June 19, 2018
Project Name
Attn: Doug Hayden
Jeffersonville Engineering Department Clark County Auto Auction Turn
1420 Bates Boyer Lanes 2018- Revised
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 1000 Auction Lane
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
We are happy to present to you the following proposal for work to be performed. If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact us. Thank you!
Construct 3 turn lanes per plans.
1. Provide traffic control and signage
2. Excavate as necessary, haul away spoils
3. Place and compact 8"#2 stone and 6" DGA
4. Apply 4" binder asphalt
5. Mill edge key to tie onto existing asphalt
6. Apply 2" surface asphalt
7. Joint seal
8. Layout and stripe edge lines and 2 arrows in each lane
9. Backfill perimeter, seed and straw
10. NOTE: The west bound right turn lane will be full depth asphalt for approx. 3'wide to gain desired width.
The remainder will be milled and overlayed utilizing the existing shoulder.
11. NOTE: The northeast bound left turn lane will be 170'x 11'with 80'taper
Total Price for this item: $39,400.00
Additional cost to install right turn lane into daycare in conjunction with other work as
per same specs.
Total Price for this item: $9,000.00
Price Breakdown: Clark County Auto Auction Turn Lai._: "'"G "c
ease in. e o owing .rea .own o a services we ave provided in this proposal. I his proposal originated on June, 11,
2018. Job Number: 18966
Item Description Cost
1 Construct 3 turn lanes per plans. $39,400.00
2 Additional cost to install right turn lane into daycare in conjunction with other
work as per same specs.
Total $48,400.00
Authorization to Proceed & Contract
You are hereby authorized to proceed with the work as identified in this contract. By signing and returning this contract, you
are authorized to proceed with the work as stated.
We understand that if any additional work is required different than stated in the this proposal/contract it must be in a new
contract or added to this contract.
Please see all attachments for special conditions that may pertain to aspects of this project.
Proposal: County
osal: Clark Auto Auction Turn Lanes 2018 CL'�Bs
Payment Terms
We agree to pay the total sum or balance in full 10 days after the completion of work.
I am authorized to approve and sign this project as described in this proposal as well as identified below with our payment
terms and options.
Date: i.z O 7g
Arr. Cie oac- Jeff Libs/ President
Jeffersonville Engineering Department jeff@libspaving.com
1A, s-gg1,tgr. Soo 4.,Aar-f Cr. C: 502-558-2760
Jeffersonville, Indiana, 47130 Libs Paving Company, Inc.
A c'2°"`"d2 t'r r`r AI tr r 6931 Atkins Road
C ` L#53SS Floyd Knobs, Indiana, 47119
1'•' Siz • 285 - 6'2'74 P: 812-944-8942
F: 812-949-2806
Ar 6. z‘' /8 http://www.libspaving.com
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