HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-R-12RESOLUTION N0.2010-R- I~- RESOLUTION APPROVING STATEMENT OF BENEFIT FOR PURPOSED REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT WHEAREAS, Steel Dynamics, Inc., has petitioned the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, for a deduction in real and personal propez•ty taxes to be assessed on a proposed expansion to be located at 5134 Loop Road located in the City of Jeffersonville, Clark Coiuzty, Indiana; and WHEAREAS, Steel Dynamics, Inc., has submitted a Statement of Benefits on the fozxn prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Tax Commissioners for such purpose, which statement includes a description of the proposed redevelopment, an estimate of the number of individuals who will be employed as a result of the redeveloped, an estimate of the annual salaries of these individuals, and an estimate of the value of the redevelopment; and WHEAREAS, the Cozmnon Council of the City of Jeffersonville has previously determined that the azea in which the proposed redevelopment project is located in the City of Jeffersonville qualifies as an economic revitalization area pursuant to Indiana Code 6-1.1-12.1-5, et seq. WHEAREAS, the Conunon Council has reviewed the Statement of Benef is submitted herein, and attaches and incorporates the Statement of Benefits submitted herein to this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that it specifically and affirmatively find as follows: 1. That the estimate value of the qualifying real estate improvement of $2,400,000- $3,000,000 is reasonable for projects of the nature described in the Statement of Benefits submitted by the company. 2. That the estimate of the value of qualifying manufacturing equipment of $400,000-$500,000 is reasonable for projects of the nature described in the Statement of Benefits submitted by the company. 3. That the estimate of the ntunber of 4-5 individuals who will be additionally employed can reasonably be expected to result from the proposed described redevelopment of rehabilitation. 4. That the estimate of the annual salaries of $270,000 of those individuals who will be added can be reasonably expected to result from the proposed described redevelopment or rehabilitation. 5. That the purchase and installation of the qualifying manufactw~ing equipment must be completed within three (3) years from the date of the granted abatement. 6. That the taxes lessened from the granting of this abatement shall be used for manufacturing equipment up to the purchase price of $500,000, and for improvements in real estate up to the value of $3,000,000. 7. That all other information requested from Steel Dynamics, Inc., has been submitted, and the benefits described in such information can be reasonably expected to result fiom the proposed described redevelopment. 8. That the totality of benefits for said redevelopment is sufficient to justify the deduction. 9. That Steel Dynamics, Inc. has agreed to the payment of a fee of 10% of the arulual benefit of the abatement of the Jeffersonville City Council aimually as described in IC 6-1.1-12.1-14. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, hereby approves the application for deduction presented by the Statement of Benefits filed by Steel Dynamics, Inc., and that said company shall be entitled to deduction for a period of TEN (10) years for improvements to real property, pursuant to provisions of I.C. 6-1.1-12.1-3(d) and FIVE (5) years on qualifying personal property pursuant to the provisions of IC 6-1.1-12.4 for personal property, with the timely filing and perfection thereof with the Clark County Auditor's office. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed and adopted this /7 day of /'~' ZO10, by the Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Clark Common Council ATTEST: LK.f~~U Peggy Wilder, Clerk-Treasurer Pj•esented by me as Clerk-Treasurer to the Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana, this ~~~day of , 2010 ~.c'u~J Peggy Wilder, Clerk-Treasurer This day of O1 Thomas R. Galligan ayor STATEMENT OF BENEFITS REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENTS Stato Fomt 51767 (R2 / i-07) ~ ~ »` °' Prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance This statement is being completed for real properly that qualifies under the following Indiana Code (check one box): ^ Redevelopment or rehabilitation of real estate improvements (IC 6-1.1-12.1-4) ^ Eligible vacant building (IC ti-1.1-12.1-4.8) 20 11 RAY 20 12 FORM SB-1 /Real Property INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This statement must he submhted to the body designating the Economic Revitalization Area prior to the public hearing if the designating body requires information from rho applicant in making its decision about whether to designate an Economic Revltelizatlon Area. Othorwise fhls statement must he submitted to the designating body BEFORE the +edevelopment or rehabilitation of teal property for which the person wishes to claim a deduction. 'Projects" planned or committed to alter Jtrly 1, 1987, and areas designated after July 1, 1987, require a S7ATEMEIVT OF BENEFITS. (fC G-1. f-12.1) 2. Approval of the designating body (City Council, Town Board, County Council, etc.) must be obtained prior to initiation of the redevelopment or rehabilitation, BEFORE a deduction maybe approved. 3. To obtain a deduction, application Form 322 ERA/RE or Form 322 ERA/VBD, Whichever is applicable, must be filed with the CountyAuditor by the later of.• (1) May f0; or (2) fhiriy (30) days aRer the notice ofadditiort to assessed valuation or new assessment is mailed !o the properly owner at the address shown on the records of the township assesso>: 4. Properly ow~ters whose Statement of Benefits was approved aRer June 30, 1991, must attach a Forrn CF-1/Real Properly annually to the application to show compliance with the Statement ofi3enefits. (lC 6-1.1-f2.1-5.1(h) and IC 6-i.1-12.1-5.3(j)J 5. The schedules established under IC 6-1. f-12.1-4(d) for rehabilitated properly and under IC 6-1.1-12.1-4.8(1) for vacant buildings apply to any statement of benefits approved on or aRer July 1, 2000. The schedules eh`ective prior to July 1, 2000, shat! carttinue to apply to a statement of benefits fried before July 1, 2000. to of taxpayer Steel Dynamics, inc. Address of taxpayer (number and streef, city, state, and Z(P code) 34 Loop Road, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 ie of cornact person Diana Mavnarri Ar•rni.r,}onr Telephone number E-mall address --- t°'~l G 1°-'`~ac Diana-Ma nerd sfld.com Name of designating body Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, IN Resolution rnrmber Location of property 5134 Loop Road Jeffersonville IN Caurtt y DLGF taxing district number , , OesaipGon of real property improvements, redevelopment ar rettabilitatiort ( dditi Clark 039 , trse a onal sheets if necessary) E ti d canstntction of new coil storage building s mate start date (month, day, year) 06/01/2010 Estimated completion date (ntorNlr, day, year) osrol/2a1o Current number Salaries Number retained 90 00 Salaries Number additional Salaries . $6,575,000.00 90.00 $6,600,000.00 4.00 ~-S. oD $270 000 00 NOTE; Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-12.1-5.1 (d) (2) the COST of the property • , . REAL ESTATE IMPROV M is confidential. . E ENTS Current values COST ASSESSED VALUE Plus estimated values of proposed project bb v~r .. ~ add ~ less values of any property being replaced Net estimated values upon completion of project Est(mated solid waste converted (pounds) Estimated hazardous waste converted (pounds) Other benefits • hereby certify that the representations in this statement are true. • Signalur augtorized r resentative Idle bate signed (month, day, year) Plant Manager 04/15/2010 Done i ../ ~ ~~~ ~. y ~ o .., .. We have reviewed our prior actions relating to the designation of this Economic Revitalization Area and find that the applicant meets the general statxlards adopted in the resolution previously approved by this body. Said resolution, passed under IC 6-1,1-12.i, provides for the foNowing limitations: A. The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed calendar years * (see below). The date this designation expires Is --~ B. The type of deduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to 1. Redevelopment or rehabilitation of real estate improvements Yes ^ o 2. Residentially distressed areas ^ Yes ~~o 3. Occupancy of a vacant building ^ Yes (~'No C. The amowit of the deduction