THIS PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT("Agreement")is entered into as of this 21s'day of March,2017,
between the disco/funk/retro musical group known as 100%Poly and its members(collectively,"100%Poly")and
the employer listed below("Employer"). 100%Poly agrees to provide certain live musical performance services
at the performance and at the times listed below(the"Performance")for Employer,and Employer agrees to accept
and pay for the Performance,under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, which specifically
includes the terms and conditions set forth on the attached Exhibit A—Terms and Conditions.
A. Employer: Jeff Riverstage E. Setup Times: 5:00 p.m. Day of
B. Performance Jeff Riverstage F. Breakdown Times: Immediately after
Site: Performance
C. Performance August 10,2018 G. Sound System: Employer/SUP
D. Performance TBD H. Lighting: Employer/SUP
I. Stage: See Section 3(a)
Additional Performance Terms: Employer to provide access to Site and sound technicians in sufficient
time prior to Performance to allow 100% Poly to set up and sound check. 100% Poly headlining event;
exact times TBD. 100% Poly may have special guest musicians that require additional microphones
A. Guaranteed Payment: 51,200.00 E. Hybrid Payment: n/a
(Payment in Full Due
Immediately Prior to the
B. Deposit due upon execution $500.00 F. Free Tickets/Guest List: n/a
of this Agreement
C. Percentage of Ticket Sales: n/a G. Drinks/Supplies Allowance: See Section
D. Percentage of Door: n/a H. Hotel/Travel Allowance: n/a
Additional Payment Terms: Deposit due on signing; Balance due immediately prior to Performance
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the dates set
forth under their respective signatures,effective as of the date first written above.
100% Poly Employ
For 100%Poly by Robert H.Eichenberger,Member Printed Name: t; LL gca!!
Date: Title: €. l Se. j 19 5 r{MR 9624,IvI Date: (2.4 11 3
1. Definitions: to, lost. stolen, or damaged Equipment that arises from or during the setup,
a. 100%Poly has the meaning assigned to it in the Preamble. Performance, or breakdown. Employer shall wholly reimburse 100% Poly
b.Compensation means the full consideration owed to 100% Poly for the and/or its individual members for any bodily injury to members of 100%Poly
Performance,however paid,as provided in Section II. that arises from or during the Performance,setup,or breakdown.
c. Deposit has the meaning assigned to it in Section iI-B. 10. Cancellation.
d. Employer has the meaning assigned to it in Section I-A. a. Breach of the Agreement. 100%Poly may cancel the Pertbmiance for any
e. Equipment means any musical instruments. sound equipment, lighting Employer breach of this Agreement and shall be entitled to receive full
equipment,or any other tangible good that is provided by 100%Poly for the Compensation as if the Performance had occurred.
Performance. b.Cancellation by 100%Poly. If 100%Poly cancels the Performance at any
f. Gross Ticket Sales means the total number of tickets sold or distributed by time for any reason its only penalty shall be to forfeit the Compensation,
Employer for the Performance. including the Deposit;provided.however,that if 100%Poly cancels on the
g. Guaranteed Payment has the meaning assigned to it in Section II-A. day of the Performance due to a safety hazard to its members or its
h. Merchandise means any compact discs,digital video disc,clothing,apparel, Equipment, including, for example, inclement weather or dangerous
or any other tangible good that bears the name and/or likeness of 100%Poly. conditions,it shall be entitled to receive the lesser of(i)seventy-five percent
i. Performance has the meaning assigned to it in the Preamble and Section I. (75%)of the total Compensation or(ii)$2,000.00,in either case credit being
j. Performance Rights Organizations means the organizations that collect given for the Deposit if already paid.
copyright royalties,including ASCAP,BMi,and SESAC. c. Cancellation by Employer more than 60 days prior to Performance. if
k. Sound Check means an uninterrupted use of the Stage for rehearsal purposes Employer cancels inure than sixty(60)days prior to the Performance, 100%
after 100%Poly has fully set up its Equipment. Poly shall refund half the Deposit and keep half the Deposit as liquidated
1. Stage has the meaning assigned to it in Section 3(a). damages.
2. Compensation. d.Cancellation by Employer up to day of Performance. If Employer cancels
a. Regardless of the form of Compensation,Employer shall pay 100%Poly the between sixty (60) days of the Performance and the day prior to the
Deposit upon execution of this Agreement. Performance,100%Poly shall keep all of the Deposit as liquidated damages.
