January 09, 2019
Attn: Andy Crouch
Project Name
City of Jeffersonville Utica Sellersburg Road Repairs
500 Quartermaster Ct, Suite 200 Utica Sellersburg Road
Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Sellersburg, IN
We are happy to present to you the following proposal for work to be performed. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact us. Thank you!
Repair two sections of Utica Sellersburg Road. Approx. 20' x 22' on each side of railroad
crossing in conjunction with proposed work for Southern Indiana Railroad.
1. Mill/edge key old asphalt as necessary, haul away spoils
2. Broom and tack
3. Wedge and level as necessary
4. Apply 2" surface asphalt
Total Price for this item: $5,800.00
Price Breakdown: Utica Sellersbur Road Re airs �8"�
/y P4VIN6 CO, INC.
Please find the following breakdown of all services we have provided in this proposal. This proposal originated on January,
09, 2019.Job Number: 18901
Item Description Cost
Repair two sections of Utica Sellersburg Road. Approx. 20'x 22'on each
1 side of railroad crossing in conjunction with proposed work for Southern $5,800.00
Indiana Railroad.
Total $5,800.00
Authorization to Proceed & Contract
You are hereby authorized to proceed with the work as identified in this contract. By signing and returning this contract, you
are authorized to proceed with the work as stated.
We understand that if any additional work is required different than stated in the this proposal/contract it must be in a new
contract or added to this contract.
Please see all attachments for special conditions that may pertain to aspects of this project.
CO.., INC_Proposal: Utica Sellersburg Road Re p airs SP4VING
Payment Terms
We agree to pay the total sum or balance in full 10 days after the completion of work.
I am authorized to approve and sign this project as described in this proposal as well as identified below with our payment
terms and options.
Date: ///& , 2>,
Andy Crouch Jeff Libs I President
City of Jeffersonville jeff@libspaving.com
500 Quartermaster Ct, Suite 200 C: 502-558-2760
Jeffersonville, IN, 47130 Libs Paving Company, Inc.
acrouchcityofjeff.net 6931 Atkins Road
C: 502-553-8822 Floyd Knobs, Indiana, 47119
0: 812-285-6415 P: 812-944-8942
F: 812-949-2806