HomeMy WebLinkAboutPurchasing Agreement for 1 Enforcer Aerial Tower and 1 Enforcer PUC Pumper (Delivery expected by 12/32/2028) �4> MACQUEEN d EMERGENCY EM-11110R0/2022 PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Purchase Agreement(together with all attachments referenced herein,the"Agreement"),made and entered into by and between MacQueen Equipment,LLC,as Delaware corporation DBA MacQueen Emergency("MacQueen"),and City of Jeffersonville,(customer)is effective as of the date specified in Section 3 hereof. 1. Definitions a. "Product"means the fire apparatus and any associated equipment furnished for the Customer by MacQueen, pursuant to the specifications. b. "Specifications"means the general specifications,technical specifications,orientation,and testing requirements for the Product contained in the MacQueen Proposal for the Product prepared in response to the Customer's request for proposal. c. "MacQueen Proposal"means the proposal provided by MacQueen attached as Exhibit C prepared in response to the Customer's request for proposal. d. "Delivery"means the date MacQueen is prepared to make physical possession of the Product available to the Customer. 2. Purpose This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of MacQueen's sale of the Product to the Customer. 3. Term of Agreement This Agreement will become effective on the date it is signed and approved by MacQueen's authorized representative pursuant to Section 22 hereof("Effective Date")and,unless earlier terminated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,it will terminate upon the Customer's Acceptance and payment in full of the Purchase Price. 4. Purchase and Payment The Customer agrees to purchase the Product specified on Exhibit A for the total purchase price of$3,518,225.00 ("Purchase Price').Prices are in US Funds. NOTE:Upon final inspection at the factory for pick-up or delivery,the customer will need to supply a "Certificate of Insurance"and "FULL PAYMENT"prior to release of the vehicle, unless prior arrangements for vehicle's release have been made. 5. Future Changes Various state or federal regulatory agencies (e.g. NFPA, DOT, EPA) may require changes to the Specifications and/or the Product and in any such event any resulting cost increases incurred to comply therewith will be added to the Purchase Price to be paid by the Customer. In addition, any future drive train upgrades (engine, transmission,axles,etc.), or any other specification changes have not been calculated into our annual increases and will be provided at additional cost. To the extent practicable, Company will document and itemize any such price increase for the Customer's approval before proceeding. 6. Agreement Changes The Customer may request that MacQueen incorporate a change to the Products or the Specifications for the Products by delivering a change order to MacQueen;provided,however,that any such change order must be in writing and include a description of the proposed change sufficient to permit MacQueen to evaluate the feasibility of such change("Change Order").Within seven(7)business days of receipt of a Change Order,MacQueen will inform the Customer in writing of the feasibility of the Change Order,the earliest possible implementation date for the Change Order,of any increase or decrease in the Purchase Price resulting from such Change Order,and of any effect on production scheduling or Delivery resulting from such Change Order.MacQueen shall not be liable to the Customer for any delay in performance or Delivery arising from any such Change Order. A Change Order is only effective when counter-signed by MacQueen's authorized representative. Only the listed customer person(s) specified on Exhibit A may be able to authorize and sign the Change Order. 1 A MACQUEEN EMERGENCY EM llltononu o 7. Cancellation/Termination In the event this Agreement is cancelled or terminated by a party before completion,MacQueen may charge a cancellation fee. The following charge schedule based on costs incurred may be applied:(a)10%of the Purchase Price after order is accepted and entered by MacQueen;(b)20%of the Purchase Price after completion of approval drawings,and;(c)30%of the Purchase Price upon any material requisition.The cancellation fee will increase accordingly as costs are incurred as the order progresses through engineering and into manufacturing.MacQueen endeavors to mitigate any such costs through the sale of such Product to another purchaser;however,Customer shall remain liable for the difference between the Purchase Price and,if applicable,the sale price obtained by MacQueen upon sale of the Product to another purchaser,plus any costs incurred by MacQueen to conduct any such sale. 8. Delivery,Inspection,and Acceptance a. Delivery Delivery of the Product is approximately 38-46.5 months of the Effective Date of this Agreement. Risk of loss shall pass to Customer upon Delivery. Delivery shall be made and title shall pass upon Customer's complete fulfillment of its obligations arising under Section 4 hereof. Due to global supply chain constraints,any delivery date contained herein is a good faith estimate as of the date of this order/contract,and merely an approximation based on current information. Delivery updates will be made available,and a final firm delivery date will be provided as soon as possible. b. Inspection and Acceptance Upon Delivery,Customer shall have fifteen(15)days within which to inspect the Product for substantial conformance to the material Specifications,and in the event of substantial non-conformance to the material Specifications to furnish MacQueen with written notice sufficient to permit MacQueen to evaluate such non- conformance("Notice of Defect"). Any Product not in substantial conformance to material Specifications shall be remedied by MacQueen within thirty(30)days from the Notice of Defect. In the event MacQueen does not receive a Notice of Defect within fifteen(15)days of Delivery, Product will be deemed to be in conformance with Specifications and Accepted by Customer. 9. Notice Any required or permitted notices hereunder must be given in writing at the address of each party set forth below, or to such other address as either party may substitute by written notice to the other in the manner contemplated herein,by one of the following methods:hand delivery;registered,express,or certified mail,return receipt requested,postage prepaid;or nationally-recognized private express courier: MacQueen Equipment,LLC City of Jeffersonville 1125 7th Street East Fire Chief Shawn Grant St.Paul,MN 55106 2204 E.10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47130 10. Standard Warranty The equipment sold herein will be manufactured by Pierce Manufacturing,Inc.and any warranties are attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof. Any additional warranties must be expressly approved in writing by Pierce's authorized representative and MacQueen. a. Disclaimer Other than as expressly set forth in this agreement,neither Pierce,its Parent Company,Affiliates,Subsidiaries, Licensors,suppliers,distributors,dealers,including without limitation,MacQueen,or other respective officers, directors,employees,shareholders,agents or representatives,make any express or implied warranties with respect to the products provided hereunder or otherwise regarding this agreement,whether oral or written, express,implied or statutory.Without limiting the foregoing,any implied warranty against infringement,and the implied warranty of condition of fitness for a particular purpose are expressly excluded and disclaimed. Statements made by sales representatives or in promotional materials do not constitute warranties. 2 <A> MACQUEEN dEMERGENCY EM-111 10/20/2022 b. Exclusions of Incidental and Consequential Damages In no event shall MacQueen be liable for consequential,incidental or punitive damages incurred by Customer or any third party in connection with any matter arising out of or relating to this Agreement,or the breach thereof, regardless of whether such damages arise out of breach of warranty,tort,contract,strict liability,statutory liability,indemnity,whether resulting from non-delivery or from MacQueen's own negligence,or otherwise. 11. Insurance MacQueen maintains the following limits of insurance with a carrier(s)rated A-or better by A.M. Best Commercial General Liability Insurance: Products/Completed Operations Aggregate: $2,000,000 Each Occurrence: $2,000,000 Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance: Aggregate: $5,000,000 Each Occurrence: $5,000,000 The Customer may request MacQueen to provide the Customer with a copy of a current Certificate of Insurance with the coverages listed above. 12. Indemnity The Customer shall indemnify,defend and hold harmless MacQueen,its officers,employees,dealers,agents or subcontractors,from any and all claims,costs,judgments,liability,loss,damage,attorneys'fees or expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever(including,but without limitation,personal injury and death)to all property and persons caused by,resulting from,arising out of or occurring in connection with the Customer's purchase,installation or use of goods sold or supplied by MacQueen which are not caused by the sole negligence of MacQueen or Pierce 13. Force Majeure MacQueen shall not be responsible nor deemed to be in default on account of delays in performance due to causes which are beyond MacQueen's control which make MacQueen's performance impracticable,including but not limited to civil wars,insurrections,strikes,riots,fires,storms,floods,other acts of nature,explosions,earthquakes, accidents,any act of government,delays in transportation,inability to obtain necessary labor supplies or manufacturing facilities,allocation regulations or orders affecting materials,equipment,facilities or completed products,failure to obtain any required license or certificates,acts of God or the public enemy or terrorism,failure of transportation,epidemics,quarantine restrictions,failure of vendors(due to causes similar to those within the scope of this clause)to perform their contracts or labor troubles causing cessation,slowdown,or interruption of work. 14. Default The occurrence of one or more of the following shall constitute a default under this Agreement: (a)the Customer fails to pay when due any amounts under this Agreement or to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement;(b)MacQueen fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement;(c)either party becomes insolvent or become subject to a bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings;(d)any representation made by either party to induce the other to enter into this Agreement is false in any material respect;(e)the Customer dissolves,merges,consolidates or transfers a substantial portion of its property to another entity;or (f)the Customer is in default or has breached any other contract or agreement with MacQueen. 15. Relationship of Parties Neither party is a partner,employee,agent,or joint venture of or with the other. 16. Assignment Neither party may assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement unless it has obtained the prior written approval of the other party. 17. Governing Law;Jurisdiction Without regard to any conflict of law's provisions,this Agreement is to be governed by and under the laws of the state of Minnesota. 3 d> MACQUEEN EMERGENCY EM-111 10/20/2022 18. Facsimile&Electronic Verified Signatures The delivery of signatures to this Agreement by facsimile transmission and/or electronic verified shall be binding as original signatures. 19. Entire Agreement This Agreement shall be the exclusive agreement between the parties for the Product.Additional or different terms proposed by the Customer shall not be applicable,unless accepted in writing by MacQueen's authorized representative.No change in,modification of,or revision of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by MacQueen's authorized representative. 20. Conflict In the event of a conflict between the Customer Specifications and the MacQueen Proposal,the MacQueen Proposal shall control. 21. Additional Orders Company,at its sole discretion,will allow the terms of this contract to be extended to both the Customer,as well as to other Municipal,State,or Federal agencies for similar unit(s).Company will allow tag on/additional orders for up to three(3)years from the date of contract execution.To facilitate pricing,Company will quote the original price plus manufacturer's price increases or Producer's Price Index(PPI)whichever is greater as it applies to either Fire Apparatus and/or commercial heavy truck industries.Additionally,any regulatory changes(NFPA,EPA,Engine Emissions,FMVSS, etc.)will also have to be added to the price as they become applicable.Change orders to the original specification will need to be authorized,signed,and accepted by Company.Any entity using this tag-on/additional orders program will be required to sign a new contract commencing the relationship.Additionally,if required by the Purchaser,any new tag-on / additional orders that require a "separate" Performance bond will be separately priced. This contract, including its appendices,embodies the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter contained herein and merges all prior discussions and agreements.No agent or representative of Company has authority to make any representations, statements, warranties, or agreements not herein expressed and all modifications of amendments of this agreement, including any appendices, must be in writing and executed by an authorized representative of each of the parties hereto No surety of any performance bond given by Company to the Customer in connection with this Agreement shall be liable for any obligation of Company arising under the Standard Applicable Warranty. 