HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Hungate Road AnnexationOct 31 08 12:30p Construction Solutions JC711~\~~T ~~~1~~~ JL EN~GI~EE~.x~aG June 20, 200 S Jeffersonville Sewer Board c~'o Jacobi Toombs and Lanz 120 Bell Avenue Clarksville, Indiana 47129 ~4ttention: Mr. Josh Hillman 502 584 7204 p,2 43t Locust Svect JeF'ersonvife. Indiana 47130 TeJ fAi2) 2&5-392 Fox i812) 218-OS76 Email: hagertyengineerir~~sbcglobal.net SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROPOSAL Proposed Shungate Road Annexation Jeffersonville, Indiana HEI Proposal No. 8G-O6120a Dear Mr. Hillman: We are pleased to present this proposal for a subsurface exploration at the referenced site in Jeffersonville, Indiana.. This proposal includes our understanding of the project information, the proposed scope of services, a fee estimate, and a p~jected schedule. PROJECT INFORMATION Project informatioII Was provided by you, in art electronic transmission on June 1?, 2008. We received plans depicting the proposed alignment with borings and soundings located an the plans. The project site is located along Shungate Road from station 10+54 and Utica-Sellersburg Road northeast to station 29+00 and along Utica-Sellersburg Road from Shungate Road to station 6+50 in Jeffersonville, Indiana. At this time, the site is composed of a residential street. The proposed project includes construction of a new force main along Shungate Road from Utica Sellersburg Road to about 5549 Shungate Road and along Utica-Sellersburg Road from station 6+50 to station 12+{10 and Shungate Road. SCOPE OF WORK It is our intent to conduct a subsurface exploration in order to ob information about subgrade conditions at the site of the proposed new sewer alignment. T ' exploration is not designed to produce information concerning contamination or other environm tat conditions. IJoring locations wcrc designated by you and will be located in a field using standard tapiung procedures and available fixed structures. No surveying equipment will be utilized in ttus exploration. Ge~techltiGSl Englneeriag Construction Tosti~g i:nrironmentat Serviees Oct 31 08 12:30p Construction Solutions 502 584 7204 p.3 Prn~nsed ,Shtesgare Rnad Annexation Sewer Jegersorrville, Indiana .lone 20, 21108 At the time of the exploration, atruck-mounted drill rig will be mobilized Ea the project silo. (Weather conditions may delay mobilization during periods of prolonged precipitation). The drill rig apparatus Rill be used to advance a total of three (3) rock soundings and two (2) soil test borings along the proposed alignment. If boring information varies significantly, additional borings will be advanced. These additional borings will not be started without your prior approval. The three rock sounding and the three so~1 test borings will be advanced to a depth of 1.0 feet below the design sewer invert. The rock soundings and soil borings will be advanced to depths of between 9.0 feet and 14.0 feet in the azea of the new sewer alignment. Standard penetration testing will be performed at the ground surface and at depths of 1.5 feet, 3.0 feet. 4.0 feet, 5.5 feet, 9.d feet, and 11.5 feet. Splitspoon samples will be obtained at each test interval. The samples will be classified is the field by an engineer from our firm and will be placed in sealed jars and returned to the laboratory far testing. Crroundwater levels-will be recorded at boring termination in all of the borings. I}ue to safcty considerations, twenty-four hour groundwater readings will not be taken, and all borings v~7ll be backfilled after the borings are completed. If, at any time during field activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction difl'iiculties are encountered, you will be notified. Laboratory testing of sail samples will include the following tests: 2 Moisture Content Profiles {8 tests) 1 Atterberg Limits Test. After field testing is complete, the subsurface i:nfonmation will be reviewed and evaluated and a report of our findings will be issued. The report will include: -a Boring Location Plan -Boring Logs -Sounding Summary if, at any time during the project, unexpected or unusual conditions or information are identified, the scope of work will. be reviewed to confirm that it is still appropriate and adequate. If additional exploration andlor testing are necessary, you will be notified, and the added tasks wit l be submitted for your approval. SC1El~DULE Based on our Current Workload, the subsurface exploration can be started within seven tQ ten days of authorization, weather permitting. It is anticipated that exploratory activities can be completed in one working day. As was previously noted, if, at any time during field activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or construction difficulties are encountered, you will be notified. A verbal report can be submitted within two working days of the m ! d1CJlt~e~~ written report of the work can be submitted within five