HomeMy WebLinkAboutchange order 8 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER FORM
DATE: 9/05/2012
PROJECT NAME: Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion Project
I. You are directed to make the following changes to this Contract:
1. Cut & Cap 30" FM (Rev FO #33) 4,031.00 No schedule adjustment
2. Rev. Pump Control Logic (FO #73) 1,998.00 No schedule adjustment
3. Overflow Weir (FO #78) 1,654.00 No schedule adjustment
4. Pipe Bollards (FO #79) 2,775.00 No Schedule adjustment
5. Modify Grit Classifier (FO #80) 1,599.00 No Schedule adjustment
6. Gas Detect System Install (FO #81) 21,536.00 No schedule adjustment
7. Yard Hydrant #2 (FO #82) 4,851.00 No schedule adjustment
8. Monorail column (FO #84) 7,759.00 No schedule adjustment
9. ARV Flush Accessories (FO #85) 2,465.00 No schedule adjustment
II. The following referenced documents further describe the changes outlined in Paragraph I, and are
to be considered part of this Change Order:
F.O.: 33, 73, 78 -82, 84 and 85
III. The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time:
Contract Sum Prior to this Change Order $ 11,050,606.00
Contract Sum will be increase /decrease by this Change Order $ 48,668.00
New Contract Sum including this Change Order $_ 11,099,274.00
Contract Time Prior to this Change Order July 17, 2012 Substantial Completion Date
October 12, 2012 Final Completion Date
Net Increase /decrease resulting from this Change Order 0 Days
Current Contract Time including this Change Order July 17, 2012 Substantial Completion Date
October 12, 2012 Final Completion Date
Jeffersonville, Indiana Additional Forms Supplemental to Agreement Form
Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion 00 52 25
This Change Order is for full and final Settlement of all direct, indirect, impact costs and time extension
incurred at any time resulting from the performance of the changed work.
The Above Changes Are The Above Changes are The Above Changes are
Recommended: Accepted: Approved:
CH2M HILL Pace Contracting City of Jeffersonville
Engineer Contractor Owner
401 W. Main St, Ste 500 200 Willinger Lane 500 Ouartermaster Court
Address Address Address
Louisville, KY 40202 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 efferson • II dian. 47130
City /State /Zip Ci • ate /Zi , C • I
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Date: Date: cl s/ / Date: -11 J 13
Jeffersonville, Indiana Additional Forms Supplemental to Agreement Form
Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion 00 52 25
DATE: 09/05/2012
PROJECT NAME: Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion
You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract
Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without changing the Contract Sum or Contract
If you consider that a change in the Contract sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your
itemized proposal to the Engineer immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your
proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order will, in that event, be
superseded by a Change Order.
Cut and cap existing 30" force main upstream of 24" tie -in.
The revised Field Order No. 33 is required because the force main wye fitting was not located correctly
on the record drawings. Instead of under the sidewalk it was located under the street and encased in
concrete, requiring additional excavation, traffic control, and pavement restoration.
10th and Spring St PS Force Main Locust St Connection Detail
Photo of actual excavation in street.
J i,vw Raw
Project Manager, Construction Engineer
By: Jerry Af.ol t rso
Date: 09/05/2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana Additional Forms Supplemental to Agreement Form
Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion 00 52 25
12 -7 -11 Pace Contracting, LLC
Tenth Street Pump Station
Revised - Field Order No. 33
Matl /Subs Matl /Subs Labor /Equip. Labor /Equip.
