HomeMy WebLinkAboutMill Creek Pumping Station Additions• •r~ _ ~~ ~~. ~ ~N vui iau u~uvi i JUIULIUf IS 7 March 31, 2009 Jeffersonville Sewer Board c!o Jacobi Toombs and Lanz 120 Bell Avenue Clarksville, Indiana 47129 Attention: Mr. Josh Hillman 502 584 7204 p,1 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROPOSAL )Proposed Mill Creek Pumping Station Additions Jeffersonville, Indiana CS Proposal No. 9G-03i31a Dear Mr. Hillman: We are pleased to present this proposal far a subsurface exploration at the referenced site in Jeffersonville, Indiana. This proposal includes our understanding of the project information, the proposed scope of services, a fee estimate, and a projected schedule. PROJECT INFORMATION Pxoject information was provided by you, in an electronic transmission on March 26, 2009. We received a description of the area to be explored and a scope of work. The project site is located at the site of the existing Mill Creek Pumping Station behind a Rite Aid store at fihe intersecfiion of Plank Road; Qaklaw~n Drive and 10th Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana. At this time; the site consists of a gravel drive permitting access to the site from Plank RoadJOaklawn Drive and the existing pumping station. The proposed project includes additions to the pumping station. scoPE o>F tivoRx It is our intent to conduct a subsurface exploration in order to obtain information about subgrade conditions at the site of the proposed pumping station additions. This exploration is not desibned to produce information concerning contamination ox other environmental conditions. Boring locations were designated by you and will be located in the field using standard taping procedures and available fixed structures. No surve}~7ng equipment will be utilized in this exploration. At the time of the exploration; atruck-mounted drill rig wilt be mobilized to the project site. (Weather conditions may delay mobilizatiorz during periods ofprolonged precipitation). The N C a M v C 'b M. ti .- x ~~ 'c ~~ N G V 0 N ~_ ~o ~_~~ ro~~ NGNn t~~ ~~~: ~ N H G i-~. 3~^_~. ~N~ O t ~N~ p:.w V E"' U M ~~ c .~ N I_ r ~ ~_F :~ v ~' ~ ~ ~w ~, ~n ~v«~~v.construct-sof utions.com r~pi u ~, vy ua imp ~onsuucnon ~oiuuons bU'L 5tt4 /1U4 p,2 Proposer! r'4Ti11 Creek Prrrrrping,Slalion Additions Jeffersonville, Indiana Jhfarch 31, 2009 drill rig apparatus will be used to advance a total of one (1) soil test boring at the existing pumping station. if boring informataon varies significantly, additional borings tivill be advanced. These additional borings will not be started without your prior approval. The boring v~lill be advanced to a depth of 50 feet below the existing ground surface. Standard penetration testing will be perforated at the ground surface and at depths of 1.5 feat, 3.0 feet, 4.0 feet, 6.5 feet, 9.0 feet, and every 5 feet thereafter, unless refusal is encountered above the prescribed depths. If refusal is encountered, rock will be cored to reach the SO-ft depth. Splitspoon samples will be obtained at each test interval. The samples will be classified in the field by an engineer from our firm and unll be placed in sealed jars and returned to the laboratory for testing. Groundwater levels will be recorded at boring termination in all of the borings. Twenty-four a do forty-eight hour groundwater reading will betaken; then the boring will be backfilled. If at any time during field activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction difficulties are encountered, you will be notified. LabaratoryT testing of soil samples will include the following tests: 1 Moisture Content Profile 1 Atterberg Limits Test. After field testing is complete, the subsurface information `vill be reviewed and evaluated and a report of our findixtgs will be issued. The report will include: -a Boring Location Plan -Boring Logs -Sounding Summary If, at any time during the project, unexpected or unusual conditions or information are identifiCd, the scope of work will be reviewed to confirm that it is still appropriate and adequate. If additional exploration and/or testing are necessary, you will be notified, and the added tasks will be submitted for your approval. SCHEDULE Based on our current workload, the subsurface exploration can be started within seven to ten days of authorization, weather permitting. If authorisation is delayed more than ten days from the date of this document, the start of work may 6e delayed beyond seven to ten days. It is anticipated that exploratory activities can be completed in one working day. As was previously noted, if, at any time during field activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction difficulties are encountered, you will be notified. A verbal report can be submitted within two w~arkin~ days of the completion of field activities. A written report of the work can be submitted within seven working days of the