HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE ORDER R-35210 FRENCH ST TO CHERRY LANE Contract No:R-35210 Change Order No.: 006
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Construction Change Order and Time Extension Summary
Contract Information Contract No.: R-35210 Letting Date:04/05/2017
District:SEYMOUR DISTRICT AE:Cox, Ryan PE/S:Berry, Mark Status:Draft
Change Order Information Change Order No.: 006 EWA: Y or Force Acct: N
Date Generated: 00/00/0000 Date Approved: 00/00/0000
Reason Code: CHANGED COND, Constructability Related
Description: Sanitary Sewer Extension French St. Through Cherry Lane
Original Contract Amount $ 13,319,106.00
Current Change Order Amount $285,118.00 Percent: 2.141 %
Total Previous Approved Changes $32,807.20 Percent: 0.246 %
Total Change To-Date $ 317,925.20 Percent: 2.387 %
Modified Contract Amount $ 13,637,031.20
Time Extension Information
Date Initiated 00/00/0000 Date Completed 00/00/0000
Original Contract Time SS Completion Date 00/00/0000 or SS Calendar/Work Days 0
SP Date 00/00/0000 or SP Days
(SS = Standard Specification, SP = Special Provision)
Time Element Description:
Current Time Extension SS Days 0 SP Days 0 SP Days Value$ 0.00
Previous Time Approved SS Days by AE: DCE: SCE: DDCM:
SS Days SP Days Value $
Revised Contract Time SS Completion Date 00/00/0000 or SS Calendar/Work Days 0
SS Date 00/00/0000 or SP Days 0
Contract No:R-35210 Change Order No.: 006
INDIANA Department of Transportation Page: 2
Construction Change Order and Time Extension Summary
Review and Approval Information
Required Approval Authority AE: DCE: SCE: * DDCM:
($ per Change Order) (- LE $ 250K-) (- LE $ 750K-) (-- LE $2M --) (--GT$ 2M --)
(Days per Contract) (50 SS days) ( 100 SS days ) (200 SS Days ) ( GT 200 SS days)
Verbal Approval Required? Y/N If Y, by Date Issued
Total Change To-Date>5%? Y/N If Y , Copy to Program Budget Manager
Scope/Design Recommendation Y/N If Y, Referred to Project Manager(PM)
Date to PM Date Returned
Approval Authority Concurs with PM? Y/N If Y, Concurrence by Date
If N,Resolution: Approved Disapproved
Resolved by Date
LPA Signatures Required? Y/N If Y, Date to LPA Date Returned
FHWA Signatures Required? Y/N If Y, Date to FHWA Date Returned
* Field Engineer Recommendation (Required for SCE or DDCM Approval)
Field Engineer Date
Contract No:R -35210 INDIANA Date:03/15/2018
Change Order No:006 Department of Transportation Page: 3
Contract: R-35210
Project: 0810280-State:0810280
Change Order Nbr: 006
Change Order Description: Sanitary Sewer Extension French St.Through Cherry Lane
Reason Code: CHANGED COND, Constructability Related
CLN PCN PLN Item Code Unit Unit Price CO Qty Comment Amount Change
0021 0810280 0022 211-09265 CYS 30.000 1723.000 C Amount:5 51,690.00
Supplemental Descriptionl:
Supplemental Description2:
0023 0810280 0024 213-09269 CYS 150.000 0.400 C Amount:$ 60.00
Supplemental Descriptionl:
Supplemental Description2:
0025 0810280 0026 301-07448 TON 32.000 14.000 C Amount:$ 448.00
Supplemental Descriptionl:
Supplemental Description2:
0081 0810280 0083 715-04926 EACH 800.000 18.000 C Amount:$ 14,400.00
Item Description:VALVE
Supplemental Descriptionl:,BACKFLOW,6"WITH CLEANOUT
Supplemental Description2:
0093 0810280 0096 715-05408 LFT 80.000 5.000 C Amount:$ 400.00
Item Description:PIPE,SANITARY SEWER,8 IN.
Supplemental Descriptionl:
Supplemental Description2:
0095 0810280 0099 715-05411 LFT 90.000 1560.000 C Amount:$ 140,400.00
Item Description:PIPE,SANITARY SEWER,12 IN.
