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12) Index
ABANDONED VEI-IICLES Abandoned Vehicle Account, 98.03 Authoz~T over, 98.02 Definition, 98.01 DL~position of, 98.04 Towing and storage charges, 98.05 ACCIDENTS Motor vehicle Animals, 90.11 ADDRESS NUMBERS, 96.05 ADVERTISING Obscene, 130.06, 150.248 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, 35.30 (See also HUMAN RELATIONS COMIV~SSION) Authority for, 35.38 Awareness of policy, 35.31 Goals, 35.34 Hiring, 35.35 Implementation of, 35.32 Monitoring of, 35.37 Problem areas, 35.33 Recruitment, 35.35 Timetables, 35.34 Training, 35.36 AGE REQUIREMENT Taxicab driver, 115.39 AIR CONDITIONING (See BUILDING CODE) ALARMS (See BURGLAR ALARMS) ALLEYS (See STREETS AND SIDI5%VALKS) ANIMAL CONTROL CODE (See also DOGS) Abandonment, 90.06 Accidents involving, 90.11 Bites by, 90.62 Cats, 90.14 ANIMAL CONTROL CODE (Cont'd) Citations for violations, 90.70 Cruelty to, 90.07 Definitions, 90.01 Destruction of animal carcasses Carcasses to be in preserved state, 90.86 Definitions, 90.85 Fees for destruction, 90.87 Enforcement Interference with, 90.71 Excreta from, 90.13 Females in heat, 90.09 Fines and fees, § 90.74 Baby, sale of, 90.17 Humane treatment of, 90.07 Illegal dumping or abandoning of domestic or wild ardm~ 90.24 /.mpouncting, 90.05, 90.45 - 90.53 Injuring, 90.08 Kidnapping, 90.06 K'i!!'~.g of, 90.08 Livestock~ 90.16 Non-/rn.munized animals, 90.23 Nuisance, 90.02 Number permitted, 90.10 Penalty, 90.99 Possession of dangerous animals, 90.22 Preservation of rights, 90.72 Rabies control, 90.60 - 90.62 Restricting right to keep, own or trade certain species of animals, 90.20 Running at large, 90.03, 90.05 Stricter regulations to prevail, 90.73 Traffic code, 70.03 Vicious, 90.46 Violations, 90.70 ANIMAL SHELTER Sick or injured anita=i-. 90.53 Spay/neuter program for animals adopted at animal shelter, 90.21 ANNEXED AP~AS, 156.04, T.S.O. I APPEALS Building code, 150.072, 150.107 Fire prevention code, 92.26 Garbage regulations, 93.32 Historic districts, 152.22 Housing code, 153.095 - 153.098 Massage parlor license, 112.06 Zoning code, 156.70 - 156.78 5 AUCTION, PUBLIC Lost or stolen property in possession of police department, 36.02 BARKICADES F.,xcavetions, 96~34 BICYCLE PATHS, 73.26 BICYCLES (See also TRAI-'i-'IC CODE) Licenses, 73.10 - 73.13 Motorized vehicles on paths, 73.26 P~rental responsibility, 73.02 Paths, 73.26 Penalty, 73.99 Sidewalks, 73.25 Traffic code regulations, 73.01 BILLIARD PARLORS Hours of operation, 110.14 License, 110.10 - 110.13 BLASTING REGULATIONS Additional seismographic monitoring required upon request. 100.17 Blaster cru-li~cations, 100.13 Blasting fee. 100.06 Definitions, 100.01 Dust control, 100.12 Emergencies, 100.09 insurance required, 100.11 Maximum charges for explosives to be used in blasting, 100.14 Maximum number of delays for delay firing, 100.15 Maximum peak particle velocity, 100.16 Notice of damage to life or property of another, 100.19 Obtaining permits in advance, 100.03 Penalty, 100.99 Pen'r~.it approval, 100.04 Permit required, 100.02 Revoking a permit, 100.05 Right to im~pe~t, 100.10 Safety cover required, 100.18 Time for blasting, 100.07 Written notice prior to blastJ.ng required, 100.08 BOARD OF MECHANICAL CONTROL, 150.074 BOA.KD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SA.~"ETY~ 34.042 Bond, 34.040 Bureau of Buildings (See BUILDING CODE) Clerk, 34.041 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY (Cont'd) Composition, 34.040 Sewer fees, 50.67 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 166.70 - 156.78 BOARDS, Ch. 34 BOATS, FACILITIES FOR City, !i~ty of, 95.30 Docks, 95.22, 95.23 l:~.shing, 95.26 C~ari:~ge and refuse, 95.25 License, 95.15 - 95.2t Parking, 95.27 Resident priority, 95.29 Right ~.ngle to shoreline, 95.24 Slips, 95.22, 95.23 Traffic flow, 95.28 BOND REQLrlREMENTS Board/Department of Parks and Recreation, 34.026(D) Board of Public Works and Safety, 30.040 City Judge, 31.22 Clerk-Treasurer, 31.21(C) Economic Development Corrumk~ic~n bonds, 34.151 Excavations, 96.33 Performance bond requ~ed for construction work done for city, 36.04 Public officers and employees, 31.05 Redevelopment commission, 34.125 Street construction, 96.16 BUILDING CODE Adoption of building rules, codes, and standards by reference, 150.004 Application, review of, 150.065 Authority to enforce chapter, 150.003 Authority to take emergency action, 150.014 Board of Mechanical Controls, 150.074 Certificate of occupancy, 150.012 Condition of buildings to be safe and sanitary, 150.013 Disconnection of unm~e electrical service, 150.015 Dra.inage assistance program, 150.120 Drainage systems, 150.009 Electrical connection by heating and air-conditioning contractors and plumbers, 150.016 Exterior maintenance standards, 150.105 7 BUILDING CODE (Cont'd) Fees Air-conditioning, 150.053 Building permit, 150.046 Cer~icates of occupancy, 150.069(A) Doubled when perrrdt not obtained, 150.055 Electrical permit, 150.048 Fuel storage tanks, 150.050 Gasoline dispensers, 150i050 Heating, 150.052 Improvement location permits, 150.069(B) Plumbing permit, 150.049 Refrigeration machinery, 150.051 Reinspection, 150.054 Sign permit, 150.047 A~vert/sing signs, 150.055 To be paid to Clerk-Treasurer, 150.045 Fire Department to ase~t Building Commission, 150.008 Inspections, 