HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-OR-63A STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 99-OR-~' AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF Survey No. 11 FROM R-2 to B-I Whereas, Kimberly and Nathan Samuel filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from R-2 to B-1; and, Whereas, on October 26, 1999 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified a favorable recommendation of the enactment of this proposed zoning map designation change by ordinance of this Common Council; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its first regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for November 1, 1999 at 7:00 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from R-2 to B-I. IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this COMMON COUNCIL OF THE (;I-['Y~(j~ JEFFF_.~.S. QN~VJ~E, Presiding Officer INDIANA ATTEST: C I~i~;hard Spence Jr / CierkandTreasur;! ' ~-~ Presented by mj~/.as Clerk and -~reasurer to the, Mayor of said City of Jeffersonvillethis/~'~ dayof ,/1~3,'I, ,199__~. C. Richard Spencer,-J~ /,~ ~/ Clerk and Treasurer ~' ~ This Ordinance approved and signed by me this __ ,199 . day of ~l'homas R. Galligan, Mayoy/~' . ,~ ~e~ o,+u~ uc~.-zZ-99 3:41PIvl; Page 3/3 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE pLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF Kimberly and Nathan Samuel TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF SURVEY 11 FROM R-2 to B-1 CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDNANCE Whereas, Kimberly and Nathan Samuel filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), from R-2 to B-I; and, Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on October 26, 1999; and, Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its entire membership to favorably recommend the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffersonvitle Common Council; IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on October 26, 1999, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission favorably recommended that the Jeffersonville Common Council enact by ordinance the proposed zoning designation change of the property from R-2 to B-1 as requested in the petition of Kimberly and Nathan Samuel, ,~((~¢day of ~___, 19_~.. ' Hal Chairman STATE OF INDIANA: SS: COUNTY OF CLARK : IN TIIS HATTER OF Till", PF, TiTION OF TO RE-ZONE PROPERTY BEFOI?I",. TIlE JEFFERSONVILLE CITY PLAN COHHISSION PI",T£TION TO ANEND Till'; dEFFERSONV1-LLE, ~N~DZANA ZONING (~I?I)~NANCE 7'0 the deffersonville City Plan Commission: The undersiRned petitioner respect£ully requests an amendment to the ZoninB Districts set out on tho District Zone Haps of the City of Jeffersonville~ Indiana with respect to the followio8 described teat estate, situated ie the City of Jeffersonville, County of Clarl.:~ State of Indiana; to-wit: Beginning at a stone, the north corner or'Snrvcy No. 1 I; thence running Southwestwardly with the linc dividing Surveys No. 1 I and 21,847.0 Peet to a stake at the north corner of the land of James L. Botlorffand Edna Bettor['[ his wiffe; thence South 40 deg. 15' East wilh the said James L. Bottorf'Ps Norlheast line 1899.0 l~et Ia a point in the center line oFthe West section of Stale I lighway No. 62, such highway being a dual highway; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 210 Feet to a point in said center line; thence North 76 deg. 33' West to an iron pipe in the West right of way line of said highway and the East line oFthe land of James L. Bottorff; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 350 Feet to an iron pipe, beginning the true place of beginning; tbenceNorth 76 deg. 33' West 200 Feet; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 137 Feet; thence South 76 deg. 3Y East 200 Feet to the East llne of James L. BottorfPs land and file West line of State Highway No. 62; tbence North 13 deg. 27' East 137 Feet to the h'ne place of beginning, containing 0.629 acres more or less. Beginning ami intended to be the same property acqnired by Grantors by Warranty Deed dated October 31, 1996, recorded in Deed Record 282 Page 270 and Wan'anty Deed dated February 28, 1990, r~orded in Deed Drawer 22 Instrument No. 2581, both deeds being recorded in the Recorder's Office of Clark County, Indiana. The above described real estate is now in a district classified as and it is requested that it be reclassified as _ /~- I for the followin~ That it will not materially affect the value of reel estate surrounding said property. 