HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-OR-90 STATE OF iNDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFEP, SONVILLE COMMON COUNCIL ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING MAP DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF PROPERTY LOCAT~-D AT 1102 ~. !0~h n~ Je~fe_~:~v~ne, ~ -FROM R-2 to ~-~, Wheteas, ~ D. c~d_m, Jr. & Ju~. A. (~..m filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Pian Commission to change the zoning map d~ignation of the real property described in the 3trAcheal "E3.hibit A" from [:.-2 to ~-i ; and, Whereas, the Jeifersonville Plan Commission has cc-~ed its favorable recommendation of the enactment of this proposed ~cning map designation change by ordinance of this Common Council; and, Whereas, this matter is now before the Common Ccuncil at its first regular meeting 3tier ca~'fic~tion of the prat3osed change of zoning map designation pursuant to the provisions ~f I.C. 36-7-4-608(f)(1); end. Wheress, this Common Council has received compete~ proof of ~he timely pcsting of notice of its intent to consider ~e proposed change of zoning designation at the regular meeting scheduled for ~ov~mber 18, 1996 ; arid. Whereas, all interested persons having been given sn opportunity to appear before this Common Council and be hea~ regarding this maker as required by law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Jeffemonvilte, indiana, that the zoning designm/on of the re~[ pml3e~y described in the attached "Exhibit A" is hereby changed from e-2 to ~-.1 IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the zoning map cf the City of Jeff~sonvitie shall be amended to include such change. This ordinance shatl be in full force and effect upon ~ adoption. SO OP,DAINED this 18th da'/of November ,1996. COMMON COUNCIL OF THE[CiTY OF JEF.'-.FE~SONV{LLE, iNDiANA ~President Lots Nos. One (1) and Two (2) tn Block #u~r Fourteen (14) of Fulton Grove Suboivt$ton No. 2 Survey Number 2 of the Illinois GK~nt, as the'S~ of record in Plat Book No. l. pG~e 52 t= the Office o¢ the Recorde~ of Clark County, Indiana. Tax Address: 1102 [. loth Street 3effer$onvtlle, In. 47130 Key No.: f20-39-01 _. STATE OF INDIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSONVILLE PLAN COMMiSSiON ~N RE THE APPLICATION OF TO REZONE A CERTAIN TRACT FROU-"p{---:Z. +o ! CERTIFICATION OF FAVORABLE/UNFAVORABLE/NO RECOMMENDATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE Whereas, ~'/.~'~ T~, ~c~;..~ ;)~. filed a petition before the Jeffersonville Plan Commission to cha~Ge the zoning designation of the p~operty described in aU. ached Exhibit A (the "Property'), fromm; and, Whereas, after proper notice by publication, the J..effers. onville Plan Comm/ssiea held a public hearing onthe petition on t~'~J3~r ~.ff , }O/q/~ ~ ; and, Whereas, at the conclusion of the heating the Jeffereonviile Plan Commission voted by a mejodty vote of i~s entire membership to favorably/~ recommend ~he proposed change of zoning designation of the Property to the Jeffemonviiie Common Council IT IS THEREFORE CERTIFIED th,a_! ~n ~)~p_~_. ~.0/ , t qq ,, the Jeffersonville Plan Commission favorably,~,,z~'~r~,~,y,~:,- ~,c.. ~, mend(ed) that the Jeffersonville Common Council enact by ordinance the proposed zoning designation ~che~nge of the property from~ as requested in the petition of So certified this2~/~"day of ~a~', 1996. Hal E. Kovert Chairman Lots Nos. One (1) a.d T~o (2) in Block N~r Fourteen (14) of Fulton {;rove Subolvtslon No. 2 of part of Letter 'A' Survey Number 2 of the Illinois ~r~nt, as the's~e of reco~d in Plat Book No. l, pG~e S.' ),~ the Office of the Recorder of Clark County, Indiana. Tax Address: lq02 E. loth Street Jeffersonvi 1 le, In. Key No.: NOTICE OF INTENT TO CONSIDER pROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONING MAP Notice is hereby given that on November 18r 1996 , in the Multi- purpose Heating Room on the Third Ftoor of the City-County ~uiiding at 501 East Cour~ A~enue, Jeffersonv[lle, Indiana, the Common Coundl of the City of Jeffemonville, Indiana, intends to con,der an ordinance, which, if adopted, would change the zoning map designat~o~ of the following described pmpe~y from R-2 to B-I ... D_ EESCRIPTION OF pROPERTY LOCA3T=D IN THE CtTY OF JEFF=_RSONVILLE_ PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1102 E. 10th Streetf Jeffersonvilte, IN 47130 [}E~_~ NO: DD 28 Instrument No. 10886 K~Y NO: __20-39-01 7OWNSHIP: Jeffemo~iile COUNTY: Cta~ PF[OPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots NOS. One (1) and ~Pwo (2) in Block Number Fourteen (14) of _ IllirDis Gr~nt, as the sa~e _ of recor~kn Plat No 2 in the -~ce of the Ns~o~Jar of Cla~k ~, l_niiam. The Jeffersonw;te Plan Commission favorablytunfavorabiy/did not recommend(ed~ the adopficn of an ordinance enacting this p~gosed change of zoning map designation after notice and hearing on a~5~er 29, t995 AJl interested persons are invited to attencl anci be heard regarding [his matter. This jeffemon~[ite Common Cound! meeting may be continued from time to time as found necsssery. The Jetfersonv~lJe Common Council may ~ake official action at the conctusion of debate at this meeting. Such notice given and posted this 14..~_~daY of __Novamber ~ 1996. C. Richard Spen'ce¥0 Jr. Jeffersonville Cled<-Treasumr