HomeMy WebLinkAboutComparative Analysis Applicationhalo
Pro~ct Summary
Halo Group, Inc. is proposing to create a new application to be used by the City Sewer employees. This
new application will be web-based and have the ability to be accessed securely from any computer
connected to the Internet.
The main purpose of this application will be to import sewer customer information from the Keystone
application and city parcel information from an unknown source. The new application will allow the
manual import of .CSV files, then have reporting capabilities to allow users to compare the information
and view (or print) reports based on variables and parameters selected.
Halo will conduct investigation to determine whether an automated information import will work and
implement the automation if possible within the scope of this proposal.
Project Workflow
1. Customer kickoff meeting to insure all expectations are clear
2. Investigate the best source of information to give the most accurate reports
3. Investigate the possibility of automation where appropriate
4. Create web-based system and set users with security parameters
5. Import data and conduct testing/bug fixes.
b. Launch application into production
7. Conduct end-user and administrative training.
Investment Sumrnarv
• Programming
• Project Management
• Database Administration
• Graphic Design
• Training
Total Cost` $6,720.00
A City of Jeffersonville senior staff person will be available as a single point of contact.
Subject Matter Experts (SME's) will be made available to the Halo consultant to answer questions
about their specific area of expertise within the billing system.
The completed application will be hosted in the Halo data center for $39.95 per month.
(o Standard Terms & Conditions apply.
quote is valid for 30 days from the date posted in the header.
~~ ~ ~ 9900 Corporate Campus Drive Suite 3000 • Louisville, KY 40223 •
a ~ Office: 502.657.6352 • toll free: 866.380.HAL0 • fax: 866.706.4569
Flo Greup, inc.
Total Investment: 6 720.00
Upon acceptance, we kindly request a deposit in the amount of $3,360.00 (50%) with the balance paid as follows:
• Balance due at the completion of the project.
~ a d ~'
Accepted by Client:' "' Date:
Terms and Conditions
i. scoPE OFSERwCE3
1.1 SeMCea. Halo Broup, Ina ("Hdo") has erDertlse and axpeNenea with proNdingvrobslb development web appllcatlon davdopmspt, ampubr pro{remming, software devdopmsM, systems analyds, cwsultln{, tedrdoal
wPpoN and olhm spaelpred technical seMees ("SaMcas")• Halo shah previde SerNeea to each customs ("Customer^) That (1) aeeapb Hele'c euob or propoeel b wdtln{ a Na a-man, (II) exawtes a:qurata a~eemnM With
Nelo, or (IU) makes arty paymentb Nslo w aeewM of SerWees (any weh Customer, hating done arryof the fore{ob{, bsin{ cleaned b haw dgned an agreameM ("A~eemsnt"), which sMB ba dserrred, b aR eases, b bwduds the
tams amt ewdltlMS set brth herein). Each Agreement dray atlpulab the exact dabNa of SeMces b be provided, aD of which shell bs govemsd by end wbject b the bans wd wrrdltlons set bNh belar.ThSw terms and
eondltlarre ehaR be deemed b be Ineorponbd by robrerrce hNe each Agreement.
1.2 Additlonal Nab SerNeea. Upw requed by Customs, Halo specs to rrsgrrtlab In good faHh wiM Customs wWr reaped b preNdbg addHlwel maintenance, support, Aostln{ a oMs saMoes wIM raspeet b the SeMms for
Cusooms Mat wIN be wtalds of Me scope of the Apeement Thew addltlonel seMeee may, in eeNab incbness, bs wb~et b additlwel terms and condPoans
!.3 Ou4of-ama Seevlres. if Santana am to ba provided a! Customs'a heiHHna that aro wbids of Orsstsr LouUWHs, IfY area, Me Cuatemer shall, b advance of Ssrvloea pnrbrmN, pay roaaonabls a~enwa for accommodatlmu,
travel, and wch oMs reasonabb code as ere Incurrod by Hab In conneetfon wNh tM provlabp of weh SaMwe ps the Prole Wenel SarNess Sbpdard Rata Sdmdub. Halo shp use He bed efforts b astlmab Me amwM of weh
roasonable expenses b advance of proHdin{ wch Servbas, and Qrsbmsshp payb Hob wltldrr Mlrb (SO) days of rocelpt of Me amouat el weh eatlmab. WNhin thirty (30) dari after wch Services hew treerr proNdp, thrstoms
ahp payb Hdo weh sdditlenal reasonable amount ea ahp be due br wch expenses, or Halo ehaN reimburse Customs for arty overpayment
2.1 CoMWentlel hNamatlon. Either party may reeelro a have aaeae to tedrdeal bformatlen, ac wart as in}ormatlon abort product pbrm sad drobMec, promotlorra, enstomas sad related non-tedmkal budneu In}ormatlen
which Me disdodngparb eonddero b ba eoMldeMlal ("CoMidsntlel InfamaBon"). In the avert sudr Information Is dlmdosed, the paNiet shp brat spec b dlsdoce and rooalve wch hNomretlon in conOdenea. N then dlulosad,
the Infarmatlw ahp (p be marked as wnRdantlal at Me Mee of dledoeure, s (N) N disdowd orotly tint stated b be ewfldeMlal, be dsdprsted n eonflderrtlal la wNlkrg bytlre diaebdn{ party wmmaNdn{Me CaMdeMlel
IMorarstbn dladowd and sent b the reesidng party within a roaawabb peNod of thne after wch orel dlsebwro. NolwlMsbnding srryproMdon b Me eentrary, p source cps provided b Hdo Is deemed coMWsMlal.
