HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract for Circuit RiderSnuMcrn Regional Oflke ~ihOO hlsb,idanAmarks.org HISTORIC Nn,~~~,;r~aae~,a.~ o.a n s wen a~em,m sreKi LANDMARKS ~errersa~.;ne, w an3o FOUNDATION OF aiz zoa assn r,xarz zas evzs INDIANA ~~f Apru I4, zoos Honorable Thomas R. GaWgan Ciry oE]efEersonvillc 500 QuarCermaster Court Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Dear Mavoz Galligan: The current contract between the City oEJefEctsonvillennd 3-listoric Landmarks Foundation of Indiana Eor `Circuit Ride1 services to the Peeservanon Comnussion expired on December 31, 2007. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to make you aware of some of what has been a¢omplished over the past year, and ask for the dty's continued support of this valuable program. I apologize for the delay in providing this, but wanted to give your adminisnadov the oppocmniry to get settled N first Over the art year the Circuit Rider: - Provided staff comments [o the Preservation Cotmrussion on ten Ceetificate of Appropriateness applications (generally including talking with the applicant about his oc hex project, provi&ng digital images foe use during the meeting, and writing a staff xecommendadon based upon the ordinance acrd historic district design guidelines); - Provided staff approval of seven other Ceetificate of Appropriateness applications; - Condvued woeking with the Commission to ce-examine the Design Guidelines -adopted moee than a decade ago -for any necessary updates ox changes. This included revisions to the guidelines Foe new construction/additions to make them more easily understood, and changes to the guidelines for pmjecnng signs to make them more business-friendly (pending); - Began work on `Preserve America' designation for ]efEecsonville, which will create opportunities fox future grants for heritage tovxism, planning ox education; and - Provided training opportunities and educational materials for commissron members. A copy of the Circuit Rider contract Eox 2008 is enclosed, in the amount of $?000. IE the city wood !ike m continue these services, please sign ilia contract and return it eo my attention at this office: I will then obtain the other signatures and return a copy to you. On behalf of Efstoric Landmarks, I would like to thank you and the City of]efEersonville fox your support of historic preservation and the Circuit Attlee program. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions ox concerns about the program. We look forward to contiming to work with the Ciry and the Preservaton Commission to ensure the protection oE]eEEeesonville's unique axchitecmxal heritage. Sine e~, ~,~~.~'~ I(~ RECEIVED aura Renvn<k Community Preservation Specialist APR 16 2008 Enclosure: AgreemenJfor Profurnonal Serofcu m- MAYOR ~~~ THCMAS R. OALLIGAN g CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Tbis agreemen[ ensued into [bis firs[ day of January, 2008 by and between the Historic Pxescrvaion Commission of [he City of]effexsonville, State of Indiana, hereinafter xefexeed to as the "Local Public Agency," and Hiseoeie Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, hexemaEtee xefexeed to as the "Contractor." WITNESSF.TH: WHEREAS, [he Local Public Agency desires to promote ceetain hiseorie preservation activities wither the City of Jeffersonville; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires the services of a qualified pxeservarion professional to serve as pazt-time staff person to its His[orac Preservation Comnussron; and, WHEREAS, [be Contxae[oe represents that it is qualified to eendu such services to the Local Public Agency, and is a qualified professional as defined in 36 CFR 61 authorized by the National Hisxoxic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (PL 89-665) and [he National Hiswric Pxesuvation Amendments Act of 1980 (PL 96-515); as defined in [he scope of services below; NOW THEREFORE, the parties hueto do mutually agree as follows: 1. SCOPE OP SERVICES: The contractor shall coordinate the work of a qualffied preservation professional, ox "cizcuit rider," who shall perform the following services: Develop guideline books foe all distracts Recommend a work program to the Commission members and staff Conduct training workshops Eox the Commission membus and staff Pzepare material fox and attend the Commission meetings as needed Assist the Commission in establishing historic districts Dieect the C.O.A. process Assist with the application for and maintenance of fedual and state grants foe special projects As time permits: promote historic pzeservation generally within the wmmunity; provide technical assistance in such areas as National Register review and tax act projects; counsel budding owners on restoration; provide information on pzeservation legislation. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF TFIE LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY: The Local Public Agency will prepare minutes and agenda Eox all meetings. The Local Public Agency will assist and encourage the creation of neighborhood associations in conjunction with local designation efforts. 3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE,: The services of the Conttacmx shall commence January 1, 2008 and shall be completed Decembee 31, 2008. ¢. COMPENSATION: The Contractor shall be compensated Eot services in the amount of four thousand dollars ($4000.00). 5. METHOD OF PAYMENT: Payment s6a11 be made io two payments, subject to receipt of an invoice or voucher from the Contrae[oe that services provided under [his Agxeemen[ are being perfoemed. The f¢st paymen[ shall be payable not late than March 31, 2008 and the second payment shall be payable not la[ex than Angust 31, 2008. 6. NON-FEDERAL LABOR S'LANDARDS PROVISIONS: "Fhe following Labor Standards Provisions axe applicable to the Agreement under State ox Local law; provided that the inclusion of such provisions in this Agreement shall not be cons rued io xe]ieve the Contractor ox any subcontractor Erom the pertinent requ¢ements of any corresponding Federal Labor Standards Provisions upon hours per day, per week, ox per month which the employees engaged in the work covered by this Agreement may be required ox peemitted to work thueon may not be exceeded. Where the mixutnum rates of pay required under State ox Local law axe higher than the xxunimum rates of pay required ox set foeth in the Federal Labor Standards Provisions of this Agreement fox corresponding classification, such State or Local minmum rates shall be applicable minimum rates of pay Eox such classifications. 7. PROVISION FOR EXTENSION: This Agreement is subject to renewal upon agreement by both parties. g. TERbIS AND CONllITIONS: 'I1vs Agreement is subject to and incorporates the pxovis'ion as Paxi II -Terms and Conditions (Form H621-B, dated February 1969). IN WITNISS THEREOF, the Local Public Agency and the Contraetoe have executed tMs Agreement as of [he date hest written above. City of Jeffeesonville LOCAL P IC A N By: Thomas R. Galliga Mayor historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana CONTRAC'T'OR By: Marsh Davis President By: Gregory Sekula, AICP Directoe, Southern Regional Office