HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-OR-452218 East HVw 62 STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. 2000 OR- 4 5 AN ORDINANCE CItANGING TIlE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY BEING PART OF SURVEY NO. 11 OF TIlE ILLINOIS GRANT, FROM B-2 TO B-3 Whereas, Mainstream Transportation, Inc. filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to change the zoning map designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" from B-2 to B-3; and Whereas, on July 25, 2000 the Jeffersonville Plan Commission has certified a favorable recommendation of the enactment of this proposed zoning map designation change by ordinance of this Common Council; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Council at its regular meeting after certification of the proposed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions of I.C 36- 7-4~608(f)(1); and, Whereas, this Common Council has timely posted notice of its intent to consider the proposed change of zoning map designation at the regular meeting scheduled for August 7, 2000 at 7:00 o'clock p.m.; and, Whereas, all interested persons having been given an opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be heard regarding this matter as required by law. NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Ieffersonville, Indiana, that the zoning designation of the real property described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from B-2 to B-3. IT IS FURT}tER ORDAINED that the zoning map of the City of Jeffersonville shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption. SO ORDAINED this ~ day o£August, 2000. COMMON COUNCIL OF TIlE CIT. JI~F JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA Presiding Officer "~ // ATTEST: Pegg~ XVil~r' Clerk / Treasurer Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor ofsaid City of Jeffersonville this day of August, 2000. Peggy ~ Clerk / Treasurer This Ordinance approved and signed by me this day of August, 2000. A. part of Survey No. 11 of the Illinois Grant. begmning at a stake in the center of the Old Phmk Road. opposite the lands of Clarence Norris. and also being the West comer of Floyd Reedings 29.16 acre parcel, as described in a deed from Guy Daily and wife, recorded in Deed Record 107, page 160 in said Survey No. l I:' thence South 40 degrees east 66 rods will':, Floyd Reeding's linc to a stone, thence South 4.9 degrees 20' wffst 28.48 rods to a stake; thence North 40 degrees 30' West 48.80 rods to the center of the Old Plank Road. thence with the center of the Old Plan!,: Road 33.46 ro~s. more or less :o the place ofbeginaing, containing 10 acres, more or less. and being a part of'the real estate conveyed to Ida L. Snider by deed dated March 28, 1901 and recorded in Deed Record 92. page 451. Excepting the:-efrom, hoxvever, a 1,023 acm tract conveyed by Atwell C. Watson and Mathilda Watson to~J'; Thomas McCartin and Martha McCartin by deed dated April 30, 1957 mad recorded in Deed Record 208,'page 346 in the office of the Clark County Recorder. Also excepting therefrom, however, a 1.00 acre tract conveyed by Mathilda Watson, the unremarried widow of Atwell Watson, deceased, to Michael P. Matra. Sr. and Ruth A. Matra, his Mt'e. by deed dated January' 21, 1971 and recorded an January 21, 1971 tn Deed Drawer 3, Instr. #521 in the office of the Clark County Recorder. ALSO. part of survey No. 11 of the Illinois Grant bounded thus: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Share'No. 3 and the No, thsvest corner of Share No. 4 as shown on the Plat Book of the Partition of William Bowman, et. al. vs. Sarah Bowman, et. al. of record of Probate Order Book D, page 532 in the office of the Clerk of the Clark County Circuit Court; thence North 50 degrees East 735 feet to a stake at the Northeast comer of the tract conveyed to Robert H. May and Gladys May recorded in deed record book 14l, page 426 tl4e tree place ofbegirming: thence continuing North 50 degrees East :,,~ feet to a