HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDOT https://portatidem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenasp IDEMIndiana Department of Environments Management j,966 We Protect Hoosiers and Our Environment. 100 North Senate Avenue - Indianapolis, IN 46204 (800)451-6027 -(317)232-8603 -www.idem.IN.gov City of Jeffersonville River Hills EDD & RPC Mike Moore Nicholas Creevy 500 Quartermaster Ct. 300 Spring St. Suite 250 Suite 2a Jeffersonville , IN 47130 Jeffersonville , IN 47130 Date Dear Grant Administrator or Other Finance Approval Authority: RE: The project is a IOCRA grant applicant for Main Street Revitalization - streetscape imp will occur in the "hospital" segment of Spring Street from 10th Street to about the 14th Work will include sidewalk improvements, pedestrian upgrades at crosswalks and Intel outs, improved lighting, some tree planting, bus shelters, milling and repaving the stre( The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is aware that many local gi profit entities are seeking grant monies, a bond issuance, or another public funding mechar portion of the cost of a public works, infrastructure, or community development project. IDE order to be eligible for such funding assistance, applicants are required to first evaluate the their particular project may have on the environment. In order to assist applicants seeking E and to ensure that such projects do not have an adverse impact on the environment, IDEM following list of environmental issues that each applicant must consider in order to minimize in compliance with all relevant state laws. IDEM recommends that each applicant consider the following issues when moving forward also requests that, in addition to submitting the information requested above, each applicar certification, attesting to the fact that they have read the letter in its entirety, agree to abide of the letter, and to apply for any permits required from IDEM for the completion of their pro IDEM recommends that any person(s) intending to complete a public works, infrastructure, development project using any public funding consider each of the following applicable recc requirements: 1 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM haps://portal.idem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenaspx WATER AND BIOTIC QUALITY 1. Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires that you obtain a permit from the U.S. A (USACE) before discharging dredged or fill materials into any wetlands or other watE streams, and ditches. Other activities regulated include the relocation, channelizatior alteration of a stream, and the mechanical clearing (use of heavy construction equips as a project owner or sponsor, it is your responsibility to ensure that no wetlands are proper permit. Although you may initially refer to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service N Inventory maps as a means of identifying potential areas of concern, please be mind not depict jurisdictional wetlands regulated by the USACE or the Department of Envi A valid jurisdictional wetlands determination can only be made by the USACE, using Delineation Manual. USACE recommends that you have a consultant check to determine whether your pi within, a wetland area. To view a list of consultants that have requested to be includE USACE on their Web site, see USACE Permits and Public Notices (http://www.lrl.us /orf/default.asp) (http://www.lrl.usace.army.mil/orf/default.asp (http://www.lrl.usace.ai and then click on "Information" from the menu on the right-hand side of that page. Tr the fourth entry down on the "Information" page. Please note that the USACE posts request to appear on the list, and that inclusion of any particular consultant on the lis endorsement of that consultant by the USACE, or by IDEM. Much of northern Indiana (Newton, Lake, Porter, LaPorte, St. Joseph, Elkhart, LaGrE Dekalb counties; large portions of Jasper, Starke, Marshall, Noble, Allen, and Adams portions of Benton, White, Pulaski, Kosciusko, and Wells counties) is served by the l Detroit (313-226-6812). The central and southern portions of the state (large portion; Pulaski, Kosciosko, and Wells counties; smaller portions of Jasper, Starke, Marshall Adams counties; and all other Indiana counties located in north-central, central, and served by the USACE Louisville District Office (502-315-6733). Additional information on contacting these U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) [ government agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands, and other water quality issues, http://www.in.gov/idem/4396.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4396.htm). IDEM recomme wetlands and other water resources be avoided to the fullest extent. 2. In the event a Section 404 wetlands permit is required from the USACE, you also m. Water Quality Certification from the IDEM Office of Water Quality. To learn more abol certification program, visit: http://www.in.gov/idem/4384.