HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Jeffersonville Canal District Public Relations Plan MUd
City of Jeffersonville Canal District
Public Relations Plan
RESOURCES" 107W. Maple St. • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • (502) 5234016 • bemie@muddgraphicdesign.com
February 2, 2011
City of Jeffersonville
Mayor Tom Caiiigan
Suite 250, City Hall,
500 Quartermaster Court
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Dear Mayor.
Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the team to help create awareness and support for the City of
Jeffersonville Canal District.
Attached is the Public Relations Plan, the Scope of Work and Estimate and our contract terms. To get started,
we require a 50% deposit and your signature on pages 4 and 5 of the Plan. Please provide on page 4, the name
of the person authorized to approve artwork, content, etc. on your behalf.
Once again, we look forward to working with you and your support team.
I -
Lik 4dette "Bernie • . udd
Mudd City of Jeffersonville Canal District
GRAPHIC DESIGN Public Relations Plan
RESOURCES" 107 W. Maple St. • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • (502) 523-9016 • bemie@muddgraphicdesign.com
Executive Summary
The following is the proposed public relations plan for the Jeffersonville Canal District submitted by Bernie Mudd and Jessica
Reid of Mudd Graphic Design Resources. LLC. This plan will build understanding within the local community and create a
positive public perception of what this project will mean for Jeffersonville and its residents. We have broken down this process
and budget into throe time frames: Short Term/immediate. Mid - Course. and Long Term.
Situation Analysis
Currently, the Canal Project is being used by some as a political pawn. There is mixed public opinion and a potential for the
project dying if new public officials take office. For this reason. a strong public relations plan is needed to establish and grow
public understanding and support of the project. Because of the scope of the project, this needs to be looked at immediately as
well as long term.
Gain long term public support for the Jeffersonville Canal District project as a lower cost solution for the city's legal obligation
to reduce combined sewer runoff and create a positive public perception by demonstrating how this solution will also be an
economic boom to the City.
Short Termimmediate (February 2011 to May 2011)
• Develop an ownership of the °message°
• Develop branding for this project immediately
- Include a look' and tag lines
- Develop a name for the project that all residents can relate to
••What does this moan to the city at large?
-- Branding needs to create a feeling of *inclusive" for all Jeffersonville residents
• Develop a website specific to this project
- Make it easy to find and linked to the main City of Jeff website
• Make it user - friendly and easy to read/find information
• Develop an ad campaign to reinforce branding
- Can include radio, television, billboards, bumper stickers
- Strong graphic design package is needed immediately
• Develop strong media coverage
- Produce media bulletins and - press package"
- Include positive press "spin'
- Utilize Jessica Reid's media contacts and background
- Work towards
- -In -depth interviews and stories
-- Feature /political coverage with positive look at the canal
-- Positive editorial coverage
• Develop Jeffersonville residents- specific interaction
• Survey residents now (Feb. Meeting)
- Develop a website specific to this project
- Direct mail informational postcards to all residents - regarding true impact of project
- Provide improve answers and understanding by May (set -up follow -up mtg)
-- This will "check the pulse" for where we need to make adjustments
Mudd Graphic Design Resources, LLC • 2
Mudd City of Jeffersonville Canal District
GRAPHIC DESIGN Public Relations Plan
RESOURCES"` 107 W. Maple St.• Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • (502) 523 -9016 • bernie@muddgraphicdesign.com
Mid - Course (June 2011 through groundbreaking and into first month of 2012)
• Gain strong public support to weather the political races as project begins
- Make the public feel this is'' 'their project' to show the world the Jeffersonville they love
- Seek out neighborhood connectors to share message with their neighbors.
• Build on the above "short termlmmediate" planning with targeted effort
• Ensure coverage of groundbreaking and increase media involvement
Long Term (2012 through project completion)
• Continue positive public initiatives throughout construction of canal
• Build excitement as each phase moves forward
- Ensure anticipation is high for final project
- Ensure resident support
- Ensure outside support (new businesses, New Albany and other cities, state of Indiana, Louisville. etc.)
• Deal with setbacks before others bring them to tight in order to
- shape how things are seen
- shape how they are perceived
Target Audience
First Tier — Affected Jeffersonville residents and businesses (completed)
Second Tier — All other Jeffersonville residents and businesses (critical group)
Third Tier — Surrounding population and businesses, Including Louisville, KY, New Albany, Clarksville.