b. If the Compensation will be paid by Guaranteed Payment,Employer shall pay e. Cancellation by Employer on day of Performance. If Employer cancels on
the remainder of the Compensation immediately prior to the Performance. the day of Performance, Employer shall pay 100% Poly the lesser of(i)
100%Poly may cancel the Performance if the Compensation is not paid in seventy-five percent (75%)of the total Compensation or(ii)$2,000.00, in
full at the time of Performance. either case credit being given for Deposit if already paid.
c. if the Compensation of the Performance will be by percentage of ticket sales 11. Indemnification.
or door pursuant to Section H-C or H-D,then the following provisions will a. Third Parties. Employer shall indemnify and defend 100% Poly and its
apply: members for any and all damages, liabilities, losses,costs,penalties. fines,
i. If 100% Poly so requests, Employer shall provide written and the like resulting from any and all actions,claims,demands, or suits
documentation of the number of tickets sold, patrons admitted, and brought by third parties arising out of or relating to the Performance. These
receipts for any expenses claimed;and actions shall include, but not be limited to, intellectual property claims,
ii. Employer shall compensate 100%Poly based on Gross Ticket Sales or contract claims,and tort claims,unless directly caused by l00%Poly.
total patrons admitted within two (2) business days following the b.Copyright Royalties. Employer acknowledges that certain copyright
Performance. royalties may be owed to one or more Performance Rights Organizations due
3. Technical Requirements. to the Performance or the possible performance of cover songs. Employer,
a.Stage. Employer shall provide a performing space or stage(the"Stage"), and not 100%Poly, shall be solely responsible for obtaining all copyright
under cover or shelter,adequate to accommodate 100%Poly,but in no event performance licenses and for the payment and maintenance of all fees,
smaller than 12 feet deep by 16 feet across. royalties,and penalties which arc due or which may become due as a result of
b.Facilities. Employer shall provide a minimum of three 20-amp circuits or in relation to this Performance. Employer explicitly hereby fully
accessible from within 25 feet of thc Stage. indemnities and holds harmless 100%Poly and its members from any such
c.Setup. Employer shall allow 100% Poly adequate time to set up for the liabilities.
Performance according to Section i-E. c. Graphics. To thc extent that any pictures. videos, video clips, images,
ti.Security. Employer shall provide a safe environment at the Performance to marks, trademarks, slogans, or other material that may be trademarked,
protect 100%Poly front the audience, employees and guests of Employer, copyrighted, or subject to rights of privacy of or by third patties are used
sabotage,and/or flying objects. during or as part of the Performance,Employer shall fully indemnify,defend,
e.Sound Check Employer shall allow 100%Poly to perform a Sound Check and hold harmless 100% Poly for the use, display, depiction, and
prior to the Performance sufficient to enable 100% Poly to verify the reproduction thereof pursuant to Section 11(a).
Equipment and Facilities are fully functional. 12. Miscellaneous.
f. Water. Employer shall provide cold water at no charge on demand to the a. Merger. This Agreement is binding upon and inures to the benefit of both
members of 100%Poly. parties and their executors, administrators, and assigns,and constitutes the
4. Set. Unless otherwise agreed to and set forth Section I.the length of each set entire am-eement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and
will be no shorter than thirty minutes and no longer than ninety minutes and understandings.both written and oral,between the parties with respect to the
breaks between sets will he no shorter than twenty minutes. Performance.
5. Substitution. 100%Poly reserves the right to substitute members within the b.Amendments. This agreement may be amended only by a written instrument
group at its discretion. executed by both parties.
