HomeMy WebLinkAboutLouise Street Pump Station "- r c .' L ~ r--- " t ~ I t\ r t ~ en k '" ti ~ ~ ~ ~ c ::5- C/) ,,-- 0 i ~ .... , f ~ 0 W ~ ..., 0 s v ] a:: 0 '} 0 ...> 0- N - "i u.. -1 1 a:: C/) u.. '" ~ r~ .5 0 0 0 Q) a:: ~ ~ - u.. co 0 ~ ~ 0 a> CD $ 0 ~ z E J t!J 0 0 \lJ ~ ...J c u.. Q) CD .::.::. J <) Cll \1) /) :::::> - v (): 0- c 0 "1- "0 t5 IJ1 ~ u: < ,-, r\ r t } 8-107 TO THE BIDDER - The following Form 96a is not required by the State Board of Accounts. However, the bidder must either use this form or one similar to it prepared by their accountant. JACOBI, TOOMBS AND LANZ, INC. S:ISydneyIWPDOCSlmiscellaneousIMASTERldivB,wpd B-l08 " .'1; . ..J-";;; :"',~ e..,,, ., . ,. ~. . .. . ,. . ':':"'- . . .. .... . ''5 . . . . . . ... . .. r t , ~ ~ t l r~ t .-- J r r: r SECTION III CONTRACTOR'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Attachrnentof bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any bid submitted without said financial statement as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. The financial statement provided hereunder to the governing body awarding the contract must be specific enough in detail so that said governing body can make a proper determination of the bidder's capability for completing the project if awarded. SECTION IV OATH AND AFFIRMATION I hereby affirm under the penalties of perjury that the facts and information contained in the foregoing bid for public works are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 511f) UTIC.~ -:Se.\.S2-SBul2t:. ilp ~. , ..,~ Dated at this \~ - day of MAo.e."" ~ E-u;a\.. Ei-G.'AvCoTu..)G \r~L . ". (Name of Organization) By ~~ ,,^I\lt:. t:'Uoi,.!,J. ~ m(".e. (Title of Person Signing) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF \ rJOtA..,)A ) ) ) COUNTY OF C'-~ N'\ \l'E. t="'\"''l~ tJ ? flA" 1'Ob2.. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he. is of the above,. tl)f(:EI... E'l'C.A"~'" t y..)C::, \ t-L (Name of Organization) (Title) and that the answers to the questions in the foregoing questionnaires and all statements therein contained are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this l!s 'T~ day of M"-a.a\'\ , '7rr'A ~ .4J~~ My Commission Expires: l( - ~ -\ ~ r~ County of Residence: C \ ~ ./ \ \.... 8-105 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him,entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to include anyone to refrain from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement, understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding. He further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive directly or indirectly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale. OATH AND AFFIRMATION I affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing facts and information are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.,_ ~'H6 UT\(.A '$tS\.\..E~\?,u~l.. Q" l~"~ .. A . Dated at this 0 day of ,v.~(2c.~... ,-~, "<'E~~e:~~'E~l.-A'\J~~~ \~c.. (Name of Organization) , "X,\l,E ~~)..)N ,~. 'ij~~'_, By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF lNC>I~A COUNTY OF L~C2.."- ) ) SS: ) "^ \V.e ~ l.>.t N "-> ?120~ M~ (Tille) being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is 'T~IY~'~bov~:",)j~:; E.~E't. E--'C'CN~TJ ""-'6 \ N(.. (Name of Organization) ..;.__~ '''l,.'''-! and that the statements contained in the foregoing bid, certification and affidavit are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~B""~ day of MA<Zc..1oI\. , -zeoe '<":''':'"\.:'::,.;0 o"^~.~ ;J~ . '.' ' ,.' . . . -NolaryPu i /i;< MY:CommissionExpires:~ - q - I ~ ~ ~,~.courity ~f Residence: C- \ 4. f \ ( ~~:,,~ S/~i~;~',~,:~-- . , "' '""' ,,"';"',~ : '-',',t~ , ..~ ~ i r~ .. 