HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-OR-30 ORDINANCE NO. 2012 -OR- 3D AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2011-0R-57 ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATION REDUCTION WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is now necessary to amend Ordinance No 2011 -OR -57 An Ordinance of Appropriation. NOW, THEREFORE: SECTION ONE BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council for the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, Indiana, that for the expense of said City Ordinance No 2011 -OR -57 shall be amended as detailed on the attached Exhibit A. 3 Ty SECTION TWO Y This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the } Common Council and approval by the Mayor. ri 3 Voted For Voted Against: Alk ,._ AiA ' 4 .mom e ir .2 ,7 7 .!.._1, 1 : goilio w pp,....■ rAIIIWP• 4/14 1 41ff a--.r.... i t 1 F g F g H 2012 -OR -14 { PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark County, upon this / day of Y� p q y lwna- , 2012. / G Ed Zastawny, President Jeffersonville Common Council AT Vicki Conlin, Clerk City of Jeffersonville PRESENTED by me to the Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville Clark County, Indiana upon this 2 day of�vk,¢ , 2012. .//:;,k4" 11 Vicki Conlin, Clerk City of Jeffersonville SIGNED and APPROVED by me upon this day of , 2012. (\-) Mike oore, Mayor - City of Jeffersonville 2012 -OR -14 v ORDINANCE NO. 2012-OR- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2011-OR-57 ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATION REDUCTION Approved Department Series Reduction Amount Fund Total Amount Mayor 300 $ 10,000 Finance 400 $ 250,000 s ,. 100 $ 28,000 City Engineer 300 $ 10,000 400 $ 45,000 r. Police 100 r ,.. <.... <.. $ 37,000 } 200 $ 5,000 1 300 $ 118,500 Fire 100 $ 58,750 200 $ 44,000 300 $ 58,600 400 $ 10,000 s Building Commissioner 200 $ 1,000 300 $ 3,000 400 Planning and Zoning 300 $ 5,000 400 $ 14,000 Common Council 100 $ 75,000 300 $ 132,400 400 $ 612,000 r . < Animal Shelter 100 $ 20,900 200 $ 6,700 1 300 $ 10,400 Vehicle Maintenance 200 $ 13,000 300 $ 3,000 400 1 y 4 " A' Page 1 of 2 1 t ORDINANCE NO. 2012-OR- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2011-OR-57 ORDINANCE OF APPROPRIATION REDUCTION Approved Department Series Reduction Amount Fund Total Amount IT 100 $ 6,500 300 $ 7,000 400 $ 16,200 ik Economic Development 200 $ 1,000 300 $ 120,000 Safety 200 $ 500 300 $ 700 Human Resources 100 $ 15,000 300 $ 15,900 ADA 300 $ 10,000 igagmm Board of Public Works 200 $ 1,000 300 $ 95,600 City Hall 200 $ 1,000 300 $ 100,000 Find 101 Total 2 00 ,5 Parks 200 $ 24,000 300 $ 120,000 400 $ 150,000 y l=and 204 Total !! F'. is r. ... .... .,. Sanitation 200 $ 30,000 300 $ 125,000 Fund 244 Total 155,000 Redevelopment 100 $ 43,400 fund 206► Total 43,400 Grand Total $ 2,500,050 $ 2,500,050 Page 2 of 2 t v ' News and Tribune E-Edition - News and Tribune (Jeffersonville, IN)... http://newstribune.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/services/OnlinePrin... 1 MONDAY, JUNE 4, 20 —........................—................................. , PUbiic N0tice5 Public Notices f NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE t By virtue M a certified copy r I nOTIPE OF SHERIFFS SALE decree to me directed from the C I. By virtue of a oedifled con; of a of Clark Circuit Court No. 1 of C ' I decree to me directed from the Clerk c oun t y. I i c,,,,,, of Clark Circuit Court No. 1 of Clark 10001-1006-MF-1260 wherein B f County. Indiana, in Cause No. of America, NA.. successor I 10001-1002-MF-076 wherein Bank merger to RAC Home Loans Ser a of America, N.A., successor by ing, LP was Plaintiff, and Timothy i merger to BAC Home Loans Servic- Lingross, Carrie A. Lingrc t ing, LP was Plaintiff, and Jeffrey A. Countrywide Home Loans, I I Laycock a/k/a Jeffrey Laycock and and Beneficial Financial I