of Southern Indiana
Key Accomplishments over the Last Year
Fall of 2019
City of Jeffersonville and City of New Albany
• The Homeless Coalition has diversified its revenue stream to include membership
investment,individual donations,faith-based contributions,and more grant funding.
• The White Flag shelter has had nearly 1,500 visits over 168 nights to the shelter the last
three seasons.More than 200 community volunteers donated over 5,000 hours. 171
individuals served through the program.Partnerships resulted in vaccines,HIV testing,
medical care,free transportation,and facilities.
• The Coalition coordinated the Point in Time Count in 2019,the annual count of street and
sheltered homeless individuals.Through coordination and collaboration,the number of
surveyed individuals increased from 178 in 2018 to 283 in 2019.The true count is the
PIT Count multiplied between 5-10 times per private developers and IHCDA,
• The Coalition has secured a multi-year grant from the Community Foundation of
Southern Indiana to streamline the entry into services.To date,the project has
successfully piloted a community facing platform to quickly connect individuals to
resources.White Flag served as the pilot site. 17 service providers participated in the
pilot.The service provider communication tool to track referrals and increase service
provider accountability is on track to pilot in September. IHCDA and their software
vendor,@Work Solutions have completed the customization of their software for the
pilot and will be doing training before the pilot.The goal is for both platforms to be
tested once more at the White Flag shelter this season.
• The Homeless Coalition continues to have monthly membership meetings with
representation from: LifeSpring,St.Elizabeth's,Volunteers of America,Center for
Women and Families,Re:Center Ministries,Nomad Church Collective,New Albany
Housing Authority,WorkOne,CASI,Hope Southern Indiana,Blue River Services,
Hoosier Hills PACT,Access Ventures,TARC,IHCDA,IUS,Southeast Christian
Church,Central Christian Church,local foundations,philanthropic groups,civic
organizations,and other faith-based entities.