applicable is limited to S 3~ 000, 8 pO D. Other limitations or conditions fsaocftvt E. The deduction is allowed for J b years* (see below). We have also reviewed tl~e information contained in the statement of benefits and find that the estimates and expectations are reasonable and have determined that the totality of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction described above. of a ,prized member of designating body) Telephone number Dafe signed (month, dey, year) by (signature and tills of attester) Designated body ` If the designating body limits the time period during which an area is an economic revitalization area, it does not limit the length of time a taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under IC 6-1.12-12.1-4. A. For residentially distressed areas, the deduction period may not exceed five (5) years. 8. For redevelopment and rehabilitation or real estate improvements: i. If the Economic Revitalization Area was designated prior to July 1, 2000, the deduction period Is limited to three (3), six {ti), or ten (10) years. 2. If the Economic Revitalization Area was designated after June 20, 2000, the deduction period may not exceed ten (10) years. C. For vacant buildings, the deduction period may not exceed two (2) years. Page 2 of 2 tNe have reviewed our prior actions relating to the designation of this economic revilalizallon area and find that the applicant meets the general standards adopted to the resolution previously approved by this body. Said resolution, passed under IC 6-1.1-12.1-2.5, provides for the following limitations as authorized under IC 6-1.1-12.1-2. A .The des[gnated area has been limited to a period of time not !o exceed 'P~ calendar years ' (sse below). The date this designation expires is ---. l3 . The typo of deduction that is allowed In the designated area is limited to: 1. Installation of new manufacturing equipment; Yes Q fl o 2. Installation of new research and development equipment; ^ Ye s ~ ~1 0 3. Installation of now log(stical distribution equipment. ^ Ye s N o 4. Installation of now information technoloyy equipment; ^ Ye s ~N o C. The amount of deduction applicable to new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ SOOT (~ 8 U cost with an assessed value of $ 500 ~y ~ p. The amount of deduction applicable to new research and development equipment is limited to $ ___~~/Q_________ cost wifh an assessed value of $ ____ /V ,q . -LI----------- E .The amo nt of deduction applicable to new logistical distribution equipment is limited to $ /f/ ~ cost with an assessed value of $ ~. , F. Tlie amou of deduction applicable to new information technology equipment is limited to $ ,y~'T cost with an assessed value of $ __. G. Other limitations or conditions {specify). ~ " /~ ti. The deduction for new manufacturing equipment and/or new research and development equipment and/or new logistical distribution equipment and/or new information technology equipment installed and first claimed eligible for deduction on or after July i, 2000, Is allowed for: ^ 1 year ^ 6 years '" For ERA's established prior to July 1, 2000, o~ a ^2 years ^ 7 years 5 or 10 year schedule maybe deducted. ^ 3 years ^ S years ^ years ^ 9 years years "" ^ 10 years "" Also we have reviewed the information contained in the statement of benefits and find that the estimates and expectations are reasonable and have determined that the totality of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction described above. Approvetl: a authorized member) Telephone number Oate signed (rnonlh, day, year) S• J~ Attest y: ~ M~ signaled body iy 1 it ~ )'l/)'~'v /L~[.L/Ytc 1 ' If the designating body limits the time period during which an area is an economic revitalization area, it does not limit the length of lime a taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under iC 6-1.1-12.1-4.5 STATEMENT OF BENEFITS ~ ~ ~ ` ' PERSONAL. PROPERTY State Fam 5176A (R / 1.08) [ ° `~ Prescrlbad by the Department of L.oca1 Government Finance C FORM SB-1 I PP PRIVACY NOTICE Tlx+ cost and any specific Individual's salary hifomraUon Is conAdential; the balance of the fillsg Is public retard r IC 6-1.1- c and d . INSTRUCTIONS: 1, ThJs statement must be submitted to the body designating the rcanornlc Revilatizatlon Area prior to fhe public hearing If the designating body requires !n(amratlon from U+e applicant in making its declslon aba[rt whether to deslgrtate an Econornlc Revitalization Area, Otherwise this statement must be submitted to the deslgnatbtg body BEFORE' a person histalls the new manufackrring equipment ancUorrosearch and development equipment, and/orlogistical distribution equlprrtent and/or~ Intonnation technology equipment for which the parson wishes fo claim a deduction. f~rojects" planned a~ committed to alter July 1, 1987, and areas designated after July 1, 1987, require a STATEM!