HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-OR-68 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2000-OR-_[G~ AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF LOT NUMBERS ONE, TWO, THREE AND FOUR IN DELLA PLAINS .FARMS SUBDIVISION NUMBER TWO. THE ADDRESS OF THIS PROPERTY IS 1632 KEHOE LANE, JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA. Whereas, Charles Moreland filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from R-1 to R-2; and, Whereas, on November 28, 2000 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified a favorable recommendation of the enactment of this proposed zoning map designation change by ordinance of this Common Council; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for December 4, 2000 at 7:00 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from R-1 to R-2. IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this ,L~ dayof ~)000r, m Re^. ,2000. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, iNDIANA Presiding Offi ATTEST: ~ e~'~'y3Vg-i~ 6r Clerk - Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City of Jeffersonville this ~ day of-May, 2000. Pegg;~i{~ler Clerk-Treasurer This Ordinance approved and si~d by~l~this__~__, day !MaY, 2000.Tt~omas R. Galli~a~y~r '~ N~v-Zg-o0 04:44pm From-ClTYOFSeffersonville +81Z2856468 T-470 P.O2/OZ F-l]? STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMISSION IN RE TI-[E APPLICATION OF CHARLES MORELAND TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF LOT NUMBEKS ONE, TWO, THREE AND FOUR IN DELLA PLAINS FARMS S UBDI¥ IS1ON NUMBER TWO FROM R- 1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE) TO R-2 (SINGLE, TWO &: MULTI-t'AMILY RESIDENCE). CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION MADE CONCERNING PROPOSE,D ORDINANCE CHANGE_ Whereas, Charles Moreland filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning designation of the property described in attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), from R-1 to R-2; and, Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission held a public hearing on the petition on November 28, 2000; and Whereas, at thc conclusion of the hearing the Jeffersonville Plan Commission voted by a majority vote of its membership to make a favorable recommendation concerning the proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jefferson rifle Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED that on November 28, 2000, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the Jeffersonville Common Council enactmant by ordinance of the proposed zoning desigasation change of the property from R-1 m R-2 as requested in the petition of Charles Moreland. So certified this ~q[ day o~'~~ lZl~il ~E. Kovert " Chairman NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on December 4, 2000 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of the City-County Building at 501 East Court Avenue, Jeffersonville, Indiana, the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, intends to consider an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designation of the following described property from R-1 (Single Family Residence) to R-2 (Single, Two & Multi-family Residence): DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE PROPERTY ADDRESS: Lot Numbers One, Two, Three, and Four in Della Plains Farms Subdivision Number Two, Plat of which is recorded in Plat Book No. Five in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana; EXCEPTING that part of Lot No. One which was conveyed by Walter Rider, et al to the Civil City of Jeffersonville by deed of record in Deed Recprd 241, Page 494 in the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana, and which is described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said Lot No. One of said Lot No. Twelve of "Delia Plains" Subdivision, the True Place of Beginning; thence South 35 degrees, 22' East along Kehoe Lane 9 feet to a point; thence South 88 degrees, 45' West 16' to a point; thence North 54 Degrees, 03' East 13' to a point, the True Place of Beginning, containing 0.013 acre. The address of this property is 1632 Kehoe Lane, Jeffersonville, IN. The Jeffersonville Plan Commission made a favorable recommendation concerning the adoption of an ordinance enacting this proposed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on November 28, 2000. All interested persons are invited to attend and be heard regarding this matter. This Jeffersonville Common Council meeting may be continued from time to time as found necessary. The Jeffersonville Common Council may take official action at the conclusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 28th day of November, 2000. Wilder Jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer .5) Key Nr~. 