HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong View Beach Sewer 03/02/2007 13:32 . . HAGERTY ENG 8122180976 () ~ HAGr]E]~ lry ~ EN GI.N E.E R I.N G PAGE 07 431 Locust StillS! JI!I1f$I'$QIWme. Indiana 47130 nil (512)284-3942 Fax (812)218-0976 ISm-,ll: hl)Qel1yf;!ngIMerlnfl@(\b~lQbIlLnf!\ March 2, 2007 Jacobi Toombs and Lanz 120 Bell Avenue ClarksvUle, Indiana 47129 Attention: Mr. Jorge Lanz A~-req 4 v~.B 3/6/0 ? SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROPOSAL Longview Beach Sanitary Sewers Jeffersonville, Indiana HEr Proposal No. 7G-03/02a Dear Mr. Lanz: We are pleased to present this proposal for the subsurface exploratiops at the referenced site in Jeffersonville, Indiana. This proposal includes Out understanding of the project information.,. the proposed scope of services; a fee estimate, and a projected schedule. PROJECT INFORMATION ~\ Project infonnation was provided by you m a telephone conversation. You indicated that the city of Jeffersonville intended to install sewers in the Longview Beach area, northeast of downtown Jeffersonville. The sewer alignment will be located on the grounds of the fonn.er Indiana Ar.r.ny Ammunition Plant, controlled by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. Your infonnation included sanitary sewer plans shown on aerial photographs along with profile views. You requested a proposal to advance 16 rock soundings and 12 soil borings along the existing roadway to evaluate soil support conditions and depths to rock. (Th.e plans, however, showed 18 rock soundings, so the proposal was based on the higher number). One boring also was requested at th.e site of the Happy Valley lift station. No depth for the wet well was given, so the proposal was formulated based on an estlln.ated depth of 40 feet. SCOPE OF WORK It is our intent to conduct a subsurface exploration in order to obtain information abou.1 subgrade support conditions and ~epth to rock at the site of the proposed sewers in Jeffersonville, Indiana. This exploration is not designed to produce information concerning contami.na,tip# or other environmental conditions. Boring and sounding locations were designated by your engineers and will be located in the field using standard taping procedures and available survey markers. No surveying equipment will be utilized in this exploration.. It is assumed tnat DNR representatives have agr~d to borings located in the roads, and appropriate representatives mIl be present to locate sewer and water connections after the borings are located. F" " lutlc'.leal Englna.riol hDsnutln TesUng Environnuntal ServiUs 03/02/2007 13:32 8122180975 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 08 Longvi~ 8each Sewe.rs Jf!/Jersonville, Indiana Marcil 2, 2fJ07 At the time of the exploration, a truckMrnounted drill rig will be mobilized to the project site. (Weather conditions may delay mobilization during periods of prolonged precipitation). The drill rig apparatus will be used to advance a. total of twelve borings and eighteen rock soundings along the roadway. Twelve borings and 18 rock soundings will be advanced to refusal depths or 2 feet below design. invert elevation, whichever is less. One boring also will be advanced at the existing Happy Valley lift station, and will be advanced to 40 feet or refusa1~ whichever is less. In the borings, standard penetration testing will be performed at depths of 1.5 feet, 4.0 feet. 6.5 feet. 9.0 feet, 13.5 feet, 18.5 feet, and. 23.5 feet, where refusal is not shallower. Splitspoon samples will be obtained at each test interval. The samples will be classified in. the field by an. engineer from our firm. and will be placed in sealed.jars and returned to the laboratory for testing. Groundwater levels vvill be recorded at boring termination in all of the borings. Forty eight-hour groundwater readings will be taken, and all borings will be backfilled after the borings are completed and capped with asphalt patch, where appropriate. If. at any time during field activities, unanticipated soil conditions that could lead to significant design or con.struction difficulties are encountered, you will be notified. r\ After field testing is complete. the subsurface information win be reviewed and evaluated and a written report of our findings will be issued. The report will include: . -a description of the exploratory methods used . asphaltic concrete pavement thi.cknesses in the borings . aggregate base layer thicknesses in the borings . -descriptions of subsurface condi:ti.ons encountered in. the borings . a list of refusal depths in the soundings . Ma summary of published. geologic