working E'R~Gt1VEEJRIT~lG Oct 31 08 12:31p Construction Solutions 502 584 7204 p.4 Prnpoaed Shr~ngate Road A~rnexwution Sewer .7ejferso,RVille, Indiana Jtrnc 20, ~OiDB days of the completion of field activities. If significant project delays are experienced, you will be contacted to discuss the revised schedule. FEE ESTIMATE The scope of work provided in this proposal can be performed for the lump sum fee of $ ] ,775.00 (one thousand seven hundred and seventy-6ve dollars). Our fee is based on one drill rig mobilization and a total of 57 feet of soil test drilling. If heavy equipment is required for clearing, it can be provided for a fee of $125.OOfhour, with afour-haur minirnurn and a mobilization fee of $250.00. This fee also is based on the assumption the site will be accessible to truck-mounted driIled equipment at the time of the subsurface exploration. All terrain vehicles andlor heavy equipment needed to move the drill rig on the site can be retained for $n extra charge. If additional exploration or testing activities are deemed necessary, a revised fee schedule w111 be provided for your approval. Na additional fees will be incurred without your prior approval. Ti; at the client's request, at any time after the start of this project and prior to the completion of this project, the project is terminated, a prorated fee will be calculated based upon the work completed up to the point that the project is ternunated. AUTHORIZATION You may authorize our work on this project by your signature on the next page. You may wish to issue a purchase order, however, this proposal and the contract number must be referenced on the purchase order. Please note that your signature implies acceptance of tine attached Contract Terms. 17Ve must have a signed copy of this entire document in order to proceed with the project. DVe appreciate the opportunity to provide yon with geotechnical services. If we can answer anv questions, please call. Sincerely, llN~.~G~Ji"'EYY~IE,~~.I~C~, l~icC> Peggy Hagerty Icy, P.E. President C:~hetproplGShangateRoad ]H[A\~GiIE~~C~ >E1~GtNEfitLI7+iG Oct 31 08 12:31 p Construction Solutions 502 584 7204 p.5 Proposed .S`lsungale Road Aa,rrion Sewer Je,~`ersonville, Iadiarra Jerre Z0, X008 PROPOSAL ACCEPTAATCE Project: Proposed Shumate Road Anncxation Sewer Location: Shungate Rand Jeffersonville, Indiana Client: Jacobi Toombs and Lanz 120 Bell Avenue Clarksville, Indiana 47129 Proposal Date: 6/20/08 Proposal No.: 8C~6i: TITLE: ~~.t14~.1 ~ _~ - ~~8~,t~,/' ~~ DATE: t~ ~~'0 ~ O$ PRINTED NAME: (Please note that your signature impliu~s acceptance of tke aftached Contract Terms and tke fudl HEI Proposal iVn. 8G-Qb/20a dacument)- ~~~ir~~~' ~~ k1R GIN~E~t.1'NaG Oct 31 08 12:31 p Construction Solutions 502 584 7204 p.6 Contract Trnns 1. PARTIES AND SCOPE t?F WORK: Hagerty Errgintering, ltrc. (hereinafter referred to as "HEI") shall include said company performing the work. "Work" means the specific geotechnicat, arral}rtical, testing or other service to be performed 6y HE[ as set forth irr li6'I's proposal, the clients' acceptance thereof attd these Contract Terms. "Ctiora" refers to the person or business entity otderirrg the work to be done by liEl. ]f the client is ordering the work on behalf of another, the diem reptegeets aced warrants that the client is the duly authorised agent of said parry for the purpose of ordering and directing said work. Unless athexwix sta6al in writing, the client assumes sole rrspor~ibility for deierminirrg whether the quatrtiiy and the ttatrIIC of the work ordered fry the client is adequate and sufftcietrt fur lbc clients' intended propose. Client shall commeuticatz these Contract Tema to ~ and every third party io whom the client transanits any part of IiE1S work. HEI shall have no dory w obligation to fury third panty greater than drat set. forth in FiEPs proposal, clierri's acceptance thereof and these Contract Temps. The ordering of work fi+om HEI shall constitute acceptance of the terms of HETs proposal and these Contract Terms. 2. TESTS AND IASPECTIONS: Client shat! cause all tests and inspecdons of the site, matcxials and work perforrrred by HEl or others to be timely and properly performed in aexxudance with the plans, spexificatioas and contract docarnenls, end HF.I's rtoonrntendaticst5. No claims for toss, damage or injury shall be broagfrt against HEI by client or any third patty unless all tesLc and inspections have been so pafurmcd and unless HEPs rocommcndations have been fnlbwed. Clierri agtxs to indemnify, defend and hold lift, its officers, emptoyecs and agents harmlar from arty and all claims, suits, losses, ousts and expenses, including, bus not lauited to, court costs scut reasonable attorney's fees in dte event that all such tests and inspections are not sa performed err HEPs recontrrkxtdauons arc not x fdbwod except to the extent that such failure is the result of a aegligenoe, willful or wanton actor omission of IiEI, its officers, agents or employees. 