HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-R-09RESOLUTION OF THE JEFFERSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF SELLERSBURG TO ANNEX REAL PROPERTY LYING WITHIN THREE MILES OF THE MUNICIPAL (CITY) LIMITS OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA Indiana, as more Authority to Annex March, 1993; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, has received a Petition from the Town of Sellersburg to annex certain real properties which lie within three miles of the muncipal boundaries of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana; and WHEREAS, the city Council for the city of Jeffersonville, has no objection to the annexation proposed by the Town of Sellersburg, particularly described in its Petition for filed with this Council on the 12th day of WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville City Council has determined said Petition in open meeting in which the public was allowed to hear and participate concerning Sellersburg, Indiana. BE IT T~F/~EFORE RESOLVED said requests by the Town of by the Jeffersonville city Council that the Town of Sellersburg, Indiana, shall have the authorization to annex the real property contained in its Petition for Annexation, said property lying within three miles of the muncipal boundaries (city limits), of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana. SO RESOLVED this day of~, 1993. NAYS: STANLEY E. TUCKER - President ROY E. EVERI'VF - Vice President LINDA G. SCHAFER - Clerk Treasurer P.O. BOX 85 Sellersburg, Indiana 47172 (812) 246-3821 DAVID BROADY - Council Member DOUG EDDINGS Jr. - Council Member KARL TRUMAN - Council Member March 12, 1993 Jeffersonville City Council City County Building 501 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Dear City Council Member: Please find enclosed the Town of Sellersburg's Petition requesting authority from the Jeffersonville city Council to annex real property lying within three miles of the municipal boundaries of the City of Jeffersonville. This matter has been placed on the agenda for the next meeting of the Jeffersonville City Council on March 18, 1993, to consider this Petition and adoption of a resolution authorizing same. If you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time and cooperation. With best wishes, I remain WPM/pc Enclosures Sincerel~ William P. McCall III PETITION OF ~{E TOWN OF SELLERSBURG, INDIANA FOR AUT~ORITY TO ANNEX PROPERTY LYING WITI{IN T~IREE MILES OF THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY OF T~E CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA TO: The Honorable City Council for the City of Jeffersonville Comes now the Town Council for the Town of Sellersburg, Indiana, by and through their attorney, William P. McCall III, and respectfully petitions the city Council for the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, to authorize the Town of Sellersburg to annex real property which lies within three miles of the municipal (city) limits of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, said real property being more particularly described by the descriptions and maps attached hereto and marked Area "K" and Area "M". The Petitioner respectfully petitions for the authority to extend the boundaries of the Town of Sellersburg, Indiana, so as to include the above-described tract of real property and that said tract of real property be considered part of the Town of Sellersburg, Indiana. The Petitioner further states the above described property is contiguous to the Town of Sellersburg, Indiana, the same lying adjacent to said Town. Therefore, the Petitioner, the Town Council for the Town of Sellersburg, respectfully requests the City Council for the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, to adopt a resolution authorizing said Petitioner to annex real property lying within three miles of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, municipal boundaries (city limits). DESCRIPTION OF 1993 SELLERSBURG ANNEXATION AREA "K" A part of surVey 66 of the Illinois Grant in Silver Creek Township of Clark County; Indiana, bounded as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of Lot 25 of Greenwood Subdivision Unit 1, which point is in the present Town Boundary of Sellersburg and is also on the west right-of-way line of Highway 3 IE, thence the following courses: Southwardly 190 feet, more or less, with said right-of-way line and the east line of a tract described at Deed Drawer 17, Instrum..e~t 5145; Westwardly, 65 feet, more or less, with said tract and said fight-of-way line; Southwardly, 225 feet, more or less, with said tract and said right-of-way line; Eastwardly, 75 feet, more or less, with said tract and said right-of-way line; Southwardly, 306 feet, more or less, with said tract and said fight-of-way line to the northeast comer of a tract of land described at Deed Drawer 5, Instrument 8662; Southwardly, 75 feet, more or less, with said right-of-way line to the northeast comer of a tract of land described at Deed Drawer 7, Instrument 4718; Southwardly, 255 feet, more or less, with said right-of-way line to the north corner of Diamond Heights Subdivision; South 12 deg. 42 min. East, 772.6 feet, more or less, with Diamond Heights and said fight-of-way line; South 10 deg. 30 min. East, 324.05 feet, more or less, with Diamond Heights and said right-of-way line; South 6 deg. 13 min. East, 259.71 feet, more or less, with said right-of-way line to the southeast corner of Diamond Heights; South 69 deg. 48 min. West, 828.64 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of Diamond Heights Subdivision, which is in the east right-of-way line of State Road 60; North 54 deg. 06 min. West, 235.3 feet, more or less, with said right-of-way line and line of Diamond Heights; North 41 deg. 03 min. West, 664.6 feet, more or less, with said fight-of-way line and Diamond Heights to a point in the present Town Boundary of Sellersburg, and which point is also in the southeast line of a tract of land described at Deed Drawer 3, Instrument 2868; North 48 deg. 55 min. East, 1258 feet, more or less, with said tract and the present Town Boundary of Sellersburg; North 40 deg. West, 990 feet, more or less, with said tract and the present Town Bonndary of Sellersburg to the northwest comer of a tract of land described at Deed Drawer 17, Instrument 5145; · North 51 deg. 30 min. East, 770 feet, more or less, with said tract and the present Town Boundary of Sellersburg to the place of beginning, containing 40.3 acres, more or less. DESCRIPTION OF SELLERSBURG 1993 ANNEX AREA A part of Surveys No. 87, 88, 89, 108 and 110 of the llIinois Grant in Silver Creek Township of Claxk County, Indiana, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly right-of-way tine of 1-65, in the Town boundary of Sellersburg which