150.066 Com.rrdssioner's right to enter pre~s, 150.067 Interceptor required, 150.011 Liability, 150.071 Licenses A/r-conditioning, 150.076 Electrical, 150.075 Heating, 150.076 Moving buildings or structures Insurance and bonding requirements, 150.096 Permit required, 150.095 Penalty, 150.999 Penrdts Application for, 150.025 Building and mechanical permits required, 150.026 Changes not to be made in plans after permit issued, 150.029 Expiration of, 150.031 Fees (See Fees hereunder) Nonconformity to law discovered after issued, 150.030 Revocation of, 150.032 To be obtained prior to commencing work 150.027 To be posted on site, 150.028 Work to conform to other ordinances, 150.033 Police Department to assist Building Co--ion, 150.007 Publ/c right-of-way obstructed, 150.010 Purpose of chapter, 150.002 Recj~stration of plumbing contractors, 150.077 Remedies, 150.073, 150.106 Right of appeal, 150,072, 150.107 Scope of chapter, 150.003 Stop work order, 150.068 BUILDING CODE (Cont'd) Temporary buildings or uses, 150.005 Exceptions, 150.005 Tents, 150.006 Title, 150.001 Unsafe buildings and structures, 150.018 Vacant buildings and structures to be sealed, 160.017 Violations, 150.998 Failure to comply, 150.108 Notice of, 150.108 Wood shingles, 150.019 Wrecldng buildings and structures Liability, 160.086 Minimum standards, 160.087 Perm/t required, 150.085 BUILDING COiVSMISSIONER Administration of building code, 150.065 - 150.077 Fire Department to assist, 150.008 Flood control areas, 151.08 Housing code, 153.110 Police to assist, 150.007 Right of entry, 150.067 Stopping construction, alteration, or wrecking, 150.068 Weed control, 93.41 Zoning code, 156.50 BUILDING PERM/TS (See BUILDING CODE) BUILDINGS Debris fror~ 93.06 Sewers, 50.31, 50.40 - 50.52 BUREAU OF BUILDINGS (See BU/LDING CODE) BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION, 92.50 Fire marshal, 92.52 Inspectors, 92.53, 92.54 Repons, 92.55 Smoke detector regulations, 92.69 Supervision of, 92.51 BURGLAR ALARMS Reporting false alarm prohibited, 102.01 BUS STOPS, 72.12 BUSINESS DISTRICTS (See ZONING CODE at Commercial uses) 9 CATS, 90.14 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, 156.55 CESSPOOLS, 50.15 - 50.17 CHElVIICALS, HAZARDOUS Transporting of, 92.39 CITY ATTORNEY, 31.23 Bond, 31.05 CITY ENGINEER, 31.24 Bond, 31.05 Sewers (See SEWERS) CITY' JUDGE, 31.22 CITY MANAGER Employment policies, 35.02 CITY OFFICIALS (See PUBLIC OI~'I-'ICERS AND EMPLOYEES) CMC/CONi-'~:R. ENCE CENTER AUTHORITY' Agreement with city, 34.213 Budget, 34.212 Establishment, 34.210 Funding, 34.212 Membership, 34.210 Point of focus for downtown, 34.215 Purchase of property, 34.214 Responsibilities, 34.211 CIVIL EMERGENCIES Mayor, 31.20 CIVIL RIGHTS (See Ai-'i-'I.wMATF~ ACTION) CLAIMS AGAINST CITY, 36.03 CLERK-TREASURER, 31.21 Bond, 31.21(C) Building code fees, 150.045 Housing Complaints concerning, 91.33 Ordinances, 30.08 Parking meters, 72.33 10 Je~e~sonvt3~ - ~ CODE OF ORDINANCES (See also ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS) Acts by assistants, 10.05 Alteration of, 10.14 Citation of, 10.01 Conflioting provisions, 10.08 Definitions, 10.04 Errors and omissions, 10.11 Gender, 10.05 Ir,~na code, 10.02 Interpretation of, 10~02 Joint authority, 10.05 Offices, references to, 10.10 Penalty, 10.99 Offenses punishable under separate provisions, 10.15 References to, 10.01 Rules of construction, 10.05 Section references, 10.07 Severabflity provision, 10.09 Singular/plural, 10.05 Tenses, 10.05 Territoria~ application of, 10.02 Time Computation of, 10.05 Title, 10.01 Words and phrases, 10.05 COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS (See ZONING CODE) COMMISSIONER OF BUILDINGS (See BUILDING COMMISSIONER) COM~SSION ON HUMAN RELATIONS (See HUMAN RELATIONS COM~/IISSION) COMMISSIONS, Ch. 34 COMMON COUNCIL Ca.U to order, 30.06 Composition of, 30.01 Discussion, debate and public comment, 30.11 D~stricts, 30.~.0 District 1, 30.21 District 2, 30.22 District 3, 30.23 District 4, 30.24 District 5, 30.25 IV~yor Voting by, 30.09 11 COMMON COUNCIL (Cont'd) Meetings Public reguired, 30.02 Regular, 30.02 Special, 3O.O2 Order of business, 30.07 Presiding officer, 30.03 Quorum, 30.04 Secretary Cabinet, 30.10 COMPENSATION, 31.08 Board of zoning appeals, 156.72 Economic development ¢orn.mi~on, 34.143 }'air housing ¢onurdssion, 91.21 Fire department Longevity pay, 33.05 Human relations conunfssion, 34.093 Payroll, 36.03 Plan commission, 34.199 Police department Longev/ty pay, 32.02 Redevelopment corn.minion, 34.126 Robert's Rules of Order, 30.05 CONCESSIONAIRES Insurance, proof of required, 1 t8.03 Penalty, 118.99 Permit required for business, 118.01 Permit reguirements, 118.02 CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, 10.08 COUNCIL (See COMMON COUNCIL) COUNCILMANIC DISTRICTS, 30.20 District 1, 30.21 District 2, 30.22 District 3, 30.23 District 4, 30.24 District 5, 30.25 CUMULATIVE CAPITAL 5MPROVEMENT FUND, 37~01 DEDICATIONS, T.S.O. Il DEFINITIONS Abandoned vehicle, 98.01 Animals, 90.01 Discrimination, 34.085 Equal opporturdty policy, 97.01 DEFIAqTIONS (Cont'd) Fire prevention code, 92.01 Flood damage control, 151.01 General, 10.04 Handicapped parking, 72.62 Housing, manufactured, 154.02 Housing code, 153.008 Discrimination, 91.01 Junk yard, 156.03 I~,-~ge parlors, 112.01 Motor vehicles Noise, 94.16 Oath, 10.94 Person, 10.04 . Precious metals, sales of, 113.01 Sewer regulations, 50.01 Fees, 50.60 Sidewalk, 10.04 Smoke detectors, 92.65 Street, 10.04 Taxicab, 115.01 T~mc code, 70.01 Transient merchants, 116.01 Zoning code, 156.03 DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT, 34.120 DEPARTMENTS, Ch. 34 DISASTERS, 31.20 DISCRIMINATION Afftrmative action (See AFFI]h'VgiTIVE ACTION) Housing (See FAIR HOUSING) Human relations co~ion, 34.085 - 34.106 DOCKING OF GAMBLING RIVERBOATS, 110.01 DOGS (See also ANIMALS) Bites by, 90.62 Excreta from, 90.13 Females in heat, 90.09 Impounding, 90.45 - 90.53 Kennels, 90.18 Licenses, 90.30 - 90.37 Number permitted, 90.10 Penalty, 90.99 Police dogs, mistreatment of, 90.12 DOGS (Cont'd) Rabies control, 90.60 - 90.62 Vaccination recluired for license, 90.32 Running at large, 90.04 Violations, 90.70 DRI¥~wAYS - Blocking of, ?2.09 EASEMENTS, T.S.O. rrr Sewer, 50.82 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COM1VIISSION, 34.140 Assessment of fee for bonds, 34.151 Compensation, 34.143 Composition of, 34.141 Meetings, 34.148 Oath of office, 34.142 Officers, 34.149 Powers and duties, 34.150 Quorara 34.146 Removal of members, 34.144 Rules of, 34.147 Term of office, 34.141 Vacancies in office, 34.145 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TARGET AREAS, T.S.O. VII ELECTIONS, 31.02 ELECTRICAL CODE (See BUILDING CODE) EIvlERGENCY VEHICLES, 70.05 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES (See also PUBLIC Oi-'i-'lCERS AND EMPLOYEES) Affirmative action, 35.30 - 35.38 City ,management, authority of, 35.02 Civic leave, 35.14 Disciplinary action, 35.16 Dismissal, 35.16 .Employees, responsibility of, 35~03 Funeral leave, 35.12 Grievances, 35.19 Holidays, 35.08 Hours, 35.07 Jury duty, 35.14 Layoffs, 35.18 Leave without pay, 35.15 Maternity leave, 35.13 EMPLOYMENT POLICIES (Cont'd) National guard duty, 35.11 Overtime, 35.07 Pay periods, 35.20 Probationary period, 35.05 Qu~]i~cation, 35.04 Recruitment, 35.04 Residency requirement, 35.04 Resignations, 35.17 Scope, 35.01 Sick leave, 35.10 Temporary employees, 35.06 Vacations, 35.09 ENHANCED EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM Fees, 99.02 Collection of, 99.02 Funded with, 99.01 Interlocal agreement to govern collection and dispersal 99.02 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY POLICY (See ALSO Ai-'i-'iitMATIVE ACTION) City contracts, 97.04 Complaint procedure, 97.10 Conciliation procedure, 97.12 Definitions, 97.01 Discriminatory practices, 97.03 Hearings, findings, and decisions, 97.i3 Investigative procedure, 97.11 Policy and purpose, 97.02 Preferential treatment, 97.05 ERRORS AND OMISSIONS, 10.11 EXCAVATIONS Barricades, 96.34 Bond, 96.33 Filling of, 96.35, 96.36 Inspections, 96.38 Liability for, 96.32 Permit, 96.30, 96.31 Resurfacing required by excavating company or contractor, 96,39 Sewers, 50.48 Time limits, 96.37 EXPLOSIVES Storage of, 92.35 Transporting, 92.36 15 FAIR HOUSING Admin~ration, 91.10 Coer=ion, 91.0'/ Prevention of in fair housing cases, 91.08 Definitions, 91.02 Discrimination in Provision of brokerage services, 91.06 Resiclentlal real estate-related transactions, 91.05 Sale or rental of housing, 91.04 Enforcement, 91.10 Exemption, 91.09 Lnterference, 91.07 Intim/dation, 91.07 Policy, 91.01 Unlaw'ml practice, 91.03 FEES Anim~1~ Impounding, 90.50 Building code, 150.045 - 150.058 Enhanced emergency telephone systerr~ 99.02 Excavations Inspections, 96.38 Fire calls outside city, 33.18 Licenses Bicycles, 73.11 Boating facilities, 95.17 Billiard parlors, 110.03 Dogs, 90.33 Ice cream vendors, 111.03 Massage parlors, 112.03 Poolrooms, 110.03 Taxioabs, 115.17 Drivers, 115.37 Transient merchants, 116~25 Loading zones, 72.46 Parking meters, 72.29 Parking violations, 72.99 Permit Excavations, 96.31 Sewers, 50.60 - 50.67 Connections, 50.41 Tax,cabs, 115.23 Traffic violations, 70.99 Zoning code, 156.11 16 Je~'eonw~te - h~t~z FESTIVALS Steamboat Days Fest/val and Riverfront Festival IVlap, 117.02 Penalty, 117.99 Traffic, 117.03 Vendor approval, 117.01 FINANCES Funds collected on behalf of city, 31.09 i:3RE CHIEF Appointment of, 33.03 Bond, 31.05 FIRE DEPARTMENT Appointment to, 38.04 Bureau of fire prevention (See BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION) C~ll~ outsid.e city, 33.15 Authorization for, 33.16 Effect of regulations, 33.19 Fees, 33.18 Prohibitions, 33.20 Rules, 33.17 Chief (See FIRE CHIEF) Composition, 33.02 Dangerous structures, removal by, 150.113 Establishment, 33.01 Pirefighting fund, 33.07 Longevity pay, 33.05 Pension fund, 33.06 FIRE ESCAPES OR EXITS Obstruction of, 150.249 FIRE LANES, 92.04 FIRE MARSHAL, 92.52 FIRE PREVENTION CODE Adoption of, 92.15 Araendments, 92.16 Bureau of fire prevention (See BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION) Definitions, 92.01 Enforcement, 92.17 .En~plosives, 92.35, 92.36 Fire lanes, 92.04 Fire marshal, 92.52 Fires Carelessness in starting, 92.02 FIRE pREVENTION CODE (COnt'd) Flammable liquids, storage of, 92.37, 92.38 Hazardous chemicals, 92.39 Liquefied petroleum gases, 92.40 Modifications, 92.18 Open burning, 92.06 Penalty, 92.99 Permits, 92.28, 92.26 Public assembly, places of Fire hazards, 92.05 Scenery for clubs and lodges, 150.097 Shavings vaults, when required, 150~039 SmOke detectors (See SMOKE DETEC'PORS) Water pipes, size of, 92.03 i:~EARMS, 130.04 FIRES Carelessness in starting, 92.02 Open burning, 92.06 FISHING Boat docks, 95.26 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS Storage of, 92.37, 92.38 FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Administration, 151.20 - 151.22 Base flood area, 151.22 Building commissioner, 151.08 Definitions, 151.01 Districts, 151.02 Flood walls Damaging, 151.10(B) Riding on, 151.10(A) Infiltration of flood waters, 151.09 Insurance study adopted by reference, 151.03 NonconIonrdng uses, 151.06 Penalty, 151.99 Permits, development, 151.21 Plan co--ion, 151.20 Special uses, 151.05 Supervision of, 151.08 Uses permitted, 151.04 Special exceptions, 151.05 Variances, 151.07 FOOD Ice cream (See ICE CRFAM VENDORS) FOWL AND POULTRY, 90.15 Baby, sale of, 90.17 FRANCHISES, T.S.O. IX FUNDS Abandoned Vehicle A~eeunt, 98.03 Common Council promotion fund, 37.11 Cumulat/ve capita~ improvement fund, 37.01 Economic Development Fund, 34.151 Economic Development Revolving Fund, 37.12 Firefighting fund, 33.07 Jeffersonville-Clark County Animal Shelter Donation Fund, 37.13 Mayor's' Promotion Fund, 37.09 Pension (See PENSION FUNDS) Police security fund, 37.10 Public employees retirement fund, 37.03 Vehicle Inspection Fund, 32.04 FUNERAL LEAVE, 35.12 GARBAGE AND REFUSE Adn'~istration, 93.30 - 93.32 Appeals, 93.32 Ashes, 93.17 Building debris, 93.06 Burning rnateri~, collection of, 93.21 Containers required, 93.15, 93.16 Location of, 93.19 Picking through prohibited, 93.07 Rocks and ashes in, 93.17 Setting out for collection, 93.18 Specifications for, 93.15 Unsuitable, 93.20 Depositing on private property, 50.03 Disposal of, Housing code, 153.024 Nuisance, 93.01 Recycling (See RECYCLING) Refusal to oollect, 93.20 R/veffront area, 95.15, 95.25 Solid waste dumping (See SOLID WASTE DUMPING) Street commissioner, 93.30 Streets and Sidewalks Depositing on, 93.02 Transporting of, 93.04 Tree trimmings, 93.06 GARBAGE AND REFUSE (Cont'd) Waterways Depositing in, 93.03 Weeds (See w,-:~.DS) Wet, 93.05 GASOLINE Depositing in sewers, 50.06 GOLD AND SILVER (See PRECIOUS METALS, SALES OF) HANDICAPPED PAIU/ING Improper parking in, 72.60 HEALTH AND SANITATION Ice cre~um vendors, 111.06 HF_ARINGS Housing code, 153.096, 153.113 Housing discrimination, 91.35 - 91.40 HEATERS, UNVENTED, 130.01 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Permit fees, 150.052, 150.053 HISTORIC BOARD OF P,E~-.'w, 152.20 - 152.22 HISTORIC DISTRICTS, 152.01 Admission status, 152.23 Appeals, 152.22 Board of review, 152.20 - 152.22 Boundary, 152.02 Certificate of appropriateness, 152.04 Construction requirements, 152.05 Internal design, changes to, 152.07 Maintenance of structures, 152.06 Relocation of structures, 152.06 Violations, 152.98 Visual compatib/.11ty requirements, 152.05 Zoning code, 152.03 HOLIDAYS, 35.08 HOUSING APPEALS BOARD, 153.095 - 153.098 HOUSING CODE, 153.002 Adoption, 153.001 Appeals, 153.095 - 153.098 Basements, 153.047, 153.083 Bathrooms, 153.042 A~cess to, 153.084 Bathtubs or showers, 153.021 Building commissioner, 153.110 Chimneys, 153.068 Definitions, 153.005 Discrimination (See FAIR HOUSING) Doors, 153.046 Egress, 153.026 Electrical outlets, 153.043 Enforcement, 153.110 - 153.115 Fences, unsafe, 153.027 Floors, 153.081 Area required, 153.082 Cleaning, 153.071 Foundation walls, 153.063 Garbage and refuse, 153.024 Gutters and downspouts, 153.065 Hallways, public, 153.045 Hearings, 153.096, 153.113 Heating facilities, 153.044 Inspections, 153.111 Kitchen sink, 153.022 Lavatories, 153.021 Manufactured housing (See MANLrFACTURED HOUSING) Minimum standards, 153.030, 153.040, 153.080 Notices, 153.112 Occupant, duties of, 153.006 Outbuildings Unsafe, 153.027 Owner, respons~'flities of, 153.006 Painting, exterior, 153.069 Penalty, 153.999 Plumbing fn-tures, 153.070 Porches, 153.066 Purpose, 153.003 Rodent-proofing, 153.064 Roorn.ing houses, 153.007 Scope, 153.004 Screens, 153.046 Services or facilities required Compliance, 153.062 Installation of, 153.060 Shutting off, 153.061 Sewer system, 153.023 21 HOUSING CODE, (Cont'd) Sh'yl/ghts, 183.041 Smoke detectors (See SMOKE DETECTORS) Smokestacks, 153.068 Stricter prov~ions to prevail, 153.008 S~ys, 153.045, 153.066 Technical assistance, 183.114 Unsafe buildings (See UNSAFE BUILDINGS) Utilities (See Services or facilities required, hereunder) Vehicles, storage of, 153.028 Water closets, 153.021, 153.042 Access to, I53.084 Water heaters, 153.025 Water on roofs, used for cooling purposes, 153.067 Water system, 153.023 Waterproofing, 153.064 Windows, 153.041 HUMAN ELATIONS COM!M]SSION Contributions to, 34.091 Departments of city, relationship to, 34.093 Establ/shraent, 34.085 Executh~e Director, 34.089 Expenses and budget, 34.090 Meetings, 34.087 Membership, 34.086 Officers, 34~088 Powers and duties, 34.094 Repor'~s, 34.092 ICE CREAM VENDORS Health certificate, 111.06 License, 111.01 - 111.05 I1V~O~ING OF ANIMALS, 90.05, 90.45 - 90.53 IMPOSING OF VEHICLES Illegally parked, ?2.32, 72.98 INDIANA CODE References to, 10.02 INDUSTRIAL USES (See ZONING CODE) INDUSTRJAL WASTES, 50.07 ~NCTIONS Housing d~crirrdnation, 71.03 Manufactured housing, 154.98 22 Jeffe~omnme - Index INSPECTIONS Building code, 150.066 Excavations, 96.38 Fire prevention, 92.53, 92.54 Housing code, 153.111 Nr~-~age parlors, 112.10 Sewer connections, 50.47 Weed control, 93.41 INSURANCE Taxicabs, 115.20 JUDGE (See city JUDGE) KENNELS, 90.18 (See also ANIMALS) LEASE AGREEMENTS, T.S.O. VIII LEASH LAW, 90.04 LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY (See COMA4ON COUNCIL) LICENSES Bicycles, 73.10 - 73.13 B~]~=-d parlors, 110.01 - 110.04 Boating facilities, 95.15 - 95.21 Dogs, 90.30 - 90.37 Electricians, 150.075 Heating, ventilating and air conditioning contractors, 150.295 150.297 Ice cream vendors, 111.01 - 111.05 Kennels, 90.18 Massage parlors, 112.02 - 112.09 Revocation, n2.11 Poolrooms, 110.01 - 110.04 Taxicabs, 115.15 - 115.22 Dr/vers, 115.35 - 115.43 Transient merchants, 116.20 - 116.32 LIGHTING (See ELECTRICAL CODE) LIQUEI-'I~D PETROLEUM GASES, 92.40 LIVESTOCK, 90.16 LOAD L]/V/TS (See ww4GHT LHVI/TS) 23 LOAD]I~G ZONES, 72.45 Application for, 72.46, 72.47 Fees, 72.46 Use of, 72.48 LOUDSPEAKF, RS, 94.01 MANUFACTUI~D HOUSING (See also HOUSING CODE) Definitions, 154.02 Exterior appearance standards, 154.15 Injunctions, 154.98 Installation standards Foundation skirting, 154.26 Perimeter enclosure, 154.25 Support systems, 154.27 Mobile homes, 154.16 Nonconforming homes, 154.04 Penalty, 154.99 Permits, 154.07 Placement of, 154.03 Purpose of, 154.01 Structural alteration, 154.05 Uses, schedule of, 154.06 MASKS Wearing in public, 130.05 MASSAGE PARLORS Definitions, 112.01 Employees, 112.09 Exemptions, 112.13 Facility requirements, 112.05 Inspection, 112.10 License, 112.02 - 112.09 Ou~cations for, 112.12 Penalty, 112.99 MATERNITY LEAVE, 35.13 MAYOR, 31.20 Council Presiding officer, 30.03 Voting by, 30.09 Human relations commi~ion, 34.085 - 34.106 Salaries of public officers and employees, 31.08 MEETINGS Common council Open to public, 30.02 MINORITIES (See Ai-'I-'mMATIVE ACTION) MINORS Pawnbrokers, 114.02 Secondhand dealers, 114.02 MISDEMEANORS (See OI~'~'~:NSES) MOBILE HOMES, 154.16 Flood areas, 151.01 Office, use as Permit required, 156.57 MOPEDS, 73.26 MOTOR VEHICLES (See also STREETS AND SID.cwALKS; TRAFFIC CODE) Animals, accidents involving, 90.11 Emergency (See EMERGENCY VEHICLES) Garbage trucks, 93.04 Impounding, 72.32, 72.98 Noise, 94.15 Definitions, 94.16 Excessive, 94.18 Exemptions and permits, 94.19 Penalty, 94.99 Quantitathre limits, 94;18 %F~nlations, 94.20 Parks, 95.01 Private property, 70.04 Sale and storage Authorization of police; respons/bflity of owner, 101.08 Definitions, 101.02 Display time limited, 101.06 Maximum number of vehicles to be sold; displayed for sale, 101.03 Ownership requirements for vehicles and watercraft displayed for sale, 101.01 Penalty, 101.99 Prohibited sales on residential property, 101.04 Storage of certain vehicles, 101.07 Vehicle must be displayed in front of residence, 101.05 Storage of, 153.028 Streets Damage to, 71.02 Weight limits, 71.07; Ch. 74, Sch. IV MOVING OF BUILDINGS (See BUILDING CODE) 28 NOISE CONTROL dBA limits, Ch. 94, App. B Loudspeakers, 94.01 Penalty, 94.99 ScienthSc definitions, Ch. 94, App. A Vehicles (See MOTOR VEHICLES) NONCONFORMING USES, 156.36 Flood cl/stricts, 151.06 NOTICES Fair housing comm/ssion meetings, 91.22 Housing code, 153.097, 153.112 Discrimination Complaints, 91.36 Impounded animals, 90.48, 90.52 Licenses Dogs, 90.35 Massage parlor license. 112.11 Plan com_,ui~ion, 34.203 Special meetings, 34.201 Zoning code, 156.78 NUISANCES Animals, 90.02 Building code, 150.325 - 150.330 Refuse, accumulation of, 93.01 Weeds [See W.EEDS) OATH OF OFFICE, 31.04 Oi-.i-.k;NSES A~'lvenising, obscene, 130.06 City property, destruction of, 130.03 Firearms, 130.04 Heaters, unrented, 130.01 Masks, wearing in public, 130.05 Penalty, 130.99 Public officers, interference with, 130.02 Punishable under separate code provisions, 10.15 Taxicabs Failure to pay fare, 130.07 ONE-WAY STREETS, 71.05; Ch. 74, Sch. I OPEN BURNING, 92.06 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (See also CODE OF ORDINANCES) Adoption of, 30.08 Amendment, effect of, 10.06 Future, application of code to, 10.03 introduction of, 30.08 Mayor Approval of; 31.20 Publication of; 30.08 Repeal, effect of; 10.06 Repealed by code, 10.12 Revivor, 10.06 Unaffected by code, 10.13 PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Bicycles, 73.02 PARK/NG METERS (See PARKING REGULATIONS at Meter zones) PARKING REGUZ.~TIONS (See also TRAFFIC CODE) Angle, 72.05 Application of, 72.01 Boating fac~ties, 95.27 Bus stops, 72.12 Commercial vehicles, 72.13 Congested areas, 72.08 Cul-de-sacs, 72.14 D~veways, blocking of, 72.09 Handicapped (See HANDICAPPED PARKING) Hazardous zones, 72.08 Removal of vehicles, 72.98 Liraited, 72.02 Lines, parking between, 72.06 Loading zones (See LOADING ZONES) Meter zones, Ch. 75, Sch. H Enforcement, 72.32 Exemptions, 72.27 Installation, 72.26 Manner of parking, 72.31 Overtime, 72.30 Parking meter d/v~sion, 72.25 Rates for, 72.29 Removal of vehicles, 72.32 Revenues, collection and use of, 72.33 Suspension of use, 72.28 Penalty, 72.99 Prohibited, 72.03, 72.04; Ch. 75, Sch. I Resident only parking, 72.15 Residential, Ch. 75, Sch. III 27 PARKING REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Schools, 72.07 Taxi stands, 72.12 Traffic, obstruction of, 72.10 Trucks, 72.11 PARKS AND RECREATION Boating (See BOATS) Motor vehicles, 95.01 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT, 34.025 Bond, 34.026(D) Budget, 34.031 Composition, 34.026 Ex officio members, 34.027 Gifts and bequests, 34.032 Meetings, 34.029 Powers of, 34.030 Terr~ 34.028 PAWNBROKERS Minors, 114.02 Records, 114.01 PAYROLL, PAYN~NT OF, 36~03 PEDDLERS AND SOLICITORS (See TRANSIENT MERCHANTS) PENALTIES Animals, 90.99 Bicycles, 73.99 Building code, 150.999 Dogs, 90.99 Festivals, 117.99 Fire prevention code, 92~99 Flood Plain Management, 151.99 General, 10.99 I-~storic districts, 152.99 Housing code, 153.999 Manufactured housing, 154.99 Massage parlors, 112.99 Offenses, 130.99 Offenses punishable under different sections, 10.15 Parking regulations, 72.99 Precious metals, sales of, 113.99 Sewers, 50.99 Taxicabs, 115.99 Traffic code, 70.99, 71.99 28 le~ - ~ PENSION FUNDS Fire department, 33.06 Police department, 32:03 PENSIONS, 31.10 PERMITS Building code (See BUILDING CODE) Excavations, 96.30, 96.31 Fire prevention code, 92.25, 92.26 Flood control areas, 151.20, 151.21 Handicapped parking, 72.60, 72.61 Improvement location permit, 156.51 Manufactured housing, 154.07 Rooming houses, 153.007 Sewers, 50.30, 50.31 Zoning code Conditional uses, 156.54 PERSONNEL POLICIES (See EMPLOYlv~NT POLICIES) PLAN COM~SSION Certification of members, 34.197 Citizen members, 34.196 Composition, 34.195 Flood control areas, 151.20 - 151.22 Meetings, 34.201 Notices, 34.203 Officers, 34.198 Powers and duties, 34.202 Quorum, 34.200 Secretary, 34.199 PLD-M~ING (See BUILDING CODE) POLICE CHIEF Bond, 31.05 POLICE COMM/SSIONER Bond, 31.05 POLICE DEPARTMENT Badge, retaining on retirement, 32.01 Building Commissioner, assistance to, 150.283 Collection of fees for inspection of motor vehicles, 32.04 Duty to assist conurdssioner of buddings, 150.117 Impounding of vehicles, 72.98 Longevity pay, 32.02 Parking meter regulations, 72.25 - ?2.33 29 POLICE DEPARTMENT (Cont'd) Peusion fund, 32.03 Property in custody of, 36.02 Traffic code, 70.02 Vehicle Inspection Fund, 32.04 Weapons, retaining on retirement, 32.01 POLICE DOGS, 90.12 POOLROOMS Hours of operation, 110.14 License, 110.10 - 110.13 POULTt~ (See FOWL AND POULT1T~ PRECIOUS M~TALS, SALES OF Approval of, 113.02 Bill of sale, 113.03 Definitions, 113.01 Exemptions, 113.06 Holding period, 113.05 Penalty, 113.99 Reports concerning, 113.04 PRIVATE S.~'WAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (See SEW'ERS) PRIVIES, 60.15 - 50.17 PROBATIONAR~ PERIOD FOR CITY EMPLOYEES, 35.05 PROPERTY, PERSONAL Lost or stolen, sale of, 36.02 PUBLIC ASSEMBLY Places of Fire hazards, 92.05 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMBNT FUND, 31.10 PUBLIC OI-'I-'iCERS AND EMPLOYEES, Ch. 31 Bond, 31.05 City Judge, 31.22 Clerk-treasurer, 31.21 Contracts, 36.08 Compensation, 31.08 Elections, 31.02 Employment policies (See EMPLOYM'~NT POLICIES) 30 JeflereonV~ - ~ PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, Ch. 31 (Cont'd) Ethics and conflicts of interest Complaints, investigations, hearings and appeals Appeals, 38.46 Procedure for ~ling complaint, 38.45 Definitions, 38.01 Economic interest disclosure Exceptions to reporting requirements, 38.20 Enforcement Failure to file statement; violations, 38.55 Government Ethics Commission Advisory opinions, 38.13 Appointment of members and chairperson, 38.11 Creation and composition, 38.10 General authority, 38.12 Investigations, 38.14 Standards of ethical conduct Disclosure of privileged information, 38.36 Dk~fun]{~cation from acting on city business, 38.30 Gifts or honoraria in excess of $200 prohibited, 38.35 G~s or loans prohibited, 38.34 Improper influence, 38.32 Improperly using official position, 38.31 Prohibition of certain financial interest, 38.33 Failure to perform duty, l~bility for, 31.01 Funds collected on behalf of city, 31.09 Interference with, 130.02 Mayor, 31.20 Oath, 31.04 Payroll, 36.03 Pensions, 31.10 Residency requirement, 31.03 Responsibility of, 35.03 Retirement, 31.10 Retirement fund, 37.03 Sun'ender of office, 31.07 Traffic code, 70.05 Travel expenses, 36.01 Vacancies in office, 31.06 PUBLIC WORKS (See PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY, BOARD OF (See BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY) RABBITS, 90.17 RABIES CONTROL, 90.60 - 90.62 31 RAILROADS Crossings, '/1.08; Ch. 74, Sch. II REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS, T.S.O. IV REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORI~/~Y' Establishment, 34.225 Merrubership, 34.226 Purposes, 34.225 RECYCLING Billing and collection responsibilities, 93.67 Definitions, 93.65 Enforcement, 93.70 Establishment of mandatory program, 93.66 Interpretation; severability, 93.71 Ownership and usage of recycling non-reverting escrow fund, 93.68 Violations, 93~69 REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (See also DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT) Age requirements, 34.123 Appointment to, 34.121 Bond, 34.125 Compensation, 34.126 Meetings, 34.128 Oath, 34.125 Officers, 34.127 Powers and duties, 34.130 Residency requirement, 34.123 Rules of, 34.129 Term of office, 34.122 Vacancies in o~5ce, 34.124 REFUSE (See GARBAGE AND REFUSE) RENTAL OF PROPERTY Housing discrimination (See FAIR HOUSING) RESIDENCE DISTRICTS (See also ZONING CODE) Animal, limit on numbers of, 90.10 Parking, Ch. 75, Sch. ~I RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT, 31.03 City employees, 35.04 Redevelopment commi~on, 34.123 RESOLUTIONS (See ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS) RET~,EMENT FUND, 37.03 REVIVOR, 10.06 RIOTS, 31.20 RIVERFRONT FESTIVAL (See FESTIVALS) ROLLER SKATING Sidewalks, 96.02 ROONIINO HOUSES, 153.007 RULES OF CONSTRUCTION, 10.05 SCHOOLS Parking near, 72.07 SECONDHAND DEALERS M/nors, 114.09. Records, 114.01 SEPTIC TANKS, 50.15 - 50.17 SEVERABILITY PROVISION, 10.09 SE~'ERS Building sewers Barricades and lights around sewer excavations, 50.24 Costs and expenses of installation and connection of building sewer; indemnification, 50.16 Gravity flow of building drain to public sewer, 50.20 Inspections, 50.15 Notification of inspector, 50.23 Repair and/or replacement of ex/sting lines, 50.22 Separate building sewer provided for every building, 50.17 Specifications for construction, 50.19 Sur~ce runoff or groundwater, 50.21 Use of old building sewers with new buildings, 50.18 Connection to public sewer system required, 50.07 Damaging sewer equipment, 50.05 Definitions, 50.02 Diagrams, Appendk Enforcement; enforcement response plan Additional enforcement action, 50.41 Enforcement procedures, 50.40 Penalty, S0.99 Prwate sewage disposal systems, 50.04 33 S~W/~RS (Cent'<t) Prohibited discharges; treatment; monitoring and reporting Centre! of prohibited wastes, 50.32 Discharge of stormwater and other trope[luted drainage, 50,30 Industrial wastewater monitoring and reporting, 50.33 Proh~3itious and lin~itatlons on wastewater discharges, 50.31 Prohibitions, 50.03 Purpose, policy, and objectives, 50.01 S~v~g and conflict clauses Savings clause, 50.60 Sewer charges Billing procedure, 50.52 Sewer service charges and rate surcharges, 50.50 Sewer tap fees, 50.51 Written permit required for use of public sewer, 50.06 SHOPPING CENTERS, 156.32 SICK LEAVE, 35.10 SIDewALKS (See STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) SIGNS (See BUILDING CODE) SLUlVI CLEARANCE (See HOUSING CODE) SMOKE DETECTORS Definitions, 92.65 Enforcement, 92.69 Installation, 92.68 Maintenance, 92.68 Placement, 92.67 Required, 92.66 Stricter regulations prevail, 92.70 Type, 92:67 SNOW REMOVAL SidewaLks, 96.03 SOLICITORS (See TRANSIENT MERCHANTS) SOLID WASTE DUMPING Cleanup and removal, 93.53 Definitions, 93.51 Prohibition, 93.52 Purpose, 93.50 SPEED Lh'~4ITS, 71.03; Ch. 74, Sch. SPRING STREET Merchandise on, 96.01 STEAMBOAT DAYS FESTIVAL (See FESTIVALS) STOP LIGHTS AND SIGNS (See TRA~'/~'iC-CONTROL DEVICES) STORM WATER Discharge of; 50.05 STREET COMMISSIONER, 96.04 Garbage and refuse, 93.30 Traffic-control devices, 70.15, 70.16 STREET SUPERINTENDENT, 31.05 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS (See also TRA/-'I-'IC CODE) Building material in public right-of-way, 150.010 Closing of, 96.18 Construction Acceptance by city, 96.17 Bond, 96.16 Closing of, 96.18 Specifications, 96.15 Damage to, ~.02 Excavations (See EXCAVATIONS) Funds for sidewalk improvement, 96.06 Garbage and refuse on, 93.02 Transporting of, 93.04 Numbering of residences, commerci~l buildings, and the like, 96.05 Address numbers, 96.05 Obstructing traffic, 72J0 One-way, 71.05; Ch. 74, Sch. I Peddlers and solicitors, 1]6.02 Sidewalks B/cycles, 73.Z5 Coverkng during building construction, 150.010 Dr/ring on, 71.01 Roller skating, 96.02 Snow removal, 96.03 Spring Street Merchandise on, 96.01 Street commissioner, 96.04 SUBDMSION CONTROL REGULATIONS Definitions, 155.02 Establishment of control, 155.01 Plat certificates; deed of dedication, Ch. 155, Appendix SUBDMSION CONTROL REGULATIONS (Cont'd) Plat Procedure Final plat, 155.13 Final plat approval, 155.14 Pre 'lm~inary plat approval, 155.12 Pre 'hminary plat for subd/vision, 155.11 Submission of written application for plat approval, 155.10 Pr~ciples and Standards of Design Blocks, 155.22 Building setback lines, 155.25 Confo~ce, 155.20 Easements, 155.24 Lots, 155.23 Public open spaces, 155.25 Rights of plan commission, 155.27 Streets, 155.21 Standards of Improvements Conforrnance, 155;30 Curbs, guttem, 155.36 Design of street and alley pavements, 155.33 Monuments and n~rkers, 155.31 Sanitary sewers, 155.34 Sidewalks, 155.37 Storm drainage, 155.35 Street signs, 155.38 Streets, 155.32 Water supply, 155.39 Variance, 155.55 TAXI STANDS, 72.12 TAXICABS Definition, 115.01 Drivers Conduct of, 115.44 License, li5.35 - 115.43 Unlicensed, 115.25 Fares, nonpayment of~ 130.07 Insurance, 115.20 License, 115.15 - 115.22 License plate, 115.21 Penalty, 115.99 Rates, 115,23 Tax/meter required, 115,24 TENTS, 150.120 TIME Computation of, 10.05 36 JeEea,o~ - ~ TRAFFIC CODE (See also MOTOR VEHICLES: STREETS AND SIDEWALKS) Anita=l% 70.03 Bicycles (See BICYCLES) Boating facilities Traffic flow, 95.28 Control devices (See TRA~'I-'~C-CONTROL DEVICES) Definitions, 70.01 Emergency vehicles, 70.05 Flood w.~11% driving on, 151.10(A) One-way streets, 71.05; Ch. 74, Sch. I Parking (See PARKING REGULATIONS) P~ng, improper, 71.04 Penalty, 70.99, 71.99 Police of Scers, obedience to, 70.02 Public employees, 70.05 Railroads (See RAILROADS) Real property used for vehicular traffic, 70.04 Sidewalks (See STREETS AND SID.~;WALKS) Speed lintits (See SPEED LIMITS) Stop lights (See TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICES) Stop streets, Ch. 74, Sch. V U-turns, 71.09 Weight lira/ts, 71.07; Ch. 74, Sch. IV TRAFFIC-CONTROL DEVICES Maintenance of, 70.15 Obedience to, 71.06 Erection of, 70.15 Existing, 70.16 TRANSIENT MERCHANTS Bond, 116.26 Definitions, 116.01 Driver's license, 116.22 Exemptions, 116.07 Fingerprints, 116.24 Hours of operation, 116.06 Licenses, 116.~.0 - 116.32 Misrepresentation of merchandise, 116.06 Posting of premises, 116.03 Refusal to leave premises, 116.04 Service of process, 116.27 Streets, solicitation on, 116.02 TRAVEL EXPENSES, 36.01 TREASURER (See CLERK-TREASURER) TREES AND SHRUBS Trimmings from, 93.06 Iadex 37 TRUCKS Garbage haulers, 93.04 Parking, 72.11 U-TURNS, 71.09 VACATION LEAVE, 35.09 VACATIONS OF STREETS AND ALLEYS, T.S.O. V Zoning code, 156.04 VARIANCES, 156.76 Flood cl~tricts, 151.07 WATER Fire protection Size of pipes, 92.03 WATERCRAFT SALE AND STORAGE, Ch. 101 (See MOTOR VEHICLES, Sale and storage) WATERCOURSES Discharges into, 50.04 WATERWAYS Garbage and refuse in, 93.03 WEAPONS Firearms, 130.04 WEEDS Abatement, 93.41, 93.42 Cutting of, 93.40 Inspection of premises, 93.41 WEIGHT LI1V~ITS, 71.07; Ch. 74, Sch. IV Wt~JNG (See ELECTRICAL CODE) ZONING CODE Admir~tration Approval of Board required before issuance of permit for conditional use, 156.139 Certificate of occupancy; specifications, 156.140 Enforcement Officer, 156.135 Improvement location permit, 156.136 Refusing to accept petition to rezone or for special exception within six months of denial by Board, 156.141 Relocation nay be required, 156d38 38 Jeflersonvflle - Index ZONING CODE (Cont'd) A~Iministration (Cont'd) Site plans; permanent record, 156.137 Temporary permit for use of mobile home as office, 156.142 Amendments, 156.010 Annexed or vacated area, 166.004 Board of Zoning Appeals Aciditional powem, 156.159 Conditions and comm/tments related to a decision by the Board, 156.154 Contents of notices, 156.160 Decisions of Board, 156.157 Review by certiorari, 156.157 Right to appeal, 156.167 Establishment, 156.150 Organization, 156.151 Promulgation of rules Minutes, 156.152 Reconsideration after rejection of application, 156.152 Records, 156.152 Time for decisions, 156.152 Public meetings Records to be kept and filed, 156.156 Remedies, 156.161 Special exceptions Requirements and procedures, 156.155 Variances, 156.158 Variances and special exceptions Requirements, procedure, 156.153 Business Zoning District B-1 District Development standards, 156.044 Purpose of, 156~042 B-2 Service Business District, 156.045 B-4 ThorougMare Service District, 156.047 B-5 Business-Industrial District, 156.048 Business District Off-street parking regulations, 156.049 Regulations, 156.041 Establishment of Business Zoning Districts, 156.040 C-eneral Business District, 156.046 Off-street loading regulations, 156.050 Uses not permitted, 156.043 Definitions, 156.003 District boundaries; zoning map Classification of districts, 156.021 Determination, interpretation thereof, 156.020 Zone map, 156.022 Indez 39 ZONING CODE (Cont'd) Filing fees, 156.011 Heavy Industrial District (I-2) Application, 156.080 Conditional or contingent uses; requirements, 156.083 Development standards, 156.085 Nonconfon'ning use specifications, 156.084 Off-street loading regulations, 156.087 Off-street parking, 156.086 Performance standards, 156.088 Permitted uses, 156.081 Special exceptions, 156.082 Height, 156.006 Interpretation, 156.002 Light Industrial Use (I-l) Application, 156.070 Pent'tiffed uses, 156.071 Lots, 156.008 Noninterference with greater restrictions o!her'wise imposed, 156.012 parking spaces, 156.009 Loacling~ unloading berths, 156.009 Planned Unit Developments, 156.100 Applicability of dimensional requirements, 156.101 Application for approval of development plan, 156.105 Application for approval of outline plan, 156.104 Building pan'nits and certificates of occupancy, 156.108 Changes in outline of Development Plans, 156.110 Changes prohibited, 156.113 Designation of Planned DeVelopment areas initiated by the city, 156.103 Development Plan to gevem, 156.112 Effect of changes, 156.126 Fees, 156.115 Lal:~e of Development Plan, 156.109 Modifications, 156.114 Plan Con'u~!~ion review of Development Plan, 156.106 Planned conumercisl and industrial development; substantive requirements, 156.123 Planned commercial development Plan Comm.k~on Approval, 156.125 Zones in which permitted, 156.124 Planned Unit Development Commercial uses, 156.118 Completion of, 156.111 Conveyance and maintenance of common open space, 156~121 Density, 156.117 Guidelines, 156.120 Plan Commission approval, 156.119 4O ZONING CODE (Cont'd) Planned Uult Developments (Cont'd) Planned unit development (Cont'd) Subcl/vision and resale, 156.122 Substant/ve reclu/rements, 156.116 Procedures for the approval of Planned Developments, 156.102 Recording of approved Development Plan, 156.107 Residential D~trict uses and recluirements Building setback lines along public streets, 156.033 Provisions and exceptions to residential uses, 156.034 R-1 S/ngle-Famfly Residentfal District, 156.031 R-2 Multi-Family Residential District, 156.032 Resiclential district regulations, 156.030 Restricted Industrial Suburban (I-S) Zoning District Application, 156.060 Permitted uses, 156.061 Short title and purposes, 156.001 Sign regulations, 156.014 Special regulations, 156.013 Use, 156.005 Yard, lot area, and size of buildLug, 156.007 ZONING MAP, 156.22 Changes, T.S.O. VI