HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-OR-05 ORDINANCE NO. 92-OR-~
WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville
by a vote of 6 to 0 passed Ordinance 91-OR- ~ at its
regular meeting on December 2, 1991, although said ordinance
had not previously been circulated for review and was
introduced without being placed upon the agenda of said
meeting; and,
WHEREAS, Ordinance 91-OR- ~ may have significant
financial impact upon the fiscal stability of the City of
Jeffersonville in that it will require the city to pay unknown
health care insurance premiums for the affected city
employees/elected officials for an indefinite period of time as
well as the health care claims of those persons so long as City
continues to utilize a self-funded health insurance program for
its employees; and,
presently believes
Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville
that it is in the best interest of said City
to have a detailed financial analysis of the impact of said
Ordinance performed by qualified professionals prior to the
implementation of any such program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of
the City of Jeffersonville that it does hereby repeal Ordinance
91-OR- ~ as passed by the Common Council of the City of
Jeffersonville at its regular meeting on December 2, 1991, in
all respects.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that should the Common Council of
the City of Jeffersonville desire to investigate expanding the
health care benefits offered to retired city employees or
elected officials, a detailed analysis of the financial impact
of any such benefit shall first be performed by the
Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer, the Jeffersonville insurance
agent of record, and an independent certified public
accountant, with the joint report of said individuals being
presented to the Common Council prior to any official action
upon such proposed benefits.
SO ORDAINED this ~t day of January, 1992.
Presented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of said
City of Jeffersonville this ~ day of January, 1992.
This Ordinance approved and signed by me this ~/ day of
~__, 1992.
~AYORt' ~
O~; ~.CIALo
WH';REAS .... ~ COi:~)N COUNCIi, o[' tho City oq Jeff ePsom-
vil]e, dosiroc ~;o extend hoaltb cara benefits to
ret~rod cJ%y e;,~o]_oy~as and/cc city of F'~co bo!tiers, and
t'{]IPjR~AS, ~DO Common Council of the City of Jofforson-
vi!le rocogt][zos tho oscatstlm~r costs of health caro
WH~;qEAS, th~ Cluy of .roff~n"~:)nv~].lo '~rasent' y
3 u~b.i of Jeff',rw~ [~v~].le~ Shn~'a of Indiana. ~s follows:
SECT'[ 0~
D ;;F I U ] T T 0
]-. ~J.W/ of Joff,~Pscmv:~'Llo s1~a]l :ann tho
C~.t:f of Jo['f'ersouvi]~',, Cl~rk County~ S~;ate of Indiana.
2. '{etl. cea :~'~r'r~on shall mean ar~y orn~l, oyoe oF the City
o.~ J~f.f'nu'~onv~lle who )'}a:~ ai'[;o~ned a~' Ix}ash t{}n (lO}
}. ~locted or'ce bolder shall moan nr~y nePson
olnci-~d og['{clr~l~ bohr'.
'~'o~,.~)~"{,~'~ tl,~ :[ty JLn¥lo, n mom[or '3f ~ho Common Oonncil.
elected off'ialn] for a ;oral of ei[rbt (¢} yosr~ prior to
leaving his or hop elected office.
~rovi. Jed For and paid by tho City oF Jeffers:mville.
of tNo Jlty of .raj'lots x~vilte, ssid
fo!]_ow:~: tho May¢)r, the City Clark-
~o EliEiblo city c~Iployoo or off%ca holder shall mean
n ciby emr~loyeo or of'~]ce holder w~ o hn~ not yev attainod
the ese of sixty-five (6~;) yoa~s and is n'~*t roceiv~0~ Medi~
care, ~edieaid op any disab~llty insuranca cow, rage.
?,ECT!ON ~2
Tho Jom~on Co,moil for tho City of Jcffersonvilie hn~oby
ordai~)s that a rotiped ci~;y employee shall bo eligible to
receivo 0n~ ]hJndred Vi ['ty Doltaps ($1~0.00) per noT, th payable
b~ tb~ City of Je.~'fopsonv].!']c~ tc b~) a~plied ~o said employee's
health c~r(~ ].nsuranc~ oremimu, whetbap said employee partici-
pu~;~s in n ~nglo ins ~ranco plan op family
through hbe City o]' Joffeesonville -~rovided~ howaver~
n~]d insurance p!m~ tb~ouflb th~ City of Jeffe~sonvi'lto
sen~;s ~,he omp].oyen~s ar)d/or electec official's primary insur-
ance cam lc.r, and fur'tb~p conOitioned that said employee and lot,
to Modtcar'o, ~4edlcaid, Social Socur] ~y disability or oLber
dlsabi] ;ty be~mflt plans.
Ppovided tbau said omnloyee q~atif~es Jnd~r the temus of
Opd]na~ ce~ the City of Joffermocvil].o shall pay One
(,'~ ,O.00) per sr)~tb
o.fl tho employee's
pespo.~sik].e for tke
e:~!)loyo() r'ncc;ives
his O1TM },oF retlremen~ b(msf'its dire. oily fpom the City, tho
bsl. anc~ .)fl ~ nt'emlum ov ~r a~d :~l)ow, said )ne Hundr, od Fifty
Dollars ($1<0.00) may bo deducted from the employee,s chock
pnrsu~mt to pa?/poll doduction, if said omntoyeo is covered
under the Indiana Public ~Smployoe~s Rotiremen's Fun~ or any
other public petiroraenb £ur)d, it sbalt be the duty of sai~
employee to pay uno mont;[ ~y instal"
One Nu,,Jpod Fifty Dollars (:~41~-,0.00) direc~2y go tho Clerk-
rI'roas ret oF the City
ol~ Je£fe;.,-.,cmvIl!e. ' ·
This Or'alit!ar]co sL.t'l?, b<~ ir; full foPce a'~d effect upon i~s
t].me]v p~ssu[{o, p?or~l~l~'o~j, om a~d a~mrovat by the Nayor.
P~23~d a~,,] sdopted by the Come, on Council of ~he City of
,l~ffersonvilio Clork Comity, ~' , ' -~' ~
day of ~, ~ 1991.
the Mayor
of said
apr)rovod· ,~,.d'*' s~cned' by me [;Ills /J~
.......... , 1991,