22. Signatures This Agreement is not effective unless and until it is approved,signed and dated by MacQu n's authorized representative. Accepted and Agreed to: MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT,LLC CITY OF JEFFERSONVI Signature: Signature: '!— Name: Greg Hinkens Name: ' 1 `cc - Title: VP Sales - IL/IN Title: NV,\t V r Date: 5/3/2023 Date: 4 � MACQUEEN `V" EMERGENCY EM-1111anonozz EXHIBIT A-PURCHASE PAYMENT TERMS&CONDITIONS MacQueen Equipment,LLC 1125 7th Street East St.Paul,MN 55106 Customer Name City of Jeffersonville Date May 3,2023 Quantity Chassis Type Body Type Price per Unit 1 Enforcer 100'Ascendant Aerial Tower $2,254,550.00 1 Enforcer PUC Pumper $1,263,675.00 'Houston-Galveston Area Council(HGAC)Consortium Pricing. PERFORMANCE BOND OPTION: If a Performance Bond Is re dd$9,811.00 to the contract price. Initial here to accept /77 Only the below listed person(s)are authorized to make changes to product specifications on behalf of the Customer. Name Title \Na.,.,-'cam t`C3•_(- • VNe M�C}-� s u c _ �cQ•n-y CN.:e This contract is available for inter-local and other municipal corporations to utilize with the option of adding or deleting any Company available options,including chassis models. Any addition or deletion may affect the unit price. "PAYMENT TERMS"100%of contract price or any balance is due prior to vehicle(s)release at the Pierce Manufacturing Plant(Appleton,WI). "TAXES"Federal,State,and Local Taxes are not included in the contract price. "LATE PAYMENT"A late fee of.033%of the sale price will be charged per day for overdue payments beginning ten (10)days after the payment is due for the first thirty(30)days. The late fee increases to.0443S per day until the payment is received. (NOTE:If deferred payment arrangements are required,the Customer must make such financial arrangements through a financial institution acceptable to MacQueen.l All taxes,excises and levies that MacQueen may be required to pay or collect by reason of any present or future law or by any governmental authority based upon the sale, purchase,delivery,storage,processing,use,consumption,or transportation of the Product sold by MacQueen to the Customer shall be for the account of the Customer and shall be added to the Purchase Price.All delivery prices or prices with freight allowance are based upon prevailing freight rates and,in the event of any increase or decrease in such rates,the prices on all unshipped Product will be Increased or decreased accordingly.Delinquent payments shall be subject to a carrying charge of 1.5 percent(1 5%)per month or such lesser amount permitted by law.MacQueen will not be required to accept payment other than as set forth in this Agreement. However,to avoid a late charge assessment In the event of a dispute caused by a substantial nonconformance with material Specifications(other than freight).the Customer may withhold up to five percent (3%)of the Purchase Price until such time that MacQueen substantially remedies the nonconformance with material Specifications,but no longer than sixty(60)days after Delivery. II the disputed amount is the freight charge.the Customer may withhold only the amount of the freight charge until the dispute is settled,but no Longer than sixty (60)days after Delivery.MacQueen shall have and retain a purchase money security Interest in all goods and products now or hereafter sold to the Customer by MacQueen or any of its affiliated companies to secure payment of the Purchase Price for all such goods and products. In the event of nonpayment by the Customer of any debt,obligation or liability now or hereafter incurred or owing by the Customer to MacQueen,MacQueen shall have and may exercise all rights and remedies of a secured party under Article 9 of the uniform Commercial Code(t1CC(as adopted by the state of Minnesota. THIS PURCHASE DETAIL FORM IS EXPRESSLY SUBJECT TO THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS DATED AS OF May 3,2023 BETWEEN MACQUEEN AND City of Jeffersonville(customer)WHICH TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED IN,AND MADE PART OF,THIS PURCHASE DETAIL FORM AS THOUGH EACH PROVISION WERE SEPARATELY SET FORTH HEREIN, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT OTHERWISE STATED OR SUPPLEMENTED BY MACQUEEN HEREIN. Is Customer Name and Address listed on page 2 to be used on Certificate of Origin(CO)?❑Yes DiGo If not,please provide correct name``and� address to a listed on CO. C.;ay o� .4e. mcon sv�\\e , Soo Quc C,IC(v�0.8^xcC Gy � \\e Is there a lienholder?Etlles 0 No If yes,please provide lienholder information. TZie 5 <A> EN EM 111 io,zoizo:zEMERGENCY EXHIBIT B—PROPOSAL OPTION LIST WITH WARRANTIES SEE ATTACHED PROPOSAL OPTION LIST Bid Number 1138(Aerial)&Bid 1126(Pumper) Dated 5/2/2023 FOR ALL APPLICABLE OPTIONS AND WARRANTIES APPROVED WITH CONTRACT. 6 A. MACQUEEN EMERGENCY EM lllionanou EXHIBIT C- PROPOSAL SEE PROPOSAL FOR Bid Number 1138(Aerial)&Bid 1126(Pumper)Dated 5/2/2023. 7 tiOption List 5/2/2023 Customer: Jeffersonville Fire Department,City of • Bid Number: 1138 Representative Learned,Timothy Job Number: Organization: MacQueen Emergency Group Number of Units: 1 Requirements Manager: Bid Date: 05/03/2023 Description: Enforcer7000 100'AAT Mid-Mount Stock Number: Body: Aerial, 100AAT,Alum Body Price Level: 44(Current:44) Chassis: Enforcer Chassis, 100AAT Lane: Line Option Type Option Description Qty 1 0769372 Boiler Plates, 100AAT 1 Fire Department/Customer-Jeffersonville Fire Department Operating/In conjunction W-Service Center-Operating Miles-150 Miles Number of Fire DepUMunicipalities- 10 Bidder/Sales Organization-MacQueen Emergency Delivery-Delivery representative Dealership/Sales Organization,Service-MacQueen Emergency 2 0018180 Single Source Compliance,Aerials 1 3 0584456 Manufacture Location.Appleton.Wisconsin 1 4 0584452 RFP Location: Appleton,Wisconsin 1 5 0588609 Vehicle Destination.US 1 6 0610784 Comply NFPA 1901 Changes Effective Jan 1,2016,With Exceptions 1 7 0533351 Quint Fire Apparatus 1 8 0588612 Vehicle Certification,Aerial w/Pump 1 9 0681278 Agency,Apparatus Certification.Aerial w/Pump, U.L 1 10 0891947 Certification.Vehicle Inspection Program,NFPA 1901 1 11 0000114 Inspection Trip(s) 2 Qty.-02 Fill in Blank-8 12 0620362 HGAC 1 13 0537375 Unit of Measure,US Gallons 1 14 0529326 10%,Pierce Built Chassis 1 15 0807703 Not Requested 1 16 0000007 Approval Drawing 1 17 0002928 Electrical Diagrams 1 18 0729149 Enforcer Chassis Ascendant Tower 1 19 0000110 Wheelbase 1 Wheelbase-265.00" 20 0000070 GVW Rating 1 GVW rating-76.000 lbs 21 0729280 Frame Rails, 13.38 x 3.50 x.375.Enforcer 1 22 0889473 Frame Liner,"C/Inv L" 12.50"x 3.00"x .25".AXTNel/Imp/Enf,57"Qval 1 23 0796912 24,000 lb TAK-4 Axle 1 24 0090914 Suspension. Front TAK-4.24.000 lb. DLX/Qtm/AXTNel/Enf/SFR 1 25 0087572 Shock Absorbers.KONI,TAK-4,Qtm/AXT/ImpNel/DCF/Enf 1 26 0000322 Oil Seals,Front Axle 1 27 0802640 Tires, Front,Goodyear.Armor Max MSA.445/65R22.50.20 ply 1 28 0019618 Wheels,Front,Alcoa,22.50"x 13.00",Aluminum.Hub Pilot 1 29 0728957 52.000 lb Mentor Axle 1 30 0544244 Top Speed of Vehicle,60 MPH 1 31 0555354 Suspen,Rear, Hendrickson FMX 542 EX,Air Ride.54.000 lb 1 32 0000485 Oil Seals,Rear Axle 1 33 0782551 Tires, Rear,Goodyear, Endurance RSA, 12R22.50,LRH,Tandem 1 34 0019639 Wheels, Rear,Alcoa.22.50"x 8.25",Aluminum, Hub Pilot,Tandem 1 35 0568081 Tire Balancing,Counteract Beads 1 36 0620569 Tire Pressure Monitoring,RealWheels,AirSecure,Valve Cap.Tandem Axle 1 Qty,Tire Pressure Ind- 10 37 0801909 Lug Nut.Covers.Chrome 1 38 0003245 Axle Hub Covers w/center hole. S/S. Front Axle 1 39 0013241 Axle Hub Covers.Rear,S/S High Hat(Tandem) 1 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1 138 Page 1 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 40 0002045 Mud Flap,Front and Rear,Pierce Logo 1 41 0766669 Chocks.Wheel,SAC-44-E,Folding, 100AAT 1 Qty,Pair-01 42 0766668 Mounting Brackets,Chocks,SAC-44E,Folding,Horizontal,100AAT 1 Qty,Pair-01 Location,Wheel Chocks-Left Side Rear Tire,Rearward 43 0010673 ABS Wabco Brake System,Tandem Rear Axle 1 44 0030185 Brakes,Knorr/Bendlx 17",Disc,Front,TAK-4 1 45 0000730 Brakes,Mentor,Cam.Rear.16.50 x 7.00" 1 46 0735527 Air Compressor,Brake,Wabco 26.8 CI,Paccar 1 47 0637583 Brake Reservoirs.6,408 Cubic Inch Minimum Capacity,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 48 0617092 Air Dryer.Wabco System Saver 1200,With Wet Tank,Heated,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 49 0000790 Brake Lines,Nylon 1 50 0000854 Air Inlet,w/Disconnect Coupling 1 Location.Air Coupling(s)-a)DS Step Well,Rearward Qty,Air Coupling(s)-1 51 0586772 Box,Recessed,Alum Treedplate,for Air Fitting 1 Location-DS Step Weil,Rearward Qty,Air Coupling(s)-1 52 0070810 All Wheel Lockup(Aerial/Tanker Chassis) 1 53 0612549 Fittings,Compression Type,Entire Apparatus,Tandem Rear Axle 1 54 0808515 Engine,Paccar MX,510HP,1850 lb-ftW/OBD,EPA 2027,Enforcer 1 55 0000000 STF Not Required 1 56 0001244 High Idle w/Electronic Engine,Custom 1 57 0735687 Engine Brake,Fully Integrated,Paccar MX13 Engine 1 Switch,Engine Brake-MX13 58 0644227 Clutch,Fan,Air Actuated,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 59 0644573 Air Intake,Water&Ember Screen,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 60 0794743 Exhaust System,5',X12/X15,MX13,Engine,Horizontal,Right Side 1 61 0788765 Radiator,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 62 0001090 Cooling Hoses,Rubber 1 63 0074074 Fuel Tank,65 Gallon,Left Side Fill,Aluminum 1 Finish-Unfinished 64 0001129 Lines,Fuel 1 65 0889521 DEF Tank,7.3 Gallon,LS Fill,Under Cab,Paccar,Lift Up Fill Dr,Spring,ENF 1 Door,Material&Finish,DEF Tank-Polished Stainless 66 0552793 Not Required,Fuel Priming Pump 1 67 0552712 Not Required,Shutoff Valve,Fuel Line 1 68 0699437 Cooler,Chassis Fuel,Not Req'd. 1 69 0690880 No Selection Required From This Category 1 70 0887546 Trans,Afton 6th Gen,4000 EVS P,w/Prognostics,ImpNel/SFR/Enf 1 71 0825331 Transmission,Shifter,6-Spd,Push Button,4000 EVS 1 72 0684459 Transmission Oil Cooler,Modine,External 1 73 0001375 Driveline,Spicer 1810 1 74 0734211 Steering,Sheppard M110 w/Tllt,TAK-4,Paccar Pump,w/Cooler,Paccar 1 75 0802950 Steering Wheel,4 Spoke wlWiper Control.Saber FR/Enforcer 1 76 0690274 Logo and Emblem on Dash 1 Text,Row(1)One-Jeffersonville Text,Row(2)Two-Fire Text,Row(3)Three-Dept T7 0725710 Bumper,15°Extended,Alum,Painted,Integrated, 100AAT,Enforcer 1 78 0778092 Lift&Tow Package.Enforcer 1 79 0522573 Tow Hooks Not Required,Due to Lift and Tow Package 1 80 0698960 Coating,Top Flange,Front Bumper,Outside Exterior,UL-LX Coating,Black 1 81 0625650 7000 Enforcer Cab 1 82 0747442 Engine Tunnel,X12,MX13,Enforcer 1 83 0633594 Rear Wall,Interior,Adjustable Seating 1 84 0632103 Rear Wall,Exterior,Cab,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Material,Exterior Rear Wall-Aluminum Treadplate 85 0728889 Cab Lift,Eiec/Hyd,Stabilizer interlock,Enforcer 100AAT 1 86 0695930 Grille,Bright Finished,Front of Cab,Enforcer 1 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid f/ 1138 Page 2 Une Option Type Option Description Qty 87 0002224 Scuffplates,S/S At Cab Door Jambs,4-Door Cab 1 Material Trim/Scuffplate-c)S/S,Polished 88 0647932 Not Required,Trim,S/S Band,Across Cab Face,AXT/Saber/Enforcer 1 89 0015440 No Chrome Molding,On side of cab 1 90 0521669 Mirrors,Retrac,West Coast Style,Htd/Rmt,w/Htd/Rmt Convex 1 91 0648173 Full Height Door 1 Key Model,Cab Doors-751 Cab,Exterior Door Handle,Finish-4-Door,Chrome/Black 92 0655543 Door Panel,Brushed Stainless Steel,Saber/Enforcer 4-Door Cab 1 93 0528958 Not Required,Controls, Electric Window,AXT,Quantum,Saber, Enforcer 1 94 0638310 Steps,4-Door Cab,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Step Well Material-Aluminum Treadplate 95 0770194 Handrail,Exterior,Knurled,Alum,4-Door Cab 1 96 0892638 Lights,Cab&Crw Cab Acs Stps,P25, LED wBezel,Ells 1 Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 97 0583698 Fenders,S/S on cab,Extra Wide,Saber/Enf 1 98 0557023 Handrail, 10",Below Cab Windshield,Pair 1 99 0042105 No Windows,Side of Crew Cab 1 100 0724439 Compt,Storage, 12.75 W x 24 H x 15 D,(1)RS Side C/C,Dbl Pan,70'Enf 1 Light,Aux Cab Compartment-Pierce,Hinged Side Finish,Exterior Cab Compt-Spatter Gray Door,Cab Exterior Cabinet-Double Pan,Non-Lacking Door,Exterior Stop-Web Strap 101 0722796 Dash,Poly,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 102 0607217 Mounting Provisions,3/16"Alum,Full Engine Tunnel,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Mounting Provision Spacing-1.00" Material Finish,Cab Interior-Painted 103 0750824 Cab Interior,Vinyl Headliner,Saber FR/Enforcer,CARE 1 Color,Cab Interior Vinyl/Fabric-Endure Vinyl-Silver/Gray Engine Tunnel Cover-Painted Cab Interior Rear Wall Material-Painted Aluminum 104 0753903 Cab Interior,Paint Color,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Color,Cab Interior Paint-I)fire smoke gray 105 0052100 Floor,Rubber Padded,Cab&Crew Cab,Saber/Enforcer 1 106 0722696 HVAC,Enforcer,CARE 1 HVAC System,Filter Access-Removable Panel Auxiliary Cab Heater-Both HVAC System,Control Loc.-Panel Position#12 Plenum Cover Material-Formed Plastic 107 0639675 Sun Visor,Smoked Lexan,AXT,ImpNel,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Sun Visor Retention-No Retention 108 0634328 Grab Handles,Driver and Officer Door Posts,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 109 0583938 Lights,Engine Compt,Custom,Auto Sw,Win 3SCOCDCR,3"LED,Trim 1 Qty,-01 110 0631830 Fluid Check Access,Saber FR/Enforcer,Arrow XT 1 Latch,Door,Storage-Lift and Turn Latch,Flush 111 0583042 Side Roll and Frontal Impact Protection 1 112 0622619 Seating Capacity,4 Seats 1 113 0636955 Seat,Driver,Pierce PSV,Air Ride,High Back,Safety,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 114 0632926 Seat,Officer,Pierce PSV,Air Ride,SCBA,Safety,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 115 0002517 Not Required,Radio Compartment 1 116 0770618 Cabinet,Rear Facing,LS,23 W x 39 H x 28.75 D,Web,Ext Acc,SFR/Enf 1 Type of fastener-1"side release Restraint Location-Top(towards roof of truck) Light,Short Cabinet-Pierce,Exterior,Left Side Scuffpiate,Material/Finish-S/S,Polished Material Finish,Shelf-Painted-Cab Interior Shelf/Tray,Cabinet-(1)Shelf,Adjustable,1.25"Up-Turned Lip Door,Cab Exterior Cabinet-Double Pan,Non-Locking Door,Exterior Stop-Web Strap Louvers,Cabinet-0-No Louvers 117 0102783 Not Required,Seat,Rr Facing GC,Center 1 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid# 1138 Page 3 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 118 0767446 Cabinet,Rear Facing,RS,22 W x 39 H x 26.75 D,Web,Ext Acc,SFR/Enf 1 Type of fastener-1"side release Restraint Location-Top(towards roof of truck) Light,Short Cabinet-Pierce,Exterior,Right Side Scuffplate,Material/Finish-S/S,Polished Material Finish,Shelf-Painted-Cab Interior Shelf/Tray,Cabinet-(1)Shelf,Adjustable,1.25"Up-Turned Lip Door,Cab Exterior Cabinet-Double Pan,Non-Locking Door,Exterior Stop-Web Strap Louvers,Cabinet-0-No Louvers 119 0108189 Not Required,Seat,Forward Facing C/C,DS Outboard 1 120 0607011 Seat,Forward Facing C/C,Center,(2)PSV,SCBA,Safety,5.50'Sp,Sgl 1 Riser,SFR/Enf 121 0108190 Not Required,Seat,Forward Facing C/C,PS Outboard 1 122 0766467 Upholstery,Seats In Cab,All Vinyl,Seats Inc,CARE 4 Color,Cab Interior Vinyl/Fabric-Endure Vinyl-Silver/Gray Qty,-04 123 0543991 Bracket,Air Bottle,Hands-Free II,Cab Seats 3 Qty,-03 124 0603866 Seat Belt,Dual Retractor,ReadyReach,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Seat Belt Color-Red 125 0602464 Helmet Storage,Provided by Fire Department,NFPA 2016 1 126 0847647 Lights,Dome,FRP Dual LED 4 Lts 1 Color,Dome Lt-Red&White Color,Dome Lt Bzl-Black Control,Dome Lt White-Door Switches and Lens Switch Control,Dome Lt Color-Lens Switch 127 0896451 Enhanced Software for Cab and Crew Cab Dome Lts 1 128 0628471 Light,Map,Overhead,Peterson M371S LED,Rectangula w/Switch 1 Location-Above Right side/Passenger side Forward Cab seat Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery switched 129 0649915 Light,Map,Nevis,C-MAP-T-LED,Gooseneck 1 Location-Right Side/Passenger side Front Cab Pillar Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery switched 130 0804719 Handlts,(4)Streamlight,Fire Vulcan,44451,C4 LED,Tail Lts,12v,Orange 1 Location,Portable Hand Light-Engine Tunnel Area and Rear Wall Cab, Each Side 131 0622803 Cab Instruments,Black Gauges,Black Bezels,Enforcer MUX 1 Emergency Switching-Individual Switches 132 0509511 Air Restriction Indicator,ImpNel,AXT,Dash CF,Enf MUX 1 133 0543751 Light,Do Not Move Apparatus 1 Alarm,Do Not Move Truck-Pulsing Alarm 134 0743386 Messages,Open Dr/DNMT,Color Dsply,100AAT 1 135 0611683 Switching,Cab Instrument Lower Console&Overhead,Membrane,Enforcer WIFR 1 MUX 136 0802946 Wiper Control,2-Speed w/Intermittent,Steering Wheel,Left Pod,SFR/Enf 1 137 0731813 Hour Meter,Aerial,included In Information Centers,ASL.AAT,ASP 1 138 0002615 Switch,Aerial 12V Master 1 139 0002617 PTO switch,wRight-aerial 1 140 0732954 Wiring,Spare,15 A 12VDC Power Point.Dual USB-C 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Location,Spare Wiring-Center Console 141 0548004 Wiring,Spare,15 A 12V DC 1st 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-15 amp power point plug Location,Spare Wiring-Center Console 142 0628990 Wiring,Spare,30 A 12V DC,12 Circuit Fuse Block,Blue Sea 5026 2nd 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Ignition power Location-Forward wail of Right side EMS cabinet 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 4 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 143 0548007 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 3rd 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel#4 144 0548009 Wiring,Spare,20 A 12V DC 1st 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-Butt Splice Location,Spare Wiring-Center Console 145 0560535 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 4th 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Ignition power Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#5 146 0548006 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 2nd 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Ignition power Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#4 147 0583917 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 5th 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#5 148 0628991 Wiring,Spare,30 A 12V DC, 12 Circuit Fuse Block,Blue Sea 5026 1st 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Location-Forward wall of Right side EMS cabinet 149 0615386 Vehicle Information Center,r Color Display,Touchscreen,MUX 1 System Of Measurement-US Customary 150 0734857 Collision Mitigation,HAAS Alert(R2V),HA5 1 Subscription,HAAS R2V-R2V-5 Year Data Plan Subscription 151 0606249 Vehicle Data Recorder w/CZ and Overhead Display Seat Belt Monitor 1 152 0735005 Intercom,David Clark,4-Pos,2-Radio,(D,0,RPTT),2ibC,U3805 1 Location-To Be Decided 153 0637058 David Clark Universal Radio Interfaces Included with Single/Dual System 1 Location,Radio Interface-To Be Decided 154 0589947 Headset,David Clark,H3432 Over The Head,Flex Mic,Push On Push Off 4 Qty,-04 Location-Driver,Officer,RS Inboard Forward Facing Crew Cab,LS Inboard Forward Facing Crew Cab 155 0681408 Hangers For Headsets,NFPA,Each 4 Qty,-04 Location,Headset Hangers-Driver Seat,Officer Seat,DS Inbrd,Fwrd Fcng Seat and PS Inbrd,Fwrd Fcng Seat 156 0660489 Antenna Mount,Custom Chassis,Fill in Blank Mounting and Cable Locations 1 Location-LS and Rearward on Cab roof Qty,-01 Location 1 -On top of RS,Rear Facing EMS cabinet 157 0696439 Antenna Mount,Custom Chassis,Cable Routed to instrument Panel Area 1 Qty,-01 Location,Antenna Mount-Right Side 158 0696443 Antenna Mount,Custom Chassis,Cable Routed to Overhead Switch Area 1 Location-LS and Forward on Cab roof Qty,-01 159 0653519 Camera,Pierce,LS Mux,RS,LS,R.Cameras 1 Camera System Audio-Speaker Behind Driver Camera System 160 0890416 Pierce Command Zone,Advanced Electronics&Control System,Enforcer,WiFi 1 CZT Color,Antenna-Black Antenna Module Housings-Black Housing with Power and Status Ind 161 0896456 Prognostics, Electrical System 1 162 0733539 Electrical System,Enf MUX ESP 1 5/7/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 5 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 163 0665713 Batteries,(4)Interstate Grp 31,950 CCA ea,Threaded Stud 1 164 0008621 Battery System,Single Start,All Custom Chassis 1 165 0002698 Battery Compartment,Saber/Enforcer 1 166 0531315 Charger,Sngl Sys,IOTA,DSL-75,75 Amp,Kussmaul 091-94-12 Ind,Qtrn/Enf/SFR 1 167 0786339 Location,Charger,Cab Behind Driver Seat,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 168 0530949 Location,Bat Chrg Ind,Driver's Seat Riser 1 169 0812175 Compressor,Air,Ksml 091-9B-4, 120 Volt AC 100 PSI 1 Drain,Auto Ksml-With Auto Drain Timer,Ksml Cmp-Timer 12VDC 091-150 170 0812576 Location,Air Compressor,Behind Driver Seat 1 171 0016857 Shoreline,20A 120V,Kussmaul Auto Eject,091-55-20-120,Super 1 Qty,-01 Color,Kussmaul Cover-b)red Shoreline Connection-Battery Charger 172 0026800 Shoreline Location 1 Location,Shoreline(s)-DS Cab Side 173 0647729 Alternator,320 amp,Delco Remy 40SI 1 174 0092582 Load Manager/Sequencer,MUX 1 Enable/Disable HI-Idle-e)High Idle enable 175 0783153 Headlights,Red LED,JW Spkr Evo 2,AXT/DCF/Enf/Imp/SabNel 1 Color,Headlight Bez-Chrome Bezel 176 0802935 Light,Directional,Win M62T•LED,Chin Bzl,Above Headlights,Sab/Enf 1 Color,Lens,LED's-Clear Color,Q Bezel and Trim-Polished Chrome Flash Pattern,Directional Lts-Sequence(80 FPM)to Solid 177 0620054 Light,DirectianalMarker,Intermediate,Weldon 9186-8580-29 LED 2lts 1 178 0735474 Lights,Clearance/Marker/ID,Front,P25 LED 7 Lts,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Light Guard-No Guards 179 0647899 Lights,Directional/Marker,Cab Front Side,Weldon 9186-8580-29 LED,Sab/Enf 1 180 0670831 Lights,Clearance/Marker/ID,Rear,P25 LED 7Lts, 100AAT 1 181 0602938 Light,Marker End Outline,Rubber Arm,LED Marker Lamp,Rear Body 1 Qty,Lights,Pair-1 182 0804514 Lights,Tap,Win M62BTT'Red Stop/Tail&M62T'Amber Dir Arw For Hsg 1 Color,Lens,LED's-Clear Flash Pattern,Directional Lts-Sequence(80 FPM)to Solid 183 0806466 Lights,Backup,Win M62BU,LED,For Tail Lt Housing 1 184 0889577 Bracket,License Plate&Light,P25 LED,Stainless Brkt 1 Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 185 0556842 Bezels,Win,(2)M6 Chrome Pierce,For mtg(4)Wln M6 lights 1 186 0589905 Alarm,Back-up Warning,PRECO 1040 1 187 0769420 Lights,Perimeter Cab,Amdor AY-LB-12HW020 LED 4Dr 1 188 0769564 Lights,Perimeter Pump House,Amdor AY-LB-12HW020 LED lit 1 189 0763190 Lights,Perimeter Body,Amdor AY-LB-12HW012 LED 3lts 1 Control,Perimeter Lts-Parking Brake Applied 190 0896454 Enhanced Software for Perimeter Lts 1 191 0735865 Step Illumination,Pump Panel Light Shield, 100AAT,w/Pump 1 192 0760447 Light,Roof Mt,HiViz,FT-B-72--,Cnt Feature,Mux 1 Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS and Cab Sw Panel PS Color,Lt Housing HIViz-White Scene Light Optics-Flood/Spot 193 0774309 Lights,Win,P1H2'Pioneer,12 VDC, 1st 1 Location-LS above EMS External Access door Qty,-01 Color,Win Lt Housing-White Paint Control,Scene Us-Cab Sw Panel DS and Cab Sw Panel PS Scene Light Optics-combination Mount,Win II-Semi-recessed 0 deg P"2 194 0774308 Lights,Win,P'H2'Pioneer, 12 VDC,2nd 1 Location-RS above EMS External Access door Qty,-01 Color,Win Lt Housing-White Paint Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS and Cab Sw Panel PS Scene Light Optics-combination 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 6 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 184 Mount,Win II-Semi-recessed 0 deg P"2 195 0764634 Lights,HiViz FT-B-72"LED,1st 1 Location-LS on Catwalk and Centered over Tandem axles Qty,-01 Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS and Cab Sw Panel PS Color,Lt Housing HiViz-White 196 0764632 Lights,HiViz FT-B-72=LED,2nd 1 Location-RS on Catwalk and Centered over Tandem axles Qty,-01 Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS and Cab Sw Panel PS Color,Lt Housing HiViz-White 197 0766802 Not Required,Deck Lights,Other Hose Bed&Rear Lighting,100AAT 1 198 0729276 Lights,Hose Bed,Front/Rear,Light Strips,AAT 1 Control,Hose Bed Lts-Cup Switch At Rear 199 0737026 Lights,Rear Scene,Win,M6ZC LED,M6P15"15 Deg Brkt,58"-72"High 1 Control,Rear Scene Lts-Cab Switch Panel DS Color,Trim-Chrome Trim 200 0892706 Lights,Walk Surf,FRP Flood,P25 LED,100AAT 1 Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 201 0771870 100'Steel Tower Aluminum Body 1 202 0554271 Body Skirt Height,20" 1 203 0769002 300 Gallon Water Tank 1 204 0751917 Overflow,3.00"Water Tank,Poly 1 205 0028107 Not Required,Foam Cell Modification 1 206 0003429 Not Required,Direct Tank Fill 1 207 0769016 Right Side Hose Bed 1 208 0723546 DA Finished Hose Bed/Cargo Area 1 209 0555137 Hose Bed Capacity 800'of 5.00", 100AAT,100'RMAP 1 210 0748063 Hose Restraint,Front Vinyl/Treadplate,1'Heavy Nylon Web Rear,100AAT 1 Color,Vinyl Cover-a)red 211 0003512 Running Boards,Ascendant,PAL 1 212 0735582 LS Turntable Steps 1 Step,Flip-No Flip Step Body Handrail Finish-knurled aluminum Step Surface,Turntable-Punched Grip 213 0889980 Lights,Step(3),P25 LED,One Side 1 Control,Scene Lts-Aerial master Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 214 0690023 Wall,Rear,Smooth Aluminum 1 215 0074515 Tow Eyes(2),Painted Lower Job Color,100AAT,Ascendant Single Axle,75'HAL 1 216 0769019 Construction,Compt,Alum, 100AAT 1 217 0771234 Lap Left Side Front 1 Latch,Door,Access-lift and turn latch,flush,pair 218 0771230 Lap Right Side Front 1 219 0771213 Doors,Lap w/"D"Handles,Aluminum,Side Compartments 1 220 0740006 Bumper,Rear,3",Counterweight,Steel,Full 45 Degree Angled Corners, SOOAAT 1 221 0603083 Lights,Compt,Pierce LED,Dual Light Strlps,Each Side Dr,Ascend 9 TA,75'HAL,PAP,HDL Qty,-09 Location,Compartment Lights-All Body Compts 222 0887145 Shelf Tracks,Recessed,PUC/3rd Generation 1 223 0600289 500 lb Adjustable Shelf 6 Qty,Sheif-06 Material Finish,Shelf-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Shelves/Trays,Predefined Locations To Be Determined At A Later Date 224 0083986 Tray,215 lb.Tilt/Slide-Out,30 Deg,Adj 3 Qty,Tray(slide-out)-03 Location,Tray-LS1,RS1 and RS3 225 0647772 