HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 Lease Lighthouse Restaurant Contract Lease/Rental Agreement THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH THAT: The City of Jeffersonville (hereinafter "City") owns and operates certain and specific real estate and facilities throughout the civil city and adjacent areas; The City owns and maintains that area more commonly known as the "Overlook" which is located at the foot of Spring Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana and overlooks the Ohio River, the Riverstage and the Terrace Lawn The Jeffersonville Parks Authority (hereinafter "Park") has entered into contracts to provide musical entertainment on Friday evenings beginning May 29, 2008 and continuing each Friday evening for fifteen (15) consecutive weeks; r" The entertainment shall begin at 9:00 p.m. and conclude at 11 :00 p.m.; The City enters into this lease/rental agreement with ~~ i.i5r. ~ WJrJG;.C:, (hereinafter "Vendor") for the following: A. The Vendor agrees to lease from the City that property and area more commonly known as the "Overlook"; B. The Vendor agrees that the Vendor shall use this area for the purpose of maintaining a "Beer Garden" wherein the Vendor shall serve alcoholic beverages to individuals the age of Twenty-One (21) years and older; C. The Vendor agrees that it shall pay the City the sum of Seventy Five (\ Page 1 of 3 r\ (\ Cents (0.75) for each beer and/or alcoholic beverage sold as rent for the use of the Overlook; D. The Vendor agrees that it shall be responsible for maintaining liability insurance and dram shop insurance in the amount of $.J I ()~ I (j}))'> "lb and that the Vendor has provided a copy of its certificate of insurance as proof thereof; E. The Vendor agrees that it shall indemnify and hold the City and all its entities, including but not limited to the Parks Authority, the Executive, City Council and all other office holders or parties affiliated therewith, harmless and to defend and protect them from any liability, loss, damages, whether actual, incidental or punitive, cost or expenses including attorney fees with regard to any action cause of action or claim of any nature whatsoever, whether or not included within or covered by insurance held by the City or its subdivisions that may arise as a result of or in any way related to the conduct or operation of the "Beer Garden" and/or any other activity that may take place within the area set aside and commonly known as "The Overlook". This exculpatory clause shall include any ahd all other activities of the Vendor and the City or its subdivisions in or near the event venue, including without limitation, any actions, causes of action or claims of any nature of any persons who attend, or participate in the scheduled event or who perform any services in conjunction with this event. F. The Vendor agrees that it shall indemnify and hold the City and its subdivisions harmless for any negligent, intentional or reckless conduct that the Vendor, its agents and/or employees may engage in at, prior to, or during that time which the Vendor is engaged in the permitted conduct that may result in the Vendor being sued, being subject to a claim for injuries or damages and/or any other claims that may be made against the Vendor, its agents and/or employees by any and all persons, corporations or entities. G. The City, its subdivisions, employees and/or agents assume no liability for any actions, omissions or failures to act by the Vendor. The Vendor acknowledges that it shall assume all liability. H. The Vendor is obligated to insure that no individuals are served alcoholic beverages after that individual becomes intoxicated. Page 2 of 3 'II I. The Vendor is obligated to insure that no individuals are served alcohol if said individuals are under the age of Twenty One (21) years. J. The Vendor is obligated to insure that no one violates any laws of the State of Indiana including, but not limited to, laws related to alcohol consumption, criminal laws and/or any other civil or criminal provisions of the laws of the State of Indiana. K. The Vendor shall assume all liability related to the provision of adequate security within the parameters of the "Beer Garden". The City does not assume any liability for any claims that may arise out of the allegation of the failure to provide adequate security and/or any liability asserted by any third party who mayor may not become a victim of unlawful, negligent, reckless or hurtful conduct that the third party alleges is the direct or proximate result of the consumption of alcohol and/or the sale of alcohol by the Vendor. THE PARTIES ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT ON THE 3D- DAY OF MAY, 2008. B~~~\~ ~~~ ~\'~NrJ C-,(:;1)~ ~ Printed Name rfltSl (JerJi Title f' Asst. Superintendent Jeffersonville Parks Dept. Page 3 of 3 {\ (\ f'1 .fi 12:28:332008/05/29002002 CE!3T1F1S;A TE OF L1ABILI~i~~~~~~~tuED~'!!?r;;RC:~~~N~ ! ONLY AND CONFERS NORIGKTS UPON THE CERTIF1CATt:; , i HOLDER. THIS CERTlFICA1-E DOES Nor AMEND, EXTEND OR : i AI. iER THE COVERAGE AFFORC,ED BY THE POLiCU::S BELOW. i ---- --'-r--4 J iNSUREI<S AFFORO!.NG.COVERAGE NAIC j 1.');2',1;:", ~ SUability !rc.,uul'Ice GrOll!> i '-fI~1::;1L=~~;;'-;'-~;-;:!~i; e~~~~ii~~~=~~:='~.=:==~==~~:~-:::::-~-l I .._..,_._--_.~--_.._-.,.__.~ i --_.j r i ACORD l:::::::u~e~s - Loui~ville 2305 Rive: lKd Louisville KY 40206 Ehone:502-S94-2100 Fax:502-894-3602 INSUKEC' I I I Liqhthouse Restaurant & Lou~ge I 202 Main s~reet i Jef:fe:r;$on'\.I':I.11~ n: 47:1.30 L-____________. COVFERAGES !'" , -----~--------..,. " THE POLICiES OF INSURANCE LISTED BEc::J\lV HAVE Bi::fiN iSSUED TO THE INSUHED N.<'MED ABOvE FOR THE P()~iCY PERIOD !ND'C.~.TED. 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