HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-OR-67 HEALTH CAgE BF~N~'~IT 09DISTANCE FOR RETI~ED CITY EM;~L0~fEES AND/OR CI~ ELECTED OFFICIALS WHEREAS THE COMMON COUNCII, of t~e 0i~y of ~efferson- ville, desires ~o extemd ~ealth care benefits re~irod city employees amd/or c~ty office bol~ers, amd WHtREAS, the 0ommo~ 0o,,moil of ~be C~ty of Jeffersom- ville recog~izes %~:e escalatimg costs of ~ealt~ care WHEREAS, the City of Jefferso~ville presem~!y offers its emoloyecs and/or elec2od officials he~lt~ c~re ben~fits dur- i~'~f~ their em~.~loy~ent for t~e City of Jeffersonville, wO~, THEREEORE, BE IT O~DAI~ED by the C0~IOM CO!~NCIL of the City of Jeffors ~)vi].le, State of Iru~iaua, as followers: SECTION ~1 DEFI~ITI0VS 1. City of Jeffe~sonville shall mean 2he coreora~e City of Jeffe~so~vil]e, Clark Co~uty, State of 2. Re~ired p~usom shall meau a~y employee of %be City of Jeff~rsouville w~o bas attair~e~ a~ leas~ te~ (10) years of service ss au employee of sai.~ city puior %o ue%irimE from said e~pl o ~eu t. ]. ~lected of]ce hol~er s~all meau auy peusom or pemsous du]_y electe~'~ to any office of the City of .Iefforsonville, said ~lected officials bei~]{~ as follows: the Mayor, the City Clerk- T~-ess~:]~or~ the City Ju{]g~e, a member of the Common Cou~cil. For purposes of health care coverage hereinaftor described i.n t}~is 0rdins~'~ce, said elect.:~d offic'}~al shall have s~rved as an elected official for a total of eight (8) years prior to leaving his or her elected office. 4. Insurance shall mean health care benefit pre~iums provided for and paid by the City of Jeffersonville. -2- 5. Eligible C~ty employee or olfmc., a city employee or office bolder who has holder shall mean not yet attained ~be age of sixty-five (65) years and is not receivipg Medi- care, ~edicaid or amy disability insurance coverage. SECTION ~2 The Com~om Co!~cil for the City of Jeffersonville hereby ordains that a retired City employee shall be eligible to receive One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per month payable by the City of Jeffersonville to be aoplied to said employee's health care insurance ~remium, whether said employee partici- pates in a single insurance plan or family insurance plan tbrough t~e City of Jeffel~sonville [!rovided, however, that said ins~rance plam through the City of Jeffersonville repre- sents the employee's amd/or elected official's primary insur- ance carrier and furt~r conditioned that said employee and/or elected official does not receiv~ insurance coverage pursuant to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security disability or other disability benefit plans. SECTION #3 Provided that said emoloyee qualifies under the terms of this Ordinance, t~e City of Jeffersomville s~all pay One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1~0.00) per mo~tb of the employee's insurance premium. The e~ap!oy'ee shall be responsible for the balance of said monthly premium. If said employee receives his or her retirement b:~mefits directly from the City, the balance of the premium over a~d above said One Hundred Fifty 6ollars ($1~0.00) may be deducted from the employee's check pursua~}t to payroll deduction. If said employee is covered under the Indiana Public ~nployee's Retirement Fund or any other public retirement fund, it shall be tbe duty of said employee to pay the monthly installments over and above the 6ne Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1~0.00) directly to the Clerk~ Treasurer of the City of Jefferson llle. SECTION...I~~ This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its timely passage, promulgation and a~proval by the Mayor. Passed and adopted by the Co~mnon Council of t~e City of Jeffersomville, Clark County, State of I~diana, on the day of ~c~-. , 1991. /'JAMES L. CARTER P~,ESIDENT, CO~ON COUNCIL ATTEST: C. RIG}lARD SPEN~LR, ~. CLERK-TREASURE~ Presented by me as Clerk-Treas~rer to City of Jeffera~nville this ~ day of 1991. the Mayor of said C L ERK - T R EASUR l~ This Ordinance approved and signed by me this day of ~.~. , 1991.