HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubsurface Exploration Proposal No 11G-7/27b McBride Heights Sewers Aug 01 11 09:01a P•8
July 27, 2011
Jeffersonville Sewer Department 3 a
1420 Pennsylvania Avenue M
Jeffersonville Indiana 47130 w
Attention: Mr. Len Ashack cal
Proposed McBride Heights Sewers
Jeffersonville, Indiana
CS Proposal No. 11G-7/27b
Dear Mr. Ashack: ►.�
We are pleased to present this proposal for a subsurface exploration at the referenced site in Va
Jeffersonville, Indiana. This proposal includes our understanding of the project information, Z
the proposed scope of services, a fee estimate, and a projected schedule. 0
Project information was provided by Josh Darby of Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz, in an electronic 0 p
transmission on July 26, 2011. We received a plan showing the proposed sewer servicing w„ rj
routes along McBride Drive, Graceland Way, Linden Road, and Grandview Drive in Z
Jeffersonville, Indiana. The plan depicted the proposed alignment with proposed boring Os6
locations as designated by Jacobi, Toombs, and Lanz. The proposed projcct includes ..R,X.
construction of new sewers along the routes denoted. U f
It is our intent to conduct a subsurface exploration in order to obtain information about rj
subgrade support conditions and depths to rock at the site of the proposed structures. This Z
exploration is not designed to produce information concerning contamination or other 0
environmental conditions. 0
Boring locations were designated by Jacobi, Toombs, and Lanz and will be located in the field
using standard taping procedures and available fixed structures. No surveying equipment will §o'
be utilized in this exploration. _=
At the time of the exploration, a truck - mounted drill rig will be mobilized to the project site.
(Weather conditions may delay mobilization during periods of prolonged precipitation). The
drill rig apparatus will be used to advance a total of six (6) borings to depths designated by
you on the plan you provided. Refusal is not expected to be encountered above boring
termination depth so rock coring will not be performed. If boring information varies
significantly, additional borings will be advanced. These additional borings will not be started
without your prior approval.
Ayg 01 11 0902a P•g
Prepared McBride Heights Sewers
Jeffersonville, Indiana
July 27, 20!!
Standard penetration testing will be performed at the ground surface and at depths of' 1.5 feet,
4.0 feet, 6.5 feet, 9.0 feet, and every five (5) feet thereafter, where possible until boring
termination depth is reached. Splitspoon samples will be obtained at each test interval. The
samples will be classified in the field by an engineer from our firm and will be placed in
scaled jars and retumed to the laboratory for testing.
Groundwater levels will be recorded at boring termination in all of the borings. Due to safety
considerations, all borings will be backfilled upon completion. If, at any time during field
activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction
difficulties are encountered, you will be notified.
Laboratory testing of soil samples will include the following tests:
6 Moisture Content Profiles ( -30 tests)
t Atterberg Limits Test
After field testing is complete, the subsurface information will be reviewed and evaluated and
a written report of our findings will be issued. The report will include:
-a description of the exploratory methods used
- descriptions of subsurface conditions encountered
-a summary of published geologic information
- preliminary design recommendations. including:
- design bearing pressure
- additional design parameters, including:
estimated c and m values
moist and saturated unit weights
lateral earth pressure coefficients
- construction considerations, including:
backfill placement
excavation shoring and stability
- groundwater considerations
-a Boring Location Plan
-Boring Logs
If, at any time during the project, unexpected or unusual conditions or information are
identified, the scope of work will be reviewed to confirm that it is still appropriate and
adequate. If additional exploration and/or testing are necessary, you will be notified, and the
added tasks will be submitted for your approval.
Based on our current workload, the subsurface exploration can be started within seven to tcn
days of authorization, weather permitting. It is anticipated that exploratory activities can be
completed in three working days. As was previously noted, if, at any time during field
activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction . - a
Aug 01 11 09:02e p10
Proposed McBride Heights Sewers
Jeffersonville, hrdlartu
July 27, 2011
difficulties are encountered, you will be notified. A verbal report can be submitted within
four working days of the completion of field activities. A written report of the work can be
submitted within ten working days of the completion of field activities. If significant project
delays are experienced, you will be contacted to discuss the revised schedule.
The scope of work provided in this proposal can be performed for the lump sum fee of
$4,950.00 (four thousand nine hundred fifty dollars). Our fee is based on one drill rig
mobilization, and a total of 57 feet of soil test drilling. This fee is also based on the
assumption that the site will be accessible to truck - mounted drilled equipment at the
time of the subsurface exploration. All- terrain vehicles and /or heavy equipment needed
to move the drill rig on the site can be retained for an extra charge. It is also assumed
that rock will not be encountered above boring termination depth. Rock coring can be
performed for an additional S90 (ninety dollars) per foot of rock needed to reach boring
termination depth. If additional exploration or testing activities are deemed necessary, a
revised fee schedule will be provided for your approval. No additional fees will be incurred
without your prior approval. !f, at the client's request, at any time after the start of this project
and prior to the completion of this project, the project is terminated, a prorated fee will be
calculated based upon the work completed up to the point that the project is terminated.
