Entertainment Performance Contract
Tho undcrs(gnod Artlat(a)and Producer agree on this data being the 4th day of MAy In the year 2016 to the following
terms and coodll•lons for enliagement of artist performance In eeoardence hareln described.
1 Artlst: Tho Mad Taxpayers 2 Producer:City of Jeffersonville,Parks&Recreation
Address; Address:500 Quartermaster Court Suite 212
JefferoonviM,IN 47130 USA
Agent:Devid Pierce Agent: Sara Simpson-Special Events Director
Phone; Phone:502.376.9104
Email davidgmadmariMaol_com email:ssimpson(CVq[eff.net
3 Contract Amount:
Producer shall make payment in accordance hareMth to arfet or artist agent per designation as assigned below the agreed amount of Slx Hundred
(S600)dollars for and Wowing render of service under this agreement via City on the night of performance and In the name assigned WOW,
4 Venue: Jeffersonville RverSlage 5 Venue Type: Gly Park-Amphitheatre 6 Capaclty.5,000 Approx.
7 Vonue Addrees: 100 W.Riverside Dr. Jeffersonvilla,IIJ 47130
8 Production Requiromontst
Producer to provide sound relnforcemenl,lighting and slaying In accordance with acceptable presentation of artist Wormance and as doomed
appropriate by producer for the venue of engagement under Ihis agreement. Producer shall also provide Production!$lage Manager,FOH enginoer,
venue manger dvring the execution of thia agreement,Artlstshall provide and be responsible for personal gearto Include ieetruments and
personal amplification equlpmati%effects and Imatrument cables necessary,
0 Performance Dotal Is-
13o`h parties to this agreement agres to mho following performance details and to practice good filth to
abide by N elements detailed heroin. Performance Details
a how Date: ri., July 28th,2016
10 Producer andfor prod u cers Productlon Manager shall hove final euthorily over ell decision Show Type: Concert
regarding safety of artist,production crew,equipment and facility. Load to; 51015M
Set By: 6:20 PM EST
11 Artist shall be responsible for all Licenses,taxes and other such reguirad professional or civil Sound 0 6:30 PM EST
proviaiona Ihat may appy to their perforrr>ance,mechanical license,copyright,trademark and Docrc: 7,30 PM eT
such not under suthonly of the producer and required for the execution of this agrimmenl. showUmor 7:00 PM EST
Sot Chsnge: SAO PM EST
12 Inelernent Weather: Sot Time: 60 MIn Set
All portions of tWs agreement shall be deemed enforceable unless performance Is cancelled Start. 7.00 PM EST
due to weather,dof,civil disobedience,and or act of God,before band Is set up, End: 8:00 P;ut EST
Producer agrees to pay artsl 50%of contracted amount underthese circumstances, Strike; After Set
Curfew: 9;00 PM EST
Agreed and Accepted By:
urs ser igna urs F Datgens g ature ale
City of Jeffersonville,IN. Parks&Recreation Department Artist or Agent's DBA Title
Artlst/Agent's Names
500 Quartermaster court suite 212 Address
Jeffersonville,IN 47130 USA City,Slat®,Zip
602,376,9104 Phone