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/ 3. If the USACE determines that a wetland or other body of water is isolated and not su 2 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM https://portal.idem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenaspx regulation, it is still regulated by the state of Indiana . A state isolated wetland permit Water Quality is required for any activity that results in the discharge of dredged or fil wetlands. To learn more about isolated wetlands, contact the Office of Water Quality 4. If your project will impact more than 0.5 acres of wetland, stream relocation, or other bodies of water such as the creation of a dam or a water diversion, you should seek Office of Water Quality, Wetlands staff at 317-233-8488. 5. Work within the one-hundred year floodway of a given body of water is regulated by Natural Resources, Division of Water. Contact this agency at 317-232-4160 for furth( 6. The physical disturbance of the stream and riparian vegetation, especially large tree: affected water bodies should be limited to only that which is absolutely necessary to shade provided by the large overhanging trees helps maintain proper stream temper oxygen for aquatic life. 7. For projects involving construction activity (which includes clearing, grading, excavat disturbing activities) that result in the disturbance of one (1), or more, acres of total l� Office of Water Quality — Watershed Planning Branch (317/233-1864) regarding the I Storm Water Runoff Permit. Visit the following Web page o http://www.in.gov/idem/4902.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4902.htm) To obtain, and operate under, a Rule 5 permit you will first need to develop a Constri (http://www.in.gov/idem/4917.htm#constreq (http://www.in.gov/idem/4917.htm#const 327 IAC 15-5-6.5 (http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/T03270/A00150 [PDF] (http://wwv /iac/T03270/A00150.PDF), pages 16 through 19). Before you may apply for a Rule 5 construction, you must submit your Construction Plan to your county Soil and Water (SWCD) (http://www.in.gov/isda/soil/contacts/map.html (http://www.in.gov/isda/soil/c( Upon receipt of the construction plan, personnel of the SWCD or the Indiana Departr Management will review the plan to determine if it meets the requirements of 327 IA( deemed deficient will require re-submittal. If the plan is sufficient you will be notified the verification to IDEM as part of the Rule 5 Notice of Intent (NOI) submittal. Once c of the SWCD or Indiana Department of Environmental Management will perform insr the site for compliance with the regulation. Please be mindful that approximately 149 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System ( being established by various local governmental entities throughout the state as part Phase II federal storm water requirements. All of these MS4 areas will eventually tak Construction Plan review, inspection, and enforcement. As these MS4 areas obtain K 3 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM https://portal.idem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenasp IDEM, they will be added to a list of MS4 areas posted on the IDEM Website at: http: /idem/4900.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4900.htm). If your project is located in an IDEM-approved MS4 area, please contact the local M; meeting their storm water requirements. Once the MS4 approves the plan, the NOI c IDEM. Regardless of the size of your project, or which agency you work with to meet storm IDEM recommends that appropriate structures and techniques be utilized both durin! and after completion of the project, to minimize the impacts associated with storm wm appropriate planning and site development and appropriate storm water quality mea: to prevent soil from leaving the construction site during active land disturbance and f water quality concerns. Information and assistance regarding storm water related to available from the Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) offices in each coun 8. For projects involving impacts to fish and botanical resources, contact the Departme Division of Fish and Wildlife (317-232-4080) for additional project input. 9. For projects involving water main construction, water main extensions, and new publ the Office of Water Quality - Drinking Water Branch (317-308-3299) regarding the ne 10. For projects involving effluent discharges to waters of the State of Indiana , contact tl - Permits Branch (317-233-0468) regarding the need for a National Pollutant Dischar (NPDES) permit. 