Tray,Floor Mounted,Slide-Out,500Ib,2.00"Sides,3G 2 Qty,-02 location-To be determined Material-Painted-Spatter Gray 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 7 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 226 0725637 Cabinet,Drawer Assembly,CTECH,Four Drawers,Up To 24"Wide 1 Qty,-01 Location-To be determined Size.Drawer Height 1 (Top)-4.00" Size,Drawer Height 2-5.75" Size,Drawer Height 3-5.75" Size,Drawer Height 4-6.75" 227 0544614 Toolboard,Swing-out,Alum,.188",Peg Board,3G 1 Qty-1 Location,Pivot-Front Mounting,Toolboard-Adjustable Frt-back Hole Diameter,PegboardlTootboard-.203"diameter Finish,Pegboard/Toolboard-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Toolboard-LS6 and RS6 228 0709346 Toolboard,Slide-out,Alum,.188",Peg Board,Predefined Locations 2 Qty,-02 Mounting,Toolboard-Adjustable side-side Hole Diameter.Pegboard/Toolboard-.203"diameter Finish,Pegboard/footboard-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Partition/Toolboard,Predefined-.Location To Be Determined 229 0673867 Toolboard,Swing-out,Alum,.188".Peg Board,3G,Add9 2 Qty-2 Location,Pivot-Front Mounting,Toolboard-Adjustable Frt-back Hole Diameter,Pegboard/Tooiboard-.203"diameter Finish,Pegboard!Toolboard-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Tootboard-LS2-Full Height/Width and LS3-Full Height/Width 230 0726457 Partition,Vertical Compt,Predefined Locations 3 Qty,Partition-03 Location,Partition/Toolboard,Predefined-.Location To Be Determined Material Finish,Partition-Painted-Spatter Gray 231 0061917 Rub Rail,Aluminum Extruded,3.12",Side of Body 1 232 0769018 Fender Crowns,Rear,SIS,wlRemovable Fender Liner,Aerial,3G,Two Pair 1 233 0519849 Not Required,Hose,Hard Suction 1 234 0893756 Handrails,Side Pump Panels,Per Print,Aerial 1 Step,Runningboard-step 235 0765324 Compt,Air Bottle/Extinguisher,Between Tandems,Throe(3),w/Straps,100AAT,Bolt- 2 In Qty,Air Bottle Camp-2 Door Finish,Fender Compt-Polished Location.Fender Compt-LS and RS Latch,Air Bottle Compt-Southco C2 Chrome Raised,Pair Insert,Air Bottle Compt-Dura-Surf Uning Door Type-lift up with pneumatic spring 236 0795333 Compt,Alr Bottle,Single,Fender Panel,Bolt-In 4 Qty,Air Bottle Comp-4 Door Finish,Fender Compt-Polished Location,Fender Compt-Single-LS Fwd,Single-LS Rear,Single-RS Fwd and Single-RS Rear Latch,Air Bottle Compt-Flush Lift&Turn Insert,Air Bottle Compt-Rubber Matting 237 0768635 Ladder,35'Duo-Safety 1200A 2-Sect 2 Qty,-02 238 0010406 Ladder.28'Duo-Safety 1200A 2-Section 1 Qty,-1 Location,Extension Ladder-torque box 239 0024232 Ladder,16'Duo-Safety 875A Roof 1 Qty,-1 240 0014232 Ladder,20'Duo-Safety 875A Roof 1 Qty,-1 241 0024233 Not Required,Attic Extension Ladder 1 242 0768634 Ladder,10'Duo-Safety Folding,585A 2 Qty,-02 Location,Folding Ladder Aerial-torque box 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 8 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 243 0808199 Ladders in Torque Box,Gortite Roll,Retainer Latch, 100AA'1 1 Color,Roll-up Door,Gortite-Satin finish Latch,Roll-up Door,Gortite-Non-Locking,Rear Latch,Door Ladder Storage•Southco C2 Chrome Raised,Pair Latch,Anti-Migration Plate-Southco C2 chrome raised 244 0766602 Lights,Torque Box Ladder Storage,Pierce LED Strip Lights,2 Lts, 100AAT 1 245 0775907 Pike Pole,12'DUO Safety,Fiberglass 2 Qty,-02 246 0789564 Pike Pole,8'DUO Safety,Fiberglass,Aerial 2 Qty,-02 247 0789566 Pike Pole,8'DUO Safety,Fiberglass,Aerial 1 Qty,-01 248 0789586 Pike Pole,3'DUO Safety,Fiberglass,w/D Handle 2 Qty,-02 249 0770578 Pike Pole Tubes,in Torque Box/Ladder Storage,ABS 6 Qty,-06 250 0768688 36"Control Zone Side Mount 1 251 0767048 Pump House Structure 1 252 0767622 2000 GPM S100 Waterous 1 253 0504116 Seal,Mechanical,Waterous,w/S100 Pump 1 254 0559788 Trans,Pump,Waterous C20,S100 Pump Only 1 255 0635600 Pumping Mode,Stationary Only 1 256 0605126 Pump Shift,Air Mnl Override,Split Shaft,Interlocked,Waterous 1 257 0003148 Transmission Lock-up,EVS 1 258 0004547 Auxiliary Cooling System 1 259 0014486 Not Required,Transfer Valve,Single Stage Pump 1 260 0746501 Valve,Relief Intake,Elkhart 1 Qty-1 Pressure Setting-125 psig Intake Relief Valve Control-Behind Right Side Pump Panel 261 0794959 Controller,Pressure,Pierce,Pump Boss,PBA300 1 262 0072153 Primer,Trident,Air Prime,Air Operated 1 263 0780364 Manuals,Pump,(2)Total,Electronic Copies 1 264 0802492 Plumbing,Stainless Steel and Hose,Single Stage Pump, 100AAT 1 285 0089437 Plumbing Without Foam System 1 266 0758412 Inlets,6.00",(2)Right Side, 1500-2000 GPM Pump, 100AAT 1 267 0014650 Pump Suction Tube(s),Short,All 1 268 0004646 Cap,Main Pump Inlet,Long Handle,NST,VLH 1 269 0084610 Valves, Akron 8000 series-All 1 270 0016158 Valve,Inlet(s)Recessed,Side Cntrl,"Control Zone" 1 Qty, Inlets-1 271 0004700 Control,Inlet,at Valve 1 272 0004660 Inlet(1),Left Side,2.50" 1 273 0029147 Not Required,Inlet,Right Side 1 274 0723049 Valve,.75"Bleeder,Aux.Side Inlet,"T"Swing Handle 1 275 0767284 Tank to Pump,(1)3.00"Valve,3.00°Plumbing,100AAT 1 276 0004905 Outlet,Tank Fill, 1.50" 1 277 0062133 Control,Outlets,Manual,Pierce HW if applicable 1 278 0890913 Outlet,Left Side,2.50", 100AAT 2 Qty,Discharges-02 279 0005091 Elbow,Left Side Outlets,45 Degree,2.50"FNST x 2.50"MNST,VLH 1 280 0004945 Outlet.Right Side,2.50" 1 Qty,Discharges-01 281 0025091 Elbow,Right Side Outlets,45 Degree,2.50"FNST x 2.50"MNST,VLH 1 282 0767613 Outlet,4"w/4"Right,Sm Handwheel,100AAT 1 Valve,Brand-Akron 283 0005097 Elbow,Large Dia Outlet,30 Deg,4.00"FNST x 5.00"Storz 1 Qty,-01 284 0092572 Not Required,Outlet,Front 1 285 0752097 Caps/Plugs for 1.00"to 3.00"Discharges/Inlets,Chain 1 286 0723042 Valve,0.75"Bleeder,Discharges,"f'Swing Handle 1 287 0029106 Not Required,Deluge Outlet 1 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 9 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 288 0767110 Waterway Outlet&Control,4"Akron,Sm HW, 100AAT 1 289 0806468 Crosstays,(1+)1.50°Std.Cap,w/Poly Tray,36°PH, 100AAT 2 Qty,Crosslays-2 290 0029196 No Crossley 1 291 0591145 Hose Restraint,Crosslay/Deadlay,Top/Ends,Elastic Netting 2 Qty,-02 292 0044333 Foam System Not Required 1 293 0012126 Not Required,CAF Compressor 1 294 0552517 Not Required,Refill,Foam Tank 1 295 0042573 Not Required.Foam System Demonstration 1 296 0045465 Not Required,Foam Tanks 1 297 0091110 Not Required,Foam Tank Drain 1 298 0091112 Not Required,Foam Tank#2 Drain 1 299 0738072 Approval Dwg,Pump Panel(s),Not Required 1 300 0032479 Pump Panel Configuration,Control Zone 1 301 0747651 Step,Slide-Out/Fold-Out,Pump Operator Platform,100AAT 1 302 0667186 Light,Slide-Out Pump Operator Step,On Scene Solutions Access LED,Short Step 1 303 0629252 Material,Pump Panels,Side Control Black Vinyl 1 Material Finish,Pump Panel,Side Control-Black Vinyl Material,Pump Panel,Side Control-Aluminum 304 0723264 Panel,Pump Access-Right Side Only, 100AAT 1 Latch,Pump Panel Access,Side Mount-Rush Lift and Turn,Chrome, AAT 305 0583824 Light,Pump Compt,Win 3SCOCDCR LED White 1 Qty,-01 306 0536401 Gauges, Engine,Included With Pierce Pressure Controller 1 307 0005601 Throttle,Engine,Ind'd w/Press Controller 1 308 0739224 indicator Light©Pump Panel,Throttle Ready,Ind w/Pressure Gov/Throttle,Green 1 309 0549333 indicators,Engine,Included with Pressure Controller 1 310 0745568 Indicator Light,Pump Panel,Ok To Pump,Green 1 311 0511078 Gauges,4.00"Master,Class 1,30°-0-600psi 1 312 0511100 Gauge,2.00°Pressure,Class 1,30'-0-400ps1 1 313 0062586 Gauge,Water Level,Class 1,Pierce Std 1 314 0006774 Not Required,Foam Level Gauge 1 315 071F4L92 Light Shield,S/S LS&RS,100AAT,Std LED 1 316 0762640 Alr Homs,(2)Hadley,6"Round,eTone,In Bumper, 100AAT 1 317 0606833 Location,Air Horns,Bumper,Each Side,Inside Frame(Pos#3&#5) 1 318 0757092 Control,Air Horn,Multi Select 1 319 0757077 Control,Air Horn,Lanyard,LS 1 Lanyard-Plastic Coated Braided Cable 320 0757080 Control,Air Horn,Ft Sw,RS 1 321 0757084 Control,Air Horn,Horn Ring 1 322 0525867 Siren,Win 295SLSA1,100 or 200 Watt 1 323 0510206 Location,Elect Siren,Recessed Overhead In Console 1 Location,Elec Siren-Overhead,DS Center Sw Pnl 324 0076156 Control,Etec Siren,Head Only 1 325 0601306 Speaker,(1)Win,SA315P,w/Pieroe Polished Stainless Steel Grille,100 watt 1 Connection,Speaker-siren head 326 0601565 Location,Speaker,Frt Bumper,Recessed,Center(Pos 4) 1 327 0895382 Siren,Federal 028,Enforcer,100AAT 1 Finish,Q2B Siren-Chrome 328 0891153 Siren,Mechanical,Mounted Above Deckplate,Swivel, 100AAT 1 329 0026183 Control,Mech Siren,DS&PS Foot Sw 1 330 0740391 Sw,Siren Brake,Momentary Chrome Push Button,RS 1 331 0746353 Not Required,Warning Lights Intensity 1 332 0606775 Lightbar,Win,Freedom IV-Q,72-,RRWRRR,RRRWRR 1 Filter,Whi Freedom Ltbrs-No Fitters 333 0751906 Lights,Side Basket,Win,M6"LED, 100AAT 1st 4 Qty,-04 Color,Lights,Warning-Red Flashing Color,Lens,LED's-Clear Color,Trim-Chrome Trim 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 10 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 333 Location,Lts 100AAT,Left Side-Left Side,Lower Front(LB7)and Left Side,Lower Rear(LB9) Location,Us 100AAT Right Side-Right Side,Lower Center(RB8)and Right Side,Lower Front(RB7) 334 0540384 Lights,Front Zone,Win M6 C LED,Clear Lens.in Common Bzl 1 Color,Lt DS Front-Red Color,Lt PS Front-Red 335 0653937 Flasher,Headlight Alternating 1 Headit flash deactivation-a)w/high beam 336 0898593 Lights,Side Zone Lower,Win M6"",M6V2"",M6V2"",6Lts 1 Location,Lights Front Side-b)each side bumper Color,Lens,LED's-Clear Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS Location,Lights Mid Side-Rearward of Crew Cab Doors Location,Lights Rear Side-Between Tandem Color,Trim-Chrome Trim Color,Lt Side Front,DS-Left Red Color,Lt Side Front,PS-Right Red Color,Lt Side Mid DS-Left Red Color,Lt Side Mid PS-Right Red Color,Lt Side Rear PS-Right Red Color,Lt Side Rear DS-Left Red 337 0540783 Lights,Rear Zn Lwr,Win M8'C LED 1 Color,Lt DS Rear-r)DS Rear Lt Red Color,Lt PS Rear-r)PS Rear Lt Red 338 0088745 Light,Rear Zone Up,Win L31HRFN LED Beacon,Red LED 1 Color,Dome,Rear Warning-j)both domes clear 339 0046551 Not Required,Lights,Rear Upper Zone Blocking 1 340 0791501 Light,Traffic Directing,Win TAL65,36"Long LED,Aerials 1 Activation,Traffic Dir L-Not Connected 341 0530074 Location,Traf Dir Lt,On Top of Body Below Turntable w/Trdpit Box 1 342 0530282 Location,Tref Dir Lt Controller,Overhead Switch Panel DS Right End 1 343 0519934 Not Required,Brand,Hydraulic Tool System 1 344 0649753 Not Required,PTO Driven Hydraulic Tool System 1 345 0771866 1000lb Tip Load 35MPH Wind Aerial Device 1 346 0680821 Boom Panel,Pair 1 Paint Color,Predefined-#10 white 347 0526890 Not Required,Indicator,Extension 1 348 0688232 Rung Covers,Aerial Device 1 Rung Cover Color-Safety Yellow 349 0623645 Aerial Stability Test,Max Tip Options 1 350 0728982 Box,Saw Storage,w/Cover,Base Section Above Boom Panel,100AAT,Doer Sw 1 Qty,-01 Finish-Painted,Aerial Device Color Latch,Door,Storage-"D"Handle Latch Location,Aerial Device-right side Louvers-no louvers 351 0770598 Basket, 100AAT 1 352 0803225 Lights,Turntable Walkway,P25,On Scene,LED, 100AAT 1 Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 353 0767535 Light,Turntable Console,TecNiq E-10,LED 1 354 0732762 Basket Heat Shields, 100AAT 1 355 0766953 Control Stations,100AAT 1 356 0751348 Lights,Basket Interior,CLC-1049-20,20"100AAT 1 357 0771862 Stabilizers,100AAT,Three Sets 1 358 0729051 Stabilizer Pan and Trim Material 1 Stabilizer Panels-polished stainless steel Stabilizer Trim-polished stainless steel 359 0746173 Door,Stabilizer Control Box,Aerial MUX,100AAT 1 Latch,Door,Storage-Southco C2 Chrome Raised Hinge Location-Inboard Door,Material&Finish,Stabilizer-Smooth aluminum 360 0771218 Hydraulic System, 100AAT 1 361 0767932 Swivels,wlEnccder,38,100AAT 1 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 11 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 362 0767931 Electrical System, 100AAT 1 363 0783180 Lights,Tip,Win MPB"LED,Front of Basket lit 1 Color,Win Lt Housing-White Paint 364 0752453 Lights,Tracking,Win MPS*LED,100AAT 2lts 1 Color,Win Lt Housing-White Paint Scene U Optics LH Base-L Spot Scene Lt Optics RH Base-R Spot 365 0743431 Basket Access,w/Flip Down Step,Lift Bar Latch, 100AAT 1 Finish,Step Weil-aluminum treadplate 366 0894586 Lights,Step(4),P25,Ladder Style Access Steps,Both Sides 1 Control,Light-r)aerial master Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 367 0749120 Lighting,Rung,LED,TecNiq,5 Section,Base,Low,Cent,Upper,Fly,100AAT 1 Control,Aerial Rung Lighting-DS Pump Panel Sw Color,Lt Aerial Fly Sect-Red Color,Lt Aerial Base Sect-Blue Color,Lt Aerial Lower Mid Sect-Blue Color,Lt Aerial Upper Mid Sect-Red Color,Lt Aerial Mid Sect-White 368 0540743 Lights,Stabilizer Warn(2)Sets,Win M6"C LED,Clear Lens 1 Color,Lt Rr Stabiizr Pan-r)Pan Light Red Color,Lt Fr Stabilzr Pan-r)Pan Light Red 369 C068703 Lights,Grote Supernova LED,Stabilizer Beam,(1)Set 1 370 0762387 Lights,Stabilizer Scene,(3)sets,AmdorAY-LB-12HW012,100AAT 1 371 0764091 DC Power To Tip,12.88 Amp,100AAT 1 372 0737181 Intercom,2-Way Fire Research ICA910 Hands Free 1 373 0766913 Breathing Air to Tip,(1)4500 PSI, 100AAT 1 Refill Hose-50' Breathing Air Fitting-Hansen Breathing Air Mask Box-mask box platform rubber draw latch 374 0024742 Not Required,Mask,Breathing Air To Tip 1 375 0767396 Aerial Pedestal 1 376 0766834 Lyre Brackets,3-tn-1,Used w/Duo-Safety 875 Ladders ONLY,100AAT 1 377 0767149 Turntable Access,ManSaver