11 ~. . .. . .. - III ;j . .... ,.a- .. . . III ,illI .~ . I 'Ii \e' : ;~1 ." .$ . \. ACCEPTANCE ,..-.. The above bid is accepted this day of , Za::> 'e ,subject to the following conditions: ..-~- Contracting Authority Members: tMi()n..~,. Q.O' ~\\\~, ft\l~ \LM..,e. ..J..(.e",~~ ~,"t.J,-\'\~ ~o.~l~.M~ PART 1\ r f L (Complete sections I, II, III, and IV for all state and local public works projects as required by statutes if project is one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more. (IC 36-1-12-4) Governmental Unit: C'T"J o~ jE'F~&~t..)".\..\..E: Bidder (Firm) E~c:.e:t. e-M::A"~Tt~ \t-J~. Date: 3.1~ .oE> r~ These statements to be submitted under oath by each bidder with and as a part of his bid. ! Attach additional pages for each section as needed. SECTION I EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What public works projects has your organization completed for the period of one (1) year prior to the date of the current bid? When Contract Amount Class of Work Completed Name and Address of Owner "Zft>5. 60C - oS ,.,.€ 'ca 10' t..iZAA "z 1(0, 000 - l20a 0 1\01 a~"erz. Q. Ot.E: o tN. AuTI4 . 4\,000- )O~~T liZE?4dZ '101 L-lZA P. .. 2. What public works projects are now in process of construction by your organization? When to be Contract Amount Class of Work Completed Name and Address of Owner Z~'5. 000 - (.ZoAO 410~ c.~"\"~ ol=' ,Jew p~~ ", r ; r / ~ 8-103 3. 4. 3. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? ....1"b If so, where and why? 4. List referenced from private firms for which you have performed work. ~r:tc.NUUtV\ C~",~T ! c()...,... ?~~et. "ui::c, ~'C.~ ~~e."> ~~b":. >,.:,.,- SECTION" PLAN AND EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Explain your plan or layout for performing proposed work. (Examples could include a narrative of when you could begin work, completed the project, number of workers, etc. and any other information which you believe would enable the governmental unit to consider your bid.) Fo\.\.e.""" Ft~'=> \ '$t:>EC.~ 2. If you intend to sublet any portion of the work, state the name and address of each subcontractor, equipment to be used by the subcontractor, and whether you expect to require a bond. However, if you are unable to currently provide a listing, please understand a listing must be provided prior to contract approval. ,.J 10). What equipment do you have available to use for the proposed project? Any equipment to be used by subcontractors may also be required to be listed by the governmental unit. ~..,.co..v~~> ~'ZS{2..S. "\12~"'-~ . Have you entered into contracts or .received offers for all materials which substantiate the prices used in preparing your proposal? Otherwise, please explain the rationale used which would corroborate the prices listed. ~E."> 8-104 . .,Ill I ,,; ~ . ;~ . . ~ . """"- . ~~ .. .. .... - .~ .. ;~ 1 WI 111 .. . .>qj .. '- ... . J ' , \, , j f --- , f \ 1-" i r- t ~\ r ,..- I 1 r <'- i f\ r DIVISION B - CONTRACT FORMS " "'''''~.._1~('. ..;- .",.., ".. '-"i.:.::;~;';':":"(""-"; SEcrI(jNB~i.~t(jNT:R.A.cf'D(jCtJMENTS 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 It is understood that the signature and seal of the CONTRACTOR on a properly completed and executed State Board of Accounts Form 96 indicates the CONTRACTOR's acceptance of all terms as set out in these specifications and documents and his willingness to complete the project as stated herein and shown on the drawings. 