On or about June 28th, 2019, the City of Jeffersonville intends to apply to the Indiana Office of
Community Rural Affairs for a grant from the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Main Street Revitalization Program. This program is funded by Title I of the federal Housing and
Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. These funds are to be used for a community
development project that will include the following activities: Streetscape and Public infrastructure
improvements including connecting existing and new sidewalks, enhanced crosswalks, curb bump outs,
curb ramps, way-finding signage, decorative lighting, additional tree planting, bus shelters, public art
display, bicycle lanes, and replacing the right turn lane at Hospital Blvd with pedestrian facilities. The
total amount of CDBG funds to be requested is $600,000.00. The amount of CDBG funds proposed to be
used for activities that will benefit low- and moderate-income persons is $257,220. The Applicant also
proposes to expend an estimated $150,000.00 in non-CDBG funds on the project. These non-CDBG
funds will be derived from the following sources: City of Jeffersonville cash on hand.
The City of Jeffersonville will hold a public hearing on April 15th, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., at the
Jeffersonville City Hall, Room 101, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, IN to provide interested
parties an opportunity to express their views on the proposed federally funded CDBG project. Persons
with disabilities or non-English speaking persons who wish to attend the public hearing and need
assistance should contact Nicholas Creevy, 300 Spring Street Ste. 2A,Jeffersonville, IN 47130, 812-288-
4624 not later than April 10th, 2019. Every effort will be made to make reasonable accommodations for
these persons.
Information related to this project will be available for review prior to the public hearing as of
April 4th, 2019 at the office the River Hills located at 300 Spring Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Interested citizens are invited to provide comments regarding these
issues either at the public hearing or by prior written statement. Written comments should be submitted to
300 Spring Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 no later than April 12th, 2019 in order to ensure placement of
such comments in the official record of the public hearing proceedings. A plan to minimize displacement
and provide assistance to those displaced has been prepared by the City of Jeffersonville and is also
available to the public. This project will result in no displacement of any persons or businesses. For
additional information concerning the proposed project, please contact Nicholas Creevy at 812-288-4624
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or write to River Hills located at 300 Spring Street, Ste. 2A
Jeffersonville,IN 47130.
City of Jeffersonville
500 Quartermaster Court
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Authorization of Submission
I certify that submission of this document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the lead applicant; that the
applicant has the legal capacity to carry out the proposed project; that the proposed project is designed to meet the
identified housing and community development needs of the community, including those of low- and moderate-income
persons; and that the proposed project will minimize the need for displacement of businesses and families and provide
reasonable benefits for those displaced. I also certify that the proposed project will be completed within eighteen (18)
months of award, if funded.
Signature, Chief Elected Official Date
Typed Name and Title: Mike Moore, Mayor