2.2 Nondlsdowro. ConOdeMlel IMamallon may be used bythe receMng party oMy wIM respect to performerree of Its project obll{atlws urdsthe ApeemeM, and ody bytlrow empbysu of the rocehdng partywho have n need b
know web infewnatlan for the purposes related b fhb project Tim roesMn{ party shp prated the CarRdantial IMormatlon ottee dledsdng party by uabgtM wme degree of earo (but no NssMan a rossenable dspes of wro) b
pravantMs unauthortzad use, diss~inatlon s pubNeatlon of weh CoMideMbl IMonnslbn, arts racaMn{ paebuws b probct Ns own arMdsrttld IMormatlan dNks nature. the reesMngparly's obN{atlon she{ ba fa a paNOd
elfMe (SI ysaro afterMe dab of dMdowre.
3.3 WsrraMMs; Disclaimer of WamMlss Hab warrants b Customs that all SeMces ww be pertormed In a profasdonai mannseareisteM wNh Industry practise In addHlw, each party roprossnb and wemnb b the oMs party
that H has the Nght and wthaHy b eMSr IMO this ApeamaMand b perfam Its obN{atlorm dereurds, tdatthe graatlngof tM NgMa std andsNeking d Me obll{atlona Aersmds wW rmt IMNn{a open s eaMtlet tint any Nghb of a
Mid party, and that Ns performance heroundsww natvlalate am/ sppikabb U.S.lawc and govemmsnt reles wd rogdstlws Etmept as sd brih above b Mla Section 3, Nab does not make any warranties d srq klnA, sphs
exprasteA s Iraplisd, Irmkrding, wlMOUt Nmttatlon, (a) warroMka of merehanbblNty s fibs fa a partledarpurposs, (b) non•hfifn{smsM for Me SeMees (e) that the Services wM most Cudomer's requkemeMa, s (d) as b the
rewdb that Customer may achieve upon completlon of the SeMees It Mis exdudon la held ueentoroeable, Man b the extant d wed nnaMOroeahllib, p express and Implbd wawantlss ahaN be Omlted in duratlan b a psNod d
nirrob (SO) days sits Me date hereof, efterwhleh tlms no wch warranties ehp remain In eflset
All tredamarkt, PstaMS, copyNQrb and oMs IrrteReetuel properly Ngbb owned byeitlrer party on Ms data hereof ahp eontlwe b be owrred eotstf' by wch paNy, and nprtn{ dereb ahp be deemed b confer srryNghb b arryweh
Inbtlecbel property w the other party. Cudomer represents and warrants Matnorro of fhs eontant, mateNels sdab proNdsd by Cusbmsb Halo wIM rotpset b Me project IMNngesihs Intpectuel property s oMs prepNebry
N{hb of apythld paNy, mrd Hab shsR have no HabiNfy for arty dolma aNshr{ wt d arty weh Cusbmsr contort Irrdudin{ Mow based on biNagement FurlMrmoro, Mo Customs undenbrda that arty slansMa wHhln Cuabrrmr'a
webelb s software that hold exlatlng eopyNghb of any Mlyd party (bduding but notNmNed b: tldd party wftware and aeNpb, MW part photographs, paphbs and oMs muttlmedla weh ss Ndeo wd audio) mmeln The propeNy
and eopyN¢rt d Melr rsapectlre ownaro. By booryoretbg any thld pally soflwaro, wMees orprodueb kNe Cusbmer's webalte s soflwaro, Ms Customer ako egress b abuts by that wmpaay'a terms and awditlons (Shedd
Customer's Prejed regalm Mld parb aeMeaa orwflware, in Me maloNb of mass Ndo dtreeb Its eusbmen b pay for these directly b thattldd parb. Examples mayhmhrde but aro rrdNpdbd b: erodlt esN proassmg wMCSS,
wstamirod seNpb and dock photograph; ate. b Me eveMMnt Nato pays fslhew wfdsare or seMeea Halo wfH bNl Me txrdoms hrrthe amsunt paid by Halo b Me Mhd psrb). With respad b srry Nab wflwaro, aortae cede,