Bar,Yellow 1 378 0804860 Waterway,100AAT 1 Aerial Waterway Drain 100AAT-Standard Location,Right Side 379 0730399 Valves,(2)TFT VUM(Valve Under Monitor),Manual 1 380 0764417 TFT Electric/Manual Monitors wNUM 1 Nozzle,Monitor 1,PAP-TFT YST-4NN Tips Nozzle,Monitor 2,PAP-TFT M-ERP2000 Electric 2000 gpm 381 0086971 Flowmeter,Waterway,MUX,PAP 1 382 0009364 Inlet,5.00",S/S,w/Pump,Right Side,100AAT 1 383 0047897 Tools,Aerial 1 384 0559491 Manuals and Training,3 Consecutive Days,Platform 1 385 0007150 Bag of Nuts and Bolts 1 Qty,Bag Nuts and Bolts-1 386 0602497 NFPA Required Loose Equipment,Quint,NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire Department 1 387 0602397 Soft Suction Hose,Provided by Fire Department,Quint NFPA 2016 Classification 1 388 0027023 No Strainer Required 1 389 0602534 Extinguisher,Dry Chemical,Quint NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire Department 1 390 0602352 Extinguisher,2.5 Gal.Pressurized Water,Quint,NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire Dept 1 391 0765595 Ladder Belts,Aerial 1 Safety Belt.Large/XL-(2)two Large/XL(34--42"waist) Safety Belt,Small/Medium-0)small/medium(26"-34"waist) Safety Belt,XXL-(1)one XXL(42"-50"waist) 392 0007482 Not Required,Crowbars 1 393 0007484 Not Required,Claw Tools 1 394 0602883 Axe,Flathead,Quint NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire Department 1 395 0602670 Axe,Plckhead,Quint NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire Department 1 396 0007494 Not Required,Sledgehammers 1 397 0741569 Paint Process/Environmental Requirements,Appleton 1 398 0709566 Paint,Two-Tone Color,Enforcer 1 Paint Color,Upper Area,Predefined-#10 White 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 12 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 398 Shield,Cab-Standard Shield Paint Color,Lower Area,Predefined-#90 Red Paint Break,Cab-Standard Two-Tone Cab Break 399 0709845 Single Color Body Paint 1 Paint.Body-Match Lower Cab 400 0646901 Paint Chassis Frame Assy,With Liner,E-Coat,Standard 1 Paint Color,Frame Assembly,Predefined-Lower Job Color 401 0693797 No Paint Required,Aluminum Front Wheels 1 402 0893792 No Paint Required,Aluminum Rear Wheels 1 403 0733739 Paint,Axle Hubs 1 Paint,Axle Hub-Lower Job Color 404 0007230 Compartment,Painted,Spatter Gray 1 405 0792638 Aerial Platform Paint 1 Paint Color,Aerial Device-White 10 Paint Color,Turntable-White 10 Paint Color,Boom Support-gloss black primer Paint Color,Cylinders-white 10 Paint Color,Aerial Torque Box-gloss black primer Paint Color,Aerial Stabilizers-black 101 Paint Color,Aerial Basket-white 10 Paint Color,Aerial Rotation Motor-Black Paint Color,Aerial Control Console-white 10 406 0544129 Reflective Band, 1"-6"-1" 1 Color,Reflect Band-A-a)white Color,Reflect Band-B-I)white Color,Reflect Band-C-w)white 407 0007356 Reflective across Cab Face 1 408 0583454 Stripe,Chevron,Rear,Diamond Grade,Aerial 1 Color,Rear Chevron DG-fluorescent yellow green 409 0598754 Stripe,Reflective/Diamond Grade,4.00"on Stabilizers 1 Color,Reflect Band-A-p)fluorescent yellow green diamond grade 410 0065687 Stripe,Reflective,Cab Doors Interior 1 Color,Reflective-a)white 411 0027372 Lettering Specifications,(GOLD STAR Process) 1 412 0886426 Lettering,Gold Leaf,3.00",(61-80) 1 Outline,Lettering-Outline and Shade 413 0772003 Manual,Fire Apparatus Parts,USB Flash Drive,Custom 1 Qty,-01 414 0772037 Manual,Chassis Service,USB Flash Drive,Custom 1 Qty,-01 415 0773381 Manual,Chassis Operation,(1)USB Flash Drive,Custom 1 416 0030008 Warranty,Basic, 1 Year,Apparatus,WA0008 1 417 0735523 Warranty,Engine,Paccar MX13,5 Year 1 418 0684953 Warranty,Steering Gear,Sheppard M110,3 Year WA0201 1 419 0596017 Warranty,Frame,50 Year,Custom Chassis,WA0013 1 420 0595698 Warranty,Axle,3 Year,TAK-4,WA0050 1 421 0733305 Warranty,Tandem Axle,5 Year,Mentor,General Service,WA0384 1 422 0652758 Warranty,ABS Brake System,3 Year,Meritor Wabco,WA0232 1 423 0019914 Warranty,Structure,10 Year,Custom Cab,WA0012 1 424 0744240 Warranty,Paint, 10 Year,Cab,Pro-Rate,WA0055 1 425 0524627 Warranty,Electronics,5 Year.MUX,WA0014 1 426 0695416 Warranty,Pierce Camera System,WA0188 1 427 0647720 Warranty,Pierce LED Strip Lights,WA0203 1 428 0046369 Warranty,5-year EVS Transmission,Standard Custom,WA0187 1 429 0685945 Warranty,Transmission Cooler,WA0216 1 430 0688798 Warranty,Water Tank,Lifetime,UPF,Poly Tank,WA0195 1 431 0596025 Warranty,Structure, 10 Year,Body,WA0009 1 432 0693127 Warranty,Gortite,Roll-up Door,6 Year,WA0190 1 433 0734463 Warranty,Pump,Waterous,7 Year Parts,WA0382 1 434 0648675 Warranty.10 Year S/S Pumbing,WA0035 1 435 0641372 Warranty,Foam System,Not Available 1 436 0006999 Warranty,Structure,20 Year.Aerial Device,WA0052 1 5/2/2023 1212 PM Bid#: 1138 Page 13 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 437 0687388 Warranty,Swivels,5 Year,Aerial Device,WA0197 1 438 0685727 Warranty,Hydraulic System and Components,3 Year/5 Year,WA0200 1 439 0687327 Warranty,Waterway, 10 Year,Aerial Device,WA0198 1 440 0595860 Warranty,Paint,4 Year,Aerial Device,Pro-Rated,WA0047 1 441 0553455 Warranty,Electronics,5 Year,MUX,WA0014 1 442 0595820 Warranty,Paint, 10 Year,Body,Pro-Rate,WA0057 1 443 0595421 Warranty,Goldstar,3 Year,Apparatus,WA0018 1 444 0683627 Certification,Vehicle Stability,CD0156 1 445 0808565 Certification,Engine Installation,Enf,Paccar MX,2027 1 446 0686786 Certification,Power Steering,CD0098 1 447 0892691 Certification,Cab Integrity,Saber FR/Enforcer,C00189 1 448 0631973 Certification,Cab Door Durability,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0137 1 449 0631978 Certification,Windshield Wiper Durability,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0132 1 450 0556828 Certification,Electric Window,Not Available 1 451 0631977 Certification,Seat Belt Anchors and Mounting,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0134 1 452 0735949 Certification,Cab HVAC System Performance,SFR/Enf, 1 C00165/CD0167/CD0174/CD0175 453 0545073 Amp Draw Report,NFPA Current Edition 1 454 0002758 Amp Draw,NFPNULC Radio Allowance 1 455 0799248 Appleton/Florida BTO 1 456 0000053 Ascendant Tower 1 457 0000012 PIERCE CHASSIS 1 458 0735525 PACCAR MX13 ENGINE 1 459 0046396 EVS 4000 Series TRANSMISSION 1 460 0805943 WATEROUS PUMP S-100 MT 1 461 0020009 POLY TANK 1 462 0028047 NO FOAM SYSTEM 1 463 0020006 SIDE CONTROL 1 464 0020007 AKRON VALVES 1 465 0020015 ABS SYSTEM 1 466 0755454 AERIAL MEDIUM 1 5/2/2023 12:12 PM Bid* 1138 Page 14 P&itce. = Option List 5/2/2023 Customer: Jeffersonville Fire Department,City of Bid Number: 1126 Representative Learned,Timothy Job Number: Organization: MacQueen Emergency Group Number of Units: 1 Requirements Manager: Bid Date: 02/13/2023 Description: Enforcer7010 MegaPUC 214"w/750 Stock Number: Body: Pumper,PUC,Aluminum Price Level: 44(Current:44) Chassis: Enforcer Chassis,PUC-NG Lane: Line Option Type Option Description Qty 1 0766589 PUC Pumper Boiler Plate 1 Fire Department/Customer-Jeffersonville Fire Department Operating/In conjunction W-Service Center-Operating Miles- 100 Miles Number of Fire Dept/Municipalities- 10 Bidder/Sales Organization-MacQueen Emergency Delivery-Delivery representative Dealership/Sales Organization,Service-MacQueen Emergency 2 0661794 Single Source Compliance 1 3 0584456 Manufacture Location,Appleton,Wisconsin 1 4 0584452 RFP Location: Appleton,Wisconsin 1 5 0588609 Vehicle Destination, US 1 6 0610784 Comply NFPA 1901 Changes Effective Jan 1.2016,With Exceptions 1 7 0797868 Pumper Fire Apparatus,4000 lb Equipment Allowance Required 1 8 0588611 Vehicle Certification,Pumper 1 9 0661778 Agency,Apparatus Certification, Pumper/Tanker,U.L. 1 10 0891947 Certification,Vehicle Inspection Program,NFPA 1901 1 11 0620362 HGAC 1 12 0537375 Unit of Measure,US Gallons 1 13 0529326 10%,Pierce Built Chassis 1 14 0807703 Not Requested 1 15 0000007 Approval Drawing 1 16 0002928 Electrical Diagrams 1 17 0889378 Enforcer Chassis,PUC-NG 1 18 0000110 Wheelbase 1 Wheelbase-216.50" 19 0000070 GVW Rating 1 GVW rating-49,8001bs 20 0729280 Frame Rails, 13.38 x 3.50 x.375,Enforcer 1 21 0889469 Frame Liner."C/Inv L" 12.50"x 3.00"x.25".AXTNel/Imp/Ent,56"QVal 1 22 0629940 22,800 lb TAK-4 Axle 1 23 0010427 Suspension, Front TAK-4,22,800 lb,Qtm/AXT/ImpNel/Ent/SFR 1 24 0087572 Shock Absorbers,KONI,TAK-4,Qtm/AXT/ImpNel/DCF/Enf 1 25 0000322 Oil Seals.Front Axle 1 26 0899438 Tires,Front,Goodyear,Armor MAX MSA,425/65R22.50,20 ply 1 27 0019611 Wheels,Front,Alcoa,22.50"x 12.25",Aluminum,Hub Pilot 1 28 0640711 27,000 lb Dana Axle 1 29 0544253 Top Speed of Vehicle,68 MPH 1 30 0565380 Suspen,Rear,Single Slipper Spring.27,000 lb,Saber/Enforcer 1 31 0000485 Oil Seals.Rear Axle 1 32 0585004 Tires,Rear,Goodyear,G289 WHA, 315/80R22.50,20 ply,Single 1 33 0641529 Wheels,Rear,Accuride.22.50"x 9.00".Aluminum,Hub Pilot, Single 1 34 0568081 Tire Balancing,Counteract Beads 1 35 0620570 Tire Pressure Monitoring,RealWheels,AirSecure,Valve Cap. Single Axle 1 Qty.Tire Pressure Ind-6 36 0801909 Lug Nut,Covers,Chrome 1 37 0003245 Axle Hub Covers w/center hole, S/S,Front Axle 1 38 0001960 Axle Hub Covers.Rear,S/S, High Hat(Pair) 1 39 0002045 Mud Flap.Front and Rear,Pierce Logo 1 40 0544802 Chocks,Wheel, SAC-44-E.Folding 1 Qty,Pair-01 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 1 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 41 0544806 Mounting Brackets,Chocks,SAC-44-E,Folding,Horizontal 1 Qty,Pair-01 Location.Wheel Chocks-Left Side Rear Compt 42 0010670 ABS Wabco Brake System,Single rear axle 1 43 0030185 Brakes,Knorr/Bendix 17',Disc,Front,TAK-4 1 44 0627930 Brakes.Bendix,Cam,Rear,16.50 x 8.63" 1 45 0735527 Air Compressor,Brake,Wabco 26.8 CI,Paccar 1 46 0644232 Brake Reservoirs,4,272 Cubic Inch Minimum Capacity.Saber FR/Erforcer 1 47 0568012 Air Dryer,Wabco System Saver 1200,Heater.2010 1 48 0000790 Brake Lines,Nylon 1 49 0000854 Air Inlet,w/Disconnect Coupling 1 Location,Air Coupling(s)-a)DS Step Well,Rearward Qty,Air Coupling(s)-1 50 0586772 Box,Recessed,Alum Treadplate,for Air Fitting 1 Location-Driver side step well,Rearward Qty,Air Coupling(s)-1 51 0805797 Compressor,Air,Kussmaul 091-9B-4-AD,120V Brake System 1 Location-PassengedRight side Seat Riser 52 0808515 Engine,Paccar MX,510HP,1850 lb-ftW/OBD,EPA 2027,Enforcer 1 53 0000000 STF Not Required 1 54 0001244 High Idle w/Electronic Engine,Custom 1 55 0735687 Engine Brake,Fully Integrated.Paccar MX13 Engine 1 Switch,Engine Brake-MX13 56 0644227 Clutch,Fan,Air Actuated,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 57 0644573 Air Intake,Water&Ember Screen,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 58 0794743 Exhaust System,5",X12/X15,MX13,Engine,Horizontal,Right Side 1 59 0788765 Radiator,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 60 0001090 Cooling Hoses,Rubber 1 61 0074074 Fuel Tank,65 Gallon,Left Side Fill,Aluminum 1 Finish-Unfinished 62 0001129 Lines,Fuel 1 63 0889521 DEF Tank,7.3 Gallon,LS Fill,Under Cab,Paccar,Lift Up Fill Dr,Spring,ENF 1 Door,Material&Finish,DEF Tank-Polished Stainless 64 0552793 Not Required,Fuel Priming Pump 1 65 0552712 Not Required,Shutoff Valve,Fuel Line 1 68 0699437 Cooler,Chassis Fuel,Not Req'd. 1 67 0690880 No Selection Required From This Category 1 68 0887546 Trans,Allison 6th Gen,4000 EVS P,w/Prognostics,ImpNet/SFR/Enf 1 69 0625331 Transmission,Shifter,6-Spd,Push Button,4000 EVS 1 70 0517604 Transmission Programming,Park to Neutral,PUC 1 71 0684459 Transmission Oil Cooler,Modine,External 1 72 0001375 Driveline,Spicer 1810 1 73 0734211 Steering.Sheppard M110 w/Tilt,TAK-4.Paccar Pump,w/Cooler,Paccar 1 74 0802950 Steering Wheel,4 Spoke w/Wiper Control,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 75 0690274 Logo and Emblem on Dash 1 Text,Row(1)One-Jeffersonville Text,Row(2)Two-Fire Text,Row(3)Three-Dept 76 0037606 22"Painted Steel Bumper 1 77 0640195 Tray,Hose,Center,22"Bumper.Outside Air Horns 1 Grating,Bumper extension-Grating.Rubber Capacity,Bumper Tray-20)125 of 1.75" 78 0633479 Hose Restraint,Bumper Tray,Velcro Straps.Pair 1 Qty,Pair-01 79 0663647 Tray.(1)Hose Right Side of Bumper 1 Grating,Bumper extension-Grating,Rubber Capacity,Bumper Tray-28)25'of 5.00' 80 0633453 Hose Restraint,Bumper Tray.Velcro Straps,Pair 1 Qty,Pair-01 81 0778092 Lift&Tow Package,Enforcer 1 82 0522573 Tow Hooks Not Required,Due to Lift and Tow Package 1 83 0698960 Coating,Top Flange.Front Bumper,Outside Exterior,UL-LX Coating,Black 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid# 1126 Page 2 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 84 0625646 7010 Enforcer PUC Cab 1 85 0747442 Engine Tunnel,X12,MX13,Enforcer 1 86 0610508 Rear Wall,Interior.Adjustable Seating,Not Available 1 87 0632103 Rear Wall,Exterior,Cab,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Material,Exterior Rear Wall-Aluminum Treadplate 88 0644201 Cab Lift,Elec/Hyd,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 89 0695930 Grille.Bright Finished,Front of Cab,Enforcer 1 90 0002224 Scuffplates,S/S At Cab Dcor Jambs,4-Door Cab 1 Material Trim/Scuffplate-c)S/S,Polished 91 0546711 Scuffplate,S/S Behind Cab Door Handle,Exterior,Vel/imp/DCF/Enf/SFR 4 Door 1 Material Trim/Scuffplate-c)S/S,Polished 92 0647932 Not Required,Trim,S/S Band,Across Cab Face,AXT/Saber/Enforcer 1 93 0015440 No Chrome Molding,On side of cab 1 94 0521669 Mirrors,Retrac,West Coast Style,Htd/Rmt,w/Htd/Rmt Convex 1 95 0648172 Full Height Door 1 Key Model,Cab Doors-751 Cab,Exterior Door Handle,Finish-4-Door,Chrome/Black 96 0655543 Door Panel,Brushed Stainless Steel,Saber/Enforcer 4-Door Cab 1 97 0528958 Not Required,Controls,Electric Window,AXT,Quantum,Saber,Enforcer 1 98 0638310 Steps,4-Door Cab,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Step Well Material-Aluminum Treadpiate 99 0770194 Handrail,Exterior,Knurled,Alum,4-Door Cab 1 100 0892638 Lights,Cab&Crw Cab Acs Stps,P25,LED w/Bezel,fills 1 Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 101 0583698 Fenders,S/S on cab,Extra Wide,Saber/Enf 1 102 0557023 Handrail,10",Below Cab Windshield,Pair 1 103 0628913 Window,Side of C/C,Fixed,Driver Side Only,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 104 0012090 Not Required,Windows,Front/Side of raised roof 1 105 0779033 Not Required,Windows Rear of Crew Cab,Saber FR/Enforcer i 106 0022260 Roof,Aluminum Treadplate 1 107 0722796 Dash,Poly.Saber FR/Enforcer 1 108 0607217 Mounting Provisions,3/16"Alum,Full Engine Tunnel.Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Mounting Provision Spacing-1.00" Material Finish,Cab Interior-Painted 109 0750824 Cab Interior,Vinyl Headliner,Saber FR/Enforcer,CARE 1 Color,Cab Interior Vinyl/Fabric-Endure Vinyl-Silver/Gray Engine Tunnel Cover-Painted Cab Interior Rear Wall Material-Painted Aluminum 110 0753903 Cab Interior,Paint Color,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Color,Cab interior Paint-i)fire smoke gray 111 0888673 Roar,Rubber Padded,Cab&Crew Cab,Blister,UL-LX,Enforcer PUC-NG 1 112 0722696 HVAC,Enforcer,CARE 1 HVAC System,Filter Access-Removable Panel Auxiliary Cab Heater-Both HVAC System,Control Loc.-Panel Position#12 Plenum Cover Material-Formed Plastic 113 0639675 Sun Visor,Smoked Lexan,AXT,ImpNel,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Sun Visor Retention-No Retention 114 0634328 Grab Handles,Driver and Officer Door Posts,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 115 0583938 Lights,Engine Compt,Custom,Auto Sw,Win 3SCOCDCR,3"LED,Trim 1 Qty,-01 116 0631830 Fluid Check Access,Saber FR/Enforcer,Arrow XT 1 Latch, Door,Storage-Lift and Turn Latch,Flush 117 00O2501 Map box,4 bin/30 Deg Slant,Custom Chassis 1 Location-Mounted at Pickup 118 0583042 Side Roll and Frontal Impact Protection 1 119 0622618 Seating Capacity.5 Seats 1 120 0638955 Seat,Driver,Pierce PSV,Air Ride,High Back,Safety,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 121 0632926 Seat,Officer,Pierce PSV,Air Ride,SCBA,Safety,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 122 0002517 Not Required,Radio Compartment 1 123 0835973 Seat,Rear Facing C/C,DS Outboard,Pierce PSV,SCBA,Safety,Saber 1 FR/Enforcer 124 0102783 Not Required,Seat,Rr Facing C/C,Center 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 3 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 125 0757966 Cabinet,Rear Facing,RS,22 W x 40.25 H x 26.75 D,Lap,Ext Acc,SFR/Enf 1 Light,Short Cabinet-Pierce,Exterior,Right Side,Pierce,Interior,Right Side and Pierce,Interior,Left Side Scuffplate,Material/Finish-S/S,Polished Material Finish,Shelf-Painted-Cab Interior Shelf/Tray,Cabinet-(1)Shelf,Adjustable, 1.25"Up-Turned Lip Door,Cab Exterior Cabinet-Double Pan,Non-Locking Door,Exterior Stop-Web Strap Door,Cab Interior Cabinet-Lap,IB,(2)D-Ring,Non-Locking Louvers,Cabinet-0-No Louvers 126 0108189 Not Required,Seat,Forward Facing C/C,DS Outboard 1 127 0635957 Seat,Forward Facing C/C,Center,(2)Pierce PSV,SCBA,Safety,Saber FR/Enf 1 128 0108190 Not Required,Seat,Forward Facing C/C,PS Outboard 1 129 0766467 Upholstery,Seats In Cab,All Vinyl,Seats Inc,CARE 5 Color,Cab Interior Vinyl/Fabric-Endure Vinyl-Silver/Gray Qty,-05 130 0543991 Bracket,Air Bottle,Hands-Free II,Cab Seats 4 Qty,-04 131 0603866 Seat Belt,Dual Retractor,ReadyReach,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Seat Belt Color-Red 132 0602464 Helmet Storage,Provided by Fire Department,NFPA 2018 1 133 0647647 Lights,Dome,FRP Dual LED 4 Lts 1 Color,Dome Lt-Red&White Color,Dome Lt Bzl-Black Control,Dome Lt White-Door Switches and Lens Switch Control,Dome Lt Color-Lens Switch 134 0649915 Light,Map,Havis,C-MAP-T-LED,Gooseneck 1 Location-Passenger/Right Side Forward Cab Pillar Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery switched 135 0628471 Light,Map,Overhead,Peterson M371S LED,Rectangule w/Switch 2 Location-Above Officer/Right Side Seat Qty,-02 12vdc power from-Battery switched 136 0804719 Handlts,(4)Streamlight,Fire Vulcan,44451,C4 LED,Tall Lts, 12v,Orange 1 Location,Portable Hand Light-Engine Tunnel Area and Rear Wall Cab, Each Side 137 0644187 Cab Instruments,Black Gauges,Black Bezels,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Emergency Switching-Individual Switches 138 0002544 Air Restriction Indicator-Pierce Chassis 1 139 0543751 Light,Do Not Move Apparatus 1 Alarm,Do Not Move Truck-No Alarm 140 0637359 Not Required,Door Open Indicator w/Do Not Move Truck Light,Enf/Saber FR 1 141 0632738 Switching,Cab Instrument Lower Console&Overhead,Rocker,Enforcer 1 142 0802946 Wiper Control,2-Speed w/lntermittent,Steering Wheel,Left Pod,SFR/Enf 1 143 0548009 Wring,Spare,20 A 12V DC 1st 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-Butt Splice Location,Spare Wiring-Coiled behind Center Console Panel Location 144 0548004 Wring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 1st 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-15 amp power point plug Location,Spare Wiring-Center Console 145 0548006 Wiring,Spare,15 A 12V DC 2nd 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Ignition power Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#4 146 0628991 Wiring,Spare,30 A 12V DC, 12 Circuit Fuse Block,Blue Sea 5026 1st 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Ignition power 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 4 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 146 Location-Forward wall of EMS cabinet,Exterior between cabinet and seat 147 0628990 Wiring,Spare,30 A 12V DC,12 Circuit Fuse Block,Blue Sea 5026 2nd 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Location-Forward wall of EMS cabinet,Exterior between cabinet and seat 148 0583917 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 5th 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#5 149 0560535 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 4th 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Ignition power Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#5 150 0732954 Wring,Spare,15 A 12VDC Power Point,Dual USB-C 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Location,Spare Wring-Center Console 151 0548007 Wiring,Spare, 15 A 12V DC 3rd 1 Qty,-01 12vdc power from-Battery direct Wire termination-Butt Splice Location-Overhead Switch Panel Location#4 152 0763648 Vehicle Information Center,LCD On Gauge Cluster Only,Sab/Enf 1 System Of Measurement-US Customary 153 0734857 Collision Mitigation,HAAS Alert(R2V),HA5 1 Subscription,HAAS R2V-R2V-5 Year Data Plan Subscription 154 0610240 Vehicle Data Recorder w/Seat Belt Monitor 1 155 0734229 Intercom,David Clark,5-Pos.2-Radio,(D,O.RPTT),3obC,U3805 1 Location-TBD Location,Intercom,C Cab-3)2 forward and 1 rear facing 156 0637058 David Clark Universal Radio Interfaces Included with Single/Dual System 1 Location,Radio Interface-TBD @ Print Aproval 157 0589947 Headset,David Clark,H3432 Over The Head,Flex Mic,Push On Push Off 5 Qty,-05 Location-One(1)@ Ea Seat Location 158 4681408 Hangers For Headsets,NFPA,Each 5 Qty,-05 Location,Headset Hangers-Driver Seat,Officer Seat,DS Inbrd,Fwrd Fcng Seat,DS Outbrd,Rear Fcng Seat and PS Inbrd,Fwrd Fcng Seat 159 0559156 Install Customer Provided Two-Way Radios) 2 Location-One(1)VHF Radio to be Installed in Overhead Switch Location#5,and One(1)800Mhz radio to be Installed in Overhead Switch Locatlon#6 Qty,-02 160 0696443 Antenna Mount,Custom Chassis,Cable Routed to Overhead Switch Area 1 Location-LS and Forward on Cab Roof per AD Print Qty,-01 161 0696439 Antenna Mount,Custom Chassis,Cable Routed to Instrument Panel Area 1 Qty,-01 Location,Antenna Mount-RS and Forward on Cab Roof per AD Print 162 0660489 Antenna Mount,Custom Chassis,Fill In Blank Mounting and Cable Locations 1 Location-LS and Rearward on Cab Roof per AD Print Qty,-01 Location 1 -On top of RS,Rear Facing EMS Cabinet 163 0722100 SP Camera,Safety Vision,7"Display,R,RS,LS,F Def,HVR 4401 1 Location-Inside of Crew Cab Camera System Audio-Speaker Behind Driver Camera System Location,Display-Lower Console Driver's Side 164 0624241 Electrical Power/Signal Protection&Control,Enforcer 1 165 0624256 Hard Wired Electrical System 1 166 0665713 Batteries,(4)Interstate Grp 31,950 CCA ea,Threaded Stud 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1128 Page 5 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 167 0008621 Battery System,Single Start,All Custom Chassis 1 168 0002698 Battery Compartment,Saber/Enforcer 1 169 0531315 Charger,Sngl Sys,IOTA,DSL-75,75 Amp,Kussmaul 091-94-12 Ind,Qtm/Enf/SFR 1 170 0862220 Location,Charger,Cab Behind Driver Seat,Dash CF/Saber FR/Enf 1 171 0530949 Location,Bat Chrg Ind,Driver's Seat Riser 1 172 0016857 Shoreline,20A 120V,Kussmaul Auto Eject,091-55-20-120,Super 1 Qty.-01 Color,Kussmaul Cover-b)red Shoreline Connection-Battery Charger 173 0026800 Shoreline Location 1 Location,Shoreline(s)-DS Cab Side 174 0764491 Alternator,420 amp,Leece-Neville BLP4003 1 175 0644176 Load Manager,Integrated In Electrical System,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 176 0783153 Headlights,Rect LED,JW Spkr Eve 2,AXT/DCF/Enf imp/SabNel 1 Color,Headlight Bez-Chrome Bezel 177 0802935 Light,Directional,Win M62T'LED,Cmn Bzi,Above Headlights,Sab/Enf 1 Color,Lens,LED's-Clear Color,Q Bezel and Trim-Polished Chrome Flash Pattern,Directional Lts-Sequence(80 FPM)to Solid 178 0620054 Light,Directional/Marker,Intermediate,Weldon 9186-8580-29 LED 2lts 1 179 0735474 Lights,Clearance/Marker/ID,Front,P25 LED 7 Lts,Saber FR/Enforcer 1 Light Guard-No Guards 180 0647899 Lights,DirectionaUMarker,Cab Front Side,Weldon 9186-8580-29 LED,Sab/Enf 1 181 0088869 Lights,Clearance/Marker/ID,Rear,Truck-Cite 26250R LED 7Lts 1 182 0517025 Lights,Tail,Wrap-around,Stop/Tail,Turn&Backup LED,Tri-Cluster 1 183 0085910 tights,Backup Included in Signal Cluster 1 184 0889577 Bracket,License Plate&Light,P25 LED,Stainless Brkt 1 Color,Trim-Chrome Housing 185 0589805 Alarm,Back-up Warning,PRECO 1040 1 186 0769420 Lights,Perimeter Cab,Amdor AY-LB-12HW020 LED 40r 1 187 0769559 Lights,Perimeter Pump House,Amdor AY-LB-12HW012 LED 21ts 1 188 0770056 Lights,Perimeter Body,Amdor AY-LB-12HW020 LED 2lts,Rear Step 1 Control,Perimeter Lts-Parking Brake Applied 189 0557322 Lights,Step,P25 at Rear Tailboard,PUC,4lts Perm Lts 1 190 0770912 Light,Roof Mt,HiViz,FT-B-X-72- Cnt Feature 1 Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS and Cab Sw Panel PS Color,Lt Housing HMz-White Scene Light Optics-Flood/Spot 191 0774333 Lights,Win,P'H2'Pioneer,12 VDC,2nd 2 Location-One(1)RS High and Forward on Body Side Sheet,and One (1)RS High and Rearward on the Body Side Sheet Qty,-02 Color,Win It Housing-Red#106 Paint Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS Scene Light Optics-Flood/Spot Mount,Win II-Semi-recessed 15 deg P"2 192 0774579 Lights,Win,P'H2'Pioneer,12 VDC, 1st 2 Location-One(1)LS High and Forward on Body Side Sheet,and One (1)LS High and Rearward on the Body Side Sheet Oty,-02 Color,Win Lt Housing-Red#106 Paint Control,Scene Lts-Cab Sw Panel DS Scene Light Optics-Flood/Spot Mount,Win II-Semi-recessed 15 deg P-2 193 0532358 Not Required,Deck Lights,Other Hose Bed&Rear Lighting 1 194 0645877 Lights,Hose Bed,Sides,Dual LED Light Strips Control,Hose Bed Lts-Cup Switch At Rear 195 0746931 Lights,Rear Scene,Win,M9LZC LED,30"-102"High 1 Control,Rear Scene Lts-Cab Switch Panel DS and Body Switch,DS Rear Bulkhead Color,Trim-Chrome Trim 196 0787447 Lights,Walk Surf,Dual LED Light Strips,Cargo Area,Bdy Stp Lt 1 197 0518282 17T/189"Aluminum Pumper PUC 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 6 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 198 0554271 Body Skirt Height,20" 1 199 0501271 750 Gallon Water Tank 1 200 0003405 Overflow,4.00'Water Tank,Poly 1 201 0028107 Not Required,Foam Cell Modification 1 202 0633066 Sleeve,Through Tank 1 Qty,Sleeve-1 Water Tank Sleeve-Plumbing/Hydraulic Diameter-3'Plumbing 203 0553729 Not Required,Restraint,Water Tank,Heavy Duty 1 204 0003429 Not Required,Direct Tank Fill 1 205 0003424 Not Required,Dump Valve 1 206 0048710 Not Required,Jet Assist 1 207 0030007 Not Required,Dump Valve Chute 1 208 0514778 Not Required.Switch,Tank Dump Master 1 209 0597043 Body Height,PUC/HDRP 1 Body Height-92.00" 210 0199241 PUC Hose Bed 1 211 0723340 Unpainted/Brush Finished,Hose Bed,3G PUC/HDRP 1 212 0003481 Hose Bed Capacity,Special 1 Capacity,Hosebed-800'of 5.00"DJ Poly/450'of 3.00"DJ Poly/450'of 3.00"DJ Poly 213 6003488 Divider,Hose Bed,Unpainted 2 Qty,Hosebed Dividers-2 214 0589278 Hose Restraint,Hose Bed,Velcro Strap on Top,2"Heavy Nylon Web at Rear 1 Type of fastener-seat belt buckle Nylon Web Color-Black Type of fastener,Rear-seat belt buckle-bottom of hosebed 215 0010133 Cross-Divider,Hose Bed 1 216 0611509 Running Boards,Flip Out,PUC 1 217 0676723 Tailboard,16'Deep,Full Width,Angled Corners,PUC/HDRP 1 218 0690029 Wall,Rear,Body Material,PUC,PUC Tanker,PRM,HDRP 1 219 0003531 Tow Bar,Under Tailboard 1 220 0656764 Construction,Compt,Alum,Pumper,PUC 1 221 