Charlestown, Sellersburg, and residents across Indiana
Key Messages
Please Note: Refers to messages in the short term/immediate objectives listed above. This can be expanded to include the
others should you decide to continue the pudic relations plan with Mudd Graphic Design Resources. The focus will likely change
slightly as we enter new phases.
Most important message:
The Jeffersonville Canal Project is the lower cost solution to the city's legal obligation to improve its sewer system.
Supporting message:
This canal will also address Jeffersonville's downtown flooding problem.
Supporting message:
It will spark economic redevelopment and create a boom for the city and its residents.
Strategies (Methods to got the message across)
I. Identity a spokesperson known in the community who is not perceived as politically connected to the project or seen as a
'friend of the mayor' but rather a " frond of the community."
II. Press Coverage
A. Includes specific message and ownership of the message
1. Press release updates and social networking updates
2. How to get the people to Interact more on this piece
8. Contact with local media to create an in -depth piece and/or series of stories
1. Identify key points and ideas to /ell this story' in a way that will gain stronger media interest
even long before groundbreaking
a. Includes visual ways to tell this story without a canal already built
b. Television, radio, and print focused ideas as In - depth and positive articles
Mudd Graphic Design Resources, LLC • 3
Mudd City of Jeffersonville Canal District
GRAPHIC DESIGN Public Relations Plan
RESOURCES"' 107 W. Maple St. • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • (502) 523 -9016 • bernie@muddgraphicdesign.com
2. Create media talking points for spokesperson
3. Create media package - both on -line and in- person
a. Effective graphics needed to make this more user - friendly
b. Provide graphics that can be used on television
C. Create calendar/timeline for project. Effective graphics needed for
1. Web
2. TV
3. Print
D. Improve branding to maintain consistency (immediate need)
E. Otter - media tours" and/or ways to give the media an "insiders look" at this project
III. Resident Specific
A. Survey at February meeting
B. Develop a special newsletter
1. include survey results which focused on questions residents may have
2. Include the three messages specifically (see above)
3. Graphic/Advertising items
a. Billboards
b. Bumper stickers
c. Brochure for businesses
d. Television. radio. and print advertising as budget allows
e. Short points postcard mailed to all residents in March
i. Phases of the project/timeline
ii. Reinforce 3 top messages
iii. What is this going to do for YOU
iv. How It affects you and what it means to you even if you do not live in this district
IV. Website developmentAmprovement
A. Not easily found from the city's home page
B. Information on this project is outdated
C. Dedicated site is needed to keep information current -- information MUST be kept current
1. Easier to read - not so much Dopy run together
2. Easier to navigate and more accessible
3. Add video
4. Add photographs of current look of area
a. Time -lapse photos of progress
b. Next photograph should be graphic of how it will change
5. Updates (consider wide range of audience type)
a. Include updates on web
b. Connect to social networks
6. Include a forum for questions and concerns
a. Will help team identify issues
b. Provide team means for addressing issues before they become major ones
V. Initial Payment
The total amount of this contract is $ 16.000.00 per attached Scope of Work.
This agreement begins with an initial payment of $8.000.00. No portion of this initial payment will be refunded after signing
this contract. If the client requests that work be halted. the client shall be liable to pay for all work completed beyond the
amount covered by the initial payment at the hourly rate stated above.
The undersigned (on page 5) agrees to the terms of this agreement on behall of his or her organization or business.
Mudd Graphic Design Resources, LLC • 4
Mudd City of Jeffersonville Canal District
GRAPHIC DESIGN Public Relations Plan Scope of Work & Estimate
RESOURCES "' 107 W. Maple St • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • (502) 523 -9016 • bemieemuddgraphicdesign.com
City of Jeffersonville
500 Quartermaster Court Estimate
Jeffersonville IN 47130
Prgec aill begin when signed esiTate is retained wit a 50%S daargaynenl Trade payab'e to Mudd C-rap'ic Design Rcscurces. Cancel000n d
propel after work Is begun wil requ ?e fodeiere al the 5✓U dt naymcnl
Project Description:
To provide press ',overage. branding and develop an 8-10 page web site for the City of Jeffersonville Canal District to build
understanding within the focal community and to create a positive public perception of what this project will mean to Jeffersonville
and its residents.