Supplemental Descriptionl:
Supplemental Description2:
0097 0810280 0101 715-05711 LFT 95.000 411.000 C Amount:$ 39,045.00
Item Description:PIPE,SANITARY SEWER,6 IN.
Supplemental Description1:
Supplemental Description2:
0099 0810280 0104 715-08305 TON 45.000 23.000 C Amount:$ 1,035.00
Supplemental DescrfptionI:
Supplemental Description2:
0100 0810280 0106 715-09064 LFT 1.250 1560.000 C Amount:5 1,950.00
Supplemental Descriptionl:
Supplemental Description2:
0120 0810280 0127 720-45410 EACH 5,500.000 5.000 C Amount:5 27,500.00
item Description:MANHOLE,C4
Supplemental Descriptionl:,SANITARY
Contract No:R -35210 INDIANA Date:03/15/2018
Change Order No:006 Department of Transportation Page: 4
Supplemental Description2:
0227 0810280 0232 107-09358 EACH 220.000 16.000 C Amount:$ 3,520.00
Supplemental Description1:
Supplemental Description2:
0228 0810280 0231 715-10111 EACH 934.000 5.000 C Amount:S 4,670.00
Item Description:CORING
Supplemental Description1:Manholes,Various Diameters
Supplemental Description2:
Total Value for Change Order 006=$285,118.00
Whereas,the Standard Specifications for this contract provides for such work to be performed,the following change Is recommended.
General or Standard Change Order Explanation
While installing a 30in storm water pipe for STR 27 along the south side of Line A,a sanitary sewer lateral was discovered to be in concflict with
the storm water pipe placement.The sanitary lateral could not be rerouted over or under the 30in storm water pipe.Work was halted on the storm
water pipe installation untill a solution could be planned.Several meetings were held between the City of Jeffersonville Engineering Department,
Wastewater Department and the Project Designer.Several plan options were considered.A final design plan was agreed upon that is the least
expensive,the constructability works with the existing storm water pipe installation and has the least impact on the maintenance of traffic.The
newly designed sanitary line will utilize existing contract Items for pipe,backfill,and manholes.The newly designed santitary sewer will parallel
the the storm pipe on Its right side from French Street to near Main Street.The existing laterals will be tied into this new sanitary sewer.The
exiting sanitary laterals had to be excavated at the location where the laterals cross the planned 30in storm water pipe along Line A to determine
their elevations.These elevations were needed in order to design the new Intercept sanitary sewer.Dave O'Mara performed the excavtion of
sanitary laterals and gas lines to obtain their elevations.An item for INSPECTION HOLES GREATER THAN 3FT,PLN 232,will be added to the
contract to pay for this work.As a part of the new design the new sanitary sewer will connect to an exisitng sanitary manhole in French Street.
Making that connection requires a field core of the existing manhole.An item for CORING,PLN 231,will be added to pay for the coring of the
exisitng manhole and two other manholes in phase three that had to be altered to meet found exisitng conditions.This new design by the Project
Designer,Lochmueller Group,was reviewed at a Progress Meeting with the City and INDOT representatives present.It was determined at that
meeting to preceed with this plan in order to restart phase one construction and keep the houses and businesses along Line A connected to the
sanitary sewer system.SiteManager Reports Cost Analysis is included for PLN 231.There was a lack of applicable cost data for this item code
due to varying supplimental description to use for the analysis.There was no cost analysis data for PLN 232 in SiteManager Reports.A complete
breakdown of costs for both items were supplied by the Dave O'Mara Contractors to aid in the analysis.
Change Order Explanation for Specific Line Item
It is the intent of the parties that this change order is full and complete compensation for the work describe above.
Notification and consent to this change order is hereby acknowledged.
Dave O'Mara Contractor Inc. / f
Contractor: Signed B .
Date: .-V/1 r''/l
NOTE:Other required State and FHWA signatures will be obtained electronically through the SiteManager system.
Contract No:R -35210 INDIANA Date:03/15/2018
Change Order No:006 Department of Transportation Page: 5
PE/S /% R �` k
United Consulting
Approval Level Name of Approver Date Status