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Appendix A.3
Scope of Services, Responsibilities, Time,
Budget and Related Matters
This is APPENDIX A.1, consisting of 2 pages, referred to in
and part of the AGREEMENT between the OWNER and the
ENGINEER for Professional Services dated October 18,
Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott & May Engineers, Inc. (FMSM) is pleased to provide the Jeffersonville Drainage Board with this proposal for
professional services related to compliance with the City's Phase II MS4 Program, specifically its Storm Water Quality Management Plan
(SWQMP) and the requirements of 327 IAC 15-13 (Rule 13). Based upon FMSM's understanding of Jeffersonville's stormwater
program, completion of these tasks is essential for ensuring the City remains in compliance with its stormwater NPDES Permit in 2008.
Task 1: NPDES MS4 stormwater Program Assistance -This task includes assisting the Jeffersonville Drainage Board and the
stormwater Program Coordinator with updating the City's NPDES MS4 Permit to reflect changes associated with the annexation. This
task includes updating the Notice of Intent (NOI) and Part A -Initial Application, Part B -Baseline Characterization Report, and Part C -
Storm Water Quality Management Plan. In addition, as required by Rule 13, FMSM will review the City of Jeffersonville's SWAMP for
adequacy and accuracy and recommend appropriate revisions to the stormwater Program Coordinator and Drainage Board. FMSM will
provide one draft copy of the recommended document updates to City officials. Upon approval, FMSM will update the City's SWQMP to
reflect approved updates to the NPDES Permit. Finally, the IDEM has given notice that the Agency will begin performing program audits
in late 2007 or 2008, and this task will allow FMSM to support the stormwater Program Coordinator and the Drainage Board with
preparing for and participating in the planned audit.
Subtask A. Update Notice of Intent and Part A: Initial Application -The Notice of Intent (NOI) and Part A make up the application
to the State for NPDES Permit coverage, and provide assurance to the State that all requirements of the Rule 13 program will be
addressed by the City. In these documents, FMSM will assist the City with the following tasks:
• List and map all known receiving waters and all MS4s to which the City's MS4 system discharges;
• List any known Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies that have been performed for any of the receiving waters, and
if so, the impairment parameter(s) of the receiving waters.
• Provide proof of public notice regarding expanded permit boundary and requirements;
• Provide a revised agreement for construction site plan review and inspections with the Soil and Water Conservation
District (SWCD) that covers the annexation area;
• Provide a written, itemized compliance schedule for bringing the annexation area into MS4 Program compliance; and
• Provide a revised stormwater budget for expanding the program and annexation area.
Subtask B. Update Part B: Baseline Characterization Report -This required report provides the State with a characterization of
water quality conditions for all known receiving streams within the City's expanded MS4 boundary. In this document, FMSM will assist
the City with the following tasks:
FMSM Contract No. JF0102007A01 Jeffersonville C.1-1 Version 1.4
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Appendix C.1
• Evaluate existing data about the annexation area including land use, sensitive stream areas, existing water quality
monitoring data, and known stormwater quality problem areas or potential problem areas;
• Catalogue known stormwater best management practice (BMP) locations in the annexation area, including structural and
nonstructural BMPs;
• Utilize this information to create a characterization report which includes conclusions about the condition of the City's MS4
system and its potential for pollution, based on the existing data and recommendations for action to be addressed under
Part C.
Subtask C. Update Part C: Storm Water Quality Management Plan -The Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWAMP) is the
"action plan" for implementing all elements of the City's stormwater Program, including the recommendations of Part B. The City's
current Part C needs to be updated during permit year five (PY05, 2008) to include findings of the PY05 permit-end review. Key Issues
for the SWAMP include:
• An updated plan for stormwater system mapping and illicit discharge detection and elimination will be needed to include
the annexation area. Mapping includes the location and direction of flow for all receiving streams as well as an inventory
of structural components such as pipes, swales, inlets, outlets, detention /retention basins, and catch basins. As the
stormwater system is being mapped, the system is also being inspected for illicit discharges to the stormwater system as
required by Rule 13.
^ Significant progress has been made toward these goals under the current stormwater permit. The City mapping
effort has covered approximately 1,700 acres per year, with 100% of the City's current territory expected to be
mapped by the end of the current permit cycle.
^ It is also anticipated that the entire system will have been screened for illicit discharges at least once during the
permit cycle, except for the CSO area. The completion of this mapping effort will rely heavily on existing
planimetric data for the portion of the City that is served by the combined sanitary overflow (CSO) system. Using
planimetric data for CSO area will help with mapping coverage but will leave gaps in the City's illicit discharge
screening efforts.
^ Of the proposed annexation area of the City, only the portion which lies within Oak Park Conservancy District,
approximately 1,400 acres, has been mapped and screened for illicit discharges. The remaining unscreened
and unmapped portions of the annexation area, approximately 6,400 acres, will need to be scheduled for
mapping. The State expects this task to be completed by January 2010, which translates to approximately
3,200 acres per year of mapping and illicit discharge detection.
• FMSM will perform the stormwater system mapping and illicit discharge detection for the remaining 6,400 acres of
unmapped area in the proposed annexation. Upon completion this inventory will be provided to the City for maintenance.
• FMSM will develop the documents necessary for the SWAMP "action plan" to include the proposed annexation area
Subtask D. Prepare SWAMP Annual Report Submittal to the IDEM -Assist the Coordinator with preparation of monthly construction
site summary reports and submittal of an annual report to the IDEM by January 2, 2009. Annual report submittal includes compiling
necessary documents and producing four (4) copies of the report.
Subtask E. stormwater Program Audit Support - It is anticipated that the City's Storm Water Quality Management Plan will be
audited by the IDEM in late 2007 or 2008. The audit will require preparation and availability of documents related to the development,
implementation, and administration of the stormwater program. Inspectors from the IDEM will visit the City to examine stormwater
documents and policies, and make inquiries in regards to the stormwater system. The audit may also entail a site visit or site visits to
areas that pertain to the stormwater requirements, including active and completed construction sites and municipal facilities. FMSM will
provide assistance to the City by participating in the audit. This includes preparation of requested documents, assistance with
stormwater program inquiries, and participation of site visits when desired by the inspectors.
Task 2: stormwater Utility and User Fee Evaluation: Review User Fee and Develop Policy Recommendations -Perform
evaluation of current stormwater fee structure and develop recommendations for final billing configuration based on the proposed
annexed portion of the town, NPDES Phase II permit requirements, and identified stormwater projects and their respective schedules.
FMSM will perform the following tasks:
FMSM Contract No. C.1-2 Version 1.3
m:\data\clerical\2007\jf2007030 -jville\agreements\jeffersonville prop 10-16-07_sdh.doc Publication Date: 02/25/05