Estimate includes cost to provide press coverage, branding and web site design, development and maintenance as outlined in the
Public Relations Plan. It DOES NOT include the purchase of print. media or website domain name or hosting.
Press Coverage Plan: Media talking points, media contacts, identifying stories that would gamer media $5,000.00
attention, preparing spokesperson for handling media questions, press releases initial approach to media,
Branding Plan: Develop branding elements (product name. logo design,etc.) brochures. ads and billboards $2.500.00
Web site (8 -10 page site) Plan: Web site design. copywriting, branding, SEO. site maintaining and $8,500.00
updating site through May 2011 (site maintenance beyond May 2011 will require a monthly fee agreemet
under a separate contract) Purchase of Domain Name and hosting are not included.
Note: Ad campaign including billboards. bumper stickers, radio, and television is recommend.
No media or printing buying is included in this estimate.
Total 816.000.00
Less 50% Deposit $8.000.00
(due at signing)
- FAH $8.000.00
Find Approval Designee: The following individual is authorized to provide final approval for all phases of the project.
The undersigned agrees to this scope of work on behalf of his or her organization or business.
City of Jeffersonville (authorized signature) Date
Mudd Graphic Design Resources, LLC (authorized signature) Date
Mudd Graphic Design Resources, LLC • 5
1. Time fa payment 6. Cancellation 9. Unauthorized Use
All invokes are payable withn thirty (30) In the event of cancellation of this The Client shall indemnify Bernadette S.
days of receipt of lnw8ce. A 1.5% monthly assig ownership of all copyrights Mudd against all claims and expenses. I
service charge is payable on all overdue and the original artwork shall be retained including reasonable attorney's fro
balances. The grant deny license or right by Bernadette S. Mudd. and payment for due to sews for which no Meow was
of copyright is conditioned on receipt of work completed based on the contract ngtnstod in writing or for u%n which
hill payment. price and expenses already incurred, shall exceed authority granted by a release.
be paid by the Client. The Client shall
2 Default In Payment return such artwork within thirty (.30) 10. Modifications
The Client shall assume responsibility for days of cancellation. Modification of this Agreement must
all collection of legal fees noes liated by be written, except that the invoice may
default in payment 7. Ownership and Return of Artwork include, and the Client shall pay, fees or
Bernadette 5. Mudd transfers ownership expenses that were orally authorized in
3. Estimates of all final original artwork to the Client order to progress promptly with the work.
The fee; and expenses shown am estimates unless indicated otherwise in the 'Rights
only. Final fees and expenses shall be Transferred" Section of the Graphic 12. Arbitration
shown when invoice is redcmd.lhc Design Estimate and Confirmation Form. Any dipoles in exeeaofSLOW
Client's approval shall be obtained for any (maximum limit for small debris court)
increased in hrsorexpenses that exceed B. Credit Lines arising out of titis Agreement shall be
the original intimate by 10% or more. On any contribution for magazineorlxxrk submitted to binding arbitration before
use, Bernadette S. Mudd shall nxtdve a mutually agreed upon Arbitrator
4. Client Revisions name credit in print If name credit is to pursuant to the mks of the American
Revisions requested by the Client and not be given with other types of use. it must Arbitration Awuiatkan. The Arbitrator's
due to the fault of Bernadette 5. Mudd be specified Fare award shall be foul, and judgement
shall be billed separately. However, may be entered In any court having I
no additional payment shall be made jurisdiction thereof. The Client shall pay
for changes required 10mnlo m to the 0 If this box is checked, Bernadette 5. Mudd all arbitration and court costs, reasonable
original assignment description The Client shall receive copyright notice adjacent to attorney's fees and legal interest on
shall offer Bernadette 5. Mudd the first the work in the form: any award or judgement in favor of
opportunity to make any change-. Bernadette S. Mudd.
O Bernadette 5. Mudd, 20_
5. Expenses 13. Aeeepance of Tema
The Client shall reimburse Bernadette S. The signature of both panics shall
Mudd for all expenses arising from the evidence acceptance of thew teens.
assignment, including the payment of
any sales taxes due on this assignment
and shall advance $_ to Ikmadette 5.
Mudd for payment of said expenses.
Consented and ag - -d to , :
L e rnadette S. Mudd, Mudd Graphic Design R Date
Client: Mayor Tom GaHigan, City of Jeffersonville
/' a -311
A prized Signatu Date
Mudd Graphic Design Resources, LLC • 6