completion of Feld activities. If significant project delays are experienced, you ~vi1L be contacted to discuss the revised schedule. r~Ni v i V~ V V. I G~J ~.onsuucuon ~oiuuons 502 584 7204 p.3 Proposed 1ylili Creek Pt~mpirtg Statia: rtddlCtons Jeffersonville, Indittna Mnrch 3I, 2f1119 FEE ESTIMATE The scope of work pro~~id~cd in this proposal can be performed for the lump sum fee of $2,540.00 {tvvo thousand five hundred dollars). Our fee is based on one drill rig mobilization and a fatal of 20 feet of soil test drilling and not more than 30 feet of rock coring. if heavy equipment is required for clearing, it can be provided for a fee of ~12~.00/hour, with afour-hour minimum and a rnabilization fee of $250.00. This fee also is based on the assumption the site will be accessible to truck-mounted drilled equipment at the time of the subsurface exploration. All-terrain vehicles and/or heatiy equipment needed to move the drill rig an the site can be retained for an extra charge. If additional exploratian or testing activities are deemed necessary, a revised fee schedule will be provided for your approval. No additional fees will be incurred without your prior approval. If, at the client's request, at any time after the start of this project and prior to the completion of this project, the project is terminated, a prorated fee will be calculated based upon the work completed up to the point that the project is terminated. AUTHORIZATION You may authorize our work on this project by your signature on the next page. You may u7ish to issue a purchase order; however, this proposal and the contract number must be referenced on the purchase order. Please note that your signatuUe implies acceptance of the attached Contract Terms. We must have a signed copy of this entire document in order to proceed with the project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with geatechnical services. if we can answer any questions, please call. Sincerely, IONS, LLC Peggy Hagerty Duffy, P.E. `'ice President Apr 01 0~ 05:13p Construction Solutions 502 584 7204 p.4 Prflpnsed Nfil1 Creek Pumping Station Additions Je~Jersonvillc, Indiana Marcle 3I, 20D9 PROPQSAL ACCEPTANCE Project: Proposed Mill Creek Pumping Station Additions Location: Flank RoadlQaklawn Drive aid 10~' Street Jeffersonville, Indiana Client: Jeffersonville Sewer Board 120 Bell Avenue Clarksville, Indiana 47129 Proposal Date: ' 31311'09 Propos; NAME TITLE DATE: ~/°2/09. PRIRRTTED N.A,ME: ~~^'~3 ~ • ~~' G~ (Please note that your signature implies acceptance o,,f the attached Contract Terrns send the ful! CS' Proposal Nv. 9G-d3/31a dveumext). rapt u, uy ua i op ~onsiructlon ~olutlons 502 584 7204 p.5 Contract Terms ]. PARTIF,S ~tti-D SCOPE OF ~VORIC: Construction Solutions, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "CS") shall include said oornpany performing the work. "Wak° means the specific gaotec:hnica{, analytical, testing or other sen•ice to be performed by C5 as set forth in CS's proposal, the clients' acceptance [hereof urd these Contract Tenns. "Clinrtl" refers to the person or business wttity ordering the work to be done by CS. if the client is ordering the wemk t>ft ht:hal:'of aaather, the client reptCSCntS and w•arcan[s that the Client is the duly authorized agent of said party for the purpose of ordering and directing said work. Unless otherwise stated in writing, the client assumes sole t~sponsibility for dc[emining wfiether the quantity sad the nature of llte work ordcrcd by the client is utiequate and sufticicnt for the clients' intendCd purpose, Client shall communicate these Contract Tzrtns to each and every th•:rd party to whom the client transmits any part of C5's work. CS shall have no duty or obligation to any third patty ,eater than that set forth in CS's proposal, client's acceptance thereof and these Contract 1'ertns. The ordering of work lxam CS stall constitute acCCptanee of :he loons of CS's proposal and these Contract Torero. 2. TESTS AND I\SPECT10N5: Client shall cause all tests and ittspeciions of the site, materials and work performed by CS or others to he timely and properly performed in accordance wit:~ the plans, specificalirxts and contract documents, and CS's recmnrrendations. No claims for loss, damage or injury shall be brought against CS by client ar any third party unless all tests and inspectitms have been so perforn,cd end unless (:S's recommendations have bccn followed. Client agrees to indemnify, defend and ttoid CS, its olliccrs, employees and agents harmless front any and all cfairns, suits, :asses, costs and expenses; including, but not limited to, court costs and reasonable attorney's lees in the event that at1 such tests and inspections are not se performed or CS's recarnmendations are not so followed except to the extent that such failure is the result of a negligenec, willful or w,tnten act or omission of CS, its officers, agents or employees. 