3. SCNEDUI,L~iG OF WORK: The scrvixs set forth in HE!"s proposal and client's aceeplartce will be accomplished in a timely, workmaafitce and professional manner by HEI pt7sorurel at the prices quoted. UHIEI is required to delay cea~enctmmrt of the work or if, upon embarking upon its work, IIEf is required to stop or interrupt the progrrss of its work as a result of changes in the soo{te ad'the work roqucstcd by the client, to fulfill the requirertrerrts of third parties, iokrrnptions in the progress of constroction, or otha~ causes beyond the direct reasonable control of HEf, additional charges -viD 6e app5cable and payable by client. 4. ACCffSS TO SITE: Client wit! arrange and provide such access to the site ac is necessary far T~Ef t8 perform the work. HEI shall take reasonable measures and precaulioas W minimize da~nmge to the site and tiny improvements located thereon as the rxstdt of its work or the use of its equipment; however, HEf has not iociuded is its fee the oust of restoratiae of damage which may occur. Restoration of or reparation for damage to clops on ageicuitural land is not included. in the fee stated in this proposal. Closing of ~ so$ boring holes ~atcd by HEI's acxiviCres is included in dte fee stated in this proposal. If client desires or requ~~s 1fE1 to restore the sNc to its farmer condition, upon written inquest HF.I wiI! perform such additional work as is treoessary to do so and client agttjes to pay to HEI the cost thereof. 5. DAMAGE TO EJUSIThiG MAN-MADE OBJECTS: Unless HEI has assumed is writing the resporrsibility of locating subsurfaces or latent eo~nditions, diem agrees to itrdeamify and save [iEf 6atmfess from all claims, suits, fosses, casts and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees as a resuh ofpersonal uyury, death or property damage ooarrrsog with respect to HEI's performance of its work and arising horn subsurface or !step!. conditions or damage to subsurface or latent objxts, stnu:tures, lice or conduits where the actual or potential presence and location thereof was not revealexl to fiEl by client. 6. PAIe'I19lilVT: Client shall be invoiced at the coarpletion of the work descr'bed in this proposal. Client agrees to pay the irnoice within thirty {3Q) days of iu receipt Interest in the etnowtt of I.5% per tttonth will be applied to all past due invoices. 7. TERMINATION: This agrccrnart may be termirrated by either party upon seven day's prior weilten notice. !n the event of termination, HEI shalt be rompex+saEed by diem for all services performed up to and including the ierminadion date, including mimbrmsable exparses, and for the coirepletioa ofsuch services and records as are necessary b place HF.1's tiles in orderand/or prmesi its prolessiotral reparation. 8. W_4RRAAlT1': llErs services ~~ll be pertormix3, its fording obtaitrod and its reports prepared in aexordanex with its acceptance thereof; dress Contract Temps, and with graters! acne fed ci les and Prop~~, diem's lY P P~ P 1~• In Pcrfotntiag its professional strviccs, HEI will use that degree of care and skill otdiaarily exercised under similar circumstances by members of its profession. This warrant}' is in lice of all other warranties or representatiarffi, either express or iarplied, Statcrrrents rnadc in 7iE1 reports arc opinions based upon argincering judgement and are not to be construed a5 reaps of flrct Should HEt, or say of its ptrofessional employes be found to have been negligent in the performing of profcssio~l sarices or work or to have made and breached amy express or implied warranty, reprrsentadon or oontraci, client, all parties claiming through client and all parties claiming to have in any way roliod upon E111's services a work agree that the trnximum amcxmt of tlrc liability of HQ, its officers, employees and agents shall be limited to S1,000,D00 ar the total amourri of the foe paid to I-[GI for its work perfcxnred with nespoct to the project whichever amount is greater. 9. INDEl1ilVITY: Except to the extent specifically addressed in paragraph tl, diem agrees to inderracify, defend and hold HII, its officers, employees, agents, and independent cattrackors harmless from any and all claims, suiits, losses, costs and expenses, including buR ltd limited to court costs acrd reasonable atomcy's fees arising or al{cging to have ariseu out of the performance of HEI's work In the event that cliem or client's principal s6a11 bring atry suit, cause of action, claim or ex?utslerclaim against HEI to the ext~t that HEI shall prevail in such suit, Muse of action, claim, or courrterdaim the party iinitiating such action shall pay to HEI rite ~ and tcepatses iacttrned fry HEl to amvuer and/or defend such suit, cause of action. claim or counterclaim, including rcasonabb attorney's fees, court costs. witness fees and other related expenses. Eft:[ Proposal iTO.8G-06f20e-Proposed Shungate Road Annexation Sewer -leSeesonville, Indiana ® )H[A~t~]E1l~~~Y EI~G~lil~ll/ER[P1G