object coda sorts bteBsetuel property coMelaad b a oMenriw proMdN as s dpwrobb mrderMe AgroemeM ("HeleTeehnelogy"), Nab herebypanb Customer, eo loo{ as Cwbmsr has Paid p less due and swbg b Nelo
hereunds, a perpebel wd non•sxdushe NQrt and Neerrw b uw Ms Hdo Teahnebgy wbb b Ms extent repaired and deaaMsd in Ms Apaemsnt and aecomparrying dowmaMS Rb uMarsteod Met rrelMS Customs, mr any d
its wbddiadec s afltllatee, may uw arty Nab Tschnobp'ts wmmerdal reaab s wblleenss b arty form or madam. Any hastlng spas is Custoaror'ewebdte which Is rossrved for the Cwtonunww remain tlm property d Halo
nntli pall }sin full by the Customer. Any domain names ropatered on behalf of the Customer wM romaln Me prepertyof Nalo urNll paid fain hell.
Content Crrdomer accepts full reaponslbwty fs the CDnbM posed at Cusbma's websib, and arty gNevarmes brwprt by a third party aNSmgas reauH of Mls esnbnt elMer b Ma Untied Stites a any oMs
be the ado respamMllity d W atomer. Addltlwalb, Halo ww take no rospondbllHywhatwevs fs the contort of Mid paNy webcltse aeeeeelbb Ma IIMu posted at Customer'awebelte.lf Halo deems arty eoateM
ms b Include w Its webdb as porrropaphio, meant to cuss extreme offense erlBsgal in erry way, Ndo reserves Ma NgMb roluw b conflrme rNth Me pro)ed and ns Mrmda ahp be dos and owing b Customer.
ntsa insWebd otherwise In wrltln{before publlsMn{ Cuttemer'swebaW on the IMomd, Hab reserves tlro Mart b Include a amp, wbtle text Nnkb Nab'ewebsHs hap Cuabms'a pages tlealgdedand
e text wM road'Webdb Dedgn -Hab, ins.' and wiR bs ineNrdsd In Ma eopyNprt Hm atths boltan d Cuttamer's pates. Nato roasrvs the NgMb dhplay er exhibit any find produdp) b other pobntlaj
oro delng w may Ndab arty aonfldaMpb apaements which may be in tees.
eh engine promotlen, search wglrte optlmltatlw a wbrntedon Is Included In the SerNcea, Customer acknowledges the foNowin{: (a) Nab eannM guarantee erry partlaNar wardr enpne
r the majoNb of `~' wines and diroebNee does nM IpraaMae entry; (c} Halo cannot be held reaponaHde is arty loss (Rnandel s oMenNce)b Custems'a budnese doe b an unexpected
1((~~ 9900 Corporate Campus Drive Suite 3000 • Louisville, KY 40223
V Office: 502.657.6352 • toll free: 866.380.HAL0 • fax: 866.706.4569
Haio Group, Inc.
fnduding but not ilmttad fa keyword denaRy, page names, meta tags end other elemerta as M relatsetolncraadeg sesrdreagine rankings; (f)ehoWd Customer make ekaeges b arty efts texttha! Fldo hu optlmlred,
understandsMat theae~hanges may hero an adverw effect on warch engbe rankings; (g) searoh angina wbmladona are vented out one thm antypsr vegans unless Mhenriw stated; (h) It Customer's alto h sparse in
wMart, the Cusoms shwkl provide additlond relevant lest content ("Addltlond Content") In dec6onic formatter the propose rt arestlng additlonal web Doges or Increasing the content on e>dstlng ones, rt Herb's dire ant
discretion; (p ItAddWwal CoMeM Is not or eanrrot be prodded, Heb eermM be held responsible for rowlts related to the abeenve of web materials; (J) Customer agrees that no work ahaN be done w the wsbslM duringihe search
srgine markMing wmpdgp wlthoM Ndo's kwafedge.
