HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement For Professional ServicesFrom: 05/17/2010 13:24 #114 P.001/003 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This agreement entered into this first day of Janua.z-Iv, ?010 Uy and Uenveen tUe Historc Preservation Conunission of the Cit}v of Jeffersonville, State of Indiana, hereinafter refereed to as the "Local PuUlic tlgency," and Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor." WITNESSI;TH: DtlHI;RCt1S, the Local Public ilgency desires to promote certain historic preseiz*ation activities ~vithirt tl~e Cirj~ of Jeffersonville; and WHEREt1S, die Local Public Agency desires the services of a qualified presernation professional to ser*e as part-time staff person to its Historic Preservation Coznznission; and, WHEREAS, die Contractor represents dkat it is qualified to render such services to the Local Public tlgenry, and is a qualified professional as defined in 3G CrR G'1 authorized Uy d1e National I-listoric Preservation tlct of 1966 as amended (PL 89-GGS) and the National Historic Presei~.*ation riznendments tlct of 1980 (PL 96-515); as defined in the scope of services Uelow; NOW TI-I1;REI~0121;, die parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES: The contractor shall coordinate die work of a qualified preservation professional, ox "circuit rider," who shall perform the following services: Develop guideline Uooks for all districts Recommend a worl: program to die Commission memUers and staff Conduct +~=~+ning woxksliops Eor die Commission memUers and staff Prepare material Eor and attend die Commission meetings as needed Assist the Commission in estaUlisling lustorie districts Direct die C.O.t1. process r\ssist ~vidz the application for and maintenance of federal and state grants for special projects r1s tune pcrznits: promote historic preservation generally within die comznunit}; provide technical assistance ui such areas as National Register review and tat act projects; counsel building owners on restoration; provide information on preservation legislation. ..._ ~ P (.._6_ !~~ ~ ~~„ ~Z ~ , ~~ ,~____.. I ~f ~~y~. 1~~~-~. /' l ~~ ~J 1.-~t.~- ~ ~n /;' y~ ,.~ From: 05/17/2010 13:25 #114 P.002/003 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY: The Local Public Agenc}• will prep:u:e minutes and agenda for all meetings. The Local Public Agency will assist and encourage the creation of neighborhood associations in conjunction with local designation efforts. 3. TIME OF PERFORM,.~NCE: The services of the Contractor shall cotnrnence ]anuar}' 1, 2010 and shall be completed December 31, 2010. ~. CObIPENSt1TION: The Contractor shall be compensated for services in the amount of Four thousand dollars (~~000.00). 5. METHOD OI' PAYMENT: Payment shall be made in t~vo pa}nnents, subject to receipt of an invoice ox voucher from the Contractor that services provided under this tlgreetnent are being performed. The first payment shall be payable not later than 11larch 31, 2010 and die second payment shaIl be payable not later than August 3'1, 2010. 6. NON-FEDERAL Lr1BOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS: The following Labor Standards Provisions are applicable to the Agreement under State or Local law; provided that the inclusion of such provisions in this Agreement shall not be construed to relieve the Contractor or an}~ subcontractor from the pertinent requirements of any corresponding federal Labor Standards Provisions upon hours per day, per wee/., or per tnondi which the employees engaged in die wort: covered by this rgreement may be required or permitted to tvorl: thereon may not be exceeded. Where the minimum rates of pay required under State or Local la~v are higher than tJie ,-n;n,r„utn rates of pay required or set forth in the Federal Labor Standards Pro~nsions of this Agreement for corresponding classification, such State or Local minimum rates shall be applicable ~,,;ni-,*utn rates of pay for such classifications. 7. PROVISION FOR EXTENSION: Tlus tlgreetnent is subject to renewal upon agreement by both parties. 8. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Tlus tlgreetnent is subject to and ineoi1~orates the provision as Put II - "1"eons and Conditions (I'orin 1-IG?1-B, dated FCb111axy I9G9). From: 05/17/2010 13:25 #114 P.003/003 IN WITNESS. THEREOF, the Local Public Agency and the Contractor lzave executed this .t~greement as of the date first written above. City of Jeffersonville LOC ~ UIiLI A I;NCY r~ ~t I3p: Thomas R. Gail~p,~n Mayor V Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana CONTItr1CTOR q ~_ I3y: ivlarsh Davis Presiden I3y: Grego e la, .AICP Director, Southern Regional Office