Field Order No. 33 - Cut and Cap existing 30 inch force main Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Unit Cost Total Cost
Revised due to field conditions being much different
1 Locate 30 inch force main 0.00 Is $0.00 $0.00 51,800.00 $0.00
la Locate 30 inch force main - searched for two days 1.00 Is $0.00 $0.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00
2 Cut existing 30 inch pipe and drain 0.00 Is $0.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 $0.00
2a Cut existing 30 inch pipe and drain and removed concrete encasement 1.00 Is $0.00 $0.00 $3,600.00 $3,600.00
3 Install 30 inch cap and mega lug restrainment 1.00 ea $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00
4 Haul away waste and backfill with stone 0.00 cy $15.00 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00
4a Haul away waste and backfill with concrete 10.00 cy $100.00 $1,000.00 $55.00 $550.00
5 Replace sidewalk and curb 0.00 Is $500.00 $0.00 51,200.00 $0.00
6 Final Grade and Seed 0.00 Is $100.00 $0.00 $300.00 $0.00
7a Asphalt road repair 5.00 to $200.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00
Subtotal 13,250.00
$4,500.00 58,750.00
10% Markup and 1% Bond 1,457.00
Total Revised Field Order No 33 Amount $14,707.00
Original Field Order No. 33 Payment Amount 10,676.00
Balance Due for Revised Field Order $4,031.00
DATE: 6/25/2012
PROJECT NAME: Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion
You are hereby directed to execute promptly this Field Order which interprets the Contract
Documents or orders minor changes in the Work without changing the Contract Sum or Contract
If you consider that a change in the Contract sum or Contract Time is required, please submit your
itemized proposal to the Engineer immediately and before proceeding with this Work. If your
proposal is found to be satisfactory and in proper order, this Field Order will, in that event, be
superseded by a Change Order.
Revise pump control logic as per the attached Functional Description.
J i,vw R014'
Project Manager, Construction Engineer
By: J i v ' Row
Date: 6/25/2012
Jeffersonville, Indiana Additional Forms Supplemental to Agreement Form
Tenth Street Pump Station Expansion 00 52 25
Created by: Darryl W. Evans, P.E., HDR Engineering, Inc.
Rev. 0, Date: 10/10/11 (Draft)
Rev. 1, Date: 10/26/11 (Review Mtg.)
Rev. 2, Date: 11/07/11 (Working Copy)
Rev. 3, Date: 06/19/12 (Revise start /stop logic for deeper wet well volume.)
The following provides for the System Integrator(s) background information and written description of
the control system functionality required to achieve the desired operation of the pump station as
described in the original contract documents and revised via discussions with the City of Jeffersonville
( "City ").
The 10 Street Pump Station ( "Station ") receives flow from a 90" combined sewer, two 24" sanitary
sewers, and a 6" sanitary sewer. The present firm capacity of the station is approximately 15.4MGD
delivered from 5 constant speed pumps via 24" and 18 "force mains to the Jeffersonville Waste Water
Treatment Plant ( "WWTP "). A Consent Decree with the EPA effective November of 2009 requires the
City to initially receive at the WWTP a 3 -hour maximum ( "3hrMax ") of 35MGD from all flow sources
including the Station. Upon completion of ongoing upgrades at the WWTP, this value will be increased
to a 3hrMax of 50MGD. After 3- hours, these maximum values will be reduced to a sustained maximum
flow ( "SustMax ") that will be determined by WWTP personnel through trials upon completion of the
WWTP upgrades. The WWTP also receives a maximum of 7.2MGD from Mill Creek Pump Station,
6.0MGD from Spring Street Pump Station, and an unknown but negligible flow from the Krunchers plant.
The combined and sanitary sewers supplying the Station will deliver far more than the Station or the
WWTP can accept but the WWTP can accept more than the Station will presently deliver. Therefore, the
Station improvements will include replacement of the 5 existing pumps to provide 40MGD of firm
capacity and 50MGD peak capacity with a throttling mechanism to limit flow to the WWTP. Other
improvements upstream of the pump station include a combined sewer overflow ( "CSO ") weir and
screening process to return screened material back to the flow stream, automated mechanical bar
screens, and grit removal equipment to remove materials from the flow stream prior to pumping.
Improvements downstream include a new 36" force main to parallel the existing 24" force main and a
new flow meter on each. A new electrical service and standby generator are included to support the
increased energy demand. The City's existing SCADA system coupled with a new PLC -based control
system at the Station will be used to trim the flow from the Station to achieve the maximum WWTP
flows indicated above.
Critical Elevations
Below are some important elevations to refer to when reading the control descriptions below.
Elevations are per NAVD 1988 datum.
Wet Well Floor: 402.50'
Top of New Pumps: 410.50'
Discharge Valve Chamber Floor: 422.50'
Wet Well Influent Sewer InvcrtWet Well Influent from Splitter Box (North Wall): 1 15.00'414.50'
24" Sanitary Influent Sewer Invert (South Wall): 416.00'
Grit Chamber Effluent Weir: 419.25'
Bar Screen Channel Floor: 419.00'
Bar Screen Max Water Depth: 424.00'