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The undersigned Artist(s)and Producer agree on this date being the 18th day of April in the year 201P to the
following terms and conditions for engagement of artist performance in accordance herein described.
1 Artist: Billy Joel Elton John Back to Back Tribute Show 2
Producer: City of Jeffersonville, Parks&Recreation
Address: 500 Quartermaster Court Suite 212
Jeffersonville, IN 47130 USA
Contact: loe Damato Agent: Sara Simpson-Special Events Director
Email: eltOnjoe.jd(a�gmalLCOm Phone: 502.468.1751
email: ssimpson(a�cityofjeff.net
3 Contract Amount:
Producer shall make payment in accordance herewith to artist or artist agent per designation as assigned below the agreed amount of Fifteen
Hundred -1500)dollars for and following render of service under this agreement via city on the night of performance and in the name assigned below.
4 Venue: Jeffersonville RiverStage 5 Venue Type: City Park/Amphitheatre 6 Capacity: 15,000 Approx.
7 Venue Address: 100 W. Riverside Dr.Jeffersonville, IN 47130
8 Production Requirements:
Producer to provide sound reinforcement,lighting and staging in accordance with acceptable presentation of artist performance and as deemed
appropriate by producer for the venue of engagement under this agreement. Producer shall also provide Production/Stage Manager, FOH engineer,
venue manger during the execution of this agreement.Artist shall provide and be responsible for personal gear to include instruments and
personal amplification equipment,effects and instrument cables necessary.
9 Performance Details:
Both parties to this agreement agree to the following performance details and to practice good faith to
abide by the elements detailed herein. Performance Details
10 Producer and/or producers Production Manager shall have final authorityover all decision Show Date:yC June 15,201x,
Show Type: Concert
regarding safety of artist,production crew,equipment and facility.
Load In: 5:00 PM EST
11 Artist shall be responsible for all licenses,taxes and other such required professional or civil Set Sound. 5:30 PM EST
d El provisions that may apply to their performance,mechanical license, copyright,trademark and Doors: 6:30 PM ES T
such not under authority of the producer and required for the execution of this agreement. 7:00 PM EST
9 Showtime: 7:00 PM EST
12 Inclement Weather:
Set Change: 8:45 PM EST
All portions of this agreement shall be deemed enforceable unless performance is cancelled Set Time: 90 min SetE
due to weather, riot,civil disobedience, and or act of God,before band is set up. d: 9:03 PM EST
Producer agrees to pay artist 25%of contracted amount under these circumstances. Strike: Afteerr Seett End: 10EST
Curfew: 11:30 PM EST
Agreed and Accepted By:
,---v_______t_ ,z_____Th,
Pur hasers Si nature to Artist/Agents Signature Date
Y,_ t.� cg�,, . ,Pl e-, I
City of Jeffersonville, IN. Parks & Recreation Dept. Artist or Agent's DBA Title
500 Quartermaster Court Suite 212 Address
Jeffersonville, IN 47130 USA City, State,Zip
. RiverStacte Performance Contract
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The ontiorsioneti Artistini anti Producer agree on this date bairns the r te the
to/lowing terms and conditions for engagement of artist performance in accordance herein described.
Antst. iiiJoel iton John back to back fribute Straw / Prooutor- t..ay of..4etket44.8iviiikt,t"41111,4 at tIalortketiOil
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