2. Tile proposed amendment would not he detrimental to public health, safety morals or Boneral welfare. 3. The proposed amendment will not be contrary to the public interest. 4. The proposed amendment will not alter tile essential character of tile locality, the spirlt of the Ordinance will be observed, and substantial jestlce done. WIIEREFORE, the undersigned petitlone) prays that the City of Jeffersonville Zoning Ordinance be amended so tlmt the subject rea/ estate be classified as being in a district of Dated and signed by the petitioner at deffersonvillo~ Clark County~ Indiana, this EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at a stone, the north corner of Survey No. 11; thence running Southwestwardly with the line lvlGlng Surveys No. 11 and 21, 847.0 feet to a stake at the north corner of the land of James L. Bottorff and Edna Bottorff, his wife; thence South 40 deg. 15' East with the said James L. Bottorff,s Northeast line 1899.0 feet to a point in the center line of the West section of State Highway No. 62, such highway being a dual highway; thence South 13 deg 27' West 210 feet to a point in said center, line; thence North 76 deg. 33' West to an iron pipe in the West right of way line of said highway and the East line of the land o'f James L. Bottorff; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 350 feet to an iron pipe, being the true place of beginning; thence North 76 deg. 33' West 200 feet; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 137 feet; thence South 76 deg. 33' East 200 feet to the East line of James L. Bottorff,s land and the West line of State Highway No. 62; thence North 13 deg. 27' East 137 feet to the t~ue place of beginning, containing 0.629 acres more or less. Being and intended to be the same property acquired by Grantors by Warranty Deed dated October 31, 1966, recorded in Deed Record 282 Page 270 and by Warranty Deed dated February 28, 1990, recorded in Deed Drawer 22 Instrument No. 2581, both deeds being recorded in the Recorder,s Office of Clark County, Indiana. RECEIVED FOR RECORD RECORb~i; _!~_ _OnA~_ 187' EDGE'~ooo 0 SINGLE-FAMILY RES/DEN( SINGLE, TWO & MULTI-F,A/~ LOC'AL BUSINESS SERVICE BUS/NESS °°°°°°°°°° 83 GENERAL -~USINESS [~USINES5 SHOPPING LIGHT INDUSTRy ,H£~VY ~NDUSTRy PLANNED ; 812 285 6468; 0ct-27-99 3:41PM; Page 3/3 S~nt By~ CZTYOFJEFFERSONVZLLE STATE OFINDIANA BEFORE THEJEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF Kimberly and Nathan Samuel TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF SURVEY 11 FROM R-2 to B-1 CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Whereas, Kimberly and Nathan Samuel filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibit A (the ,,Property"), from R-2 to B-l; and, Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on October 26, 1999; and, Whereas, at the conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its entire membership to favorably recommend the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the jeffersonville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on October 26, 1999, the jeffersonville Plan Commission favorably recommended that the Jeffersonville Common Council enact by ordinance the proposed zoning designation change of the property from R-2 to B-1 as Kimberly and Nathan Samuel, So certified this _~day of Hal Chairman S7~7'E OF INDIANA¢ SS: COUNTY OF CLARK : IN TIlE HATTER OF TtlE PET1TION OF '1'0 RE-ZONE PROPERTY BEFORL. 71fE JEFFERSONVILLE CITY PLAN COtlMISSION ) ) ) ) ) PET£TION TO AbtEND TIlE JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA ZONING ORDINANCE To the Jeffersonville City Plan Commission: The undersigned petitioner respectfully requests an amendment to the ~onlnp. Districts Z · ,set out on the District Zone Maps oF the City of Jeffersonville~ Indiana with respect to the followinR described real estate, situ,~ted in the City of Je£fersonville, County oF Clark, State of Indiana, to-wit: Beginning at a stone, the north corner of'Survey No. I1; thence running Southwestwardly with the line dividing Surveys No. 11 and 21,847.0 feet lo a stake at the north corner of the land of James L. Bottorffand Edna Bottorff, his wife; thence South 40 deg. 15' East with the said James L. Bottorff's Northeast line 1899.0 feet to a point in the center line of the West section of State Highway No. 62, such highway being a dual highway~ thence South 13 deg. 27' West 210 feet to a point in said center tine; thence North 76 deg. 33' West to an iron pipe in the West right of way line of said highway