acknowledges that Consultant, or its parent Services, Company shall compensate Consultant as
company, Brown & Brown, Inc. ("Parent"), and related set forth in Schedule B (the "Consultant Services
or affiliated companies (collectively with Parent, "B&B Fee"). With regard to the Consultant Services Fee,
Affiliates"), may provide services as an insurance Company and Consultant acknowledge and agree as
agent on behalf of certain insurance carriers or risk- follows:
bearing entities. Company expressly consents to
such relationship, if applicable, in the rendition of (a) Compensation for the Services
services by Consultant under this Agreement. specified under this Agreement is exclusive of all
federal, state and local sales, use, excise, receipts,
3. Consultant Services. Consultant, subject gross income and other similar taxes and
to the terms of this Agreement, shall provide certain governmental charges and fees. Any such taxes,
services set forth in the attached Schedule A (the charges or fees for the Services under this
"Services"). Nothing in this Agreement shall be Agreement, now imposed or hereafter imposed during
construed to impose any obligations on the term of this Agreement, shall be in addition to the
Consultant, or limitations on Consultant's compensation, premiums and charges set forth in this
compensation, relative to services other than as Agreement and shall be paid by Company upon
specifically delineated above. request.
4. Company Responsibilities. In (b) Company acknowledges and
consideration of the Services provided by Consultant, agrees that the Consultant Services Fee is
Company agrees as follows: reasonable in relation to the Services to be provided
by Consultant hereunder.
(a) Company shall cooperate fully with
Consultant and the insurance companies with whom
Consultant solicits in the performance of Consultant's 6. Confidentiality. To the extent consistent
obligations under this Agreement. with performances of Consultant's duties under this
Agreement, Consultant and Company agree to hold in
(b) Company shall timely produce confidence Confidential Information (defined below).
complete and accurate information including, but not Company acknowledges, however, that Consultant
limited to, current financial information, statements of will disclose Confidential Information as reasonably
values, loss information and any other information, required in the ordinary course of performing the
necessary for the effectuation of insurance coverage Services to insurance companies and other insurance
Page 1 of 6
intermediaries. "Confidential Information" means all following causes: (i) Suspension or termination of
nonpublic information and all documents and other Consultant's insurance license in the State of Indiana
tangible items (whether recorded information, on if not cured by Consultant within sixty (60) days
paper, in computer readable format or otherwise) following such suspension or termination; (ii)
relating to the disclosing party's business (including Consultant's participation in any fraud; or (iii)
without limitation business plans, manner of doing
business, business results or prospects), proposals, Consultant's material failure to properly perform its
recommendations, marketing plans, reports, any of duties and responsibilities hereunder because of
which (i) at the time in question is either protectable Consultant's gross neglect, proven dishonesty, or
as a trade secret or is otherwise of a confidential commission of a felony.
nature (and is known or should reasonably be known
by receiving party as being of a confidential nature) (c) Notwithstanding the provisions in
and (ii) has been made known to or is otherwise sub-paragraph (a) above, Consultant may terminate
learned by receiving party as a result of the this Agreement upon the happening of any one of the
relationship under this Agreement. Confidential following causes: (i) Company's failure to pay any
Information should be protected with the same Consultant Services Fee more than five (5)days after
reasonable care as each party protects its own such a ment is due; (ii) Company'sparticipation in
Confidential Information. payment
y p p
any fraud; or (iii) Company's material failure to
Confidential Information will not include any properly perform its duties and responsibilities
information, documents or tangible items which (i) are hereunder because of Company's gross neglect,
a matter of general public knowledge or which proven dishonesty,or commission of a felony.
subsequently becomes publicly available (except to
the extent such public availability is the result of a Termination for any cause enumerated in sub-
breach of this Agreement), (ii) were previously in paragraphs (b) or(c) shall become effective upon the
possession of receiving party as evidenced by delivery of written notice of termination to the
receiving party's existing written records, or (iii) are breaching party or at such later time as may be
hereafter received by receiving party on a non- specified in the written notice.
confidential basis from another source who is not, to
receiving party's knowledge, bound by confidential or
fiduciary obligations to disclosing party or otherwise (d) Termination of this Agreement shall
prohibited from transmitting the same to receiving not release Company from any accrued obligation to
party. In the event that Consultant or Company pay any sum to Consultant(whether then or thereafter
become legally compelled to disclose any of the payable) or operate to discharge any liability incurred
Confidential Information, they shall provide the other prior to the termination date.