marks the north line of a tract conveyed at Deed Record 253 page 262, thence the following courses: South · South Southwestwardly, 300 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary, crossing 1-65 to it's westerly right-of-way; Northwestwardly, 4595 feet, more or less, with the westerly right-of-way line of 1-65 and new State Road No. 60 to the southeast comer of a tract conveyed at Deed Record 189, page 58; North 64 deg. 30 min. West, 883.43 feet, more or less, with the southwesterly line of said tract to the southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road 311, which is the Sellersburg Town Boundary; Northeastwardly, 630 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary to the west comer of a tract conveyed at Deed Drawer 4, Instrument No. 3765, said point being in the southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road 311 and the northeasterly right-of-way tine of new State Road 60; 9 deg. 49 min. 06 sec. East, 134.78 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the boundary of said tract; 44 deg. 15 min. 30 sec. East, 200.14 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the boundary of said tract; South 57 deg. 30 min. 02 Sec. East, 104.30 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the boundary of said tract; South 39 deg. 37 min. 28 sec. East, 128.17 feet, mom or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the boundary of said tract; North 43 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. West, 131.50 feet, mom or less, with the SeIlersburg Town Boundary and the boundary of said tract; North 28 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. West, 382.75..fe.e.t, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the boundary of said tract; North 77 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. West, 240.00 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the boundary 9f said tract to a point in the south line of a tract conveyed at Deed Drawer 11, Instrument No. 8667; North 31 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. West, 141.44 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the line of said tract to the east comer of said tract; North 77 deg. 09 min. 35 sec. West, 169.39 feet, more or less, with the SeIlersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to the southeasterly right-of-way Iine of State Road No. 311; Northeastwardly, 290 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary, which is said southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road 311 to the southwest line of a tract conveyed at Deed Drawer 21, Instrument No. 6542; Southeastwardly, 180 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to its east comer; Noi'theastwardly, '130 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to its comer; Southeastwardly, 30 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to its comer; Northeastwardly, 27.35 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to its comer; Southwestwardly, 198.90 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to said southeasterly fight-of-way line of State Road No. 311; Northeastwardly, 1100 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and southeasterly fight-of-way line of State Road No. 311, crossing Old State Road No. 60 to the s6uthwesiefly line of a tract conveyed at Deed Drawer 22, Instrument No. 11200: South 71 deg. 17 min. West, 194.7 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and line of said tract to its southeast comer; North 7 deg. 11 min. East, 407.3 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and east line of said tract to its northeast comer; South 64 deg. 11 see. West, 190 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and north line of said tract to said southeasterly right-of-way line of State Road No. 311; Northeastwardly, 340 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town.Boundary and southeasterly fight-of-way line of State Road No. 311 to the south line of a tract conveyed at Deed Record 230 page 341; South 74 deg. 22 min. East, 832.50 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and south line of said tract; South 48 deg. 52 min. East, 87.5 feet, more or less, with the Setlersburg Town Boundary and the south line of said tract to the southeast comer of said tract; North 40 deg. West, 297 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the east line of said tract to the northeast comer of said tract which is the southeast comer of a tract conveyed at Deed Drawer 22, Instrument No. 14479; North 40 deg. West, 654.8 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the east line of said tract to the north comer of said tract; South 13 deg. 22 min. West, 180 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and a west line of said tract; North 76 deg. 18 min. West, 180.1 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and a north line of said tract to the easterly fight-of-way line of State Road No. 311; North 76 deg. 18 min. West, 60 feet, mote'Or lesS, crossing State Road No. 31'1 with the Sellersburg Town Boundary to the westerly fight-of-way line thereof; blortheastwardly, 570 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary which is said westerly fight-of-way line of State Road No. 311 to a point; Southeastwardly, 60 feet, more or less, crossing State Road No. 311 with the Sellersburg Town Boundary to the comer of a tract conveyed at Deed Drawer 24, Instrument No. 4691 and 4692; ,~outheastwardly, 167 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and south line of said tract which is the line between lots 18 and 19 of Block F of Fairview, crossing an alley; '" North 23 deg. 51 min. 29 sec. East, 438 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and the east line of said tract and alley; North 50 deg. 56 min. 34 sec. West, 166 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary and north line of said tract to the easterly right-of-way line of State Road No. 311; Northwestwardly, 173 feet, more or less, crossing the highway with the Sellersburg Town Boundary to the westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 311; Northwardly, 3700 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary which is th~ westerly right-of-way line of State Road No. 311 and 1-65 to the south line of Hill and Dale Farm if extended eastwardly; Northeastwardly, 200 feet, more or less, with the Sellersburg Town Boundary, crossing 1-65 to its easterly right-of-way line; Southwardly, 7760 feet, more or less, with the Seltersburg Town Boundary and the easterly right-of-way line of 1-65 to the southeast line of Forrest Estates; Southw~rdly, 3600 feet, more or less, with the easterly right-of-way line of 1-65 to the true place of beginning and containing 363 acres, more or less, of land. Excepting, therefrom any previously annexed areas.