_NT OF BENEFITS, (1C 6-1.1-12.1) 2. Approval of the designating body (City Council, Town Board, County Council, etc.) must bo obtained prior to insteRation of the new manufacturing equipment and/or research and davalopme[tt equipment and/or logistical distribution equipment and/or information technology equipment, BEFORE a deduction may be approved 3. To obtain a deduction, a person must Tito a certified deduction schedule with fhe parson's personal property return on a certified deduction schedule (Form 103-ERA) with the township assessor of the township where the property is situated. Tha 103-ERA must be tiled between March 1 and May 15 of the assessment year in which saw manufacturing equipment and/or research and development equipment and/or togisfical distrct<rtion equipment and/or information technoloyy equipment is installed and fully functional, [rnless a tiling extension Etas bean obtained. A person who obtains a filing extension rn[rst file the form between March 1 and the extended due date of that year, 4. Property owners whose Statement of Benefits was approved alter June 30, 1991, must submit Form CF-1 / PP annually to show compliance with the Statement of Benefrts. (!C 6-1.1-12. f-5.6) 5. The schedules established under !C 6-1, t-12.1-4.5(d) acrd (e) apply to equipment installed aRer March 1, 2001. For equipment installed prior to March 2, 200?, the schedules and stat[rtes in effect at the time shat! contin[re to apply. (IC 6-1.1-12.1-4.5(t) and (gJ) • •' • Name of taxpayer Steel Dynamics, Inc. Address of Taxpayer (number and street, city, stale, and Z!P code) 5134 Loop Road, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Name of contact person Telephone number Diana Maynard, Accountant (812) 218-1490 Name of designating body Resolution number {s) Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, IN Location of property County DLGF taxing district number 5134 Loop Road, Jeffersonville, IN Clark 039 Description of manufacturing equipment and/or research and development equipment ESTIMATED and/or (ogistlca) distribution equipment and/or information technology equipment. sTART DATE COMPLETION OATS (use add tional sheets if necessary) Manufacturing Equipment 06/01/2010 08/01/2010 fork lifts, packaging machines, and other equipment used for handling and storing coils in storage building R & D Equipment Logisl Dist Equipment IT Equipment Current number Salaries Number refalned Salarlas Number additional Salaries 90 6,575,000.00 90 6,600,000.00 4 -- 5 270,000.00 NOTE: Pursuant to IC 6.1.1-12.1-5.1 (d) (2) the MANUFACTURING R & D EQUIPMENT LOGIST DIST tT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT E UIPMENT COST of the property Is con(Idential. COST ASSESSED COST ASSESSED COST ASSESSED COST ASSESSED VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE Current values Plus estimated values of proposed project o0 otx~ ~- Less values of any property being replaced Net estimated values upon completion of project ~ • ~~ ra• -• ~: Estimated solid waste converted (pounds) Estimated hazardous waste converted (po[rnds) Other benefits: • • I hereby certify that the representations In this statement are true. Signature f authorized represenlatlye Tllle Dale signed (month, day, year) Plant Manager 04115/2010 v v We have reviewed our prior actbns relating to the designation of this economic revitalizallon area and find that the applicant meets the general standards adopted in the resolution previously approved by this body. Said resolution, passed under IC 6-1.1-12.1-2.5, provides for the following limitations as authorized underlC 6-1,1-12.1-2. A ,The designated area has been limited to a period of time not to exceed ___. calendar