and the East line of the land of James L. Bottorff; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 350 feet to an iron pipe, beginning the true place of beginning; thence North 76 deg. 33' West 200 feet; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 137 feet; thence South 76 deg. 33' East 200 feet to the East line of James L. Bottorff's land and the West line of State Highway No. 62; thence North 13 deg. 27' East 137 feet to the true place of beginning, containing 0.629 acres more or less. Beginning and intended to be the same property acquired by Grantors by Warranty Deed dated October 31, 1996, recorded in Deed Record 282 Page 270 and Warranty Deed dated February 28, 1990, recorded in Deed Drawer 22 Instrument No. 2581, both deeds being recorded in the Recorder's Office of Clark County, Indiana. The above described real estate is now in a district lass~fled as and it is requested that it be reclassified as ~ ~ I reasons: for the following That it will not materially affect the value of real estate surroundinE said property. 2. The proposed amendment would not he detrimental to public health, safety morals or general welfare. 3. The proposed amendment will not be contrary to the public interest. 4. The proposed amendment will not alter the essential character of the Iocality~ the spirit of the Ordinance will be observed, and substantial justice done. IWtEREFORE, the undersigned petitione) prays that the City of deffersonville Zoning Ordinonce be amended so that the subject real estate be classified as being in a district of Dated and signed by the petitioner at deffersonvillo, Clark County, Indiana, ~ day of Beginning at a stone, the north corner of Survey No. 11; thence running Southwestwardly with the line dividing Surveys No. 11 and 21, 847.0 feet to a stake at the north corner of the land of James L. Bottorff and Edna Bottorff, his wife; thence South 40 deg. 15' East with the said James L. Bottorff's Northeast line 1899.0 feet to a point in the center line of the West section Of State Highway No. 62, such highway being a dual highway; thence South 13 deg 27' West 210 feet to a point in said center line; thence North 76 deg. 33' West to an iron pipe in the West.right of way line of said highway and the East line of the land of James L. Bottorff; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 350 feet to an iron pipe, being the true place of beginning; thence North 76 deg. 33' West 200 feet; thence South 13 deg. 27' West 137 feet; thence South 76 deg. 33' East 200 feet to the East line of James L. Bottorff's land and the West line of State Highway No. 62; thence North 13 deg. 27' East 137 feet to the t~ue place of beginning, containing 0.629 acres more or less. Being and intended to be the same property acquired by Grantors by Warranty Deed dated October 31, 1966, recorded in Deed Record 282 Page 270 and by Warranty Deed dated February 28, 1990, recorded in Deed Drawer 22 Instrument No. 2581, both deeds being recorded in the Recorder's Office of Clark County, Indiana. n'u~v~'rOR~ LOCATIO~ tEEPORT (~rs~ N TDTRL P.02 C o I... (.:. ? 0 0 1,, EGEND SIN GLE-F~flM/LY RES/DE'NCE ~ ~ ~ ~ /R2 SINGLE, TWO ~ MULTI-FAMiL t¥~t, ~[ LOCAL BUS/NESS SERVICE BUS/NESS ~_~ o ~, ~,/ ~.S.C. BUSINESS SHOPPING CEN ~tEAVY iNDUSTRY Form Prescribed by state Board of Accounts d (Governmental Unit:) Clark County, Indiana General Form No. 99p (Revisqd lt999) 221 Spring St. P.O. Box 867. - Jeffersonville. ~ 47131 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines ............................................................. 5/~ Head -- number of lines .................................................... Body -- number of lines ................................................... Tail -- number of lines ..................................................... Total number of lines in notice ........................ ~/ COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 65'? lines, / "' :' 'cents 1~ .-.