stake; thence at right angles southwardlv 40 degrees F. ast 280 feet to a stake in the Nor*da line of the road; thence South 50 degrees West 40 fee~ to a stake; thence Noghwardly 40 degrees West 280 ~et to the true place ofbegimfing. Being the same property acquired by iEdward J. Watson, b3 Deed dated April 24, 1997, recorded in Deed Drawer 29, Instrument No. 6699, in the Office of'the Recorder ot'Ctark County. Indiana. dl-31-O0 0~:13P maschmeye~/nachand 812 282 1362 STATE OF [IqDIANA REFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMM/$SION IN RE THE APPLICATION OF Maiu~rceam Traasportat. io~ ~nc. ~O REZONE A CERT~ TKACT OF PROPr'RTY BEING PART OF From B-2 cO R-3 CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Whereas, "lX'a~l:a~ea:ion; .Lnc. f_fl~ a petitioa before the lefl~rsonvi!le Plan commission to chaag¢ th~ zoning designation of thc ptope4~ described in altached Exhibit A (the '~Property'9. from I~-2 to B-3 ; sad, alter proper notice by publication, ~c Jefth'sonville Plan Commission held a public hcating on the petition on 3ul? 25, 2000 ;and, Whereas, a the conclusion of thc hearing ~e Jeff~rsonville Plan Commission voted bi,' a umjorily vote ofi{~ entire membership to favorably recomm~ud the proposed ctmng¢ of zoning designation of the Prop=try to the .leffcrsonville Common Council. IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED Ihat on_J~iv 25. 21110 __, the Jeffersonvill¢ pla~ Commission Favorably recommended that the Jcffer~onvillc Common Council enact 133' ordlnan~ thc propo.~d zoning d~sign~tion change of the prol~rv/f~om ~2 to J~-3 as rcquested in the petition of ~ ~, ~-,,., Tr~_~T~,.-~,,- ~,~,' 'r~,,, So certified this 31scday . / Chairman 07/31/00 M0N 13:32 FAX 8122829171 KOVERT_.r4AWKINS ju'l~-31-.O0 O1: 13P maschmgyer'/nachand ~1~' ~'8~ 1~;:~ A part of Survey No. I [ offhe Ulinois Gm~L begirming at a stake: in the e~nter of the Old Pl~k Ro~. opposite the lan~ of Clarence N()~ia. ~d also being th~ West comer of Floyd Reedings 2%16 acre panel, ~ described in a de~d from G~ Daily ~d wit~. ~cordcd in Deed Record 107. ~ge 160 in s~d Sur~y No- 11: thence Sou~ a0 degrees east 66 rc~ds w[~ Flo~d Reeding~ lir~c to a sion;? thence d~grees 30~ West 4g.g0 rods m the center of the Old Pl~k Road, th,:nce with the cen~r of ~e Old Pl~k Road 33.46 ~s. m~ ur lc~ :o ~he place of beginning, com~hing t~ ~crc~ more or less. ~d being a ~ of'the r~al estate ennveyed to l~a L. Snider ~y deed dated M~h 2g, 190} and recorded in Deed Record 02, ~age 451. £xcepfing th,:rcFrom, however, a 1.O'23 acre tract conveyed by Am*ell C. Watson and Mathilda Watson to.L Thomas McCa'tin and Martha MeCartir~ by deed &need April 30. 19.57 end ~'egorded in Deed Record 20g. page 346 in the off, ce oft. he Clark County Recorder. . Also excepting therefrom, however, a ! .00 acre tract conveyed by Malhilda Watson, the unremarrled ~dflow of Atwell WaLtOn, deceased, to Michael P. Matra, Sr, aid Ruth A. Matra, his wife, by deed dated J~macy 2l, 1971 ~.nd recorded on .l'anuar~ '21, 1971 in Deed Drawer 3, Instr. ~521 in the otb. ce of the Clark County Ret;order. Al.SO. part of survey No. I [ of the Illinois Granl bounded thus: B,.'ginning at thc Southwe.~t comer ofSharo'No. 3 and the No,;h~.vest corner of Share No. 4 as shox~ on thc PEat Book of the P~ition of Wi[li~ Bo,~x~, et. al. vs. S~ah Bo~m~. et. al: or recoM bf P~bate Order ~ook D, ~ge 532 in th~ o~ce of~e Cle~ of the CI~ Cowry Circuit Co~: ~Rg~ ~o~ 50 deg~es E~t 735 feet a s~e at ~e NoSter oamer,of ~ ~t convey~ ~o Ro~ fL May ~d Oladys May ~coMed in deed regord ~ok 141. page 426 ~c- ~ place ~ff~g~g: thence continuing No~ 50 deer.s E~sr .., ;eet to a ~take; thence at right ai~gleg southw~dly 40 degreeg E~t 2gO feet ~ a stye in ~e No~A I~e ofth~ ~ad; th~ce South 50 d~g~ees Wcs~ ~ ~e&to as~; ~mRce No~hwardly 40 degrees West 280 l~et m ~e ~e ~[aee of begintfing. B,ging the same property acq.~ired by ~.dward J, Watson, b~ Deed dated April 2,~, t907, rec,'~rded in Deed IDm~.'cr 2q. Instrument Nc,. P. 03 '~EXHIBIT_A. !