6.4 Webdte Hostlng.IfwebsMe ar web epplleatlon hoetlngls mduded In the SeMceF Customer hereby aeknoudadgss that the FrM Ues IJcense Agreement (pub0shed at tleenwAgrasmsM.htm) shd ba deemed to be Inwrponted
by nferonw Into the Agreement
6.6 Customer Provided Website CampareMs. in the event thatthe eompletlw rt SeMees depends on the avaNabNtty of a third party component oraeaerd third party components ("Components")that are auttlde d Herb's wrrtd
(Induding but notllmlted to logos, graphic ebmerts, photographs, amides and otMr content, severe socket laym eerlMeatea, merchant aabrrM eeMces, gabwaysaMves, AeUwI(eoagrareMs. Jwa sppbts, software Ilbnries,
etc.) and Customer a arrytldrd Darcy ewtraeted by Customer falls to prodde these CwrponantswMhln roawnabteperiod rtMmeHale may detlror the SeMees wlthouttheBS Compownts a at it's own discretion use atteraatlve
wmpweMa. Furihemrore, Halo may charge addttlonal fees to the Customs for bdudbg the roquked Components whw they beware svaflable.
0.1 Tenn. Uden accepted by both partles, arrypgreement which la a quote or proposd is va0d for thirty (30) days from the date ttwas reeehed by Customer. Suck Agreement Is accepted either upon slgnNrgot the Agreement byboth
partles, arupon Halo dwring the first Customer psymeM, ar upon Halo'c receipt d Cudomer's amstl approval rt sudr Agreameat H b the ode disaretlw d Xab to detemrhre wkleh method of approval is apptlwbb to a specific
protect Upon acceptanw, the Agrosmwt became a binding cwtrad that vent continue is efed until tamdnstsd by eftlror party 6y dstlrsring a ninety (90) day written terminatlon notlce to the otherpariy. Arry tertalnatlon of the
Agreement does nM forfeN Customer's obllgatlan to pay for SeMces prodded by Heb Prior to the tererbatlon.
6.2 Broach. Eltlrer party maytsminate the Agreement rt srrytlme In the avwt thatthe other party Is b default ar broach o} airy materiel provision of the Agroemant, end web defwlt or breach wMhrues unremedted fa a period d
thirty (30) days after reedDtof written notke thereof.
8.3 SuMval. Noiwlthstanding anyterminatlw of the Agreement, the dutlec and obBgaUans ofthe parties nnderihe foNowing prsvWons hereb shag wrvive far the period epedfled iMnIM H any: Seetlon 2 (ConfldeMld lntormatlen)
and Seeflw 3 (Wawantlss•, limited tlablBty).
7.1. Fees. Fa mod DroJoda Haler requires an Inltlal depestt before wmmerreingthe work Typlealy, thh k no more than orro haN rt the WLI proJed wet. M tlro pro-eM Is completed with w chengse b IMtld brief,then Customs Is
onty Bable to pay this InltlaRy quoted fee. H, however, during tM proJeM Customer requests variws changes b the dealgh brirt, Nab w{tl rowrve the right b charge addMlonal fees far Mrk esha wok Hrto vrgl Inbrm Customer of any
estlmated addWonal wets involved In any drdoms rogeeated changes. In addttlon, Halo reserves the right to edanga proJed schedule based w these potentid prded chwgas.
7.2 6tlmates. In some wwa N Is not possible b ghro an exad quota w vertaln SaMees. For these wsea an estlmate vent bs given u a general golds to the mgreeted (sea for that partladar SeMve.
7.3 Payments. AN balanws are due before the wmpbtsd protest Is uploaded Hro to the Internet Customs can New sad fed the wabdte on Hob's private servers before offleid launch, if payment Is wt roeelrad W Wn 30 days of
the date nt the Involve, It will be considered ddingneM and accrue Interest rt the rats d 1.5X par month. A 525.00 fee wH be charged for arty robuned dreeW a erodN wrd payments.