You may authorize our work on this project by your signature on the next page. You may
wish to issue a purchase order; however, this proposal and the contract number must be
referenced on the purchase order. Please note that your signature implies acceptance of the
attached Contract Terms. We must have a signed copy of this entire document in order to
proceed with the project.
We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with geotechnical services. If we can answer
any questions, please call.
Clinton Dcckard
• o.
Aug 01 11 09:00a p.11
Proposed McBride Weights Sewers
Jeffersonville, Indiana
July 27, 2071
Project: Proposed McBride Heights Sewers
Location: McBride Heights
Jeffersonville. Indiana
Client: Jeffersonville Sewer Department
1420 Pennsylvania Avenue
Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130
Proposal Date: 7/27/11
Proposal No.: 110 /27b
"/ a
NAME: a ft 1
TITLE: 111 - i Iilallt -A ri .
DATE: f3 �F /u
PRINTED NAME: MA y04- Kin. Saari/ t sv fratttstgad
(Please note that your signature implies acceptance of the attached Contract Terris and the
full CS Proposa/No. 11G-7/27b document ).
Aug 01 11 09:03a p.12
Contract Terms
I. PARTIES AND SCOPE OF WORK: Conslmction Solutions. IJ.0 theres:elks referred to as CS') shall include said company performing
the work. "Work" means the specific geaeUlnical, analytical. tuning or other service in be performed by CS n set forth in CS's proposal. the
clients' acceptance thereof and deft Contract Terms. *Client" refers in the person or business entity ordering the wed: to he done by CS. If the
client is ordering is wak on behalf °f another. the Uicnt repose - mit and um - rants that the thus is the duly outhorizcd agent of sad puny t'x the
pmrpnsc of ordering and directing Said wat:. Unless (ahenvise Rated in %film& the client assumes sole resporsibility for determining W WUtu
the quantity and ITS Mount of the wink ordered by Ow client is ndeg0ate and sufficient for the clients' intended purpose. Client shall
cnmmuniare these Cmuael Tenns to each and every third pony to %stem dm client transmits any part of CSS work. CS shall lame no duly or
obligation to any third pant. greater than that set forth in CS's proposal. client's acceptance thereof end thee Cam um Tcnns. The ordering of
wet from CS shall caalllue acceptance of the terms of CS's proposal and These Cmuaa Terms.
2. TESTS AND INSPECTIONS: CTION5: C] %M, shall cause dl lens and Inspatsan or the site. matiuk mid wort parxnted by CS or others to Ire
timely' and properly perfumed in accordance with the plans. spxiftaliars and comsat documents. and CS's re ommendatims. No claims Dm
Ion, damage or injury shall be brought against CS by client or any third party unless all lesis and inspections have ben so performed and unless
CS's =emendations have been followed. Client agree In indemnify. defend and hold CS. its offices. employes and agents harmless from
any and all claims, suits, lame arts and tease. including but not limited m. Court costs and reasonable Mlorney's fees in the event that all
such lets and inspeclirns ere not so performed or CS's reeommendelioit we not so followxd except m der extent Jun Such failure k the mull of
e negligence. willful ce wanton act M otaiuiun ores. aconites, s, agenile or employees.
3. SCHEDUI.ING OF WORK: Tin services set forth in CS's propose) and client's acceptance will he accomplished in • timely. workmanlike
and professional manna by CS personnel at the price quoted. If CS is required to delay commencement of the work or II: upon emmarking
upon Its weak. CS n monied to stop or interrupt the progress of if wink as a result of changes in the slope of the work ,equeacd by the client
to fulfill the requirements of third pane[. internnpnice in the progress of construction. or other caner heynnd the dir reasonable conInM of
CS. additional charges will be applicable and payable by client
t Ater.. 'TO SITE: Client will arrange and provide such acsX$S t0 the silt as is necessary for CS to perform the wink. CS shall Lake
reaeen:thk measures and precautions to minimize damage to the site and any impmvcllcnts located thereon as the result of its wink x the use of
its equipment: however. CS hat not included in its fns the cos of restoration of damage which mm• oeaur. R450100011 or or rep watinll kw
damage to crops m apiculture! land n no( included in h e fix staled in this proposal. Closing of open soil boring perks Rested by CS's
agivhiei is included in the foe slated in the proposal If client desires or requires CS to cisme the site to its former erudition. upon written
request CS will perform such additional woik as is necessay to do wl and client agrees to pay l0 CS the corm d,erenf
5. DAMAGE TO EXISTING MANMADE OBJECTS: Unless CS has assumed in %siting the responsibility of lemming subsurface or Mimi
conditions. client opus in indemnify and save CS harmless from all claims. suits losses costs and aspensM. includinc reasonable attorney's
Res as a result of personal tojurv. lath or property damage occurring with respect to CS's ncifor nonce of its work and arising from subsurfwe
0s stmt condiliom or damage to subsurface or latent Objects. SWc lint IX caduits where the oclual or potential presence and Itealion
Ilaseofwas not revealed to CS by client.