years ' (see below). The date This designation expires is B .The typo ofdeduction that is allowed in the designated area is limited to: ~f Yes ^ fl o 1. Installation of new manufacturing equipment; 2. Installation of new research and development equipment; ^ Ye s Q o 3. Installation of now logistical distribution equipment. ^ Y e s ~ o 4. Installation of new information technology eyuiprnent; ^ Ye s Q"N o C. The amount of deduction applicable to new manufacturing equipment is limited to $ 5001 (~ 9 b cost with an assessed value of $ 5yo, ~v v d. The amo t of deduction applicable to new research and development equipment is limited to $ ___!V~/]__ ___ cost with an assessed value of $ ____ /1y~r~__________• E ,The amo nt of deduction applicable to new logistical distribution equipment is limited to $ ~/ cost with an assessed value of $ Nq F. The amou of deduction applicable to new information technology equipment is limited to $ cost with an assessed value of $ -• N~~ G. Other limitations or conditions (specify) H. The deduction for new manufacturing equipment and/or new research and development equipment and/or new logistical distribution equipment andlor new information technology equipment installed and first claimed eligible for deduction on or after July 1, 2000, is allowed for: ^ 1 year ^ 6 years " For ERAs established prior to July 1, 2000, oni a ^ 2 years ^ 7 years 5 or 10 year schedule may be deducted. ^ 3 years ^ 8 years ^ years ^ 9 years [[~& years "' ^ 10 years " Also we have reviewed the in[ormation contained in the statement of benefits and find that the estimates and expectations are reasonable and have determined that the totality of benefits is sufficient to justify the deduction described above. Approved: a a++lhorized rnember) Telephone number Oale signed (month, day, year) S. ~~ e„e~,o „ t~signated body ~ . U If the designating body limits the time Period during which an area is an economic revitalization area, it does not limit the length of lime a taxpayer is entitled to receive a deduction to a number of years designated under iC 6-1.1-12.1-4.5 Southern v{'~e Indiana Chamber & Economic Development Indiana Property Tax Estimator 4100 Charlestown Road New Albany, IN 47150 Phone: 812.945.0266 Fax:812.948.4664 www.1si.org Clark County, JEFF CITY-UTICA TWP-OFW, Tax District No: 10039 Tax Rate (2AU9): $2.2336 Project Name: Steel Dynamics, Inc. REAL PROPERTY Cost of Real Property: $3,000,000.00 With Abatement Without Aba tement Net Circuit Net Estimated Tax Property Circuit Breaker Properly Property Breaker Tax Property Abatement Taxes Tax Credit Taxes Taxes Credit Taxes Savings ear 1 $0 $0 $0 $67,008 $0 $67,008 $67,008 ear 2 $3 350 $0 3 350 $67 008 0 $67 008 $63 658 ear 3 $13,402 $0 $13,402 $67,008 $0 $67,008 $53,606 ear 4 $23 453 $0 $23 453 $67 008 $0 $67,008 $43 555 ear 5 $33,504 $0 $33,504 $67,00 $0 $67,008 $33,50 ear 6 $40 205 $0 40 205 $67 008 $0 $67 008 $26 803 ear 7 $46,906 $0 $46,906 $67,008 $0 $67,008 $20,102 ear 8 $53 606 $0 $53 606 $67 008 $0 $67 008 $13,402 ear 9 $60,307 $0 $60,307 $67,008 $0 $67,008 $6,701 ear 10 $63 658 0 $63 658 $67 00 $0 $67 008 $3 35 Totals $338 390 $0 $338,391 $670,08 $O $670,080 $331 689 Note: The rates used in the tax abatement calculator are 2009 rates. Additional tax districts will be added when DLGF certifies their 2009 rates. Southern U{'Je Indiana Chamber & Economic Development Indiana Property Tax Estimator 4100 Charlestown Road New Albany, IN 47150 Phone: 812.945.0266 Fax:812.948.4664 www.1si.org Clark County, JEFF CITY-UTICA TWP-OFW, Tax District No: 10039 Tax Rate {2009): $2.2336 Project Name: Steel Dynamics, Inc. PERSONAL PROPERTY Cost of Personal Property: $500,000.00 With Abatement Without Abatement Estimated Property Taxes Circuit Breaker Tax Credit Net Property Taxes Pro ert Taxes Circuit Breaker Tax Credit Net Property Taxes Tax Abatement Savings ear 1 $0 $0 $0 $4,467 $0 $4,467 $4,467 ear 2 $1,251 $0 $1,251 $6,254 $0 $6,254 $5,003 ear 3 $1,876 $0 $1,876 $4,691 $0 $4,691 $2,814 ear 4 $2,144 $0 $2,144 $3,574 $0 $3,574 $1,430 ear 5 $2,680 $0 $2,680 $3,350 $0 $3,350 $670 Totals $7,952 $O $7,95 $22,336 $0 $22,336 $14,384 Note: The rates used in the tax abatement calculator are 2009 rates. Additional tax districts will be added when DLGF certifies their 2009 rates.