11. For projects involving the construction of wastewater facilities and sewer lines, conta Quality - Permits Branch (317-232-8675) regarding the need for permits. AIR QUALITY The above-noted project (see page 1) should be designed to minimize any impact on ambit the project area. The project must comply with all federal and state air pollution regulations given to the following: 1 . Regarding open burning, and disposing of organic debris generated by land clearing open burning are allowed under specific conditions (http://www.in.gov/idem/4148.htn /idem/4148.htm)). You also can seek an open burning variance from IDEM. IDEM generally recommends that you take vegetative wastes to a registered yard w< that the waste be chipped or shredded with composting on-site. You must register wi 2,000 pounds is to be composted; contact 317-232-0066). The finished compost can 4 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM https://portaLidem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenaspx or soil amendment. You also may bury any vegetative wastes (such as leaves, twigs trunks and stumps) on-site, although burying large quantities of such material can Ie; problems. 2. Reasonable precautions must be taken to minimize fugitive dust emissions from con activities. For example, wetting the area with water, constructing wind barriers, or tre chemical stabilizers (such as calcium chloride or several other commercial products) roads from unpaved areas should be minimized. If construction or demolition is conducted in a wooded area where blackbirds have rc buildings or building sections in which pigeons or bats have roosted for three to five measures should be taken to avoid an outbreak of histoplasmosis. This disease is c� Histoplasma capsulatum, which stems from bird or bat droppings that have accumul; to five years. The spores from this fungus become airborne when the area is disturb( infections over an entire community downwind of the site. The area should be wettec demolition of the project site. For more detailed information on histoplasmosis prevei contact the Acute Disease Control Division of the Indiana State Department of Healtl 3. The U.S. EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General recommend that people not have long- at levels above 4 pCi/L. For a county-by-county map of predicted radon levels in Indi http://www.in.gov/idem/4267.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4267.htm). The U.S. EPA further recommends that all homes and apartments (within three stork tested for radon. If in-home radon levels are determined to be 4 pCi/L or higher, then a follow-up test. If the second test confirms that radon levels are 4 pCi/L or higher, th recommends the installation of radon-reduction measures. For a list of qualified rado mitigation (or reduction) specialists, visit http://www. in.gov/isdh/regsvcs/radhealth /pdfs/radon_testers_mitigators_list.pdf (http://www.in.gov/isdh/regsvcs/radhealth /pdfs/radon_testers_mitigators_list.pdf). Also, is recommended that radon reduction l new homes, particularly in areas like Indiana that have moderate to high predicted re To learn more about radon, radon risks, and ways to reduce exposure, visit http://ww /radhealth/radon.htm (http://www.in.gov/isdh/regsvcs/radhealth/radon.htm), http://ww (http://www.in.gov/idem/4145.htm), or http://www.epa.gov/radon/index.html (http://wv /index.html). 4. With respect to asbestos removal, all facilities slated for renovation or demolition (ex that have four (4) or fewer dwelling units and which will not be used for commercial p inspected by an Indiana-licensed asbestos inspector prior to the commencement of demolition activities. If regulated asbestos-containing material (RACM) that may bec, 5 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM https://portal.idem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenaspx any subsequent demolition, renovation, or asbestos removal activities must be perfo the proper notification and emission control requirements. If no asbestos is found where a renovation activity will occur, or if the renovation invc 260 linear feet of RACM off of pipes, less than 160 square feet of RACM off of other less than 35 cubic feet of RACM off of all facility components, the owner or operator need to notify IDEM before beginning the renovation activity. For questions on asbestos demolition and renovation activities, you can also call IDE section at 1-888-574-8150. In all cases where a demolition activity will occur (even if no asbestos is found), the c still notify IDEM 10 working days prior to the demolition, using the form found at wwv /formsdiv/44593.pdf. Anyone submitting a renovation/demolition notification form will be billed a notificatio amount of friable asbestos containing material to be removed or demolished. Project removal of more than 2,600 linear feet of friable asbestos containing materials on pir or 400 cubic feet of friable asbestos containing material on other facility components $150 per project; projects below these amounts will be billed a fee of$50 per project quarterly basis. For more information about IDEM policy regarding asbestos removal and disposal, v /idem/4983.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4983.htm). 