20-26-0010 CkflRKCOUNTY RECORDER WARRANTY I)EEi) cou. tv 3213~33 ' P&~ C20a~ 08/07/2000 TIm~ 14~18~23 TIIIS INDLNIUILk WIINkSSkllI, hat Dclorise.lean Brison Wyatt, of Co rely, ~e Edith Mae Brison Lanhmn, of ~,.~/:(. .......... ,**:",. ' ; Terry fYI. ,qccly, ~ I .DJ.ld.I,ILLL(.d.~.UiD_ County, and Rick ,qeely, of~./d_4.~_4_~ty_~_3_ .....County , as grantors, for and in consideralicm of the sum of One I)ullar ($1.00) ami other goml and vahmble consklcrations, the receipt of xvhlch is he. reby acknowledged. Ct)NVF. Y AND WARRANT Charles A. lvlorcland, of _~ff(~d~ ..... County, ~ ~t as grantee, xvhosc tax mailingaddrossis: /~ /<clue ~ q7/30 , the kdlowing described real estate Ill Clark Cot nty, Indial:a, to-wit: " l.ots Nt,IIIlClly; OllC (]), Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) in Della l'lains l:arlns Sul)div'skm Number 'l'xvo, Iqat of ~vhich is recorded in Plat Book No. Five (5) Ihe office of ll~c Recorder of Clark County, lhdlam~; I~XCEP'FING that part of Lot NO. (.)lle ti) which was conveyed by Walter Rider, ct al to the Civil City of Jeffersonville by deed tffrccord in Deed Record 241, Page 494 in tl~e Office of the Recorder of Chu'k Cmmly, Imllana, and which is described as follows: BEGINNING al the Norflmasl corner of said l,ot No. One (I) of said Lot No. Twelve 02) of "t)ella l'hfins" Subdivision, Ihe Trtte Plnce of Beginning; thence S. 35 Deg. 22' E. along Kchnc l,mm 9 lbct to a poinl; thence S. 88 Deg. 45' West 16 leer Io n point; Ihence N. 5,1 Deg. 0Y East 13 led to a point, the True Place of Beginning ctmlnining 0.013 acre. BriSor~ I.aoham and l)clia Am~ Skaggs Sccly by l)ct.d dated December 2, 199~ ofrecord in Deed Draxvcr 25, as hmtmment No. 19614, in the office ofthe ~ Recorder of Clark County, ll~dta a. sa d Delia Ann Skaggs Sealy having depa~' this lire' __. ' intestate on or arot, ndtl~.~ ~/7'-' ](~ , a Id Corm c A. Rollman, John W. Seely, Terry M. Seely alid l~,icF. Seely being lief sole and only heirs. This conveyance is made subject to nil applicable eascmcats, rights-of-way, restrictions and agreements or' record. The grantee assumes and agrees to pay the taxes for the year 2o~ ~ payable m IN WITNESS WIIEREOF the said Delorise Jehff Brison W ,,att I:.dlth Mae Ilrison l. nrdmm Terry M. SeelS, ,' Kev Nc,. 20-26-0010 · " C~RK ~OUHTY ~ECORDER VAI RANTY I)EEI 'el k co.tv 3213633 · Page C2 DeLi 98/9~/2999 T~mi 14~18t23 TI lis [NDENTUILI:; WITNILS,$1.71'I I, that Dclorise Jean Brison Wyatt, or ........ .h,hn W. Seely, of ._.5'_/k*.~ .~:.~__,~,~) County, Terry M. ,qeely, ol .D_ld UdJktd~utl3_ ' ~ County, _~J/J_~ £-/_ ,' and Rick .qeely. , ns grantors, for and in consideraticm of tile sum of One I)ollar ($1.00) and ()tiler good and vahmble considerations, the receipt of which iv hereby acknowledged, (.ONVI..~ AND WARRANT _C&_ to Charles A. Morckmd. of f .._ County, e t' , ns grantee, ~vhose lax mailing address is: /533 /4e/oe ~ ~ ~rso; ~, [/e ~ q7/XO ~ ' the followiog described real estate in Clark Courtly, Indiana, to*wit: //' l.tlts Numbers One (I),Two (2), Three (3) and Four (,I) in Della Plains Farms St bdlvision Numher'l'w,, I'lm tffwhich is recorded in Plat Book No. Five (5) in lhe office of Ibc Recorder of Chuk County, lndinna; ENCIHYI'ING that part of Lot No. Ooe (I) which was cmlveyed by Walter Rider, et al lo the Civil City of Jeffersonville by deed of record in Deed Record 241, Page 494 in the Office thc Recorder of Clark C'ounly. Imliana, and which is described as follows: BEGINNING al the Northeasl coroer of said l.ot No. Ooe (I) of said loot No. Twelve (12) of"Della Plains" SubdivisimL the True Place of Beginning; thence S. 35 Deg. 22' E. ahmg Kclme l.mm 9 {bet to n point; thence S. g8 Deg. 45' West 16 led Io n point; {hencc N. 5,1 Deg. 03' East 13 {Eel lo a poiot, Ihe True Place Bcgioning, containing 0.013 acre. Being the same real estate conveyed lo l)elorise Jean Brisoo Wyatt aod Edith Brisoo I.nohmn and I)clia Ann Sk~ ggg Secly, by l)ecd dated December 2, 199 ofrecord in Deed Drawer 25. as h~strument No. 19614, in the office of the Recorder of Clark Cot ,ry. I di~ a saki Delia Ann Skaggs Seely havingdepa~ Ihi~ life inleslnle on or around t~. - / ~'=]_~, , and Connie A. Rollman, John W. Seely, Terry M. Seely and Rick Seely being her sole and only heirs. This conveyance is made subject lo all applicable easements, rights-of-way, restrictions anti agreements of record. The grnnlee assumes and agrees to pay lhe loxes for lbo year ZO~ , payable m Ddorlse Jeh~ Brison ,att I:.ditb Mae I!,rison Lanham Terry M. Seely