$ at . :, ,2 ORD,N^NC~ .............. Additional charge for no SAS~C SALAR,ES · 0~ tabular work ErE~-'gb OFRC~ALS OF (50 percent of above ...... T,~ C~ O~ aEPPERSON. * ................... ~t~*a~,AN^ FOR mE r each proof Charge for extra proofs c YE~R'~0~o in excess of two) ..... ~ ORDA,NED SV T,E COMMON COUNCIL ov TOTAL AMOUNT OF ( V~aE "~D,AN^: ~ion I DATA FOR COMPUTE Width of single col~ Number of insertio: Size of type 615 poi Pursuant to the provisk I hereby certify legally due. after alloxa City court Juoge $3s,oa3.45 Council aersons (7)-- This Ordnance shal~ set ~¥i~ th~ annua compensa- 'tlon payable in calendar year 2000 to elected off/cia~s of the Chy al JeftersonviDe, In- diana. Section 2 That from aha after me first say of January 2000 the fol- lowing elected ofticiats of the City of Jeffersonville, ndtana~ ~hal[ receive }he folowag*aDter 155. annuat compensation t GENERAL FUND: Mayor '-$42;775.00 Clerk and Treasurer- -$40,632.00 equivalent lines FEDERAL ID # 311498625 acts 1953, ~unt is just and correct, that the amount claimed is that no part of the same has been paid. Liz Baumgardner ~ ' ($8,Y75.00 per member ([ ~. .. $~<42s.00 · Date: '--' *.-.'L .z ~. ~,t.?, SEWAGE DEPARTMENT: Mayor--SI $,975.00 . .............. ~. C{~ ,.and Treasurer . ..... ~i~,7~7.oo CI~ COURT PROBATION U~ER'S FEE: Ci~ Cbu~ Judge ) SSi $14,404,07 Title: Legal Bookkeeper PUBLISHER' S AFFIDAVIT Thomas R. Ga.~gan Mayor ) P}:es!di~g' Officer ArrES~ red before me, a notary public in and for said C. Richard Spencer. Jr Clerk and Treasurer the undersigned Liz Baumgardner ':~ .,~.sworr~ ,says that she is legal bookkeeper of the -r:: ..... · ,,--j , ~,*--,,.-, newspaper of gener~ circulation printer and published in the English language in · e (city) of Jeffersonville in state and county aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a tree copy, which was duly ATTACH COPY published in said paper for'~0 time ~ the OF ADVERTISEMENT ' HERE dates of publication being as follow~i ~ ~ ~, ~., ~ ,,~)~ S~sc~ed ~d swor~ t;~ore me th~¢q r//day of Oc~ , /7~ __ ~ Not~y Pubhc My commission expires: ~~ ~ ~6 Form Prescribed by state Board of Accounts '-~ Governmental Unit') Clark County, Indiana General Form No. 99p ~ Revised 199% From: / lr,,z t.,-?',,-l"~ .;((;\, ~t 221 Spring St. P.O. Box 867. O~ Jeffersonville. IN 47131 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which shall total more than four solid lines of type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines ............................................................. Head -- number of lines .................................................... Body -- number of lines ................................................... Tail -- number of lines ................................................... Total number of lines in notice ......................................... DATA FOR COM Width of sing Number of in/ Size of type 6_ Pursuant to the pr( I hereby ce legally due. after a COMPUTATION OF CHARGES L/~",- lines, / columns wide equals . / · at cx~3 r) g cents per line .......................................... $ Additional Charge for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 percent of above amount ............................................ Charge for extra pro6fs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two)~ ........................ TOTAL AMOUN ' ~'~ . .................................. $ OROINANCE NO. 99-OR-63 AN ORDINANCE FIXING BASIC SALARIES OF THE CiTY OF JEFFERSON' VILLE, INDIANA FOR THE YEAR 2000 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON C0ONb'IC~F TH'E'C~r~ VILLE. INDIANA: annual compensation. ~'G~E~IER~£ FUNDi ~ Mayor --342,775.00 Clerk ana Treasurer- City Court uuage '- Liana SSS 033.43 Council oersons t7/-- Lty Date: ATTACH COPY OF ADVERTISEMEN HERE equivalent lines FEDERAL ID # 311498625 This Ordinance shall s~t ~o~h the a,nua~ co~" es of Chapter 155. acts 1953. lion payaoie in calenaar year 2000 o elected o~.flLeials of lng account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is i~c~ty of'ae~;~*~n*i'~"Tth':~ lits. and that no part of the same has been paid. ~t on 2 That from and a.er ne first Liz Baumgardner day of Janu~ 20~0 ~h~ f~ ~owmg electeo officials of the City of Jeffemonvil[e, Indiana ~ (~--~ shall rece,veme~l[owmg~, I't . ~ Title: Leg~ Boo~eeoer~ PUBLISHER' S AFFIDAVIT J ss: $8,775.00oer member $8~.~28.0o appeared before me, a notary public in and for said SEWAGE DEPARTMENT: M~yo~--$ta,~:~O · state, the undersigned Liz Baumgardner Clerk eno T~easurer $~1:727.00 duly sworn, says that she is legal bookkeeper of the C~T~ coum pRO",AT'ON }'~' '.~ newspaper of City Court Judge ~ $t4,404.07 :ulationv<y-ter and published in the English language in Thomas R Galligan, Mayor P~0,n~ O,~c~r ~ Jeffersonville in state and county aforesaid, and that the ATTEST: C. Richard Spencer,Jr. ter attached hereto is a true copy. which was duly Clerk and Treasurer ~ said paper for ~'--.2) time . the ..... ,,~ publication being as follows: Subs~iged and sworn to Oore me this ~ a day of / 35;-- No, tarry euaolic Mycommissionexpires: _3~/_~_..~,~-ww ?,