3. SCHEDULING OF WORK: The Services set forth in CS's proposal and client's acceptance will be accomplished in a timely, workmanlike and professional manner by CS personnel at the prices quoted. If CS is required to relay Commencement of tl~c work or it, upon embarking upon its work, CS is required to sWp or interrupt the progress of its wo'k as a resnlt of changes in the sco;oe of the work requested by the client, to fuifill the requirements of third poetics, interruptions in the progress o' construction, or other causes beyond the direct reasonable control of CS, additional charges H~11 be applicable and payable by client. 4. ACCESS TO SITE: Client will arrange and provide such access to the site as is necessary for CS to perform the work. CS shall take reasonable measures and arcc2utions to minimize damage W the site and any improvements locatzd thereon as the result of its work or the use of its equipment; however, CS has oat included in it< fee the cost of restoration of damage which may occur. Restoration ni' or reparation for damage to crops on agtict:hural land is nut included in the fee stated in this prapossl. Closing of open soil boring holes crt~tzd by CS's aeti•aities is included in the fee stated in this proposal. If c:icnt desires or requires LS to reswre the site to its :urrrrer cimdition, upon ,written request CS will perform such additonal work as is necessary W du so and cLent agrees to pay to CS the Bost thereof. S.' AAMACE TO EXISTING M.4i`-MADE OBJECTS: Unless CS has assumed in writing the responsibility of locating subsurface or latent conditions, client agrees to indemnify and save CS harmless from all claims, suits, losses, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees as a result of personal injury, death or prope;Yc damage ocwrring with respect to CS's performance of its work aid arising from subsurface or latent Conditions or datnage to subsurface or latent objects, slrucfures, line or conduits where the actual or potential presencz and location thereof was not revealed to CS by client. 6. PAYR[ENT: Client shall he im~oirxd at the compteiior~ of the wor;c described in this proposal. Chest agrees to pay the invoice within thirty (30) days of its receipt. httzrest i^ the amount of 1 S"/n per month will be applied to ark past due invoices. 7. TERMINATION: This agreement maybe tcrrninated by either party upon seven day's prior written noticz. In the event of termination, CS shall be compensated by client for all services peri'ormcd up to and including the termination date, including reimbirsable expenses, and for tike completion of suc:n services and records as arc necessary to place CS's tiles in order and(or protect its professional reputation. 8. WARRANTY: CS's services «•ill be performed, its fmding obtained and its reports prepared in accordaneC with its proposal, client's acceptance thereof, these Contract Perms, t:nd with generally accepted principles and ~rzctices. In performing its professional ser~ict:s, CS will use that degree of care and skin ordSnarily exercised under similar circumstances by members of its profession. This warranty is in Nett of all other warranties or representations, either express or implied. Statements made in CS reports are opinions based upon engineering judgement and are not W be construed as representations of fact. Should CS, or any of its professional employees be found to have bccn negligent in the performing of professional services or work or to have made and breached any express or implied warranty, rcprescntation or contract, client, al] partles claiming iluough client and all parties claiming to have in any way relied upon CS's services or work agree that the maximum aggregate amount of the liability of CS, its ollicers, employees and agents stall be limited to gL,000,000 or the total amount of the fee paid to CS far its work pcrfet•med with respect to the protect whichever amount is greater. 9. INDEh1tiITY: Except to the extent specifiea_ly addressed in paragraph 8, client a,~ces to indemnify, deend and hold CS, its officers, employees, agents, and independent contractors harmless from any and all clai:rs, suits, losses, Boss znd expenses, i:rcludirg but not li:rdtec to court costs and reasonable attorney's fees arising or alleging to have arisen out of the perforrrrance of CS's work. [n the zver;t that client or client's principal shall bring any suit, cause of acron, claim or counterclaim against CS to the extent thzt CS shall prevail in such suit, cause o~ &etinn, claim, or counterclaim the party initiating such action shall pay to CS the costs and expenses incurred by CS to anstvcr antilo- defend such suit, cause of action, claim Or counterclaim; including reasonable alk~rney'sfees, court costs, witness tees and airier related expenses. CS Proposal No. 9G-03131 a -Proposed Mill Creek Futnping Station Additions - Jeftersonvi?1e, Indiana