5. With respect to lead-based paint removal, IDEM encourages all efforts to minimize h based paint chips and dust. IDEM is particularly concerned that young children expo from learning disabilities. Although lead-based paint abatement efforts are not mand is conducted within housing built before January 1 , 1978 , or a child-occupied facility with all lead-based paint work practice standards, licensing and notification requirem information about lead-based paint removal, visit http://www.in.gov/idem/permits/guic /leadabatement.html (http://www.in.gov/idem/permits/guide/waste/leadabatement.htr 6. Ensure that asphalt paving plants are permitted and operate properly. The use of cut emulsion containing more than seven percent (7%) oil distillate, is prohibited during I through October. See 326 IAC 8-5-2 , Asphalt Paving Rule (http://www.ai.org/legislat /A00080.PDF (http://www.ai.org/legislative/iac/T03260/A00080.PDF)). 7. If your project involves the construction of a new source of air emissions or the modi. source of air emissions or air pollution control equipment, it will need to be reviewed 6 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM https://portal.idem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenaspx Quality (OAQ). A registration or permit may be required under 326 IAC 2 ( www.ai.or /a00020.pdf (http://www.ai.org/legislative/iac/t03260/a00020.pdf).). New sources that air pollutants may be subject to Section 112 of the Clean Air Act and corresponding governing hazardous air pollutants. 8. For more information on air permits, visit http://www.in.gov/idem/4223.htm (http://ww or to initiate the IDEM air permitting process, please contact the Office of Air Quality Day at (317) 233-0178 or oamprod at idem.in.gov. LAND QUALITY In order to maintain compliance with all applicable laws regarding contamination and/or prc IDEM recommends that: 1 . If the site is found to contain any areas used to dispose of solid or hazardous waste, Office of Land Quality (OLQ) at 317-308-3103. 2. All solid wastes generated by the project, or removed from the project site, need to b permitted solid waste processing or disposal facility. For more information, visit http:/ /idem/4998.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4998.htm). 3. If any contaminated soils are discovered during this project, they may be subject to c waste. Please contact the OLQ at 317-308-3103 to obtain information on proper disp 4. If Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) are found at this site, please contact the Industri at 317-308-3103 for information regarding management of any PCB wastes from this 5. If there are any asbestos disposal issues related to this site, please contact the Indu: OLQ at 317-308-3103 for information regarding the management of asbestos wastes addressed above, under Air Quality.) 6. If the project involves the installation or removal of an underground storage tank, or i from an underground storage tank, you must contact the IDEM Underground Storag( 317-308-3039( http://www.in.gov/idem/4999.htm (http://www.in.gov/idem/4999.htm)). FINAL REMARKS Should the applicant need to obtain any environmental permits in association with this prop mindful that IC 13-15-8 requires that they notify all adjoining property owners and/or occupy your submittal of each permit application. Applicants seeking multiple permits, may still mel requirement with a single notice if all required permit applications are submitted with the sa 7 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM https://portal.idem.in.gov/IDEMWebForms/envirolettenaspx Please note that this letter does not constitutes a permit, license, endorsement, or any oth€ part of either the Indiana Department of Environmental Management or any other Indiana s Should you have any questions relating to the content or recommendations of this letter, or questions about whether a more complete environmental review of your project should be c free to contact Steve Howell at (317) 232-8587, snhowell@idem.in.gov. Signature(s) of the Applicant I acknowledge that I am seeking grant monies, a bond issuance, or other public funding ME portion of the cost of the public works, infrastructure, or community development project as am working (possibly with others) to complete. Project Description The project is a IOCRA grant applicant for Main Street Revitalization - streetscape improve occur in the "hospital" segment of Spring Street from 10th Street to about the 14th Street in include sidewalk improvements, pedestrian upgrades at crosswalks and intersections, curb lighting, some tree planting, bus shelters, milling and repaving the street to include bike Ian With my signature, I do hereby affirm that I have read the letter from the Indiana Departmer Management that appears directly above. In addition, I understand that in order to complet4 am interested, with a minimum impact to the environment, I must consider all the issues ad aforementioned letter, and further, that I must obtain any required permits. Dated Signature of the Public Owner 11. Contact/Responsible Elected Official Mike Vloore Dated Signature of the Project Planner/Consultant Contact Person Nicholas Creevy 8 of 8 3/6/2019, 10:53 AM