HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaiver of Right to Remonstrate Annexation- ~ jEFPEdt;40N.'dLI.E, INDIANA SANI'd" 4,RY SEWER d'ER,'i'13T NO. _.,_ 1rf1,TFIFn W ATE A OP RCHI 7.C7 RT? ONCTRaTE A~ SA2LOSS 77tis donsment witness~s that, ,4fle.w Ga . ~-oN~1e2_-_ ,(hereinafter referred';[o ss "Ov%ne:"), is the owner of 3?.Sf~cxs of nal estau as described is[ documents recorded in tiae Office of rhr ~norder, Clark County, Indiana m D<ed Record J, d[:strw-neat No. _ (the "Property'" beiag the sure propetry conveyed co owner lrom (see °Exhibit A", atmched hereto), wktich Pmpenv is lo:aud ouuide the Corporate boundaries of the Ciry cf Jeffersonville, Inr.:ana (the "City"). Pur<uant [n Indiana Code 56+i et seq., and other Indiana law, in cons eo[ion for, ar-d as a condition oE, the Jerfetaonville atum<~pal Sewer Gtiliry s consent to allow Ow-ter m cornett the .°roper-+'o'he ]effersonville Municipal sewn zyst:m, Owner, Owners assigns and all rucassnrs :n :n.eresi, da forever waive all fights xe remonstrate er xherwse object, to the City's usu:exrioo. of all oc any part of the Property, either now or in fire funrre. Owaer F,;rther acknowledges chat :he Ciry is not requued to exteaad araj pan of its ss;wage colleccioa. system :r, aecammodate the Oxmcr's connection ro the City's sewer system; chat ~-i:e Owner is responsible foe paymeae of all expenses of connectin¢ :e the City's sewer system; chat the waiver does not ecempt Owner or Owner': successors £cem. paying tap-in Eees fee each building, rtructwe or : esidence Er, which atop-in u regwred; and daac the Owner must tom?ly with au appiiwble )zws, regulations, policies and ordvsances pnor co cocnececn to ;he Ciy's sewer cnllectien ryxem. Owner also reeogn:zes chat unless ant urt:] [be City annexes the Prop<ay. olio cosy originating hom the property is greater than the test of trey ring sewage from mal. ertate inside the C",ry'a municipal boundaries. i/W~¢ a`ftirrn.. unde/r/t//~h/e/penalties .p:riury, that th £oregning represcntadons are true on this ~ d:uy of ~-` ~~,ne l/// Owner STMT OF INDIANA ) ss: COUNTY OF CLARIS ) On this a day o£ . ~~_, 2007, before me perzdnally appeared AIR.n G• ~f\Tt+C F acrd _ knows to me to he the Owner(s) described herein, and who execv:ed [he feregctr.g iurrument, and acwnwledged chat they brae the authority to execute tiro Verified Waiver of Remonstrance and t!zat they volunrrily executed the same. Notary public '17Qr ler,e F. Russo. l l p (~rKg Lll[e Resident cf ~Il {V- County My Commission Expires a -a -acx~x _ P.ro..-ci sr: ,ya•Meir6iW7s~ Ciry Anemey Giry{eway 8ui:dia4 4' Floor )eEferxe.iLLe, LWiw 4I:5C, 18121 :854492 (ATTACH OWiVER'S DEED AS EXHIBIT A) a`_~ .. uo I ~~ `_--.. ~,~ .~ `". 4 • ~• ~~ ~° ~' r!~ T '~i ~~'7 ~ ,, --`~~r''yy ""~ ~~~ttt ~~ ~! - '~p r~ (` ~M * fr.11997 FIOfiZOf1S Technoogy SKYLINE ACRES" SECTION 3 63 PROPOSED LOTS 1 SERVICE TO EXISTING .HOUSE 19840 GPD AVERAGE pl Vl/GGG! (IG LJ iOpbVbL~ JLYf YRUt k)4/elq --- - _ PF.e.~sd; S ., ; , y r .. ,_. (~~.., ~ ~ - ^~ ~ti i ~y M1 " y`-~~... ~-..ter. ~~ y T ~'Yi 4i ~ ^ I' ~ ~ , ~ ~. ti ~~ ,~ ~~ ' ~~ `~' ^.. S i i ~ e .~ .. fair ~ i i.lr~'. .'L'OON I f 1+fr~ I RY 1 ~~ ~-:~_ Apr: 4 _y, ~ 'r / tix ~ i \ 1 ~ l' ~~ ~ .. . 4 A~ !• ffi~ -. f - ~ ~ - `~.: _ ~.. .+"` a ~'.~. ~{h'.. ~a -~:~`iM-. t (c) 9 93T Horizons 7echn~ SKYLINE ACRES SECTION 4 30 PROPOSED LOTS` 9300 GPD A vERAGE