0515256 LS 214"Rollup,(1)31"(1)50.5"Fwd,(1)52'Rr,FH/FD Front&Rear,PUC 1 222 0515258 RS 214"Rollup,(2)42"Fwd,(1)52"Rr,Full Height&Depth Front&Rear,PUC 1 223 0692733 Doors,Rollup,Gortite,Side Compartments 8 Qty,Door Accessory-08 Color,Roll-up Door,Gortite-Painted to Match Lower Body Latch,Rot-up Door,Gortite-Non-Locking Lifter 224 0599445 Compt,Rear,Rollup,33.50"FF,w/Tailboard,PUC/HDRP 1 225 0692743 Door,Gortite.Rollup,Rear Compartment,PUC 1 Color,Roll-up Door,Gortite-Satin finish Latch,Roll-up Door,Gortite-Non-Locking Liftbar 226 0616670 Lights,Compt,Pierce LED,Dual Light Strips,Each Side of Door,Pumper/Tanker 8 Qty,-08 Location,Compartment Lights-All Body Compts 227 0515685 214"Hatch,(2)Lift-up,21"Wide,Both Sides,PUC 1 Size,Hatch Compt,Height-19.00" Trim,Body/Hatch Compt Seam,Horizontal,Pair-Painted Formed Aluminum Trim,Body/Hatch Compt Seam,Vertical,Pair,PUC-Painted Formed Matting,Floor,Hatch Compt-Rubber Matting 228 0733406 Handrails,Hatch Step Area,(1)Curved&(1)Straight 1 229 0687993 Lights,Hatch Compt,LED Strip Light,214",Both Sides 1 230 0687145 Shelf Tracks,Recessed,PUC/3rd Generation 1 231 0600350 500 lb Adjustable Shelf 3 Qty,Shelf-03 Material Finish,Shelf-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Shelves/Trays,Predefined-LS1-Centered,LS3-Centered Right of Partition and LS1-Upper Third 232 0709692 Tray,215 Ib,Tilt/Slide-Out,30 Deg,Adj,Predefined Locations 1 Qty,Tray(slide-out)-01 Location,Shelves/Trays,Predefined-B1-Centered Material Finish,Tray-Painted-Spatter Gray 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 7 Une Option Type Option Description Qty 233 0647091 Tray,Floor Mounted,Slide-Out,500ib,2.00"Sides 2 Qty,-02 Location,Tray Slide-Out,Floor Mounted-RS1-Left of Partition and B1 Material Finish,Tray-Painted-Spatter Gray 234 0725637 Cabinet,Drawer Assembly,CTECH,Four Drawers,Up To 24"Wide 1 Qty,-01 Location-compartment RS3 between partitions,approximately 10"from left compartment wall,and approximately 28"distance from Right compartment wall Size,Drawer Height 1 (Top)-3.00' Size,Drawer Height 2-5.75" Size,Drawer Height 3-8.75" Size,Drawer Height 4-9.75" 235 0544614 Toolboard,Swing-out,Alum,.188",Peg Board,3G 1 Qty-1 Location,Pivot-Back Mounting,Toolboard-Adjustable Frt-back Hole Diameter,Pegboard/Toolboard-.203°diameter Finish,Pegboard/Toolboard-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Toolboard-RS2-Full Height/Width 236 0614753 Toolboard Tray 4 Qty,-04 Finish-Painted,Compt Interior,Spatter Gray Dimensions-All Four(4)Trays shall be 6"wide x 2"tall and Full width of Toolboard location-At the Bottom of Ea.Slide-Out Toolboard in locations:LS3, RS1,and RS3 Location.Toolboard-RS1,RS2,RS3 and RS4 237 0673887 Toolboard,Swing-out,Alum,.188",Peg Board,3G,Add9 1 Qty-1 Location,Pivot-Front Mounting,Toolboard-Adjustable Frt-back Hole Diameter,Pegboard/Toolboard-.203'diameter Finish,Pegboard/Toolboard-Painted-Spatter Gray Location,Toolboard-RS2-Full Height/Width 238 0617454 Toolboard,Slide-out,Alum, .188',Peg Board,Painted,3G,Slides Top and Bottom 4 location-One(1)in LS3 centered from Floor to Shelf at Centered height, One(1)in RS1 on shelf centered in compartment to left of vertical partition,and Two(2)in RS3 separated Equal distance in the 28"compartment Right of partition Qty-4 Mounting,Toolboard-Adjustable side-side 239 0726403 Partition,Vertical Compt,Special Height 3 Qty,Partition-03 Fill in Blank-One Half Location-One(1)in RS1 under the 1fixed shelf,40"from left side wall, One(1)in RS3 approximately 10"from Left side wail,and One(1) approximately 34"from the left side wall to allow room to fit CTECH Drawer Assembly Material Finish,Partition-Painted-Spatter Gray 240 0044903 Netting,Retention 1.00"Nylon Strap,Side Fastened,2.00"Box Patter Location-RS1 from the Right side of compartment to the Vertical partition 26",and from the Top of compartment downward to the Fixed shelf Qty.-1 Type of fastener-1"side release 241 0699887 Floor,Smooth Alum,Angled for Cribbing,Removeabie 1 Location-RS1 on the Fixed shelf to the Right of the Vertical partition Qty,Comp.Accessory-01 242 0606794 SP Rack,Air Bags inside Compt,6-Slot,Painted,Configuration 1 Location-RS3 against Left side compartment wall and between the partitions to match Previous Job#33415 Size-two(2)outside slots shall be full compartment height,and the two (2)center slots shall be divided half making four(4)slots approximately 27'in height each,and each compartment shall be approximately 2"wide Finish-Painted,Spatter Gray 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 8 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 242 Configuration-two(2)outside slots shall be full compartment height,and the two(2)center slots shall be divided half making four(4)slots approximately 27"in height each,and each compartment shall be approximately 2"wide 243 0063064 Rub Rail,Aluminum Extruded,Side of Body,3rd Gen Body 1 244 0515441 Fender Crowns, Rear,S/S,W/Removable Fender Liner,Pumper,3G 1 Material Finish,Fender Liner-Brushed Stainless 245 0602347 Hose,Hard Suction,Provided by Fire Department,Pumper NFPA 2016 2 Classification Qty,Hard Suction Hose-2 Length,Hard Suction Hose-10 Diameter,Hard Suction Hose-6.00" Type of Hose Ends,Coupling,HSH-Long Handle 248 0611451 Trough,HSH,(2),Hatch Compt,Side By Side,Door,PUC 1 Location,Hose Trough/Compartment-a)left side Door,Material&Finish,Storage-Smooth Aluminum Latch,Door,Storage-Southco C2 Chrome Flush,Pair Hinge Location-Top Additional internal Accessory Storage,HSH-Aluminum Floor above HSH&Vertical Partition 247 0527021 Handrails Located @ Front Body 1 248 0664688 Handrails,Rear,PUC/HDRP 1 249 0000941 No Rear Hose Bed Handrail Required 1 250 0636301 Compt,Extinguisher(2)Fender Panel,Triangular Door 2 Location,Bracket/comp.-RS fender well compartment Forward and Rearward of axle Qty,-02 Door Finish,Fender Compt-Polished Latch,Air Bottle Compt-Southco C2 Chrome Raised Insert,Air Bottle Compt-Dura-Surf Lining 251 0648325 Compt,Air Bottle,Double,Tri Door,Fender Panel 2 Qty,Air Bottle Comp-2 Door Finish,Fender Compt-Polished Location,Fender Compt-Double-LS Fwd-DEF Combo and Double- LS Rear-Fuel Combo Latch,Air Bottle Compt-Southco C2 Chrome Raised insert,Air Bottle Compt-Dura-Surf Lining and W-Shaped Insert 252 0004225 Ladder,24'Duo-Safety 900A 2-Section 1 253 0004230 Ladder,14'Duo-Safety 775A Roof 1 254 0727529 Ladder Storage,(1),Thru-Tunnel,Horizontal,Banked/Spaced,Enclosed,PUC 1 Door,Material&Finish,Ladder Storage-smooth aluminum Latch,Door Ladder Storage-D-Handle latch Door Type-drop down with rubber bumpers 255 0733387 Ladder,10'Duo-Safety Folding 585A 1 256 0733005 Compt w/Trough,Folding Ladder,In Upper Body,LS 1 Door,Material&Finish,Storage-Smooth Aluminum Latch,Door,Storage-Southco C2 Chrome Flush Hinge Location-Outboard 257 0602877 Pike Pole,Pumper,Provided by Fire Department,NFPA 2016 1 Pike Pale Make/Model-Duo-Safety 10'Pike Pole 258 0732982 Tube,Pike Pole 8'or Longer,In Upper Body Long Tool Storage Compt 1 Qty,Pike Poles-1 Location,Left Side,Right Side-Left Side Material/Finish,Tube,Pike Pole-Aluminum Width,Notch,Pike Pole Tube-No Notch 259 0602875 Pike Pole,6',Pumper.Provided by Fire Department,NFPA 2016 1 Pike Pole Make/Model-Duo-Safety 6'Pike Pole 260 0732992 Tube,Pike Pole 6',In Upper Body Long Tool Storage Compt 1 Qty,Pike Poles-1 Location,Left Side,Right Side-Left Side Material/Finish,Tube,Pike Pole-Aluminum Width,Notch,Pike Pole Tube-No Notch 261 0768409 Compt,Long Tools,Thru Body Compts,Right Side 1 Dimensions-TBD Door,Material&Finish,Storage-Smooth Aluminum Latch,Door,Storage-Southco C2 Chrome Raised 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 9 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 261 Hinge Location-Inboard 262 0521734 No Steps Required,Front Of Body,PUC 1 263 0794171 Ladder,Top Access,Alum,Rear,PUC/HDRP,Opposite Ladder Storage 1 Do Not Move Truck Indicator-ONMT indicator 264 0515692 31"Control Zone Side Mount 1 265 0520016 Not Required,Pumphouse Structure,PUC 1 266 0889385 Pump,Pierce, 1500 GPM,Single Stage,PUC-NG 1 267 0515822 Seal,Mechanical,Silicon Carbide,PUC Pump 1 268 0889382 Gear Case,Integrated Pump Transmission,PUC-NG,Paccar 1 269 0721190 Pumping Mode,Pump and RoU/Stationary,Basic,NON-MUX,PUC 1 270 0515829 Pump Shift,Sure-Shift 1 271 0515833 Transmission Lock-up,Not Req'd, Park to Neutral,Pump,PUC 1 272 0515835 Auxiliary Cooling System,PUC 1 273 0014486 Not Required,Transfer Valve,Single Stage Pump 1 274 0746501 Valve,Relief Intake,Elkhart 1 Qty-1 Pressure Setting-125 psig Intake Relief Valve Control-Behind Right Side Pump Panel 275 0724463 Controller,Pressure,Pierce LCD,PUC 1 Pressure Governor Throttle Control-Clockwise Pressure Governor Default Mode-No Mode/Default Press Setting 276 0072153 Primer,Trident,Air Prime,Air Operated 1 277 0780359 Manuals,Pump,(2)Total,Electronic Copies,Pierce PUC Pump 1 278 0602496 Plumbing,Stainless Steel and Hose,Single Stage Pump,PUC 1 279 0089437 Plumbing Without Foam System 1 280 0517852 Inlets,6.00"-1250-2000 GPM, Pierce PUC Pump 1 281 0014850 Pump Suction Tube(s),Short,All 1 282 0004646 Cap,Main Pump Inlet,Long Handle,NST,VLH 1 283 0084610 Valves, Akron 8000 series-All 1 284 0520002 Valve.Inlet(s)Recessed,Side Cntrt,PUC 1 Qty,Inlets-1 285 0004700 Control,Inlet,at Valve 1 286 0004660 Inlet(1),Left Side,2.50" 1 287 0029147 Not Required,Inlet,Right Side 1 288 0521137 Anode,Zinc,Pair,Pump Inlets,PUC 1 289 0897257 Inlet,4"to 6"Front,5"Plumbing,w/Bleeder Valve,Top of Bumper 1 Inlet,Size-Six Drain, Suction-T Swing Handle Inlet,Front,Valve-Jamesbury 5.00" Inlet,Front,Plumbing-Black Iron Pipe 290 0014823 Control,Front Inlet,Electric,wllndicator Lights 1 291 0755136 Valve,Relief Intake,Front Inlet,Elkhart 1 Pressure Setting-125 psig 292 0732444 Swivel,Front Inlet,4.00"to 6.00",w/Drain 1 Inlet,Size-6.00"inlet Inlet Bleeder-Quarter-Turn Style Bleeder Finish,Front Inlet Elbow/Adapter-Chrome 293 0004788 Cap,Front Inlet,Long Handle,VLH 1 294 0092569 No Rear Inlet(Large Dia)Requested 1 295 0064116 No Rear Inlet Actuation Required 1 296 0092696 Not Required,Cap,Rear Inlet 1 297 0009648 No Rear Intake Relief Valve Required on Rear Inlet 1 298 0092568 No Rear Auxiliary Inlet Requested 1 299 0723049 Valve,.75"Bleeder,Aux.Side Inlet,"T"Swing Handle 1 300 0520277 Tank to Pump,(1)3.00"Valve,4.00"Plumbing,PUC 1 301 0595508 Outlet,Tank Fill. 1.50",PUC 1 302 0766941 Control,Outlets,Swing Handle,Elec Right Outlets Akron 9335 w/Press Disp.PUC 1 303 0516755 Outlet,Left Side,2.50"(2),PUC 1 304 0055095 Not Required,Elbow.Left Side Outlets,2.50" 1 305 0092570 Not Required,Outlets,Left Side Additional 1 306 0035094 Not Required,Elbow,Left Side Outlets,Additional 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 10 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 307 0766761 Outlet,Right Side,2.50",(1),Electric Akron 9335 Controller.PUC 1 Qty,Discharges-01 308 0021134 Not Required,Elbow,Right Side Outlets 1 309 0092571 Not Required,Outlets,Right Side Additional 1 310 0089584 Not Required.Elbow,Right Side Outlets.Additional 1 311 0766992 Outlet,Right Side,4"w/4"Valve,Akron 9335 Elec Controller,PUC 1 312 0527989 Cap,Large Dia Outlet,4.00",IPO Elbow 1 313 0648906 Outlet,Front,2.50"w/2.50"Plumbing 1 Fitting,Outlet-2.50"NST with 90 degree swivel Drain,Front Outlet-Automatic Location,Front,Single-top of left bumper 314 0516777 Outlet,Rear,2.50",(1),Thru Tank,PUC 1 Qty,Discharges-01 Location,Outlet-b)left side 315 0045091 Elbow,Rear Outlets,45 Degree,2.50"FNST x 2.50"MNST,VLH 1 316 0537394 Not Required,Outlet,Rear,Additional,PUC 1 317 0537395 Not Required,Elbow,Rear Outlets,Additional 1 318 0752097 Caps/Plugs for 1.00"to 3.00'Discharges/Inlets,Chain 1 319 0723042 Valve,0.75"Bleeder,Discharges,"T"Swing Handle 1 320 0516280 Outlet,3.00'Deluge w/2.50"Valve,w/TFT Extend-a-Gun XG18,PUC 1 321 0543581 Monitor,Elkhart Stinger 8297-10,No Ground Base 1 Monitor Finish-Painted by OEM 322 0046997 Nozzle.Elkhart ST-194,Stacked Tips and 282 A Shaper 1 323 0544561 Mount,Elkhart#8298(for Elkhart Stinger),Adapter,Flange 1 324 0750982 Crossley Module,Full Width,Roll Up Doors,PUC 1 325 0749510 Doors,Crossley,Roll-up Gortite,Each End,Full Height,PUC 1 Color.Roll-up Door,Gortite-Painted to Match Lower Body Latch,Roll-up Door,Gortite-Non-Locking Liftbar Drip Pan-Drip Pan Not Required 326 0747660 Lights,Crossley Compt,Forward LED,2Lts 1 327 0750916 Two 1.50"Crosslays 1 Crosslay/Deadiay/Speedlay Capacity 1 -200'of 1.75"double jacket hose 328 0750900 One 2.50"Crossley 1 Crosslay/Deadlay/Speedlay Capacity 1 -200'of 2.50"double jacket hose 329 0044333 Foam System Not Required 1 330 0012126 Not Required,CAF Compressor 1 331 0552517 Not Required,Refill,Foam Tank 1 332 0042573 Not Required,Foam System Demonstration 1 333 0045465 Not Required,Foam Tanks 1 334 0091110 Not Required,Foam Tank Drain 1 335 0091079 Not Required,Foam Tank#2 1 336 0091112 Not Required,Foam Tank#2 Drain 1 337 0738072 Approval Dwg,Pump Panel(s),Not Required 1 338 0032479 Pump Panel Configuration,Control Zone 1 339 0516975 Material,Pump Panels,Operators Brushed Stainless,Sides Brushed Stainless, 1 PUC 340 0516978 Pump and Plumbing Access,Simple Tilt Service, PUC 1 341 0618458 Light,Pump Compt,Win 3SCOCDCR LED White,PUC 1 Qty,-01 342 0516983 Gauges,Engine,Included With Pierce Pressure Controller,PUC 1 343 0005601 Throttle,Engine. Incl'd w/Press Controller 1 344 0739224 Indicator Light @ Pump Panel,Throttle Ready,Ind w/Pressure Gov/Throttle,Green 1 345 0549333 Indicators,Engine,Included with Pressure Controller 1 346 0511078 Gauges,4.00'Master,Class 1,30"-0-600psi 1 347 0511100 Gauge,2.00"Pressure,Class 1,30'-0-400ps1 1 348 0750526 Gauge,Water Level,Pierce,In pressure Controller,Lt Driver 1 349 0750438 Water Level Gauge,Win PSTANK2,LED 1-Light,4-Level 2 Qty,-02 Activation,Water Level G-pb)parking brake is applied Location,Water Level Gauge,Multi-Select-Each Side Custom Cab Color,Trim-Chrome Trim 350 0006774 Not Required,Foam Level Gauge 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 11 Une Option Type Option Description Qty 351 0653081 Light,Pump Operator&Panel,Side Ctrt,PUC,60354C LED Cab&LED OH Chr 1 Cvr 352 0606694 Air Horns,(2)Hadley,6"Round,eTone,In Bumper 1 353 0606835 Location,Air Horns,Bumper,Each Side,Outside Frame,Outboard(Pos#1 &#7) 1 354 0757092 Control,Air Horn,Multi Select 1 355 0757080 Control,Air Horn,Ft Sw,RS 1 356 0757084 Control,Air Horn,Horn Ring 1 357 0525667 Siren,Win 295SLSA1, 100 or 200 Watt 1 358 0510206 Location,Elect Siren,Recessed Overhead In Console 1 Location,Elec Siren-Overhead.DS Center Sw Pnl 359 0076156 Control,Elec Siren,Head Only 1 360 0601306 Speaker.