1.2 It is further understood that by the acceptance of, and the proper affixing of the signatures of the OWNER to the Form 96, that a binding contract exists between the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR. 1.3 After the OWNER signs the Form 96, and notifies the CONTRACTO~ qf his acceptance, the CONTRACTOR shall proceed to complete the project with the best workmanship possible conforming to all specifications set out herein and to all details, drawings and notes shown on the plans for this project. S:\Sydney\ WPDOCS\miscelJaneousIMASTER\divB.wpd B-1 0 1 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts Form No. 96 (Revised 2000) CONTRACTORS BID FOR PUBLIC WORK PART I (To be completed for all bids) (Please type or print) Date: '3. \~ .6~ 1. Governmental Unit (Owner): C''T",,-\ 0;:' jEi=t=EQ.~vl\..\..€ 2. County: CoLA"" 3. Bidder (Firm): E:'#.C-E\... E--/.GAvA'T'ul:, \N"(.. Address: Ro. ~~ 5"A~ ,.)a=t:El'Soloo.)\1t\...u:: l,..J City/State: 4. Telephone Number: 6\'Z.. 24<'.095, 5. Agent of Bidder (if applicable): "^\~€. t:"'~N,J. Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers to furnish labor and/or material necessary to complete the public works project of e,",,\ ~F ~ept:'6Q$O"'>II\..\..~ (Governmental Unit) in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by j~eo~' Tootv'p:,c, '-: LAt-J"7.. I and dated ?>. '3 . 'Z6<!>e for the sum of ~<aJ!: ~~ $ -z.S8. ..,aco .IS TWb HVt->Qe~p FIF.,."'t Ic:h~T 'T'lO-\OUS~O :SE"e'.)\~t.lQQ.CPE.\~1"-t Ev~ ~o~.. S!.v~""T"i ;:"wl!. C~<.. The undersigned further agrees to furnish a bond or certified check with this bid for an amount specified in the notice of the letting. If alternative bids apply, the undersigned submits a proposal for each in accordance with the notice. Any addendums attached will be specifically referenced at the applicable page. If additional units of material included in the contract are needed, the cost of units must be the same as that shown in the original contract if accepted by the Governmental Unit. If the bid is to be awarded on a unit basis, the itemization of the units shall be shown on a separate attachment. The Contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall not discriminate against or intimidate any employee, or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the contract. CERTIFICATION OF USE OF UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS (If applicable) I, the undersigned bidder or agent as a contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory obligation to use steel products made in the United States. I.C. 5-16-8-2. I hereby certify that I am;:! all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use U.S. steel products on this project if awarded. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments. 8-102 III ~. . . . .,,~, . iii - . . '-I . .' . . . . '-'.'lI 'iii \cO .. .. ':Jo-~ It: Excel Excavating Mike From: Lynn Imaging 3-12-08 3:22pm p, 2 of 3 ~JACOBI, TOOMBS AND LANZ, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS e ~ 120 Bell Avenue ClarksvilLe, Indiana 47129 (812) 288w6646 (812) 288.6656 Fax Match 12, 2008 ADDENDUM NO.1 Loui:>c SttcL't Pump Station Tmptovctnc11lS Job No. 07122 ~~t> I $> ~ l'~ () The following revis.iol1~ anu darifiattiolls Rt:e h~~tc:hy incotpMaled: 1. As refetc;nced in the Specification:> on pllge 15-A-13 Section 2.16 D, a sluice gate is referenced. No sluice gate will be required. 2. A:> referenced in the Specifications on page 2-B-2 Section 4.1 calls for IndiliOa #-'11 ~t(}nc bedding, Section 4.5 calls for ttP, :>totle. Indiana #8 stone shall he u....,ed for the referenced bedding. .). A:> tderenced in the Spcl:ificatiotls on page 15-A-7 Sc<.:t10r1 2.10 A call..., [ox Neenall R-6077 casting :l1,d frutne, while the Phn Shed () callf> 1....11: Neenah R-6020. Neenah casting and ttdDle R-6020 shall he used. 4. As shown on Pkn Sheet H, the Prec.ast Manhole over t.he 1 ~.xi5li:tlg Sewer calls fot a bituminou:> ~cllle:r. TIns is correct, the exterior walls of the manhole are to be coated with a bituminou.s sealer. 