May 3, 2010
The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session
in Room 101, City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana, at 6:30 P.M.
on Monday May 3, 2010.
Mayor Tom Galligan, with Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Hollis at the desk,
called the meeting to order at 6:40 P.M. Also present were City Attorney Darren Wilder,
and Council Attorney Greg Clark. Mayor Galligan welcomed all in attendance, asking
all those present to stand as Council President Nathan Samuel gave the invocation. Mayor
Galligan then asked all those present to join him in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
The roll was called and those present were; Councilpersons Mike Smith, Ed
Zastawny, Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Ron Grooms, and Nathan Samuel.
Absent: None.
Council President Samuel made the motion to approve the agenda with the
addition of l0A -Josh Hillman with Resolution regarding PER, 18A -Keith Fetz with
street renaming report, and 18B -Council President Samuel with report on codification
RFP, second by Councilperson Grooms, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Mayor Galligan presented the minutes for consideration. Councilperson Wilson
made the motion to approve the minutes of April 19, 2010 (6:30 P.M.) second by
Councilperson Fetz, passing on a vote of 7-0. Council President Samuel made the motion
to approve the Memorandum of Executive Session of April 12, 2010, second by
Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Deputy Clerk Hollis presented the claim lists for consideration by the Council.
Following discussion, Council President Samuel made the motion to approve the claims
as presented, second by Councilperson Fetz, passing on a vote of 7-0. Council President
Samuel then made the motion to approve the list of claims paid early as presented, second
by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Grooms made the
motion to preapprove the Park claims as presented, second by Councilperson Sellers,
passing on a vote of 7-0.
May 3, 2010
Mr. Mat Owen introduced Mr. Brandon Logan who he is training to record the
meetings. Mr. Owen explained the technical issues have been taken care of.
There was no Council comment.
There were no Department Head reports.
Mr. Josh Hillman representing Jacobi, Toombs, and Lanz, explained the need for
passage of Resolution No. 2010-R-10, Acceptance Of Preliminary Engineering Report
(Mill Creek WWTP Effluent Outfall). Council President Samuel made the motion to
pass Resolution No. 2010-R-10, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 7-
City Attorney Darren Wilder reviewed changes made to Ordinance No. 2010-OR-
7, An Ordinance Amending 2009-OR-31 Regarding Refuse/Garbage Collection. The
number of unit requirements was discussed. At the conclusion of all discussion, Council
President Samuel made the motion to table Ordinance No. 2010-OR-7, second by
Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 7-0.
City Attorney Wilder next reviewed the changes to Ordinance No. 2010-OR-18,
An Ordinance Regulating Taxicab Service And Taxicab Drivers In The City of
Jeffersonville. Following discussion, Council President Samuel made the motion to table
Ordinance No. 2010-OR-18, second by Councilperson Grooms, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Grooms made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2010-OR-10, An
Ordinance Of Appropriation Reduction (Local Roads and Streets) on the third reading,
second by Councilperson Fetz, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Grooms then made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2010-OR-11,
An Ordinance Of Appropriation Reduction (Motor Vehicle Highway) on the third
reading, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Grooms made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2010-OR-16, An
Ordinance Transferring Certain Funds Within Same Department (General Fund -
May 3, 2010 3
Information Technology) on the second and third readings, second by Council President
Samuel, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Grooms made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2010-OR-17, An
Ordinance Of Additional Appropriation (General Fund -Legal Services) on the second
and third readings, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Council President Samuel explained the need for passage of Resolution No. 2010-
R-11, AResolution To Advertise For An Additional Appropriation (General Fund -Fire
Department). Council President Samuel made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2010-
R-11, second by Councilperson Fetz, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Planning and Zoning Director Brian Fogel presented Ordinance No. 2010-OR-19,
An Ordinance Amending the subdivision control Ordinance (#96-OR-28) For
Jeffersonville, Indiana. Council Attorney Greg Clark explained the Ordinance. A public
hearing was held and approved by the Plan Commission. He is asking for approval on
the first reading. Director Fogel further explained the Ordinance. Following discussion,
Councilperson Fetz made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2010-OR-19 on the first
readings, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Fetz and Director Fogel looked at the street regarding the request
for a name change. They do not believe the requested change would work. They did
look at changing 15t" Street. A meeting has been scheduled with the school board.
Council President Samuel has talked with Director Fogel about the need to establish steps
for changing street names.
Council President Samuel reported he received only one RFP for codification. He
has reviewed the proposal received from American Legal Publishing Corporation and is
very pleased. He reviewed the options as well as the cost. The proposal is for less than
what was budgeted. Following all discussion, Council President Samuel made the
motion to recommend the Board of Public Works and Safety approve the proposal with
American Legal Publishing Corporation for codification not to exceed $20,000, second
by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Smith reported on a trip to Indianapolis to look at firefighter work
performance evaluations. This is a set course in full gear and on air. There are no
exemptions; all firefighters including the Chief are required to comply. It is very
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strenuous and totally job related. It was interesting. Council President Samuel noted it
takes three parties to open the contract, the Union, the Mayor and the Council.
Councilperson Zastawny, noting the reductions in appropriations made this
evening, voiced concern for the property tax caps and the future.
Councilperson Fetz asked Attorney Wilder if he has information regarding a Park
contract. Councilperson Fetz next said the Terraces of Park Place have obtained their
5013C status and will be turning in their paperwork requesting funding for flags.
Following discussion Councilperson Grooms made the motion to preapprove $2,500
from Special Projects for Terraces of Park Place, second by Councilperson Wilson,
passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Fetz said the Farmer's Market would be
relocating to Wall Street Methodist Church. He has been looking at providing a tent for
the gathering and demonstration area. He asks for consensus to purchase a tent.
Following discussion, Councilperson Smith made the motion to approve up to $5,000
from Special Projects for the purchase of a tent for the Farmer's Market, second by
Council President Samuel, passing on a vote of 7-0.
Councilperson Wilson said the parking of cars at Thunder for the Animal shelter
Spay Neuter program went very well. The Spay Neuter Golf Tournament is scheduled
for the second week in July. The concerts start a week from Friday. Councilperson
Wilson reminds all to vote tomorrow.
Councilperson Grooms has received a request from Communications Director
Larry Thomas for funding for the newsletter. Mayor Galligan said ads are being sold to
finance upcoming newsletters. A transfer from EDIT was suggested. Councilperson
Grooms reported on the Finance Committee meeting. Assistant Police Chief Mike Pavey
has requested a non reverting fund for Federal Assets Seized. He has also requested
money from the sale of Police cars to a non reverting fund for vehicles. Councilperson
Grooms noted the assessed value contained in the budget order was less than the previous
year. The Police are requesting in increase in the number of dispatchers from 3 to 5. The
Police Department is applying for a grant to fund 10 officers. Councilperson Grooms
said the FOP should be notified if the Fire contract is opened. Councilperson Grooms has
May 3, 2010 5
talked with Police officers about the laptops and has been told they represent a significant
savings of time.
Mayor Galligan said a logo has been chosen for the canal. The slogan for the
canal is "The Canal -Can You Dig It". Mayor Galligan noted that due to the rain over
the weekend, water was pumped from 8th and Ohio Streets Saturday night and Sunday
morning. There are dedicated people in the Street, Sewer, and Construction Departments.
All did a great job. They are good guys. Without good help, it is hard to get anything
done. Mayor Galligan said "get out and vote".
As there was no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:55 P.M.