8.1. AadgnmeM. Neitlror party may assign or othervAse trorrsfs the AgroemeMwlthout the priorwritten wnaart tithe other Party. NolwNhdandlrrgthe farogeirrg, wch writtw wnsent sha0 not be required b the evert d a merger
ar vets of aR ar wbstaMlany ~ 01 the assets oteather pally. AsdgnmeM d the Agreement by elths pally shatl not roNavethe otlrspady M tts obNgstlaruheraander or thereunder. The Ageemert ah~ be bindingupw and Imm to
the benefit of tM partles and thdr respective suwnsaro and permltbd assigns.
8.2 Entire Agreement. The Agreement sob tortlr the errtlre agreement and undarstarnling of the partles nlatlngto the wbjed matter herein and merge a0 pHar dlswsdwa between them. No modMvetlon of or amendment to the
Agreement ear any wah'erof am! Hghta undsths Agreement, draft be effeatlw untess m writing and rigrrod bythe party k Da charged.
8.3 Notlve. UMeea olhervAse stated, sit notlees required undsthe Agreement shag bs in wHtlng and shag be wndderod gbsn upon perwnsi deWery of the written notlve a within forty-sight (48) bows after deposit In the US.
MaU, wrUfled ar registered. H either party changes fl ma~rrg address N shah Immediately eroUfy the oMrer party abwt k b writlrtg.
N far Heb notlces shall be addressed to:
Heb Oroup, ba
0900 Corpsate Csmpuc driro
Sutte 3000
Loutsdtle, KY40223
ff tar Customer rretlwa shag be addressed to the address art font In the Agreement
$.4 Sevsrobtlily. Nary Drodslan of ihs Agreement la held to be Invdid or uneMorceabb by a wort of com~tsnt)udaMdion, thw the remabbg proridwswm neveriheleas remain b hrN fares end effect, and the Pariies w~
negotlab In geed-fstth a wbsMUrie, valb end eafarcesbb prodalon which mart rroady eNaets the parties' btent b eMming Into tlreAgreement
8.6. Arbibatlon. Both Partlas agree to wbmit arty iwesohabls dispute herounds to arbitlaMon In tsnlsdRs, KY In aeeoManw wsth and wbjert to the Commerebl At4lirotlar Rules of the Amsrben Arbltrstion Assodatlon than in
affect The wbatsndaBy prevalNng party in arty afittrotlw a IltlgaMw prooeeding shall ba errtltled to rocovar Ib attorneys' fees tram the other party.
g.6 CwMeryarta. The Agreement maybe signed In one or mac counterparts, each of whbh when esewted shag ba deemed to be an erigbd bM aN of which taken togrthswM wmMNte one andthe wme Agreement
8.7 Govemingtaw. The Agreement shell be gsemad by, construed In aceoMww with, the laws d the state of ifentudryvdihout regard to the Prinelplas o(wnttlds aflame.
B.B No WaWer. The taNwe rt either party to eMarw rt arrytlmefar srryparbd the provisions rt ar arty righh deriving hem this Agreement draN ant be wnetroedto be a wants d web prodsbns a rights ache right nt such party
theroattarto entoroe web Proddons.
8.9 Nesdinga. The deacdptlve heaNrrga wntalned In this Agreement era for eaavsnlanee rt roferenw Daly and shah not affect in arwwaythe meadng ar Intaryretetlw of Ws Agreement.
5.30 Force MaJanro. Hda ahaB not bs liable torarry faNuro to parism Its obligatlons hareundar b the event such taNuro k dos to drwmstanves beyond Its roasonabls ooMrd.
6.11 No ThNd-Party BwsBclades; Nw•ShcckaUon. NotMng in the ApeemeM, dtlrer sspross a IorpBed, Is intwdod to a ahaN cwfsr upon anytMrd party arty legal a opultabk dprt, bena0t or romadyof arty nature whatsoever
arrrder ar by reawp rt the Agreement. Customs hereby agrees that duringthe term Of tMs AgroameM and tar s pMod of 1 year lhersaftar, it wW not seBolt ar biro any empi0yees Of Halo 6reaR inc.
Herb la adbgas an Independent wrttrads hereunder, and nothinghereln shah bs deemed b create an empbymerriar DadrrersNp relatlwshlp.
halo 9900 Corporate Campus Drive Suite 3000 • Loulaville, KY 40223
Office: 502.657.6352 • toll free: 866.380.HAL0 • fax: 866.706.4569
iiafo Group, Inc.