6. PATMfvT: Client shall be invoiced at the completion of the work daaibal m this proposal. Client agrees to pay de invoice %uhm thirty
(30) dogs of its receipt. Interest in the amount of LPL per month wig be applied t0 all past due invoices.
7. TERh11NA'rION: This apxanml may be laminated by cipher pony upon scuen days pun written nolioe. In the cent or termination. CS
dull be compensated by client for all services performed up to and including ilia termination date. including reimbursable expenses. and for the
completion of such saviceS and records as are necessary to place CSS fib in ceder andfor protect its professional repuudim.
8. WARRANT': (S's services will be refound. its finding obtained and its repnns prepared in accordance with its p 0I C al, client's
accepusle thee% Utbc Contract 'Cams. and with generally accepted principles and prae6ea. s perliaminz its professional savior. CS will
usc that degree of are and skill adtrocity exercised under similar circumslances by members of its profession. Thu warranty is in lieu of all
other wmmmics or representations ether express or implied. Statements made in CS reports arc opinions head upon engineering. judgment and
- not to be cumtnad as representations of fact. Should CS, or any of its professional employees be found to have been negligent in the
performing of professional services or work or 10 lase made and breached any express or implied %termnty. Ieprcxmmtion of contract. client. all
parties claiming thrmgh client and all parties claiming to have in any way relied upon CS's services w wink (sme that the maximum aggregate
amount of the liability of CS. its officers. employees and agents shall be limited to 51 SODDED or the Iec amount of the lee paid to CS for its
work pMamed with respect to the pmdcel whiehuv amount is greaser.
9. INDEh1NIT1': Except lo the extent specifically addrxaed in paagraph 8. client agrees to indemnify. defend and hold CS. its cokes.
employees. agentt and independent contractors harmless from any and all claims, suits. losses. costs and expenses. including but not limited to
court ewes and reasonable atlonxy's fees wising or alkting 10 have arisen out of the performance of CSS snit. In the wail (MI client Of
di airs pmntlpal 511111 Ming any suit. Cute of action. claim or counterclaim) aga is CS to .he exlml that CS shall prevail in such soh. cane Or
aaian. claim• Ot eounpacllim d% pony initiating such action shall pay In CS the costs and expenses incurred by CS to answer and:x defend
such soil, cause of action, claim xomnlerclair. including reasonable auomey's feces. exist costs. witness fee: and Mho related expenses.
CS initials
Clint Initials es Pmpcsal No. 1I 0.7@7b - Proposed Mcgride Heig Sewers- IeRersonvilk, Indiana
Aug 01 11 09:04a
Professional Services
Principal Engineer in Charge, per hour $225.00
Principal Engineer, (P.E.), per how $175.00
Principal Engineer, (P.E.), OT per hour $200.00
Project Engineer, (P.E.), per hour $125.00
Project Engineer, (P.E.). OT per hour $150.00
Construction Manager $175.00
Project Manager $125.00
Project Manager, (EIT), per hour $95.00
Project Manager, (EIT), OT per hour $100.00
Geologist, per hour $75.00
Geologist, O7' per hour $85.00
Senior Engineering Technician, per hour 560.00
Senior Engineering Technician, OT per hour $7000
Engineering Technician, per hour $55.00
Engineering Technician, OT per hour $60.00
Secretarial Administration, per hour $45.00
Atterburg Limits Test, per test $100.00
Standard Proctor Tcst, each $150.00
Modified Proctor Test, each $160.00
Moisture Content Test, per test $1000
Concrete Compressive Strength Testing, per cylinder $15.00
Concrete Compressive Strength Testing, per cylinder w/o Field Testing $30.00
Drill Rig Mobilization, each $550.00
ATV Rig, each $150.00
Drill Rig Support Vehicle (for rock coring), per hour 5125.00
Rock Soundings, per foot $9.50
Soil Test Drilling. per foot $1500
Rock Coring, per foot $40.00
Heavy Equipment Rental cost + 20%
Mileage, per mile $1.50
OT rates are for more than 8 hours in one working day.
411 unit fees are valid through December 31, 2011.
clivii (mows
Cs Iuilials