(1)Win,SA315P,w/Plerce Polished Stainless Steel Grille,100 watt 1 Connection,Speaker-siren head 361 0601565 Location,Speaker,Frt Bumper,Recessed.Center(Poe 4) 1 362 0895310 Siren,Federal Q2B 1 Finish,Q2B Siren-Chrome 363 0006095 Siren,Mechanical.Mounted Above Deckplate 1 Location,Siren,Mech-a)Left 364 0748305 Control,Mech Siren,Multi Select 1 365 0895056 Control Mech Siren,Ft Sw LS,Interlock 1 Control,Interlocks-E Master On 366 0895055 Control Mech Siren,Ft Sw RS,Interlock 1 Control,Interlocks-E Master On 367 0740391 Sw,Siren Brake,Momentary Chrome Push Button,RS 1 368 0748353 Not Required,Warning Lights Intensity 1 369 0607496 Lightbar,Win,Freedom N-Q,81",RRRRRRRWRRWRRRRRRR 1 Filter,Whl Freedom Ltbrs-No Filters 370 0016380 No Additional Lights Req'd,Side Zone Upper 1 371 0630104 Lights,Front Zone,Win 6RB"LED,In Common Bezel 1 Color,Lens,LED's-c)ctear Color,Lt DS Front-Red Color,Lt PS Front-Red 372 0653937 Flasher,Headlight Alternating 1 HeadIt flash deactivation-a)w/high beam 373 0540692 Side Zone Lower Lights,Whelan M6 1 Location,Lights Front Side-Welsch side bumper Color,Lt Side Front-Red Color,Lt Side Middle-Red Color,Lt Side Rear-Red Location,Lights Mid Side-Rearward of Crew Cab Doors Location,Lights Rear Side-Over Rear Wheels 374 0895651 Lights,Door Interior Flash,4 Dr Cab,Win 2F"00Z1R,4"Round 1 Color,Lens,LEDs-Clear Color,Trim-Chrome Trim Control,Door Int Flash-None(Doors only) Location,Light,Door Int Flash-Low and Outside Color,Lt Cab Left-Red Flashing Color,Lt Cab Right-Red Flashing Color,Lt Crew Cab Left-Red Flashing Color,Lt Crew Cab Right-Red Flashing 375 0895609 Connectors,Door Interior Flash,All Cabs,Butt Splice 1 376 0745867 Lights,Side,Win M9"LED,Tmt Fet 1st 2 Location,Lights-One(1)Each side of body,High and Forward of Scene Light Qty,-02 Color,Lights,Warning-Red Control,Light-b)side warning Color,Lens,LED's-Clear Color,Trim-Chrome Trim 377 0564655 Lights,Rear Zn Lwr,Win M6'C LED,Clear Lens,For Tail Lt Housing 1 Color,Lt DS Rear-r)DS Rear Lt Red Color,Lt PS Rear-r)PS Rear Ll Red 378 0541155 Lights,Rear/Side Up Zone,Win M9'C LED,Clear Lens 41ts 1 Color,Lt,Side Rear Upper DS-Side Rear Upper Red 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 12 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 378 Color,Lt,Side Rear Upper PS-Side Rear Upper Red Color,Lt,Rear Upper DS-r)DS Rear Upper Red Color,Lt,Rear Upper PS-r)PS Upper Rear Red 379 0006551 Not Required,Lights,Rear Upper Zone Blocking 1 380 0590000 No Hose Bed Warn Light Brackets Req'd,Lights Mtd on Hatch/Body Comets,PUC 1 381 0791528 Light,Traffic Directing,Win TAL65,36.00"Long,TACTL5 1 Activation,Traffic Dir L-Not Connected 382 0551728 Location,Traf Dir Lt,Recessed with S/S Trim 1 383 0530282 Location,Traf Dir Lt Controller,Overhead Switch Panel DS Right End 1 384 0779716 Receptacle,15/20A 120V 3-Pr 3-Wr,NEMA 5-20R SB Dup,4th,Interior Body 1 Qty,-01 Location 1-TBD AC Power Source-Shoreline Cover,Receptacle-Interior SS Wall Plate(s) 385 0779722 Receptacle, 15/20A 120V 3-Pr 3-Wr,NEMA 5-20R SB Dup,1st,Interior Body 1 Qty.-01 Location 1 -TBD AC Power Source-Shoreline Cover,Receptacle-Interior SS Wall Plate(s) 386 0779717 Receptacle. 15/20A 120V 3-Pr 3-Wr,NEMA 5-20R SB Dup,3rd,Interior Body 1 Qty,-01 Location 1 -TBD AC Power Source-Shoreline Cover,Receptacle-interior SS Wall Plate(s) 387 0779718 Receptacle, 15/20A 120V 3-Pr 3-Wr,NEMA 5-20R SB Dup,2nd,Interior Body 1 Qty,-01 Location 1-TBD AC Power Source-Shoreline Cover,Receptacle-Interior SS Wall Plate(s) 388 0519934 Not Required,Brand,Hydraulic Tool System 1 389 0649753 Not Required,PTO Driven Hydraulic Tool System 1 390 0007150 Bag of Nuts and Bolts 1 Qty,Bag Nuts and Bolts-1 391 0602516 NFPA Required Loose Equipment,Pumper,NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire 1 Department 392 0087022 Hose,6.00"Soft Suction-15 Ft.Long 1 393 0602390 Strainer,Provided by Fire Department,Pumper NFPA 2016 Classification 1 394 0602538 Extinguisher,Dry Chemical,Pumper NFPA 2016 Class,Provided by Fire 1 Department 395 0602360 Extinguisher,2.5 Gal.Pressurized Water,Pumper NFPA 2016,Provided by Fire 1 Dept 396 0602679 Axe,Flathead,Pumper NFPA 2016 Classification,Provided by Fire Department 1 397 0602667 Axe,Pickhead,Pumper NFPA 2016 Classification,Provided by Fire Department 1 398 0741569 Paint Process I Environmental Requirements,Appleton 1 399 0709566 Paint,Two-Tone Color,Enforcer 1 Paint Color,Upper Area,Predefined-#10 White Shield,Cab-Standard Shield Paint Color,Lower Area,Predefined-#90 Red Paint Break,Cab-Standard Two-Tone Cab Break 400 0709845 Single Color Body Paint 1 Paint,Body-Match Lower Cab 401 0646901 Paint Chassis Frame Assy,With Liner,E-Coat,Standard 1 Paint Color,Frame Assembly,Predefined-Gloss Black 402 0693797 No Paint Required,Aluminum Front Wheels 1 403 0693792 No Paint Required,Aluminum Rear Wheels 1 404 0733739 Paint,Axle Hubs 1 Paint,Axle Hub-Lower Job Color 405 0007230 Compartment,Painted,Spatter Gray 1 406 0544129 Reflective Band, 1°-6"-1" 1 Color,Reflect Band-A-a)white Color,Reflect Band-B-I)white Color,Reflect Band-C-w)white 407 0007356 Reflective across Cab Face 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 13 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 408 0593732 Stripe,Chevron,Rear,Diamond Grade,Pumper,PUC 1 Color,Rear Chevron DG-fluorescent yellow green 409 0027341 Jog.In Reflective Stripe.Single or Multiple 1 Qty,-1 410 0017359 Stripe,Black Outline,Vinyl on Reflective Band 3 Qty,-03 411 0545179 Stripe,Diamond Grade,Chevron,Front Bumper 1 Size,Chevron Striping-06 Color,Chevron DG-Red Color,Chevron DG-B-Yellow Green,Fluorescent 412 0077830 Stop Sign,Reflective,Cab Doors Interior 1 413 0680371 Stripe,Gold Leaf,Two-Tone Paint Break with Shield,IPO Chrome Molding 1 414 0027285 Stripe,Gold Leaf,Side of Cab,Low and Over Fender 1 415 0027372 Lettering Specifications,(GOLD STAR Process) 1 416 0686426 Lettering,Gold Leaf,3.00",(61-80) 1 Outline,Lettering-Outline and Shade 417 0017773 Stripe,Gold Leaf,Side of Body,Over Fender Only,Single Axle 1 418 0685978 Lettering,Reflective,18.00',Each 2 Qty,Lettering-02 Outline,Lettering-Outline and Shade 419 0685558 Lettering,Printed Effect Gold Leaf,5.00",(21-40) 1 Outline,Lettering-Outline and Shade 420 0685527 Lettering,Printed Effect Gold Leaf, 11.00",(21-40) 1 Outline,Lettering-Outline and Shade 421 0686013 Lettering,Reflective,6.00",Each 6 Qty,Lettering-06 Outline,Lettering-Outline and Shade 422 0037228 Lettering,Reflective,'Dial 911'Inset In Reflective Band,Pair 1 Location-RS1/LS1 Color,Lettering-a)white 423 0056505 Emblem,"Honoring America's Bravest'w/Helmet,Color Image,Std,Pair 1 Qty,-1 Location,Emblem-One(1)Each side of Cab above Fixed Crew cab window/EMS door 424 0769753 Emblem,American Flag Painted on Cab Grille,All Custom Chassis 1 425 0772003 Manual,Fire Apparatus Parts,USB Rash Drive,Custom 1 Qty,-01 426 0772037 Manual,Chassis Service,USB Flash Drive,Custom 1 Qty,-01 427 0773381 Manual,Chassis Operation,(1)USB Flash Drive,Custom 1 428 0030008 Warranty,Basic, 1 Year,Apparatus.WA0008 1 429 0735523 Warranty,Engine,Paccar MX13,5 Year 1 430 0684953 Warranty,Steering Gear,Sheppard M110,3 Year WA0201 1 431 0596017 Warranty,Frame,50 Year,Custom Chassis,WA0013 1 432 0595698 Warranty,Axle,3 Year,TAK-4,WA0050 1 433 0610485 Warranty,Axle,Eaton/Dana,5 Year/100,000 Mile,Parts and Labor 1 434 0652758 Warranty,ABS Brake System,3 Year,Mentor Wabco,WA0232 1 435 0019914 Warranty,Structure, 10 Year,Custom Cab,WA0012 1 436 0744240 Warranty,Paint, 10 Year,Cab,Pro-Rate.WA0055 1 437 0647720 Warranty,Pierce LED Strip Lights,WA0203 1 438 0046369 Warranty,5-year EVS Transmission,Standard Custom,WA0187 1 439 0685945 Warranty,Transmission Cooler,WA0216 1 440 0688798 Warranty.Water Tank,Lifetime,UPF,Poly Tank,WA0195 1 441 0596025 Warranty,Structure, 10 Year,Body,WA0009 1 442 0693127 Warranty,Gortite,Roll-up Door,6 Year,WA0190 1 443 0889364 Warranty,Pump,Pierce,PUC-NG,7 Year Parts, 1 Year Labor,WA0390 1 444 0648675 Warranty,10 Year S/S Pumbing,WA0035 1 445 0641372 Warranty,Foam System,Not Available 1 446 0595820 Warranty,Paint, 10 Year,Body,Pro-Rate,WA0057 1 447 0595421 Warranty,Goldstar,3 Year,Apparatus,WA0018 1 448 0683627 Certification,Vehicle Stability,CD0156 1 449 0808565 Certification,Engine Installation,Enf,Paccar MX,2027 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 14 Line Option Type Option Description Qty 450 0686786 Certification,Power Steering,CD0098 1 451 0892691 Certification,Cab Integrity,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0189 1 452 0631973 Certification,Cab Door Durability,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0137 1 453 0631978 Certification,Windshield Wiper Durability,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0132 1 454 0556828 Certification,Electric Window,Not Available 1 455 0631977 Certification,Seat Belt Anchors and Mounting,Saber FR/Enforcer,CD0134 1 456 0735949 Certification,Cab HVAC System Performance,SFR/Enf, 1 C00165/C00167/CD0174/C00175 457 0545073 Amp Draw Report,NFPA Current Edition 1 458 0002758 Amp Draw,NFPANLC Radio Allowance 1 459 0799248 Appleton/Florida BTO 1 480 0000048 PUMPER/TANKER,3rd Gen 1 461 0000012 PIERCE CHASSIS 1 462 0735525 PACCAR MX13 ENGINE 1 463 0046396 EVS 4000 Series TRANSMISSION 1 464 0520324 PIERCE PUMP,PUC 1 465 0020009 POLY TANK 1 466 0028047 NO FOAM SYSTEM 1 467 0020006 SIDE CONTROL 1 468 0020007 AKRON VALVES 1 469 0020014 FRONT SUCTION 1 470 0020015 ABS SYSTEM 1 471 0658751 PUMPER BASE 1 5/2/2023 12:08 PM Bid#: 1126 Page 15 <A> MACQUEEN < Pzeice.rEMERGENCY MINNESOTA ILLINOIS INDIANA MISSOURI NEBRASKA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA EM-102 May 2, 2023 Fire Chief Shawn Grant City of Jeffersonville Fire Department 2204 E 10'" Street Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Subject Proposal for one (1) Pierce Enforcer 100' Ascendant Aerial Tower, Bid 1138 & One (1) Pierce Enforcer PUC Pumper Bid 1126 Dear Fire Chief Grant, With regard to the above subject, please find attached our completed proposal. Pricing Summary: Sale Price - $2,254,550.00' -Enforcer 100' Ascendant Aerial Tower $1.263.675.00' - Enforcer PUC Pumper $3,518,225.00* -Total Sale Price 'Houston-Galveston Area Council(HGAC) Consortium Pricing. 100% Performance Bond: Should the City of Jeffersonville Fire Department elect to have us provide a Performance Bond $9.811 00 will need to be added to the above total sale price. 100% Prepayment Option: Prepayment option(s) may be requested at anytime during the build process. Terms and Conditions: Taxes - Not Applicable Freight - F.O B -Appleton, WI / Shipping to Jeffersonville. IN Terms - Net due prior to vehicle(s) release at the Pierce Manufacturing Plant (Appleton. WI) Delivery - 38 -46.5 months from receipt and acceptance of contract. <1> es MACQUEEN 41: Pli 4. EMERGENCY rtet•LVIP Lint NW OtnrN: MINNESOTA ILLINOIS INDIANA MISSOURI NEBRASKA NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA Said apparatus and equipment are to be built and shipped in accordance with the specifications hereto attached, delays due to strikes, war, or international conflicts. or other causes beyond our control not preventing, could alter the delivery schedule_ Thespecifications herein contained, shall form a part of the final contract. and are subject to changes as desired by the purchaser. provided such changes are acknowledged and agreed to in writing by the purchaser. This proposal for fire apparatus conforms with all Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) rules and regulations in effect at the time of bid. and with all National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Guidelines for Automotive Fire Apparatus as published at the time of bid. except as modified by customer specifications The attached proposal is valid until May 4, 2023. Alter May 4, 2023, Sale Price increases to approximately S3,562.203.00 We trust the above and the enclosed to be full and complete at this time: however should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 618-534-8583 or tun learnedi macqueengroup corn We wish to thank the City of Jeffersonville Fire Department for the opportunity to submit our proposal. Respectfully. rtvn, Ler Tim Learned Apparatus Sales MacQueen Equipment LLC DBA MacQueen Emergency Group