HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-OR-36 ORDINANCE REQUIRING REPA VEMENT AFrER EXCAVATING IN SJ.REET WHEREAS, utility companies, contractors, individuals and other entities in the City of Jeffersonville often times cause excavations to be created in the roadways in the City of Jeffersonville; and- WHEREAS, the City of Jeffersonville has an obligation to maintain its streets and roads. . NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFfERSONVILLE, INDIANA that any utility eompallY, contractor, individual or entity, w~lether or not acting as an agent or employee of the City of Jeffersonville, who causes an excavation in a paved roadway in the City ofJeffersonville to be dug shall be required to repair the roadway pursuant to the cross section depicted in Diagram A which appears below. However, should the excavation consist of more than 100' in length (such as a trench) the excavation shall be repaired pursuant to the cross section depicted in Diagram B below. The repairs as specified herein shall be completed as soon as practical within tile current paving season. PENALTIES Failure of any utility company, conll'actor, individual or entity to abide by the requirements of this Ordinance shall make the utility company, contractor, individual or entity subject to the following penalties: a. The utility company, contractor, h~dividual or entity who fails to do the repair work rcquired in a timcly manner shall be denied any further permits for sllch cuts or other paving until the required repairs shall be completed in the manner set forth herein; b. The utility company, contractor, individual or entity shall be responsible for any costs of repair undertaken pursuant to this Ordinance;: ~ c. The utility company, contractor, individual or entity shal! be liable for an legal expenses of the City of Jeffcrsonville in enforcing the terms of this ordinancc; and J. The utility cornpany, contractor, h:Jivid',1::1 or entity shau be fined in ~n: anlounl (If $1.500.00 for each! 00 H~Harc foot of rO:1d s("rvice arcavv'hich is not repaired in (he manllcr set forlh herein. So far as this Ordinance cont.radicts Ordinance No. 87 -OR~25 (Section 96.39 of the City of Jeffersonville Code of Ordinances), tile of the previously enacted Ordinance is repealed. This Ordinance shall become effective fifteen (1.5) days after its passage by the Common Council, approval by the Mayor and last publication. Passed and adopted by the Common Council of City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Slale of Indiana. on tile k day of .:z:;: 4, , 1992. . '~. ~.....'\. \ . .... ..: j \ . ,~J__ . )ij)Jl_' AfNDREW WILLIAMS, III . pi~S1DENT, ~.oMMON COUNCIL ATTEST: This Ordinance approved and signed by me this ..;:To 'i, 1992. /LI day of R.,MAYOR .. t' HAC SURFACE [. .' . ".:". .~' ,",' a" CONCRfJ'E .~. '. ".~,', ... . . .'. .. 4." \..w:>..: .'....:,;..;.t~:..:/.;, f'rvD) ......,.. '. 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