6. Copyright. 100%Poly owns and expressly reserves all copyright rights in the c. Governing Law and Forum Choice. This Agreement shall be governed by
Performance. Employer shall not record or otherwise fix the Performance in and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Indiana,regardless
any medium, including, but not limited to, audio or visual fixation, without of the laws that might otherwise govern under applicable conflicts of laws
100% Poly's express written consent. Further, Employer shall not sell, principles. All claims arising under or relating to this Agreement,including
broadcast,or distribute any fixation of the Performance without 100%Poly's torts,are to be adjudicated in the state court residing in New Albany,Indiana.
express written consent. d.Limitation of Liability. 100%Poly shall not be responsible for any direct,
7. Merchandise. 100% Poly may sell or distribute Merchandise at the special, consequential, or punitive damages of any kind for any reason
Performance. Employer shall not receive any portion from the sale of suffered by any entity. The sole remedy against 100%Poly for any cause of
Merchandise. Employer shall not sell or distribute Merchandise without 100% action, and the absolute limit on damages of any kind, including due to
Poly's express written consent. cancellation by 100%Poly,shall be forfeiture of the Compensation.
8. Promotion. Employer shall be solely responsible for all matters pertaining to e. Notice. Each party shall provide notices and other communications under
the promotion and production of the Performance including,but not limited to, this Agreement in writing and shall deliver the notices or other
venue rentals, security. and advertising. Employer agrees to use reasonable communications to the following respective addresses:
efforts to promote the Performance through its usual course of promotion and i. If to 100%Poly, to Robert Eiehenberger, Middleton Reutlinger,401
advertising efforts. Employer shall not use 100%Poly's name or likeness in any South 45 Street,Suite 2600,Louisville,Kentucky 40202.
promotional material without 100%Poly's express written consent. Employer ii, If to Employer,to the Address listed in Section I-A of this Agreement.
shall not commit 100%Poly to any media appearances,including but not limited 13. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable,
to,radio,television or billboards,without 100%Poly's express written consent, that provision is severed from this Agreement and the other provisions of this
9. Insurance. Employer represents and warrants that 100%Poly,its Performance Agreement remain in effect so long as the essential provisions of this
and its Equipment, is wholly covered under Employer's liability insurance Agreement for each party remain valid,binding,and enforceable.
coverage. Employer shall wholly reimburse 100%Poly and/or its individual
members for any damage to 100%Poly's Equipment,including,but not limited
THIS PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT("Agreement") is entered into as of this 215L day of March,2017,
between the disco/funk/retro musical group known as 100%Poly and its members(collectively,"100%Poly") and
the employer listed below("Employer"). 100%Poly agrees to provide certain live musical performance services
at the performance and at the times listed below(the"Performance")for Employer,and Employer agrees to accept
and pay for the Performance,under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,which specifically
includes the terms and conditions set forth on the attached Exhibit A—Terms and Conditions.
A. Employer: Jeff Riverstage E. Setup Times: 5:00 p.m.Day of
B. Performance Jeff Riverstage F. Breakdown Times: Immediately after
Site: Performance
C. Performance August 10, 2018 G. Sound System: Employer/SUP
D. Performance TBD H. Lighting: Employer/SUP
I. Stage: See Section 3(a)
Additional Performance Terms: Employer to provide access to Site and sound technicians in sufficient
time prior to Performance to allow 100% Poly to set up and sound check. 100% Poly headlining event;
exact times TBD. 100% Poly may have special guest musicians that require additional microphones
A. Guaranteed Payment: $1,200.00 E. Hybrid Payment: n/a
(Payment in Full Due
Immediately Prior to the �.
B. Deposit due upon execution $500.00 F. Free Tickets/Guest List: n/a
of this Agreement
C. Percentage of Ticket Sales: n/a G. Drinks/Supplies Allowance: See Section
D. Percentage of Door: n/a H. Hotel/Travel Allowance: n/a
Additional Payment Terms: Deposit due on signing; Balance due immediately prior to Performance
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the dates set
forth under their respective signatures,effective as of the date first written above.
i 1°0 Poly Employer
t1i�✓/� c/�l Signature:
For 100%Poly b Robert H.Eichenber r,Member Printed Name:
Date: '7,�. Title:
MR 962411 v 1 Date: