HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoe Nichols 6.24.17 Jeffersonville, IN fully executed contractWAT 1201 Demanbreun Street, 15th Floor Nashville, IN 37203 USA Phone; +1615-963.3311 argil. anb(DWMEeatenairmentreen ,1O1';-ICII(?LS ARTIST RIDER AND ADDENDA ATTACHED HERETO HEREBY MADE A PART or TIUS CONTRACT Agreanent mads 15 Feb 2017 batten IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC. (hereinafter Blared Io as'PRODUCER") furnishing the services ofJOE NICHOLS (hereinafter referred la as "ARTIST") and CITY OF JEFFERSON'VILLE— PARKS DEPARTMENT/Bill bums (hereinafter referred to as "PURCHASER') It es mutually agreed between the parties as follows The PURCHASER hereby engages she PRODUCER to furnish the services of ARTIST Tactile Engagement (as described herein) upon all the tams and conditions herein set fanh, includutg, without linsintion, Addendum 'A" (Addit:orml Terms end Conditions), the Ani Rider, and any other PRODUCER addenda refannced herein (if any). all of %hid' arc attached hereto cad linty breorporated herein by reference. 1. EItiGAGEMF VF.NtTE181: JEFFERSONVILLE RIVERSTAGE 100 West Retcnide Drive Jc1Fmonvillc,11.1 47130 USA 2. »ATEIS1 OF I'NGAGEMIENT Sa12d Jan 2111 a. Rumba of Shoos b Slow Schedoie(s): 05 90 PM Doors 07 00 PM Support - TDA (Artist Approved) O6 00 PM Suppan - TBA (Artist Approved) 09 30 PM JOE NICHOLS. (60-75 3. $II.1.Jrt (la all forms of advertising); 100% Festival Billing 4. CO%1PENSATTON( 530,100.00 USD (Thirty Thousand U.S. Dollars) flat GUARANTEE. DEPOSIT r gtdreotems and PAYMENT TERMS areflrrherJet forth below In Section IR 5. PRODUCTION AND CATERING( Prachrner to provide end pay for festival soured and lights. predeetInnronlaetl Chris Hughes (302)523.1333 (off) christ supdjs.tvm 6. TRANSPORTATION Am) ACCO3IMODATIONSt o) Airtrrtsponalion b) AeootnmoJatima Purchaser to pomade and pay for heel accommodations consisting of one (I) suite and len (10) 'infests required by Artist c) Air freight and excess baggage d) Memel transportation. e) Meals and incidentals Apemen dried IS.Felauarr2017 Page I of I WME Comm m' Tnir.os.2scupLued Mo,di. 2015 JOE NICHOLS CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE.. PARES DEPARTMENT S. 260121E I)Other Any ranges to the above-mentioned wrangemenu =subject to the sok and cedusive prior written immoral of PRODUCER. 7. SPECIAT. PR(WISIAM - For radio interviews acrd all special requests regarding Artist please contact Radelk Rountree at Triple Management (511444 7600 or rachdle(gDiptellmgrnl.com}, For all tour miming needs, announce dales, on sale dates, ad materials and ell TV/Prhe inter /km, please contact Renee Schapiro u Triple t Mm@genent (512.444.7600 orseneeet1ripk1mgmtoom) -Any changes to lineup or show oaks stated In this contract must be approved in writing by Artist's marogrr, agent, or embodied represanstive. Any deranges without prior approval shall constitute a breach of contract and Artist shall be entitled to cancel the performance. retain any vnounts previously received, and receive the MI guarantee due @der this agreement - Pim:hoerto pay for and utilise Anise supplied d mats, radio and television spots Frain Tau Design No other forms of advertising we permitted without management approval. Contact Bill Kittle (bilikinlefkowdesigncom/ 323.769.4776) for ordering infomrtimt t. ARTIST RIDER; PURCHASER shall provide and pay for all terms and conditions contained in the ARTIST rider and shall I My comply nidi all provisions thereof 9. CURRENCY AND EXCHANGE RATra 10.?AYM ENT TERMS; e. DEPOSIT in the amount of SI5,000.00 USD shall be paid to and in the name of PRODUCE=RS @gent, WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. to be received not later than 24 May 2017; AR deposit payments shell be paid vie milted or Istshiees check usurp WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT. LLC ATTN. Abby Walls Bus 1201 DemanbranStreet, 15th Flow Nashville, IN 37203 USA OR via bank wire as fellows: CITY NATIONAL BANK 54 Music Square Eut Nashville, TN 37203 ABA no.. 064009445 William Maris Endeavor Account No. 634001426 ORO: City ofJelTersonville— Puke Department / REF. Joe Hiclnis l Jun 24, 2017 WME booking code: PAC 793564 far s{JtderJsmote ad), arrlg .tsar Ade F1 rvprnenrlrl b. BALANCE of the monks shall be paid to and in the name of PRODUCER by =rolled or wshlds Hurl or bank vont (as daignnted by PRODUCER), to be received by PRODUCER not later than pdorw the rust show oft a Engagement C. Earned percentages, omega and/or bonuses. ifapplicehle. tae to be paid to PRODUCER in crab (if requested by PRODUCER. and to the anent permitted by law), or by certified or ashia's chxk or busk wise (as designated by PRODUCER). imrnedinely Ibbllnving the last show of the Engagement d. In the crrnt tate full prim areal upon to be paid by PURCI USER does teat inhale percentages or overages,. and the actual gnus box office receipts item the Engagement exceed the gross potential .s stated herein. such amounts shill be paid in MI to PRODUCER in ash (if required by PRODUCER and to the extant permitted by ins) or by certified or cashier's check or bank wine (es designated by PRODUCER), immediately fohloring the last show of the Engagement Amine= deed 1.‘Fduary2017 Pagel are vans Cowmen, 20140S.291trpdated MN* 20 I S JOE NICHOLS CITY OF JEFFERSONVIU.E PARRS IMPAIRMENT Seq 260016 J 1.5CALI\G AND TtCKEC PRICES: CAP. TYPE PIKE COMPO MILLI BILLABLE AI E FACJEC PAINING CHARITY 71CJEE VIP OCIIOIY OMEN MET PRICE OROOO POT Sal 34 haPJAPs1 Kt= GASt.dnt 0 0 0 II^ 0 0 0 SCALING NOTES: - Frac Show ADJUSTED GROSS POTENTIAL - Outdoor/Covered Stet / Rain or Shirk 12. J„XFENSES; N/A IIT IERCIIANUISING; Artist sells, All Merchandise 100.00'4 of proceeds m ARTIST 14. VISAS AND WORK PF.RAIITSI Is tin& TAX: NET POTENTIAL ADDENDUM :1" /ADbITKiVAL TERMS AND COADf7TONCI ARTIST RIDER AND ANY OTHER PRODUCER ADDENDA RF'FERFArFQ IFEREINRFANA. ARF,4f.f. ATTACHED HFR1 7TI AND FULLYINfORPORATED HEREIN AY RFFFREATF IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties he By CITY 0 JEFFERSONVILLE PARKS EPARTMENT Bill Bush �e v SOO QIertemms er Court Sunt 212 Jeffersonville IN 47130 USA ve hereunto scl their name and seal on the day and year first above written By /(/ IMPOSSIBLC PRODUCTIONS INC Fcd ID 81-0609020 Care or Sart Simpson Ci ofleikesoavilte Parks De nmenl Retrtnrall Vatted rootrarn eo WILIJAM MORRIS FADEAPOR ENTERTAINMENT. 1 LC Ed the oddrrsuthze. Arles 1ni ff elle AO I\ b/41Ak Averment fixed 13-Fehrumy2017 JOE NICIIOLS Pqc 3 o($ CITYQF JEFFERSONVILLE .. PARKS DEPARTMEh1 WAIEConcernrer 2011•0549..0 dncd11leteh.1011 5eq 2604226 I 1. SCALING AND TICKF.T PRICE CAP. TYPE PRICE COMPS KILLS SELLABLE FAC.FEE PARKING CHARITY TIC.FEE VIP SCNDRY OTHER NET PRICE GROSS POT. Sat 24 hm 9:30 Pat 10,000 OA Sanding 0 0 0 Iwo 0 0 0 SCALING NOTES: - Free Show ADJUSTED GROSS POTENTIAL: - Outdoor /Covered Stage ! Rain or Shine 12.LXPENSES; NIA 13. J11ERCHANDISINC, Artist sells; All Merchandise 100 00% of proceeds to ARTIST. 14. VISAS AND WORK PFRi411TS: 1S.TAXESk TAX: NET POTENTIAL; ADDENDUM "A"/ADQJTJQIYALJEfl ANQ QJDITIOJ'$ ARTaTRND?.AINDANYOTHERPRODUCERADDENDAREFERENCEDHHEREINREANYI.AREAL& • 8: . 0. :01,:1, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties he ve hereunto set their names and seals on the day and year first above written BY CITY dr JEFFERSONVILLE—PARKS DEPARTMENT Bill Bums ?C . S4,JL 500 Quartermaster Court Suite 212 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 USA Careol` Sara Simpson City of Jeffersonville - Parks Department By. IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC Fed ID RI -0609020 Plum all shined canaries to WILLIAM AfORR15 ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT. LLQat the address above, Attention. Wells Baas Agreement dated IS -February -2007 Page 3 of 8 WME Concert; rev 2014.05-29/!updated Mardi, 2013 JOE NICHOLS CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE - PARKS DEPARTMENT Seq.: 2604286 ADDENDUM"A" ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CO,YDmONS A. COMPENSATION (1) Unless otherwise specified, all payments shall be made in MI without any deductions whatsoever If not already indieYed an the face page or this Agreement, PURCHASER will salvia PRODUCER, or PRODUCER' agent, promptly upon request (but in no ever later than this on sale date), of the net admissions prices far the entatanunod pesa.stion and shall Rather disclose any added chmges .rid applicable tax in connection therewith. (2) in the event the payment to PRODUCER shall be baud in echoic or in pan on receipts of the paiamrtec(s) hereunder, PURCHASER agrees to deliver to PRODUCER a certified statement of the gross receipts tirade performance within two (7) hours following such performance PRODUCER shell hive the right to have a s presentmive present in the boa spice melt braes and such representative shall have access to box dace records of PURCHASER refiling to gross receipts ofthe Engagement (3) In the event the' the payment of PRODUCERS shore of said perfano.nce(s) receipts is based in whole or in pmt upon expenses edited to the Ermagerncnt, PURCHASER shall nsily by paid receipts, acceded check or similar documents all such expanses, er they shall not be included as en esrpense of the Engagement (4) In the event the payment to PRODUCER does not include a paeentape payment, if the actual gross box office teceipu from the Engagement exceed the Bron potential as staled on the fete ofthis Agreement or as otherwise areal in willing extern the parties, such exceu shat be inmedisidy paid in MI to PRODUCER in asst 8. TICKETS (1) PURCHASER shill not anmwunce, advertise, promote or sdl Ilekets to the Engagement until euthonation in writing has ban received front PRODUCER. (2) ALL TICKETS MUST 8E NUMBERED. NO TICICE'IS SHALL BE PRICED AT MORE THAN 7HE AGREED UPON PRICE EXCLUSIVE OF VALUE ADDED TAX OR OTHER SALES -BASED TAX WITHOUT PRODUCERS PRIOR APPROVAL (3) If ticket price aching shall be varied in my respect, the percentage of compassion pryeble to PRODUCER shall be based upon whichever of the following is mase favorable to PRODUCER: (1) the tidos price sealing set fords on the face pegs of this Agreement or es odtenvise agreed in writing by Ibe parties, or (ii) the Intl( ticket price sabers in dieed for the Eogeganad. (4) The PRODUCEICs representative skill have the right to inspect ticket aces and all box ofike end other records with respect to such receipts, including. but not limited to. unsold tide!', printed but unsold Ickes (so-called "dadnuod") end stubs of tickets sold. for the purpose of verifying the statements. PRODUCER' representative will upon request be.dmttled to the box office at all times during the sale of tickets br the Enpgernent hereuadsr (5) These shall be no dynein ticket pricbmg unless nnuuslly ,peed upon by PRODUCER and PURCHASER in welting In the event the parties agree to patriotism is dynamic ticket pricing all tams thereof shall be subject to mural written approval including, without lirn;ndon, all ticket prim and 'adjustments thereto, scaling, gross bar dike pate nial and additional ticketing charges (if any). All dements thereof, including, without himketion, all ticket pridnghcaliagedjustmaKs, ticketing charges (if any) and fusel grams revenue must be nensparent end presented nt settlement In writing es PRODUCER to evidence ample= with de ibregoiang. (6) PURCHASER was that any indoston of ARTIST% performance hereunder in a subscription or other type of series is subject to the prior written consent of PRODUCER. (7) PURCHASER shall not commit ARTIST to any interviews, promotional .ppearen cesmeet & greets. or odmwise without PRODUCERS prior, urines consent, which shall be gime or withheld in PRODUCERS sole discretion. C. FACILITIES (I) PURCHASER apes to furnish at its sole cost and expose on the date(s), linage) and place(s) of the performmrcc(a) all that is necessary far the proper end Will presentation of t he Er gencnt, iteluding, without limitation. a suitable venue, wedbhealed, ventilated, lighted. clean and in good order, stege curtains, properly tired grand piano or pianos and all necessary Rust class sotatd equipment in perfect working =dittoes Ina/ding anpllfiers, microphones in number and quality required by PRODUCER. dsesslrg rooms (dean, conferrable. properly heated and eireondiliened and near the stage), ell nesaseny deetricurts endstage herds, all necessary first elms Ileniag, deletes, house pogroms, all licenses Weeding musical performing rights licenses). 'decimate s ditty, usher; ticket sellas, ticket taken. sppropri.te end sukfeiens edvenkiig is alt med'n and PURCHASER shall pay all other necessary expenses in connection t eeewilK (2) PURCHASER shall also provide et ice sale cost and expense all necessary equipment for the Engagement hereunder en pmv(ded on the tee of the Ageemas, or es deslgnated in the steadied ARTIST Rider, unless otherwise speed by PRODUCER and PURCHASER in writing Exact requiraoa is to be advised If same differs (ram ARTIST Riderspesiftsdioro, (3) PURCHASER will pay all music royabie t in connection with PRODUCEitS use of music, and in eddtiam, the costs Ow musicians (including contractor) other than these fimishcd by PRODUCER as pert of PRODUCERS regular company (4) PURCHASER agrees to pay all anathema taxa, tfsppiiest*. (5) PURCHASER shill comply with all neguladom and requkcmehts of any union(s) that may have jurisdiction over arty of the said malaisls. facilities and personnel to be I misted by PURCHASER and PRODUCER. (6) if PRODUCER no requires. PURCHASER will fiunish u in wane ell necessary facmaide% ckdricians, stage hinds and other personnd for lighting and dress sehemsnls. PURCHASER shell Mash at le own expose ell other karts and pummel including. but not limited in, any and ell presume!, including musicians. es may be 'squired by say naiad or local union(s) required for the proper presentation of the perfoheance hereunder, ud any ndrcarsxls therefore, except for those haps and prion el which PRODUCER herein specifically agrees to limdsh. (7) PURCHASER shall enure compliance with all applicable Iequfrements of leen and regulations as to health and safety, liwsin& insurance, hygiene, fire, access, egress, security. end grandly In sedation to the performance(s) and the veewc(s) for such paformaehce(s). (I) PURCHASER shall be solely responsible for providing a safo envkumnera for the En;egcman , keludirg but not limbed to with respect to tine stilling, singe cover g. limeadiug, supervision and direction or the Engegeme t, and sanity, so that de Engagement and all persons end equipment ane five from adverse weather and otter conditions, 'Mations and events ("Adverse CaditionS ). PRODUCER/ARTIST shall not have any liability kr any damage injury caused by sudsAde se Conditions. Agreement dad IS.Febceary.2017 JOE NICHOLS Pepri era CITY OF JEFFEi1SONVILLE PARKS DEPARTMENT WMEConan, rev 301A0S.21VAapdehrdMuch. 2013 guy, 2101116 D. PRODUCTION CONrRol. (1) PRODUCER shag hats the sole csdipive mune control over the production end pRxnution of ARTIST, perform= at the Enpgmhat hereunder, indoding, but not limited to, die tend,, means and mamas of the perfonn.mce orbs performing antes hereunder. and PRODUCER shalt bare the auk right, as PRODUCER may see fit, to designtaand change et any time the p.tfomning peeotmel other than the ARTIST herein specifically maned. (2) ARTIST shell a<all times be du headline act end will be the dosing act *finch show. unlet odw wisespealkd herein. PURCHASER agrees that no performs other than those 10 be Rambled by PRODUCER hcivundcr will appear on or in connection with the Engagement hereunder. PURCHASER agrees to supply and pay for all supporting sets, if any, which must be: mimed ender approved by PRODUCER (3) PURCHASER "gram to prwniely comply with PRODUCER, directions as to stege settings for the pafo, ance henntnder (4) Itis inderi d that no stage scuts onto be sold or used without PRODUCER'' pricy writers consent. E. EXCUSED PERFORZL1NCE lf, es the result of a Foos Majeure Evac (as dthnrd below), PRODUCER or ARTIST is unable to, or is prevented tom, perfotming the Engaganent or any portion Omar or any matai.l obliplion under IMs Agreement, that PRODUCER', and ARTIST'* obliptioan hammier will be fully accused, iliac shall be no claim for damage: or expenses by PURCHASER. and PURCHASER shall bur its oast amus and expanses in ataneccian with this Alinement Notwidatandlog the foregoing; (I) PURCHASER shall be *bingaled and liable to PRODUCER for such proportiomtc amount of the payment provided for herein as may be doe hereunder for any perfannmce(s) which PRODUCER nay hue tendered up to the lime of the inability to perroran by meson of suds Forte Majeure Event, and (ii) in the mem of such namperfannenu ass result of a Force Majcin. Event, if ARTIST is seedy, willing. and able to perfetm (but for the occurrence of such Force Majeure Event), then PURCHASER shall nevertheless pay PRODUCER an =aunt equal to the ILII OUARANTEE plus all other payments and csmpanation due betroth:: For deification, in the event of eaneelhitian due to any Fees Milan Event, and whether or not ARTIST is reedy, willing and able to perform, PURCHASER shall remain responsible for all Irmspaution, accommodation. expense reimb esements and any other payments or compensation for PRODUCER/ARTIST and etounge pursuant to the tams of this Agree ere. A 'Force Msijetse Event" shall mean any wear more of the following acts which males any performate (s) by PRODUCER a ARTIST contemplated by this Agreement impossible, inle.silue or unsafe acts of God; .d(s) or reguledcn(s) of any publicauthority or berm, civil tumult, epidemic, em(s) of the public enemy; sells) or threats or terrorism. duels; Inst ercctiam; riots or odea forms of civil disorder In, or .mural, the Engagartent venue or width PRODUCER and/or ARTIST reuon.biy believe jeopardizes the minty of ARTIST, any of ARTISTi equIpmernt, musicfens ormbar performers, or any a(PRODUCERs key personnel; anbargoes, labor disputes (hrciudtng, without limitation, dam. iakoues, job actions, ar boycotts); rum; explode:as; floods, gauges of energy or other essential service, fa'lun of technical tbcuities, filum or delay of tnap.rtstlon; death, disability, inners, inlay or oder inability to perferrn of ARTIST, wry of ARTIST' musicians, other performers, crew. rcpementalives or advisors, any of ARTIST' ramify memben,.ny of PROOUCERs key personnel. or any other person pasomlly known la ARTIST wham death, disability, illness or Witty adversely impaels AR11STs ability to perforin in connection with the Engagement, or other similar or dinunRar cases beyond the control of ARTIST or PRODUCER Midi make any pedbmna>cc(s) contemplated by dus Agreement impossible, infectible or unsafe F, INCLEMENT WEATHER Nolwilhstendny anything combed to tis contrary herein, inclement weather shell not be deemed a Force Majeure evert and PURCHASER dull rernain liable for payment to PRODUCER of the WI GUARANTEE plus all *her compensation due hereunder if the pllamance(s) is rendered impossible, Infe016le or unsafe by such weedier conditions. For deification, PURCHASER shall remain responsible for all other temp and conditions of ties Agreement, including, without Ilrniwton accommodations, Iransportation, and amatsereimbtmuments for ARTIST and touring party G. PRODUCER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL PURCHASER agrees that PRODUCER may cancel the Engagement hereunder without liability by giving the PURCHASER noli c Ihasof at least Thirty (30) days price io the oommeroeaent data ad* Engagement hereunder. Upon termination of the Agreement In accordance with this Section G. PRODUCER shall return es PURCHASER any deposit previously received by PRODUCER in bion with she Engagement. Subject to the foregoing, upon such termhintion, the parties shall have no (Luther right or obligations hammier, end ahch of the partici shag bear its own costs inclined in connection with this Agreemart. H. BILLING (I) ARTIST shall receive billing in such order, lona, sire and prominetm as directed by PRODUCER In all advertising and publicity bused by re under to control of she PURCHASER, including, but not limited to, displays, newspapers. sidle and television ads, electric lights, pasta% houseboards ardaunouncemats. (2) PURCHASER may only inc ARTISI's name and praapptoved. voice, Manan, materials, pictures, pholograplts. image, or other identlkelion of ARTIST (collectively, "ARTIST, Likeness') in causation with PURCHASER' advertising and publicizing of the Enpgeroent, however PURCHASER: nue ofARTISTi Likeness shall not be as an cdnsemon or indication of toe of any predict or service end no corposau or produedsevice mane or logo shall be included In any such advertising end publicity absent PRODUCERY prior written approval in each instance. Notwithstanding the fortgobtg, the placentae, form, content, eppeaa ce. and all other aspects of PURCHASER's use ofART1STs Litmus shall at all times be subject to the prix written approval of PRODUCER. L MERCHANDISING PRODUCER doll hme the eachnive right to sell souvenir programs, build books, photographs, records awl any end all types of merchandise including, but not limited to, articles of dotting (it. T shirts, hats, etc.), posers, stickers, cmc. on the premises of the pleats) of perfomarce without any p.zllcipad on in the proceeds by PURCHASER subject. however, to concessionaires requirements, if any. es spedrsed in this Apeman. Arnim demi IS•F.trhoty401T /OE NICHIOLS Pam 3 of 5 CITY OF IEFFERSONVILL6— PARKS DEPARTMENT WhIE Conan ea 20I44i-291/apdrud Minis.1013 Sea 2.421E J. NO RECORDING/BROADCAST PURCHASER shall not itself, nor stall k permit or authorize ahem (including; without limitation, PURCHASER or venue anploysts. teprese teives w contractors) to nand, broadcast. televise, !ilii, photograph, wsbast, or otherwise reproduce the visas) and/or audio performances hneinder (or any port Mason ardkr ARTIST and/or PRODUCER': perlcnnd at any time dicing the ErsgepemmL In die event PRODUCER does to gram cry of the aforementioned rights, lath rights shall be subject to a separate written agreernent, and PURCHASER shall be responsible, at PURCHASER'S sole cost and expense. for securing any and all necessary third party rights, !freta. clearances. and permissions (including. but not limited to, all meanly publhhing and record label clearances) requited in connection with PURCHASER's capture and/or cxploitetion dike same. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and [lather to any additional obligations of PURCHASI]t to iadomnify PRODUCER/ARTIST contained in this Agreement. PURCHASER shall irskmnity and hold hankers PRODUCER and ARTIST tiam any and all dohage(s) it, or they, may sustain es a result of PURCHASER'S kiln to comply herewith. IL PURCHASER DEFAULT (1 ) fn the event PURCHASER ren= or neglects to provide any of the item herein stated or dimply with any provisions hereunder. craw fids to prranpdy make any of the payments as provided herein and/or fails to proceed with the Engagement ander fails to fianish PRODUCER ar ARTIST with any dccumcntetion, tickets or notice or proof dKteof es required here nda, at the tines herein specified. than any such failure shall be deemed a substantial and material breads adds Agreement ell PRODUCER shall have the right (in PRODUCERS sole disaetion), mahout prejudice to any other rights and remains tc (i) kmncd etely ferrate this Agreement and once] any or all ranking Esgaganem hereunder, (ii) retain all amounts already paid to PRODUCER by PURCHASER as partial compensation for such breath, (Iii) rcreivc the Rill GUARANTEE (or the unpaid balance thereof) plus e11 other payments and other compensation due pursued to this Apemen sand all out of pocket amens ierurred by PRODUCER ad ARTIST in connection with tic Emgagemeru or the transactions contemplated by this Agxmnat; end (iv) PRODUCER and ARTIST,hall hie no Anther liabilities arnl/or obligations in connection with the Estysgement or the transections contemplated by this Agreernat. For the avoidance of doubt. in all instates PURCHASER shell renin responsible for all transponetion..ccotomadatlons, and acpe ne reimburse mgrs Fir PRODUCER/AR115T and entourage pussuent to the tams orchis Agreement. (2) If, an or before the date of may scheduled Engaious's, PURCHASER has failed. neglected, or relined to perform any comma with PRODUCER/ARTIST. and/or any contrera with any third party miming to this Enpannent, and/or any other contract with any other perfection for any other engagement (wieder or not related), or if the financial standing or reedit of PURCHASER has beers impaired or is in PRODUCER'S opinion u nsaisfackey, PRODUCER ,heal have the right to denied payment of die MI GUARANTEE end all other ootnpanation due pursuant to this Agreement If PURCHASER fails or refuses to make such payment forthwith, then any such fail me shill I be deans a suhstandai and material breach *fah Agreement and PRODUCER shall have the right (in PRODUCEfis sok discretion), without whet= to any other rights end temedia, to (I) kmmedindy terminate dais Agreemat and cancel any or di remaining Enpieread(s) hereunder; (ii) retain all enwnts already paid to PRODUCER by PURCHASER as panful compensation for such anticipatory breath; (iii) rcaive the Ail GUARANTEE (or balance thaeol) and all other compawlimn due purl:net to this Agreacern and ell out of pocket =pains incurred by PRODUCER and ARTIST In connection with the Engegeancnt ar the intaactioro contemplated by this Agreement; and (iv) PRODUCER and ARTIST shall have no Rusher liabilities adlor obligations In corn ecdon with the Ergagiematt or the Imnsadions contemplated by this Agreanent For the avoidance of deule, in all instances PURCHASER shall remain respansibk for all transpoaetion, accommodations, and expense reimbursements for PRODUCER/ARTIST end amino: pursuant to the tams of this Agreement. L INSURANCFJINDEiINtIFICATION (1) PURCHASER shall obtain and maintain, Sam the date hereof through completion of the Engagement, commercial general liability insolence coverage, including a contractual lidbilky endorsement as respects this Agreement. liquor liability (either from PURCHASER. if PURCHASER is furnishing liquor, or foam PURCHASER'S designated caroessioneira), in en amount of not lest Iran Five Million Daum (SS.000,000) per occurrence (ken in no evert in amounts leas than the limits 'squired by the venue end/or as set forth in the ARTIST rider. if onyx business automobile liability insurance covering all owned. non -owned and hied vehicles used by err on behalf of PURCHASER with a minimum combined bodily injury and property damage liability limit of Five Million Dollars (35,000,000) per oa�anenr end workers companion and employer's liebttry insurance (kidding stop gap liability tshae eppliable) with minimum limits of one Milian Dollars (S1.000,000) per deka Out in no event In limits Ire than those requited by law medlar las thea the limits required by the venae endlor m set lbetk in the ARTIST rider, Reny }Notwithstanding the foregoing for any Engagement et which the allowable capacity is in areas of Twenty -Five Tlovmand (35,000) ettertdecs, bail kis then Fifty Thousand (50.000) attendees, the required commacW general liability humane coverage lima shall be in en amount dna las than Ten Million Doll= (310.000000) pa occumance, and lbr sny Engagement at which the allmuable cepacky b fifty !hauled (50,000) or more attendees, the acquired commercial genera( (lability insurance coverage link shall be in an amount afloat Tess then Fifteen Million Dalian ($15,000,000) pa oeermrenee. All of the insurance requirements set forth above shall rent be consumed es a limkatio n of any potential liability on behalf of PURCHASER AMI such insolence required above shell be primey and non-cortnbutory. and shall be written by insurance companies qualified to do business kat the states) of the Eshgegemat(s) with AM Bat ratings not las then A mind or better. Such insurance policies shell contain a waivet(s) of subropatian with respect to the PRODUCER, ARTIST and their tespectivc ,hers, directed, principals, agate amployan and mpreseitreiva and shall provide that Its coveter t eremxder may not be materially changed. reduced or canceled unless tarry (30) days prior written notice thereof is fu niched to PRODUCER/ARTIST. Nal less elan less (10) days prior to each E immensont, PURCHASER shall tartish PRODUCER/ARTIST with on appropriate artificers(s) of insurance eviderccing compliant with the kavaante requirements ser fneth above end among PRODUCER. ARTIST and PRODUCER/ARTISTs respective officers. drroctam, principals, agents, ahptoyees ad _, „ as attritional Wends. PRODUCER, failure to request, review or comment an any such certificates shall not affect PRODUCER'S rights ar PURCRASER's obligations hereunder. Upon request, PURCHASER shell immediately Rams!' to PRODUCEJIIARTIST a MI end complete copy dad isawance policies requited lo be maintained by PURCHASER herein. (2) PURCHASER hereby agrees to navy indcmniry and hold harmless PRODUCER and ARTIST, wind their respcdive ageats, nettle tetives, principal; ahpioyen, onkees ad directors, from end 'Ping try tilts. aria, abilr,dom. liabilitio, penalties, losses, dsrges, mss, dangles or ape les, including. wide* limitation, nasonabie alomcyrs fees had trial expenses, 'rained or sufTerad by or threatened against PRODUCER or ARTIST or any of the Ibtegakig in connection with or es a tesuh of any claire keluding without limitation. a eiaim for death, personal fray or property damage or otherwise brought by or on btu if deny third puny person, tem or rarpoiUen as a result of or in connection with the Engagement, or my ads or omission of PURCHASER ar its employed, agents. or other reprmerwaeivcs in connection with the transactions antemplated by this Agrsrmau, which claim does not directly result tram the ilea negligence of the ARTIST and/or PRODUCER. Ageennem diad IS.Fe,Mugy tall JOE NICHOLS For 5 ori CITY OF JEFF SONVILLE - PARKS DEPARTMENT WME Conoiht; Nr.20 I14154111Arletal Monk 2013 Seq.• 2104255 AL ROLE OF AGENT WILLIAM MOANS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT, LLC acts only as agent for PRODUCER and names no liability Maunder and in furtherance &icor and for the benefit of WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT. LLC, it is agreed that neither PURCHASER nor PRODUCERIARTIST will name or join WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR ENTERTAINMENT. LLC. or any or its paelts, subsidiaries, offkers, directors, principals, *genus, employers and representatives (collecnively. 'WME) as a pony in any civil *dish or suit anywhere In the sodd. arising out of, in cornertion aide, or related to any acts of commission a omission pursuant to or in correction with this Agreement by either PURCHASER or PRODUCER/ARTIST. To the Went nt epplia de. without limiting the generality of the keeping and hbr the avoidance of doubt, WME expressly assumes no liability hereunder for any claims, losaa, damages, complications, consequences, en odes events that may occur as a felt of the ham of either pony hereto to obtain any of the visas, work permits,, nod/ar other documentation squired Orr the perfbrmatee of the pinks' obligations herca dex (hereinafter. the "Travel Docummnts"). i1 is agreed that neither PURCHASER nor PRODUCER/ARTIST will name or join WME as a patty in any civil action or suit anywhere in the Hudd, wising out of, in connection with. or Meted to any failure of either party Imereto to obtain, sum;, or paw the Travel Documents. N. NOTICES All raker required hereunder shill be given in uniting at the addresses stated in the preamble or this Agermao. O. CONTROLLiNC PROVISIONS In the event dry Inconsistency or conflict between the pnovOlons of this Agreement and the provislorn °fay riders, addenda, alibis or any other attadanenn hereto, the pintas agree qct the peorisions moll favorable to PRODUCER sod ARTIST shall control. F. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY In no event stall PRODUCER ad/or ARTIST (nor any of their respective agents, regrew itives, principals, employees. officers. directors and a1111i*trs) be liable to PURCHASER (or any third party) for any indirect, incidental. ccmcquatid. special, punitive (or atmpluy), or any similu damages, including, without limitation, Host profits, lore of revenue Of uncture. Cart or capital, or ton of business reputation or opportunity, as to tiny masa wider, Mating to, or aisieg out of the Enpgement or the eran9etians caaentPla ed by this Agrcane4 whether in contract, tart or otherwise. even if PRODUCER andbr ARTIST hos been advised of the possibility of such damage,. Under no circumstances shall the liability or PRODUCER rnndtor ARTIST (or any or their respective Nam. representatives, principals, employees, officers, dkadors or affiliates) sacked, in the %vegrte, an amount equal to lite laser of (1) the mower of reaanbly necessary outof-podiet expenses directly incersd by PURCHASER in connection with the Engagement; or (ii) the amount of the GUARANTEE which ARTIST ad/or PRODUCER hive actually received in eerordance with rho tams of tls Agreement. PURCHASER *grecs that It shall not (and shall cause its affiliates not to) seek kdiras, incident*I, cmnsaNentid, s}eciel, punitive (or esemplay), or say other sinew da Cages as to ony miner under, relating to, or aristn out of the Newnan ar the transection ccnlen4dated by this Agreement Q. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIO,4'S (1) Nothing in this Agreement shall moire the commission of any as coruk*ry m applicable law or to any rules or regulations of any union,, guild or similar body having jurisdiction over the services and pasornd to be Gunishd by PRODUCER to PURCHASER hereunder in the evert or any conflict beluusan any provision of this Agreement and any nmch lave, rule or regulation, such kw, rule or regulation shell prevail and tris Agreawad shall be curtailed. modified, or limited only to the extent necessary to eliminate such conflict (2) Purchaser shall comply, and shall ensure that its atfiliales, subsidiaries, directors, menisess, olReas, employees, agents, and representatives comply, a Purchaser's mimic, with all applicable laws, rules, and regulators in religion to its operations and prsfonnsnce of is obligations under this Agreement. ircledbg without limitation. any law, megaton, statute, prohrThion, or other measure maintained by any agency of department of any national govemmcnt, regional body, muhileteral hatituton or oder body which u responsible for the adoption, iroptementation or etfmcanent of sanction laws. including. but not limited to, the United Notions Seckrity Council, the Council of to European Union, the Ea:opera Commission, the relevant competent authorities of udavidhd Eurasian Union Mamba Stater. the United States Department of Treasurys Office or Foreign Assets Control, the United Statim Depanmeni of Commerce, the relevant mmpeknt authorities or Australia, or any teplecensat or other regulatory body responsible rat sanctions laws in any county relating to the implementation. application and enforce went of amamk sanction, capon controls, trade anbarges or a7 other restrictive measures, including but not limbed to those mummer which prohibit or odhawlse restrict eidrrparry's ability to make a service available eider directly or lndbedly to a sanctioned person end those measures wtkieb restrict or prohibit either pony from engaging In specified dealings with a spmfied clan of person, whether defined by nationality, business sector or otherwise (3) ?orderer represents and warmed that neither it nor its Mlliatet, subsidiaries, directors, maopas, officers, employees. sge or representatives (s (f) • person or entity or. (ii) controlled by a person or entity. on tie on the U.S Treasury Departments list of Specidly Designated Nationals and Foalga Sanctions Evaders List, the U.S. Comma Depaanwt s Denied Persons LW or Entity List, the U.K. HM Treasury Consolidated List ofFinencist SundialsTagets, the U.K. Export Camel Oryaniation's Inn List, the Moralist Oovatrnent Sanctions Ceetsolidsted List, orotherwise designated as subject to 6nencial sanctions or pohibited Rom receiving Ausoapan, U.S., or U K. service*, or any ether equivelent local provisions. Purchaser agrees to notify bah Producer and WME immediately in willing of any dumps in ownership or control that might vidate this Section of the Agreement Producer or WA¢ may terminate this Agreement upon providing vhtinen notice of lamination to Purchaser. if Producer or WME's performance of its obligations or receipt ofconsidetadon hereunder would, s reasonably determined by WME or Producer. result in mon-compliance with any laws, rules end regulations applicable to Producer at WME. ' (4) This (and mcg' of PRODUCER's: riders, addenda, aids s or auadrnenti hereto) consdtatas the sok, complete *led binding agreement between the parties haemo, end may not be amended, supplemented, altered or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by the pinks if any pan of this Agreement is determined to be void, invald or unenktenabte. suck invalid or void portion shall be deaaed to be sepnnte and severable from the other portions of this Agreement ad the other portion shell be gives &It force and erect, as though the void and imatId porion or prevision went 'manual pest of this Agreement (5) This Agreement shall be ca stated in madame writs the taws of the State of Tcsmmte applicable to agranmata entered iota and wholly to be performed therein. Unpin stipulated to de curtsey in writing, alt dirputa arising out of this Agreement. wherever derived, Midi be mescived in Nashville Devidsca Cowry In the Stale of Tennessee in accordencc with the laws orthet State; in the event or any such dispute, either party may erred service apemen on the other pray by certified mail. return receipt requested, and said wake shell be cquivelou to personal service and shall cancer personal jsrisdictiak on the cowls in Nashville, Davidson County in ala State of A6uement dared IS.Fetnnay 2017 JOE NICHOI3 Pip Tea CiTY OF JEFFERSONoLLE PARRS DEPARTMENT WAIF Comm w we 2014-05.24MudMuck, 2015 Sr4.2iot216 Tennessee lad shall be deemed effective upon the earlier of the reelpiaiCs mail receipt date or ten (10) days after the mailing of such preens. provided dim a duplicate of such plans shall tare been mailed to the other party by ordinary mail at the same time as the eatilled nailing. (6) PURCHASER shtli not bass the right to assign or transfer this Agreement, or any provision thereof (7) The native of envy breach of any provision of this Agrecn cri steal not be deemed a wnlimdng nsiver, end no &lay is exercise of a right shall emu lint( waiver tg) Nothing herein cmtsaxd shall ever be construed as m constitute the paries hereto m a partnership, along venture. nor to auks PRODUCER and/or ARTIST liable In whole or in pest for any obligation dui may be intrad by PURCHASER, In PURCHASER'' carrying out any of the pruvisiem hereat or oltrctwise. THE PERSON EXECUTING THIS AOREEMINT ON PURCHASER'S BEHALF WARRANTS /WHIR AUTHORITY TO DO 5O, AND SUCH PERSON HEREBY PERSONALLY ASSUMES LIABILITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID PRICE IN FULL. (9) The terms "ARTIST" and 'PURCHASER" as used haein shall include end apply to the singular and the plural and to ell genders. (I0) This Agreement may be accented in tura (2) or Mote counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one (I) and the same instrument Delivery of on canned coutnapert ors signature page to this Agreement by lel/copier or electronic delivery (f e. PDF format), including electronically signed versions of tie same, shall be as effective esdelivay ofa annually execsned counterpart of this Agreement and shad be sufficient to hind the Parties to the tants and eanditions Odds Agreement. AFreanna dated IS•Fabrrrrr2017 IDE NICHOL5 Page S oCa CRY OFJEFFERSONVILLE - PARKS DEPARMIENr WhIE Coneen; rev 20 U4.0S•2StA,Jued Mergers, 2013 Seq 160t2u 2017 TOURING RIDER JOE NICHOLS This rider, attached plots and addendum are intended for use on Impossible Productions, Inc. f/s/o Joe Nichols, Live Performance dates in 2017. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mike Nash, IP, Inc. Tour Manager, at 2 16.9 6 5 .4 6 6 8 or RoadManagerMikeeamnail.com .Foe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 1 Initialed LP -JOE NICHOLS 2017 i G RIDER CO NTACTS ARTIST MANAGEMENT TRIPLE 8 MANAGEMENT George Couri MANAGER 512.444.7600 koraeeT c e8maml~com Rachelle Rountree Karen McGuire Day to Day Manager Promotions Manager 512.293.6719 512.639.8997 ltacheileaTdo e8rngmt.com KareniTrfole8mamt com TOUR MANAGEM ENT Mike Nash Tour Manager 216.965.4668 noadManaaeryrllkecasomaii.con1 BOOKING AGENT WME Entertainment Lane Wilson 615.963.3308 LWl@wmeentertainment.com PUBLICIST Broken Bow Music Group Natalie Kilgore 615.610.2096 Natalleftbbrmusicaroua.com Chris Jones Production Manager 615.926.1694 gc1O4.93)_gpr'noa st. n eie Henry Glascock 615.963.3386 HG@wmeentertainment.com Meg Rya n 615,610.2094 Meg@bbrmusicgroup.com Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 7 Initialed f ji Joe Nichols - TOURING RIDER 2017 RIDER UNDERSTANDING Rider ('Rider) to agreement ('Contract Agreement") dated as of d �f - 2.1 - I , between IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC ("Producer) furnishing the seri ces of JOE NICHOLS live performance rArtlst") and (Purchaser). The provisions of this rider will be deemed Incorjoralsd in and a pert ofAhe contra agreement for the perfoynenpe ('Engagement") of the artist at JPilf(R)Nille iyf t , G► in JO f t i�YWr(j0 on L-ie.4. '�[.i �1.4 J� 7r]l�i Or (14 �� r In the event of any inconsistencies between the provisions of this rider and the provisions of the contract agreement, the provisions of this rider will control. The contract agreement as modified by this rider Is referred to herein as the 'Agreement." All terms and conditions herein were carefully calculated to enable JOE NICHOLS/ IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC and Purchaser to produce the best possible concert with the least amount of difficulty or confusion. You agree that there will be no additions, deletions, or alterations made to this rider without the prior written consent of artist management. By initializing each of the sections herein, you are Indicating thal you fully understand each stipulation described and you agree to be held accountable for fulfilling them. CONSTRUCTION APPLICABLE LAW A. If the CONTRACT AGREEMENT Is returned with this RIDER unattached, unsigned or altered in any way, and then at the PRODUCERS discretion this contract may be cancelled. B. The agreement will not become binding upon PRODUCER until executed by an authorized agent of PRODUCER. C. The sections and subsection headings contained herein are solely for convenience and are of no legal Import. PERMITS, LICENSES &CERTIFICATES PURCHASER, at his/her sole cost, shall obtain all licenses, permits, certificates, authorizations or other approval required to be obtained from any union, guild, public authority, performing rights society or other entity properly having jurisdiction over or with respect of the engagement and shall comply with and fulfill all terms, conditions and covenants set forth therein. Please note that all songs performed by ell artists are in the catalogue of ASCAF BMI, and SESAC. FORCE MAJEURE A. A "Force Majeure Event" is defined as one or more of the following causes which renders performance impossible, Impracticable, or unsafe: death, Illness of, or Injury to Artist or a member of Artist's immediate family, any of Artist's musicians, or any of PRODUCER's key personnel: theft, Toss, destruction, ar breakdown of instruments or equipment owned or leased by PRODUCER or Artist: fire: threat(s) or act(s) of terrorism: riots) or other form(s) of clvil disorder In, around, or near the Performance(s) venue: strike, lockout, or other forms of labor difficulties, any act, order, rule, or regulation of any court, government agency, or public authority: act of God: absence of power ar other essential services: failure of technical facilities: failure or delay of transportation not within PRODUCER's or Artist's reasonable control: inclement weather, andlor any simllar or dissimilar cause beyond PRODUCER's or PURCHASER's reasonable control. B. If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the parties' respective obligations hereunder will be excused fully, without any additional obligation, subject to the provisions of Force Majeure 3 below, and each of the parties shall bear its own costs incurred In connection with this Agreement. C. Notwithstanding the foregoing. If Artist Is ready and willing to perform, PURCHASER will pay PRODUCER the full amount of the guarantee set forth In this Agreement. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 3 Initialed LP RIGHT OF CANCELLATION If at any time prior to the show 'PRODUCER" Is called upon for a film shoot, a major television slot, radio show or a major tour slot, or any other type of career advancing opportunity. the artist will be released from this contract with no penalties or obligations to the club/ venue ar promoter. Ail effort will be made to reschedule the show for a future date. PRODUCER may cancel and terminate contract and services rendered hereunder, without liability, on 30 (Thirty) days prior written notice to Purchaser. Any deposits paid to PRODUCER will be returned to Purchaser, unless a mutually approved new date has been scheduled. PURCHASER ASSUMES LIABILITY Except as otherwise herein specifically provided, Purchaser hereby assumes full liability and responsibility for the payment of any and all costs, expenses, charges, claims, losses, IIabINties and damages arising out of or relating to the presentation or production of the engagement hereunder. INSURANCE PURCHASER agrees to provide public liability Insurance coverage to protect against any Calm for personal Injury or property damage. In addition, it Is agreed that PURCHASER shall have JOE NICHOLS/ IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC, named as addltionally Insured on insurance policy in an amount required by bulding contract but in no event to be Tess than $1,000,000.00. PURCHASER agrees to supply PRODUCER'S representative with a Certificate of Insurance showing coverage of the above at least two weeks prior to show dale. Regardless of non -receipt of Certificate of Insurance by PRODUCER, PURCHASER remains responsible for complete coverage. PURCHASER shall further Indemnify and hold PRODUCER'S representative, Its contractors, employees, licensees and designees harmless from and against any loss, damage or expense including reasonable legal fees incurred or suffered by or threatened against ARTIST in connection with or as a result of any Balm for personal Injury or property damage or otherwise brought by or on behalf of any third party person, firm or corporation as a result of or in connection with the engagement. which claim does not result directly from gross negrgence of ARTIST, its employees. contractors, or agents. Insurance certificate naming JOE NICHOLS! IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC as an additional insured will need to be presented at settlement for inclusion In settlement. INDEMNIFICATION PURCHASER shall indemnify PRODUCER, Artist, the Individual performing members of Artist, Artist's managers, accountants, attomeys, agents. and their respective contractors, employees, licensees, and designees (collectively, the `indemnified Parties") harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, damages, liability, cost and expenses (including attorney's and other professional fees) arising out of or in connection with any 1) PURCHASER's breach or alleged breach of the Agreement; and/or (ii) the Performance Including, but not limited to: 1. any claim, demand, or action made by any third party, es a direct or Indirect consequence of the Performance; 2. any and all loss, damage, and/or destruction occurring to PRODUCER'S, Artist's, and/or their respective employees', contractors', or agents' Instruments and equipment al the place of the Performance, including, but not limited to, damage, lose, or destruction caused by forces beyond the parties' control; 3. a breach or alleged breach of any warranty, representation, or agreement made by PURCHASER hereunder In connection with the Performance, including, without limitation, any failure by PURCHASER to perforin any agreement entered Into between PURCHASER and any third party; end 4. damage or injury to eny patrons, or the venue, ar any fixture or personal property therein, caused by fans ar any others not engaged by PRODUCER. For the avoidance of doubt, no claim, deduction, or offset will be made by PURCHASER In respect of same, unless proof of such damage and the cause thereof Is provided to PRODUCER. and PRODUCER expressly agrees to such claim, deduction, or offset in writing. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 4 Initialed [All SPONSORSHIP If JOE NICHOLS/ IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC is affiliated with certain sponsors. Due to exclusivity agreements with those sponsors, no additional sponsors will be permitted without the prior written approval of ARTISTS Management. (To obtain permission for those sponsors please contact ARTISTS Management.) PERFORMANCE REPRODUCTION No part, portion or segment of the Tour performance Is to be broadcast, reproduced or recorded, either audio or visually without express written permission of Tour Manager. Purchaser shell ensure that no one not specifically authorized in writing by Tour Manager shalt enter the place of engagement with any sound. film, video or other recording device or mechanism. PRODUCER and ARTIST shall be entitled to obtain injunctive and other equitable relief (end to collect from Sponsor all attorneys' fees and costs associated with obtaining or attempting to obtain such relief) with respect to any breach by PURCHASER hereunder and/or any recording, reproduction, distribution. or exploitation not specifically authorized in writing by Tour Manager In advance thereof. All songs performed by all Artists are In a catalog ofASCAP, BMI, and/or SESAC. TIME REQUIREMENTS Access to the stage area and the rest of the venue Is needed beginning at 10:00AM. Access to the dressing rooms, hospitality areas. and any available shower and restroom facilities that are on-site should be available upon the ARTIST'S arrival and through 30 (thirty) minutes after the Tour Is completely packed so that ARTIST crew may shower. SHOW START/ DOORS Please confirm show time with Tour Manager. Doors will not be opened until released by Tour Manager. MC PURCHASER may provide a Master of Ceremonies (MC) for the evening. The MC must coordinate with ARTIST'S Tour Manager 1 (one) hour prior to show time. PRODUCER shall have control over the content of any Introduction by the MC. The MC will go on 10 (ten) minutes prior to the show start. CAMERAS, RECORDING DEVICES, LASER POINTERS, ETC. PURCHASER shaft prevent the entrance of recorders and/or video cameras within the venue of performance. No audio tape, video tape or other recorders or movie cameras of any type are permitted within ore venue of performance and any of the other items listed above. This also incudes Laser pointers ADVERTISING 1. The name, photograph or likeness of JOE NICHOLS/ IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC or any of the band members shaft not be used or be associated with any product, company or organization other than the PURCHASER, without prior written approval by PRODUCER, nor shall there be any sign, banner or advertising material on or near the stage et any time during the concert advertising any product. company or organization. 2. No Individual advertising (i.e. from a concert series adverlisement which includes other artists) or ticket back printing may contain the name, logo, etc. of any Artist product without prior written approval from Artists Management. PURCHASER agrees he/she will not commit ARTIST or any of the band members to any personal appearances, meetings, Interviews, or any other type of promotional Artists appearances before, on or after the date of engagement without prior written approval of Artists Management. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 5 Initialed Li! SU PPORT ATTRACTIONS PRODUCER agrees to not employ or schedule any additional opening acts without approval In writing from Artist's Management. If PRODUCER shall consent to the employment by PURCHASER of any such performer, PURCHASER shall pay performer without deduction of any kind from any compensation otherwise required hereby to be paid to PRODUCER. Said performer will perform under the exclusive supervision, control and direction of the authorized representative of PRODUCER. CONTROL OF PRODUCTION A. This contract is for one performance by Artist unless otherwise stated on the face of CONTRACT. B. PRODUCER'S representative will remain in complete control of the program and of all production aspects of the performance at all times (sound, lighting. video. security, set list, sound check end anything pertaining to the performance or any performance area related to Artist). C. All shows should begin promptly at the agreed upon starting time. D. PURCHASER warrants and represents that all authorities, Including but not limited to, Hall Manager, Security Supervisor, and Union representative ere aware of the planned start and finishing time of the engagement and that any negotiations with regard to overtime to be paid es a result of the finishing time shall have been completed before the performance commences. E. PURCHASER understands that the sound levels for this show are comparable to those of any high- energy poplrock show, and the venue must be in compliance with any sound ordinances In the given area prior to time of show. F. PURCHASER agrees to notify PRODUCER of any such ordinances before the performance commences. Any fines associated with non-compliance of local sound ordinances shell be the sole responsibility of the PURCHASER. SETTLEMENT, BOXOFFICE, PAYMENT A. 11 is understood and agreed by all parties hereto that the fee paid herein consists of: 1. A predetermined minimum guarantee ("Guarantee") in the amount stated on the face of the contract agreement, to be paid and 2. A percentage of the net shows receipts. ("Percentage") as stated on the face of the contract agreement. B. A deposit amount Is to be made as requested by the PRODUCER'S booking agent on the due date set by the booking agent on the face of the CONTRACT AGREEMENT to which this is a RIDER. C. Balance of payment as follows: A certified check, money ander, day of show wire, or check for the balance of the guarantee and percentages made payable to: IMPOSSIBLE PRODUCTIONS, INC. Balance must be paid to Tour Manager prior to scheduled performance. D. In cases where 'splits' or percentage payments apply, settlement will be conducted prior to the conclusion of the performance and, the following provisions are in effect: 1. PURCHASER understands that the CONTRACT Is computed on the basis of estimates for total expenses received by PRODUCER from PURCHASER. A list of these estimated expenses are necessary: PURCHASER will provide these to the PRODUCER prior to the signing of this agreement. 2. PURCHASER will present to PRODUCER'S Tour Manager a signed statement of the number and prices of all tickets sold in advance, (prior to the opening of the box office on the day of the engagement) together with all of the unsold pre -show -day tickets. 3. All percentage payments and guarantee balance provided for herein shall be paid to the PRODUCER'S Tour Manager prior to the conclusion of performance. Joc Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 6 Initialed V y f 4. Percentage payments will be accompanied by a signed, written statement from PURCHASER. together with a certified invoice or receipt of each expense incurred by SETTLEMENT, BOX OFFICE, PAYMENT, CONT PURCHASER In connection with the production of the engagement. No expenses will be allowed unless accompanied by a verified Invoice or receipt. Certain expenses will not be valid show expenses at settlement. Some of these are, but not limited to: 1. Any expense for foreign customs clearance. work permits, union dues, duties or tax constancy. 2. Actual damages to the venue or to the surroundings (other than those caused directly by and as a result of direct negligent actions of Producer/Artist's members, staff or crew.) 3. Any expense for foreign customs clearance, work permits, union dues, duties or tax consultancy. 4. Travel — promoter, stage manager, production manager, consultant, etc. — these expenses will not be allowed. 5. Any item defined as 'general operating expenses" which shell include but not limited to: promoter, office, phone, fax, long distance. or local promoter production representative. 6. Direct Mail — expenses that include 'group' or "gang' mall pieces, which advertise multiple concerts, will require an affidavit of all expenses and shall demonstrate costs equally shared by artists. 7. Local Crew — if PURCHASER departs venue before load out is completed, no additional fees on local crew will be adjusted beyond original settlement SHOW MARKETING Joe Nichols and Triple 8 Management are very involved in tour marketing and promotion for every show we approve. Triple8 Management have an in-house tour marketing team that will be in communication with you as soon as a show confirms to ensure the best tum out possible for this show. We will require you lo: 1. Provide a marketing plan or proposal either before or shortly after a show Is confirmed. This plan will need to be signed off by management. 2. Weekly ticket counts and a report on pre sale tickets. 3. PURCHASER will use all approved photos and Images and for this show. 4. Supply a full ad pack for settlement with appropriate expenses reflected for marketing and advertising. For quick marketing materials like posters, radio spots, and TV commercials please reach out to: Bill Kittle [ Senior Manager Artist Relations [ Tourdesign Creative Office 323.769.4776 1 Cell 317.431.7741 1 Fax 323.217.1199 MU urd sion.com I aim: tourdesignbwk 6255 Sunset Blvd. 16th Floor [ Hollywood, CA [ 90028 www.Tourdeslcm reativeg TICKETING 1 DOOR POLICY It is agreed that If "PRODUCER" is working for a percentage of the door, PURCHASER agrees, each audience members shall have a valid ticket for entry and a scan or hard ticket stub shall be collected and submitted to "PROUCER'S" Tour Manager. COMP TICKETS 40 (Forty) Top Dollar Tickets shall be reserved for Artist Guests. 1. Tickets need to be delivered to Tour Manager In the production office by 12:00PM. 2. Tour Manager will provide Box Office with a comp list and packaged tickets. 3. Tickets shall be available al Will Call Desk. VIP, Meet & Greet, and any other needed Backstage Passes will be issued by Tour Manager to accompany tickets. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 7 Initialed MEET AND GREETS Ali Meat & Greets must be approved by Artist Management prior to concert date. 1. Meet and Greets shall be scheduled 45 minutes BEFORE Artist's perfonnance. 2. Meet and Greets are limited to 30 total. 3. Tour Manager will distribute credentials for each participant. Credentials MUST be worn for entry to Meet and Greet. 4. A Professional Security person is required for any Meet and Greet. 5. Purchaser is to provide up to 5 (eight) sections of bicycle rack or soft barricade for this Location. 6. A quiet designated area is needed, away from General Public AFTER SHOW SIGNING Joe Nichols may sign autographs at the Merchandise Area after his performance (advance with Tour Manager). PURCHASER agrees not to announce this until confirmed by Tour Manager day of show. Should an alter show autograph signing Is confirmed by Tour Manager. the following is required: 1. A minimum of three Security Personnel shall be required. 2. Two Security Personnel are needed to escort Artist from Backstage to location 3. Eight places of "Bike Rack' or Temporary Barricade needed for crowd control to be set up prior. HOTEL ROOMS 10 (Ten ) Hotel rooms total 3 (Three) Kings and 7 (Seven) doubles), reserved and paid for by PURCAHSER wilt be available for a check in no later than 10.00am the day of the performance. All rooms are to be booked under the name "Mike Nash Group." The Tour Manager will provide the hotel with a detailed rooming list. If these rooms cannot be guaranteed for a 10:O0am check In, please have 3 (three) King Rooms checked In the night before. (A total of 3 (three) rooms for 2 (two) nights.) All roams are to be booked 2 (two) weeks prior to performance. PURCHASER agrees to send Tour Manager confirmation numbers and hotel representative contact Information upon booking. Hotel must be able to accommodate parking for a Tour bus and trailer. Hotel should be within 10 miles from venue. The hotel must contain the following services: 1. In hotel full service or Nearby (within walking distance) restaurants 2. 24 (twenty-four) hour room service. 3. Inside doors — NO outside doors. 4. Be within 10 (ten) minutes from the venue. 5. Adequate and secure parking for one tour bus with trailer. PURCHASER will not be held responsible for any Incidental expenses in excess of the room rate and applicable taxes. Tour Manager will cancel any unneeded rooms within cancellation period. DRESSING ODMS 1 ft»S /IOU cd vp',cAQ Please provide two) Targe climate controlled dressing rooms. All rooms need to have full sized mirrors. Please see cafe g portion of the rider For dressing room catering needs. DRESSING ROOM 1: Joe Nichols will need a medium size room with comfortable couch/chair seal)for a minimum of 4 (four) adults. This room should have a lockable door, a private bathroom with a sh9MGer, and be located as close to the production office as possible. Please also provide an Iron and ironing board. DRESSIN ROOM 2: Joe Nichols Tour Personnel will need a large size room with comfortable couchlch sealing for a minimum of 12 (twelve) adults. This room should have a lockable door with a private bathroom and a shower. As well, please provide an Iron end ironing board. Joe Nichols 20 14 One Off Rider. h Initialed = al PRODUCTION OFFICE: The production office needs to be a medium slzed r?m and i1 must contain the following: 2 (two) electrical outlets.Xt[ 2 (two) eight foot tables 2 (two) comfortable and steady chairs High-speed hard -wired ethernet Internet service. Please provide passwords passwords with router. Must be active end working 1 (one) hour before load In. Please deliver the following to the production office by 11:00AM. 24 (twenty-four) pre -washed full size bath towels 3 (three) bars of soap MERCHANDISING The PRODUCER shall have the exdusive right to sell merchandise Including. but not limited to: compact disks, videos, books, T-shirts, buttons and posters. No other merchandise, glow product, programs, handouts, or any other material shall be sold or otherwise distributed by PURCHASER venue, or any other party at or around the hall or andllary parking areas, unless PURCHASER has received prior written approval from PRODUCER. No hall fee or percentage will be paid to the PURCHASER or the venue except as specified in the engagement contract. No other concessions (other than refreshments) may be sold at the venue without prior written approval from PRODUCER. At no time during any of the performances should the merchandise tables be left unattended. PURCHASER to provide 2 (two) experienced merchandising sellers at PURCHASERS expense. Sellers to arrive 1(one) prior to doors until the merch count out Is complete after the show. Merchandise Area Requirements: 161sixteen feet) x 16 (sixteen feet) safe and secure area (Covered and sided for outdoor shows) 4 (four) - 8 (eight) fool tables 1 (one) power drop with quad box Adequate lighting BUS PARKING Parking will be needed for 1 (one) 45 (forty-five) foot tour coach with a 20 (twenty) fool trader. Ali tour vehicle parking is to be secure and guarded. If the parking area Is not controlled by the venue, the PURCHASER is expected to make all necessary arrangements, secure, end pay all necessary permits and fees to bag meters, etc. This space should be cleared end held at least 2 (two) hours prior to Toad In. Once the bus is parked the driver will be offsite until end of show and bus will not be able to be moved until driver returns. SHORE POWER When possible, shore power is requested for the lour coach. A 50 amp 208 volt service to be connected by a qualified electrician will be required. RUNNERS & VANS 1 (one) runner with a full sized van or 2 runners with two SUVs will be needed from one before load In until two hours after end of performance, or until released by the Tour Manager. All must have good, dependable, clean, Insured vehldes. Runner(s) must have a good working knowledge of the city with working cell phones with text service. These runners and vans are for the sole use of the PRODUCER and will only be directed by either the Tour Manager or Production Manager. When sharing runners with other artists, one van and driver will be dedicated to PRODUCER and report solely to PRODUCER'S Tour or Production Managers for duration of day. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 9 Initialedtjt FLY DATE TRANSPORTATION On any date that tour personnel are flying to and from the show, the following additional transportation is required for both airport pickup as well as all tour personals return to the airport PURCHASER to provide Tour Manager will all driver names and ceII phone numbers during show advance. These vans and drivers can double as runners as mentioned above. 1 (one) 15 (filth -teen) passenger van with capable and safe driver. 1 (one) full sized cargo van (ail rearseats removed) with capable and safe driver. SECURITY The Tour Manager will meet with the head of security and their key staff 80 (sixty) minutes prior to doors opening. This meeting Is to become familiar with the personnel. discuss Issues and concerns and to go over security placement. The Tour expects all security personnel to act In a courteous manner being sober and qualified at all times and in all situations. The tour asks for a secure and private backstage area. Please have your heed of Security meet with the Tour Manager before soundcheck so that the backstage area can be locked down' to necessary personal only. In addition to House requirements, the Tour requires the rolowing: HOUSE OR ARENA SECURITY The Tour will rely on house standards for this. However. the following positions must be covered: FOH POSITION 1 (one) Security person located at FOH position 15 (fifteen) minutes before doors until house is cleared after show and there needs to be a Barricade around the FOH position. BACKSTAGE SECURITY All backstage access points must have a security parson. They are expected to keep EVERYONE out of the backstage area That cannot display a TOUR LAMINATE Any local passes made will not have access to this area. Itis mandatory that one security guard be posted at each entrance to the backstage area. VIP MEET & GREET 1 (one) Security person will be needed to assist the Tour Manager In the VIP Meet & Greet. STAGE SECURITY The tour requests that adequate security Is in place to keep all crowd members safe and off the stage. It is mandatory that security personnel is positioned at all access points onto the stage. BUS AND TRUCK SECURITY All Tour vehicles must be secured and guarded throughout the day and evening until released by the Tour Manager. AUTOGRAPH LINE Should artist sign after show. 3 (three) security persons will be needed to assist the Tour Manager In the Autograph fine. GYM PURCHASER agrees to arrange an "A level gym within 10 (len) minutes of venue for tour Joe Nichols and other tour personnel. ,toe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. f J Initialed114 GOLF Weather permitting, PURCHASER agrees to arrange up to (8) eight rounds of golf at local Country Club or course. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING This constitutes the sofa, complete and binding agreement between the parties hereto. This agreement may nol be changed, modified, or aliered except by instrument in writing signed by both parties. This agreement shall be construed, In accordance with the Taws of the State of Tennessee. The PURCHASER shall not have the right 10 assign this agreement or any provision thereof, or delete its duties or obligations under this agreement. NOT A PARTNERSHIP Nothing herein contained shall ever be construed as to constitute the parties hereto for a partnership, or joint venture, not to make the PRODUCER liable In whole or part for any obligation that may be incurred by the PURCHAESER in the PURCHASER'S carrying out of the provisions hereof, or otherwise. In the event of any Inconsistency in understanding or regarding this concert, the provisions of this rider shall be the final word, PRODUCTION RIDER The full and complete production portion of this rider follows. The Production Rider and all points covered are Included In this contract rider. The "stand alone" format has been established so that it is very easy for you to forward on to your Venue Production Manager. CATERING RIDER The full end complete catering portion of this rider follows. The Catering Rider and all points covered are included in this contract rider. The "stand alone" format has been established so that it is vary easy for you to forward on to your Catering Manager. AGREED AND ACCEPTED I, the PURCHASER, have read and understand that this contract rider will be treated as part of the legally binding performance contract That I have entered into with ARTISTS. By signing below. I agree to fulfill the requirements laid out for me in this rider. I understand that 111 have any questions or problems regarding this rider, I will contact the Tour Manager well In advance of the date of the event. Furthermore, I understand the importance of all the items covered in this rider. Both parties have read, agreed, and accepted all contents of this Contract Rider. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: Purchaser G� " S Date 2-2i- 1 - Triple8 ManagementCompany Date 3-15-17 Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 1 I Initialed / Joe Nichols 2017 Touring PRODUCTION RIDER Please contact Tour and Production Managers prior to confirmation of any performance dates to ensure all details are fully understood and any PURCHASER addendum requirements can be mutually agreed upon, before hand. TOUR MANAGEM ENT Mike Nash Tour Manager 216.965.4668 ftoadManaaerMlkgrmamair,com Kelly Vermillion Triple 13 (Merchandise Manager) 603.799.1257 I,(e1Iviratrlolcamamt.com Geoffrey Borchgrevink Production Manager 832.264.1246 GeoffrevMlxdb9rrsall.com REPRESENTATION PURCHASER will be fully represented on site by either himself/herself or one who is knowledgeable and has full authority to make decisions concerning the venue and its operation, the local labor circumstances, and any conditions that will affect any phase of the production. This representative shall Insure the production's timely access to the venue (specific schedule la be set by the ARTIST'S Production Manager or PRODUCER in conjunction with Buyer), ease of access for lour vehicles and equipment and full and reasonable cooperation of building staff and management during the course of the production day. PURCHASER agrees to provide first class staging, sound, and lights, at no expense to ARTIST. If ARTIST Is the Headliner for this concert, ARTIST reserves first right to setup equipment and sound check. Stage must be clear of any and all equipment and risers (unless backNne Is being provided). ARTISTS equipment must not be moved after completion of sound check without approval of ARTISTS Production Manager. The following technical requirements, to be confirmed by telephone advance, are submitted: LABOR These labor requirements are a "bare minimum" requesL These are made to Insure a safe and uneventful Toad -In and load -out. If some unusual situation for load -fn and load -out exists, (i.e.: staircases. freight elevator, ramps, long pushes) PURCHASER should advise ARTIST'S Production Manager prior to execution of this rider. Final numbers regarding hands will be determined after the Production advance has been made. On a typical day, tour requires 8 (eight) Professional (NO VOLUNTEER) Stagehands 1 Loaders. If Loaders are separate from stagehands due to local IATSE regulations, the lour requires 8 (eight) Stagehands with Loaders numbers per advance for load in and load out. Labor shall be completely sober for Load In and Load OuL Tour Requires that the stage hands be atleast 18 years of Aga. If Required Stage Hands are not Present for Load in and Load Out, Promoter Agrees to Pay $ 150.00 per Stage hand that Is not Accounted for to the Tour Manager. All call times should be prearranged and any changes should be discussed with Production Manager. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 12 Initialed 90/, VOLUNTEERS OR NON-PROFESSIONAL CREW Due to the nature of the PRODUCER'S production, a volunteer crew Is not acceptable. STAGE CONSTRUCTION When necessary, the stage must be of one level, smooth and sturdy. All construction must be completed 1 (one) hour before load In time. The stage must be clear of all obstades 1 (one) hour before Toad In. 2 (two) sets of step units should be placed upstage left and right with appropriate lighting and large trash cans should be located at each. Should the stage not have dock level loading, a professional ramp shall be provided and located conveniently to toad the loading area. A blow through, MOJO type, crash barricade shall be provided at the front of the performance area. with clear access for security between the stage and audience, The cuing, or any obstructions, over tha stage must be a minimum of 25 (twenty-five feet) high at its lowest point; however. a calling clearance of 35 (thirty-five) feet is preferred. If your stage does not meet these requirements. please contact the Production Manager BEFORE confirming this date, In most cases, a solution can be found but it is Imperative that this happens prior to confirmation. STAGE SIZE The stage size preferred is 40 (forty) feet wide by 32 (thirty-two) feel deep by 5 (five) feet high with a 12 (twelve) foot x 8 (eight) foot thrust cantered on the downstage edge A minimum stage size 32 (th'xty-two) feet Wide by 24 (Twenty Four) feet deep Is require. A clear wing space shall be required on each side of the stage at the furthest downstage point. These areas be a minimum of 12 (twelve) feet by 12 (twelve) feet and for the use of Artist's production only. OUTDOOR STAGE Temporary, Ground -Supported, overhead structures MUST be erected to and operated under 'ANSI E1.21 - 2008` standards. There MUST be an anemometer, capable of identifying and recording 'Maximum Sustained Wind Speeds' at the stage. 'Sustained" shall be defined as 3 (three) seconds as determined by E1.21. Stage operator MUST attend a mandatory safety meeting with PURCHASER, PRODUCER, Event Security and Local Authorities to determine protocols end Implementation of 'Emergency Action Plans". PRODUCER shall have the right to stop the performance should the Tour and/or Production Managers determine It Is unsafe to continue, however any dedsion to evacuate performance and audience areas shall be the sole determination of PURCHASER andlor Local Authorities. All performance and technical areas MUST be fully weather protected, This Indueds 12x12 Tents on each wing of the Stage for Protection. RISERS 3 (three) 8 R x 8 ft rolling risers are required as failowsl 8x8 at 2 Feel & 2 8x8 at 1 Foot Riser Skirts must be Provided where applicable FORK LIFTS (Where Applicable) If a forklift Is a normal and necessary requirement for a specific venue one (1) forklift with a safe and qualified operator for load -In and load-cuL Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 13 Initialed POWER REQUIREMENTS All electrical connections must meet NEC 2000 code. These connections must be made by a licensed and bonded electrician. Production Manager reserves the right to verify all licenses. certificates, and permits. PURCHASER to provide an Isolated feed for all audio services, separate from the lighting service. Artist requires a 100 amp, 3 phase power feed Pram this isolated service. Ideally, this will terminate in "Camlock" connedlons end will be utilized for Artist's equipment only. All vendors and additional artist's will require separate feeds. GENERATOR If the above electrical requirements cannot be met in the venue, then the PURCHASER must provide, al PURCHASER'S sole expanse, generators that will deliver the specified electrical requirements Including all vendors and additional artists. 1110 generators must be delivered, set up and running BEFORE Toad In lime. This MUST Includes correct earth grounding to NEC 2000 code and ample fuel to operate for the duration needed. A certified generator technician must remain with the generator for the duration of it's use. HOUSE MIX POSITION The Anise's audio, house mix position requires a foot print of 12' x 8' centered in the main audience area and no further than 100' from the edge of the stage. This does not include space requlked for vendors or additional artists. tinder no dreumstances shall the mix position be placed under a balcony. Box Office Note: Please kill an adequate number of seats behind FOH positions. Also, a 12x12 Tent is Required for Outdoor Shows at the Front of House Mix Position SPOTLIGHTS 2 (Two) matched 2kW Xenon followspots, (Strong Super Trouper II, Lydon 1290, or similar.) 2 (Two) professional operators are to be present al least 30 (thirty) minutes before doors. Clear Corn must be provided to both spots and the lighting director location. SOUND Producer carries all consoles, monitors, mics, stands end cable necessary for Artist's performance. PURCHASER to provide a high quality 'Una Array' speaker system, powered end tuned to provide full range. high volume, distortion free coverage, evenly throughout the ENTIRE listening area. An appropriate number of sub speakers as determined by PRODUCER, shall also be provided. All components shall be In phase" and fully operational prior to Artist's load in. Processing shall be located at the front of house mix position. Producer to provide a House Audio Engineer with a working knowledge of the PA as well as the entire audio system. The House Engineer must be present from Load in until Load Out. One drum sub to be provided at the expense of the venue. LIGHTING Producer does not employ a Lighting Director. PURCHASER shall provide a lighting director and necessary equipment to execute a reasonable Interpretation of ARTISTS attached lighting plot. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 14 initiate BACKDROP Producer carries a backdrop. PRODUCER to provide a scenic truss when possible to accommodate. ENTIRE UNDERSTANDING This constitutes the sole, complete and binding agreement between the parties hereto, This agreement may not be changed, modified, or altered except by Instrument in writing signed by both parties. ThIs agreement shall be construed, In accordance with the taws of the State of Tennessee. The PURCHASER shall not have the right to assign this agreement or any provision thereof, or delete Its duties or obligations under this agreement. NOTA PARTNERSHIP Nothing herein contained shall ever be construed as to constitute the parties hereto for a partnership, or joint venture, not to make the PRODUCER liable In whole or pari for any obligation that may be Incurred by the PURCHAER In the PURCHER'S carrying out of the provisions hereof, or otherwise. In the event of any Inconsistency In understanding or regarding this concert, the provisions of this rider shall be the final word. PRODUCTION RIDER The full and complete production portion of this rider follows. The Production Rider and all points covered are Induded In this contract rider. The 'stand alone' format has been established so that It Is very easy for you to forward on to your Venue Production Manager. CATERING RIDER The full and complete catering portion of this rider follows. The Catering Rider and all points covered are included in thls contract rider. The 'stand alone' format has been established so that it Is very easy for you to forward on to your Catering Manager. AGREED AN D ACCEPTED I, the Purchaser, have read and understand that this contract rider will be treated as part of the legally binding performance contract that I have entered into with Artists. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the requirements laid out for me In this rider. I understand that if I have any questions or problems regarding this rider. I will contact the Tour Manager well in advance of the date of the evenL Furthermore. I understand the Importance of all the Items covered !n this rider. Both parties have read, agreed, and accepted all contents of this Contract Rider. AGREED AND ACCEPTED: P-atA/LIZAA) E_CiAA/717Uk tl---------7\--"? '' Purchaser '!'/+e .- ty "-S Triple 8 ManagementCompany Date Z- 1.3*-- 2-1 Date 3-15-17 Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 15 initialed 0 Joe Nichols 2017 Touring CATERING RIDER TOUR MANAGEMENT Michael Nash Tour Manager 216.965.4666 Roa dmongaermlkectaama I(.Vo1-p Geoffrey Borchgrevink Production Manager 832-264-1246 GeoffrevM ixcama It. com The Purchaser agrees to provide the following catering, at no cost to the ARTIST. All catering is to be presented in the highest possible standard of quality, cleanliness, hygiene and comfort, and in an area both physically and acoustically separate from the general public and working areas. Please provide personnel to cook, replenish, serve, and clean up all day. Disposable silverware is acceptable for lunch. Please use silverware and china for dinner. Please note: All water must be "spring water" and contain no chlorine, MEAL COUNT The Joe Nichols touring party will travel with a minimum of 15 (Fifthean) people. The meal counts given are for the Artists traveling personnel only, and do not Include any local hands, the promoter, runner, or any other Individuals. Lunch:15 1 Dinner. 15 1 After Show: 15 FROM LOAD -IN THROUGHOUT THE DAY An assortment of cold drinks (Coke Zero, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Snapple, battled water, Juice, Glacier Freeze Gatorade and iced tea) and a coffee station should be available near the stage area throughout the day for working crew. PRODUCTION OFFICE 1 11:00AM One (1) case of spring water. Twenty-four (24) Full Sized dean bath towels Two (2) bars of soap Two (2) Yankee Candles STAGE CATERING 1 3:OOPM One (1) case of spring water Twelve (12) dark hand towels Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 16 Initialed ARTIST BUS STOCK 1 Upon Arrival Please check with tour manager before purchasing to confirm substitutions or deletions as needed. Please have delivered directly to tour bus. Three (3) Two (2) Ono (1) One (i) One (1) Two (2) Two (2) One (1) One (1) One (1) One (1) One (1) One (1) One (1) Two (2) Two (2) One (1) Three (3) One (1) One (1) Two (2) Two (2) One (1) Two (2) One (1) Twenty (20) One (1) One (1) Two (2) Ten (10) One (1) Two (2) Cases of SPRING or FIJI or SMART water (chlorine free) Bags of clean lce (20Ib bags) & Two (2) 20Ib bags AFTERSHOW Box of knives, forks. spoons Six pack coke, Six Pack of Mountain Dew, Six Pack of Diet Coke 12 Pack of RED or GRAPE C32 Gatorade Boxes of Perrier sparkling mineral waters (10oz. cans) Slx packs of fruit flavored Sanpellegdno waters (not lemon) Box of Emergen-C packets (any flavor) Bottle of Glucosamine vitamins Gallon of 2% Milk (1) case of Sugar Free Red Bull (cans) (1) case of Regular Red Bull (cans) (1/2) gallon of Orange Juice (pulp free) Large Bogle French Vantila flavored creamer (Liquid) pounds of sliced, fresh turkey Pounds of sliced, fresh roast beef or ham (1/2) Pound each of sliced, cheddar, provolone, swiss cheese Bags of BAKED Potato chips (regular. bbq, sour cream 8 onion,etc.) Bag of a Healthier style of chips (veggies chips, Terra", etc.) Bag of Tostltos com chips or similar Boxes of Rash! Brand/Cescadlan Farms or other Natural/Organic Cereals (also, Granolas) Boxes al Kashi/Cascadian Farms Granola bars Box of Kellogg Ceral (Fruit Loops, or Cinnamon Toast Cruch. Etc) 24 Boxes of Kureg K Cup Coffee Cups Jar of Salsa 5 Hour Energy Shots Sleeve of 16oz Insluated Coffee Cups (24 Pack) Sleeve of 16oz Solo Cups (24 Pack) Loaves of good Graln or Wheat Bread Quest Health Bars (Any Flavor) Box of Quaker Oatmeal (Cranberry Almond Flavor) Bags of Ocean Spray Cralsins Fruit Clusters (Cranberry Granola) MEALS: fumes to be determined Der event • Drinks to be provided throughout the day. • All meals must be provided at the venue. If hot meals are not available, please make other arrangements with the Tour Manager. Breakfast (7am-Sam): If arriving In Morning - donuts, pastries, eggs, bacon/sausage, bagels, toast, Potatoes, coffee (wl assorted condiments, sugars, creamers, etc.) and juices Lunch (1lam-3pm): Hot Healthy lunch for (15) people (meat, veggie, salad. etc.) Dinner (5pm-8pm): Hot Healthy (low carb) meals for (16) people Two Entrees (non fried), i.e. Grilled Chicken, Steak, Fish, etc. At least 3 Sides, Vegetables, salads. etc. Dessert Option (fruit pie, etc) Alter Show: (45 mins after show) To be delivered to J14 Bus gaProduclon Office If no bus on-site After show food will consist of fresh, hot meals from a local restaurant or establishment. Tour Manager will discuss with caterer day of show and determine menu, and then provide caterer with a detailed order before show start Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 17 Initialed PURCHASER can also do a buyout 0) 550.00 (Fifty dollars) per louring person for Lunch and Dinner, (Instead of providing meals), payable in cash to Tour Manager upon AMA's!. Runners will still be used to pickup alter show food. Please discuss w/ Tour Manager during the advance if looking to do this option. DRESSING ROOM CATERING Please have the dressing rooms cleaned, set-up and catered by 11:00AM. Once the dressing rooms are set-up, there Is no need for caterer to check on rooms during the day. If Venue is limited on rooms, Dressing Rooms are listed In prioritized order. We can combine rooms If needed. In such cases please check with Tour Manager in combining catering needs. Dressing Room #1 — Joe Nichols Six (B)bottles of Spring Water(room temperature). Four(4)"Five Hour"Energyshots. One (1) pack of chewing gum (Orbit) Whole, fresh fruit. Tea set up with assorted teas and Condiments Dressing Room #2 Tour Personnel Fruit and vegetable tray Tea set up with assorted tea and condiments Twelve (12) assorted sodas (cans on ice), Gatorades, etc. One (1) case of Spring Water (room temperature). Four (4) packs of chewing gum (Orbit) Eight (ft) "Five Hour" Energy shots AGREED AND ACCEPTED 1, the Purchaser, have read and understand that this catering rider will be treated as part of the legally binding performance contract that I have entered Into with Artists. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the requirements laid out for me in this rider. I understand that if I have any questions or problems regarding this rider, I will contact the Tour Manager well in advance of the date of the event. Furthermore, I understand the Importance of all the items covered in this rider. Both parties have read, agreed, and accepted all contents of the Catering portion of the Contract Rider. AGREED AND ACCEPTED. z___--___, Oaukthu EciAivvtuk Purchaser�rLe ' Tg t rs rOtS• j Triple BManagement Date .2 - 2-1- 1 Date 3-15-17 Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 18 initialed/ Joe Nichols 2014 One Off LIGHTING GEAR LIST TOURMANAGEMENT Mike Nash Tour Manager 216.965.4668 lioadMana.gerM ikeiloGmalt, com Geoffrey Borchgrevink Production Manager 832.264.1246 Geo f fre vM 1x ctb p m a &L c o m TRUSS 10 93", 30"x26" Double -Hung Pte -Rig 4 10', 12"x12" RIGGING lot i -ton hoists, (estimated 6-9) lot safety equipment, rigging hardware, and control as -needed The lighting system to be flown with a trim height of no less than 30 feet fmm stage level. FIXTU RES 1201 kW PAR 64 or 750W Source 4 PAR (24, MFL - 80. NSP -16, VNSP) 2 ACL Bar on floor base 2 19" Source 4 E.R.S. 4 8 -Light w. DWE lamps 8 Moving -head intelligent spot fixture (MAC700 Profile, VL2500 Spot, or similar) 16 PAR -style LED fixture (PixeIPAR 90, OpU Tri -PAR or similar) an floor base 4 Moles/MaleFays (For Crowd Interaction) All fixtures are to Include color frame (where appropriate), safety screen (where appropriate), suitable chmp(s), and safety cable/chain. FOLLOWSPOTS 2 Matched 2kW xenon followspots. (Strong Super Trouper II, Lydan 1290, or similar) The fotlowspots are to be cleaned and to have working optics, shutters, dimmers, and irises. Each is to have its own 30 -amp circuit and be placed as high as possible so as to clear any and all obstructions and allow full coverage of the stage. COLOR 19 PAR64 (or Source 4 PAR) -size L180 16 PAR 64 (or Source 4 PAR) -size 1.154 11 PAR84(or Source 4 PAR) -size L104, L113, R66 8 8 PAR64(or Source 4 PAR) -size L780, R46, R80 8 PAR64(orSource 4 PAR) -size L116 , L161, R15 10 PAR 64 (or Source 4 PAR) -size NIC 4 PAR 64 -size N!C 4 PAR 64-slze L203 2 Source 4 E.R.S: size L257 16 LED PAR -size 8119 2 Foliowspot-size L182, L002, X24, R18 R78, L142 Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 19 Initialed.,/ All color media is to be exact brand and number. No substitutions are to be made without prior approval by Joe Nichols` Production Manager. No faded or bumed-out cuts, please. ACCESSORIES Lot 2" pipe and couplers to create 4 Ts for mounting intelligent fixtures. CONTROL / DIMMING 1 GrandMA with two 17" flat -screen monitors, remote, UPS. NSP, and all networking accessories (or equivalent console familiar to Lighting Director). Haze No haze (water or oil based) shall be used at any point before/ during/ after the perfromance. DIMMING & POWER DISTRI BUTT O N Sufficient size and quantity so as to amply power the above system (ESTIMATED 80 dimmers @ 2.4 kW ea.) repeaters/data distribution for Intelligent fixtures. Power distribution for intelligent fixtures Dimmers and power distribution should be located stage right. SOFTGOODS AN D SUCH 1 24'x16 Blow Through' backdrop (provided by Joe Nichols' production) or 2 16x15 Back Drop for Club and Theatre Shows COMMUNICATION 6 Headset stations. Each headset is to be dual -muff and Is to have a noise -canceling microphone. A station is to be located at each followspot, the lighting control console, dimmer beach, house light control, the audio monitorconsole MISCELLANEOUS Clip light Consumables per crew chief (tape, tie line, etc.) Cable ramps as -needed PERSONNEL 2 System Technicians to Remain on site during entire performence.EXPER1Et4CED UghtingDirector. EXPERIENCED Followspot Operators. NOTES The Lighting Director is to be available to the Joe Nichols production at all limes and should not be responsible for anything other than console programming and operation. A detailed light plot will be sent to the lighting contractor. Due to differing production situations, please consult with Joe Nichols' Production Manager PRIOR to contacting lighting contractors. All necessary elements to comprise a complete working system (consumables, accessories, cabling, rigging, etc.) are to be included. Equipment quantities reflect active units only. Spares (fixtures, consoles, cable, lamps, etc.) are to be included. Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 20 Initialed. J Joe Nichols 2017 TOURING Rider BACKLINE - FLY DATE ONLY TOUR MANAGEMENT Mike Nash Geoffrey Borchgrevink Tour Manager Production Manager 216.965.4668 832.264.1246 RoadManaoerMikeGaQrnall,som GeolrrevMixGmaixon 1 Sustain Pedal 1 Yamaha Motif XS8 or Nord Stage 2 -- 88 Key 1 X -Brace Stand 1 Roc- N — Soo Drum Throne 5 Fender Twin Reverbs 1 Ashdown Head 2 4x10 Ashdown Cabs or 1 8x10 Ashdown Cabinet 1 Boss Stereo Delay Pedal -Ludwig Drums (Vintage li They Have Them) or (Classic Maple) •24' Kick Drum • 13' Rack Tom • 16' Floor Tom (W/Legs) • 6.5"x14" Black Beauty Snare • 5x14' Bleck Beauty Snare -Remo Drum Heads •24' Coated Pwerstroka 3 (Resonant) •24' Clear Powersiroke 3 (Batter) .13' Coated Vintage Emperor (Top) - 13' Clear Ambassador (Bottom) .16° Coated Vintage Emperor (Top) • 16' Clear Ambassador (Bottom) -14' Clear Hazy (Snare Bottom) •14' Coated Ambassador (Snare Top) - 14' Clear Hazy (Snare Bottom) •14' Coated Vintage A (Snare Top) -Istanbul Cymbals .24' Traditional Medium Ride or Joey Waronker Signature Ride •22' Agop Traditional Crash Ride • 20' Agop Traditional Thin Crash • 15' Traditional Light or Medium Hats -16' Traditional Ught or Medium Hats -Secondary Cymbal Choice •24' Zi<dJlan K Custom Ught Ride • 21" Milan K Custom Crash Ride •20' Milan K Custom Crash Ride •20' ZildjIan K Costom Thin Crash •16" Zlidjian K Custom Dark Hats Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 21 Initialed l/1�l -DW Hardware •9000 Series Kick pedal (x2) (Spare) 9000 Series Snare Stand (x3) (Using 2 for Snares and One for Rack Tom) 9000 Series Crash Stands (x4) '9000 Series Ride Stand •9000 Series Hi -Hat Stand 3 8x8 Rugs for the Stage 3 Pair Vater Power 5A 1 wood tip Sticks 1 Drum Rug 8x8 T Shure Instrument Wireless Units (With BodyPacks & Receivers) 4 Battery Packs 4 Guitar Boats 6 Guitar Stands ALL NECESSARY CABLES SPARE GEAR 1 Aguilar DB751 Head 1 Aguilar 4 x 12 Cabinet 1 Ashdown Head and (2) 4x10 Ashdown Cabs 1 Fender Twin '65 Reissue Guitar 1 Fender Hotrod 4-10 Guitar Amp 1 Backup Fender Telecaster 1 Motif 88 Key Keyboard 1 Drum Shield AUDIO GEAR 2 Shure UHF R UR4D Receivers 2 Shure UHF R UR4D microphones 6 Shure PSM900 IEM transmitters (Or Comparable- No Sennheiser) 9 Shure PSM 900 BodyPack Receivers (Or Comparable- No Sennhelser) 2 Shure PQHW Hardwired Personal Monitor Bodypacks All necessary BNC & Antenna Paddles & Combiners & Hellcat Antennas 1 Drum Sub 1 Brick of M Batteries 1 Brick of 9v Batteries Thereferred consoles are Avid SC4Q'g If the SC4BP 's are not available the other acceptable console is an Avid Profile. If none of these are available please contact the production manager below. Please provide all necessary XLR'a and microphone stands. Input Het will be attached LIGHTING We do not carry an LD so one will need to be provided. We require first class sound & lights, per Artist specifications. Minimum 1 Spot Light required, but 2 are preferred. ANY ISSUES WITH AUDIO 1 LIGHTING, PLEASE CONTACT PRODUCTION MANAGER BELOW GEOFFREY BORCHGREV1NK 832-264-1248 GEOFFREYMIX@GMAIL.COM Joe Nichols 2014 One Off Rider. 22 Initialed 1/2/7