5. A:> shown all Plan Sheet Ii, t.he Air Release. Valve Det~jl i:> cotlTel.. A 12" base is to be used., and the R1792-JL lid is to be lJ.sed. The "Nu 1792-JL on the detail is a typographical c.tror. 6. As i-ihown on Plan Sheet 6, Notl.: #'1 califi fox bank nUl sand to be ulSccl as Imcki1ll axound the wet well Indiana No.8 (57) stone is acceptable backfill around the wet welL 7. The "FOUNDA'nON VI.AN" dcl..w shown 011 Plan Sheet 7 has been revised. Sce the attached "Revised Foundation Plan'~ detail. 8. ABS shall be an approved equal for acceptable pump manufacturers. The Contractor shall acknowleuge receipt of this Addendum No.1 in writing on all bids tutnecl in. SinceJ:ely, ~~~T.AN7.'INC .J ol>hua Hilhnan, EJ. S:\Sydllcy\WPDOC8\07\07122\07122-Al1l}JjNDUMl,doc , ' 'to.: Excel Excavating Mih from: Lynn Imaging ]-12-08 3:22pm p. 3 of 3 (' 10' CONCRETE FOOTING WALL ""Ll 4' 0" .. . INSTALL #4 DOWEL BAR I r ~I ~ I I o.6S'l I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING I I ;:> I I STEPS I I I I I I I I I I I JiI~~L I I I L__--1 I ===:::1 1'-4" I I I I I I I I I L EXISTING PUMP ROOM :2 to ./!. .q "". r ..!l ~ 3' -4" I FOUNDA TION PLAN EXISTING 9' -8" No Scale r LOUISE STREET Pl.l'MP STATION JEFFERSONVILLE. INDIANA REVISED FOUNDATION PLAN DETAIL DRAWN: J.fII.H. JACOBI. TOOMBS a: LANZ. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 120 BELL AvENUE CI.ARKSVlLL'E. INDIANA 4'1'129 (812) 286-6646 CHECKED.: G.E.H. APPROVED: .J.~L. . SHEET '1 SCALE: N1S DATE: 3-1~-08 JOB No. 07122 c:\Ef>2002\Projec:bl\07122.\07122-DETA,ll.J To:'ExceI Excavating Mike From: Lynn Imaging ]-14-08 ]:45pm p. 2 of 2 ~-' , "JACOBI, TOOMBS AND LANZ, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS - :9 120 Bell Avenue Cla"rksviLle, Indiana 47129 (812) 288-6646 (812) 288-6656 Fax Ma:rch 14, 2008 ADDENDUM NO.2 ] ,musc Sttc{:t PU1-np Slation Improvements Job No. 07122 v,-t(j A. ll1tJ '-? t ,...- 'l1Ie following revh;ions ~\fiJ clarifications a:re hereby incorporated: r 1. The existing; dccu-ical supply at the station 1S 120V /208 2. As .tefetenn:d in the. Specifications 011 page 2-E-2 section (1-"1, it statt;$ that "Pavement markings shall be installed as shown on the plans," this shall be revised to say "Pavement markings shall be installed to match the ,existing markings, including hut not limited to, Stop Bars, "STOP" lettering, and striping". Tbis crn;.t shan be considered incidental and included it\ your bid. ~. In reference to the fence to be furnished, and installed around tile lift station, Privacy Decorative Slatting (PDS - Privacy Slats) shall be furnished an.d installed. The color shall be black, and tbe materhll shan be vinyL Thiq item shall he included in. the cost of Pay hem No. 14 (Lift Station). 'rhe Contractor shall acknowJedgl.~ tl.~cdpt of this AddL'11dum No, 2 i11 writil1~ on all bids tu1'11ed in. Sincerely, J A<:< mI, TOOMBS AND LANZ, INC. ~-rd& - S:\sydnc:y\ WI'I)()( ;S\07\07122\07J 22-ADDENDUM2.t1o,' r) BID FOR: f) LOUISE STREET PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS JOB NO. 07122 A CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE CLARK COUNlY, INDIANA RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, \E~C.E:L e:~~1/ AT\~ . \ Nt.. NAME OF FIRM ~. L.;~~ PERSON PERSON ATTEST DATE . . a-r ~ Accepted this I '. . day of . ,2008 S:\SYONEY\WPOOCS\07\07122\SECA2.00CX A-208 APPROXIMATE QUANTITY DESCRIPTION WITH UNIT PRICE WRITTEN IN WORDS 08 NO. 07122 UNI~~RICE TOTAL AMT. NUMBERS FOR BID ITEM 215 450 /' S:\SydneylWPDOCS\07I07122Iunit pric" LOUISE STREET PUMP STATION IMPROVEMENTS o TONS Crushed Limestone (Misc. Sizes) For ..... w... ..... .w. w. ............. ............................... w........ .. .T~~ ~":':L...........,............. ~~~~~. PelTon $ ZO.t:O TONS Bank Run Sand For .............. ... ......... ..... w..... ...... _._........ .............. ..... on. F.'.!-r.~E?~......n"..........'''''' :Q~~~~. Per Ton $ 1CO ,0c> CY Formed Concrete. Non-Reinforced For' :f.~;~:~~~J~!:';;:: :::::::: :t?~~~~: Per Cubic Yard $ 450.00 CY Non-Formed Concrete Non-Reinforced For .................................................................................................... . .:r:~~~..~~~.~.~.~~................:Q~~~~. Per Cubic Yard $ '?>bO.OO TONS Dense Gra.de Aggregate Aggregate Type P (ID.O.H. Specs) For .............................................................-...................................... . ... on...... :T~~~":.:l............. 0" R~~~. Per Tons $ 20 .00 LBS Reinforcing Steel For ......... ..... '~';,.i""""" ........... j):;i1;;' "" ....................... ........ ...................... ................-..... Per Pounds $ ~ . 00 Sod For '~~iz:P~~'~:~:;:;C~~""'D~~' .. ...-........ ...... .......... .......... ....... ....................... Per Square Yard $ 4.'50 Seed Fertilizer and Mulching For ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 r\'~ 6 7 8 9 ~ 10 r\ 1 I o o o o o o SY o SY TONS ONt. Dollars 'P;;'Sq~;'Y~d"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''$ ~. 00 INDOT Surface Asphalt Number 11 . E <?!,?,~~~~'.i..~ ~':\'!'.~?~';-~.~. ':':......... fi.l!1:':l.Ey.~. g.~.. .... .... .... .R~~. Per Ton $ 7B .45 Surfa.ce Milling .!:<?!.~~.~~,:~~~?.~.\.~~.E\tg,~~T">> Dollars oP;~'Sq~;;;'y~~i".........................m"'$ 4.<\5' A-206 SY $ Zoo.eo $ \.1l5.00 $ 4So.co $ ~oo.tJO $ 'Z..o .1:0 $ 5'.00 $ 4. ~o $ l ..<<) $ Ht> e~..lS , $ ~. 12. . '=0 LOUISE STREET PUMP STATION IMPROvEMENTS ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTI'ON WITH UNIT .~ 11 1 LS Connect new 6" Focre Main to existing Manhole . !:?~. .~~~.~ .H~~9:.~. E!f.X~g~........ Dollars 4.. ........ .......... .... ................ ..... ..... .............. ....... .... Per Lump Sum $ 'h"5.oo $ q\S.oc> 6" PVC, C900 Sanit:aJ:y Force Main, Thrust Blocks .!:<?~.~~!';i._~.g.~~~~. .-.......-, .~f.:.':l.C_l?~:.~___.. __..... -. -., - -- -~~~~~, Per Linear Feet $ 44. 'So Manhole on existing sewer For Foul' 1 \.4oU~~~(") 'TVoJO ~~oa.e.o :~l~i~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~::~~:~~~R~~~~:$ 4. '2.e5.60 $ 4, 'Z~c; ,00 275 gpm Lift Stati~n, Pumps building piping, electrical, conduit, wet well, valve pit, emercency pump out manhole, drop inlet, reconnect telemetry, fencing, handling existing flow, rain guage relocation (pavement at the lift station site), etc. complete I .!:<?~.~~.~~9.~~:?\_~":'i~~:r~P EI~'f "'l!!~~!~~~~~~__..~.....; _ _ p.~~~~ ,F\F\'i ee..J'l"'> Per Lump Sum $ \b\.B31.S0$ \~\. ~<:;., ,SO 8" PVC Gravity Sewer . !:<?~.g~~~~ ..~~:I=. .~.~.~ ~.............. ~INGu't"t ~ Dollars 'P~"L~~~F~~t""""'''''''''''''''''''----'' $ 8~.lb Decommissioning of existing Lift Station .!:<?!.f~~I~?S'{.~~~~?-~9.~ ">>~.~~~~.~m~~~~...P.~~~~, Per Lump Sum $ 3,S4~. qc $ ~.5~. Coto Air Release Valve and Manhole Complete .!:<?~.~~!~~~!?~~~.~~~'?~~.~~"" ~~~.~~~g)~~'!:1.~'d...p.~~~~. ' Per Each '. $ 4.~4~. ~ $ '11 z~, . fob . Manhole Lining Rehabilitation Forr"a.ee:~~c 'T~~i! 1-k~ :~~~~;~~~~~:~~~~:~:~~:~:~:::~:~~!?~~~~: . Per Lump Sum $"3 ~ ~~. t::b TOTAL BID PRICE = Total ofItems 1 thm 18 = 1 f' 12 1200 LF 13 1 EA 14 LS 1 (\ ,-----. 15 3'5 LF 16 LS 1 17 EA 2 18 LS 1 .~ r\ S:\SydneyIWPDOCSI07\07122\unit prices.x" OB NO. 07122 UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMT. $ 5:,,4-60.co $ ~ ~34.'SO I $ -;,~B~.60 $Z5811eS,"1S A-207