Inc. h Melinda J. Laycock ailda Melinda Beneficial Indiana, Inc. clibla Be I Jean Laycock were Defendante, re ficial Mortgage Co. w quired me to make the sum as Defendants, required me to m I provided for in said Decree with M- the sum as provided for in said t 1 sresf and cost will "Pas t ores with interact and cost. I 11, public sale to the highest bidder, on mose at public sale to the Mg( the 19 day a July, 2012. at the hour bidder, on the le day of July a of 10:00 arn, or as soon thereafter as gat the hour i)f 10:00 am, or as s. 1, ; is possible. at 501 East Court Ave. thereafter as is possible, at 501 E Jeffersonville, IN 47130, the fee sim- Court Ave, Jeffersonville. IN 471 , , pie of the whole body of Real Estate the fee simple of the whole body ; in Clark County, Indiana, LOT NO. Real Estate in Clark County. India i THIRTY-ONE (31) OF HIGH MEAD- Lot No. thirty (30) as 'shown M OW SUBDIVISION AS THE SAME ecord plat of New Providence. 0 APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT bounty, in the State of Indiana. . 11 BOOK 11, PAGE 45 CLARK COUN- s shown as a matter of record M TV, INDIANA.SUBJECT TO ANY as Office in Ctark County / AND ALL EASEMENTS AND/OR the State of Indiana. More comm: RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD known as 312 E Main St, Borden. I THAT MAY EFFECT THE ABOVE 47106;8906 Parcel No 10-16- DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE. More 300-110.000-036 Together ■ commonly known as 906 Nettle rents, issues, income and cm Ridge Rcl, Jeffersonville, IN 47130- thereof, said sale wit be made ■k , 8250 Parcel No. 10-41-01-500- out relief from valuation 061 To9alber Mb rams . fa appraisernent laws. MATTHEW , , sues, Inca:me and profits thereof, LOVE Plaintiff Attorney Attome said sale wit be made without relief 18762-29 FEIWELL from valuation or appraisement laws. P.C. 251 N. Itlinois Street, Suite 1/ MARC J. ANGEL. Plaintiff Attomez Indianapolis, IN 46204-1944 13 Attorney # 23488-49 FEIWELL 237.2727 Danny Rodden, Sh. , HANNOY. P.C. 251 N. Illinois Street. Wood Township The Sheriffs , Suite 1700 Imianapolis, IN 46204- partment does not warrant , 1944 (3)7) 237-2727 Danny Rod- accuracy of the street address p 11 den, Sheriff Utica Township The kshed herein. SERVICE DIRECT Sheriffs Department does not war- TO: Tenothy G. Lin gross San I rant the accuracy of the street Type; Serve By Sheriff 312 0 IV a address published - herein. SERVICE St Borden, IN 47106-8909; Car& t , DIRECTED Ta Jeffrey A. Laycock 109 se Service Type: Serve alga Jetfrey Laycock Service Type; Sheriff 312 E Mao St Borden. t SerVe By Sheriff 906 Nettie Ridge Rd 47106-8908 NOTICE FEIWELL Jeffersonville, IN 47130;8250; Melin- HANNOY, P.C. IS A DEBT Ci t da J. Laycook anda Melinda Jean LECTOR: i Laycock Service Type; Serve By r Sheriff 906 Nettle Ridge Rd Jetfer• NEED EXTRA CASH? sorwille, IN 47130-6250 NOTICE SELL SOMETHING! 1 FEIWELL & HANNOY, P.C. IS A CALL CLASSIFIEDS AT DEBT COLLECTOR. 812-283-6636 i NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF PROPOSED ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS / - i, Notce is hereby given the taxpayers of Jeffersonville Civil City. Clark Co I ty, Indiana, that the proper officer's of sapi urrit at Jeffersonville City Hall in( Council Chambers. Room 101, Hall, 500 Ouartermaster Court Jeffersonv , Indiana, at 7:00 P.M. on the 18th day of June, 2012 wit conduct a public hr Mg to consider the following reductions of the budget for the fiscat year . 2012. General Fund 2.007,650 Parks Fund 294.000 r Sanitation Fond 155,000 i ; Taxpayers appearing at such meeting shall have a right to be heard thr , on. The reductions to appropriation as finally made will be referred to I ; State Board of Tax Commissioners. I Monica L. Harmon, City Controller 1 i f I ; , ; 1 I , , , , , ' I / I I 1 / I / I / k t I r, :',.. 1 f ,., i , 1 , 1 of 1 6/14/2012 2:47 PM , t t