party with prompt notice so that such party may seek
a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or 8. Notices. Any notices required or permitted
waive compliance with the provisions of this to be given under this Agreement shall be sufficient if
Agreement. In the event that such protective order or in writing by Certified Mail to:
other remedy is not obtained, or that the other party
waives compliance with the provisions of the If to Company:
Agreement, such party may disclose such information
as is necessary or advisable to comply with the legal 500 Quartermaster Court
process. Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Attn: Les Merkley
7. Termination. Email: lmerkley@cityofjeff.net
If to Consultant:
(a) Either party may terminate this
Agreement, without cause and for any reason 13101 Magisterial Drive
whatsoever, by giving written notice of termination to Louisville, KY 40223
the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the Attn: Jim Wetterer
effective date of termination, which shall be specified Email:jim.wetterer@bbrown.com
in such written notice. With a copy to:
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions in Brown &Brown, Inc.
sub-paragraph (a) above, Company may terminate 300 N. Beach Street
this Agreement upon the happening of any one of the Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Attn: Legal Department
Page 2 of 6
or such other address as either shall give to the other
in writing for this purpose. 12. Assignment. Neither this Agreement nor
any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder
9. Severability. The invalidity or shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto
unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement (whether by operation of law or otherwise)without the
shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of prior written consent of the other party, which consent
any other provision. shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or
delayed. This Agreement will be binding upon, inure
10. Kentucky Law Applies; Venue. This to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties
Agreement shall be governed by and construed and and their respective successors and permitted
enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of assigns.
Kentucky without regard to its conflicts of laws
principles. Exclusive venue is agreed to be in a state 13. Entire Agreement. This Agreement
or federal court of competent jurisdiction in or for (including the schedules, documents and instruments
Jefferson County, Kentucky. referred to herein or attached hereto) constitutes the
entire agreement and supersedes all prior
11. Limitation of Liability; Waiver of Jury agreements and understandings, both written and
Trial. THE PARTIES WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A oral, between the parties with respect to the subject
TRIAL BY JURY IN THE EVENT OF LITIGATION matter hereof. The Agreement shall not be modified
ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT. IN NO except by a written agreement dated subsequent to
EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO THE the date of this Agreement and signed on behalf of
OTHER PARTY OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR Company and Consultant by their respective duly
ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR authorized representatives.
[Remainder of page intentionally left blank—Signature page follows.]
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Subject to the terms of this Consultant Services Agreement,Consultant shall provide the Services listed below,but
only in relation to the following Lines of Insurance:(a)Health Reinsurance; (b)Health Admin; (c)Life AD&D&
Voluntary Life;(d)Dental;(e)Vision;(f)STD;(g)Worksite Products;
Services are as follows:
a. Evaluate Company's business practices with regard to risk and possible transfer of risk to third parties
and conduct regular,scheduled meetings with Company to review Company's risk management program.
b. Review and analyze Company's existing insurance coverage and identify potential lines of coverage
or coverage enhancements to improve Company's insurance program.
c. Analyze current insurance market conditions and advise Company of significant implications for
Company's insurance program.
d. Facilitate, market, and procure quotations from carriers; review and analyze quotations and provide
proposals for review by Company.
e. Coordinate loss prevention services provided by any insurance company with those services provided
by Broker.
f. Analyze past and current claim and loss history information and advise Company of significant
implications for Company's insurance program.
g. Online Enrollment Systems—Employee Navigator
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Consultant Services Fee:
In consideration of the Services, Company shall compensate Consultant in the amount of THIRTY
THOUSAND DOLLARS AND 00/100 ($30,000.00) (the "Consultant Services Fee"). The Consultant Services Fee
shall be fully earned and paid in monthly installments.
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DocuSign Envelope ID:83BF9DEE-4F2F-4B3A-8595-05F864329864
This Amendment, effective as of June 9, 2023 is made by and between City of Jeffersonville
("Company") and Brown & Brown of Kentucky, Inc., ("Consultant"). Capitalized terms used herein
but not otherwise defined shall have the meanings as described to them in the Agreement.
Company and Consultant entered into the Consultant Services Agreement dated June 1,2023.
1. Both parties agree to amend the payment terms of the Consultant Services Fee to be fully earned
and payable upon the Company's receipt of the Consultant's invoice.
2. Except as otherwise modified by this Amendment, the terms and conditions of the Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect.
IN WIT 'S. WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first written
City of Jeffer e
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Printed Name: Jim Wetterer
Title: Profit center Leader
Date: 6/9/2023