information . -a Boring/Sounding Location Plan . M Boring Logs 1(. at any time during the project, unexpected or unusual conditions or information are identified~ the scope . of work will be fevjewed to confIrm that it is still appropriate and adequate. If additional exploration and/or testing are necessary! you will be notified, and the added tasks wi]] be submitted for your approval. SCHEDULE Based on OUI cummt workload, the subsurface exploration can be started within :five to six days of authorization, weather permitting. It is anticipated that exploratory activities can. be completed in three working days. As was previously noted~ if, at any time d'Uring field activities, unanticipated soil conditi.ons that could lead to significant design or construction difficulties are encountered, you will be notified. A verbal report can be submitted within tw? wor~~ days of the completion of field activities. A written report of the work can be submitted WIthin seven r B !1~;}~~~]~ lr~i 03/02/2007 13:32 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 09 E' , Longview Beach Sewm Jeffe1'$OllvllJe, Indiana March 2, 2007 wor.king days of the completion. of field activities. If significant project delays lll'e experienced, you will be contacted to discuss the revised schedule. FEE ESTIMATE The scope of work provided in this proposal can. be perfonned for the lump sum fee of $8,000.00 (eight thousand dollars). Our fee is based on one drill rig mobilization, 303 feet of soil test drilling, and 323 feet of rock soundings. This fee also is based on the assu.mption the site wiD be accessible to truck--mounted driDed equipment at the time of the subsu.rface exploration. An-terrain vehicles and/or heavy equipment needed to move the drill rig on the site can be retained for an extra charge. If additional exploration. or testing activities are deemed necessary, a revised fee schedule win be provided for your approvaL No additional fees will be incurred without your prior approval. If, at the client's request! at any time after the start ofthis project and prior to the completion of this project, the project is terminated, a prorated fee will be calculated based upon the wor.k. completed up to the point that the project is terminated. AUTHORIZATION r\ You may authorize our work on this project by your signature on this page. You may wish to issue a purchase order; however, this proposal and the contract number must be referenced on the purchase order. Please note that your signature implies acceptance of the attached Contract Terms. We must bave a signed copy of this entire document in order to proceed with the project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you. with geotechnical services. If we can answer any questions., please call. (' EJ ~L~~~l~]!\ lfX 03/02/2007 13:32 8122180976 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 10 LongvJew Beach Sewer.f JqfenonvIJle., TnditmQ Mflf'Ch 2, 2()07 PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE SIGNA TIJ TITLE DATE: PRINTED N Longview Beach Sewers Longview Beach~ INAAP Jeffersonville, Indiana Jacobi Toombs and Lanz 120 Bell Avenue Clarks' , d' 3/02/0 0-03/0 Project: Location.: Client: Proposal Date: Proposal No.: (Pleb$e note that your signature implies acceptance of the attached Contract Terms and the full HEI Proposal No. 7G-03/02a document). f' {' ~ IHIA<GllE1R..1fY .... EN G 11 NEE R 1 N (rr _03(0+/20~7 13:32 8122180975 HAGERTY ENG PAGE 11 Contract Tcn'ns 1. P ARTTES AND SCOPE OF WORK: Hagerty Engineerlng, Inc. (hereinafter rckrn:d to 8.S "HEl") ~htlll iftClude said com w?rk. ,nWork" means thc sJ)ecifie gel}technlca1, analytical. testing or othCT llCrviee to be performed by HEl 1I5 set forth ill cl!ents, a(lCl;p~ncc thereof llI\d these Contr.lct Tenns. ."Client" rcfen; to the person or business entily ordering t"~ wot'k tli be clIent IS ordering, the work. .on ~ehalf ~f anothor, the chl,mt rcp,l'C$ents and W81Tants tbat the client is the duly 8IIth~ 8&ent . purposc o~ Ol"dcnng III'Id dIrecting said work, Unless ~hcn.'Illse stated in writing. tbe clim a..-.sume!; ao1e responsibility f01 d' the quantIty 4lIld the nature of the work ordercd by the client is adequate and sufficient fur the clients' intended pu con:'m~njcllti;: tbC1lC" ~ntract Terms to each and c;very ~iTd -party to wbom ~ client transmi~ any part orHEi'~F..' ,liEl obligation to any tl'llrd flllt'ly greater than thllt set furth In HErs proposal, clIent's ao=ptance thereof and thesewnact 'Ii work trom HHI !lhall eonstitute acceptance of the tcrnIs of Imps prOl)Osal and these Contract Terms.:,* .:,:~ 2. TES'J'S AND INSPECTJQNS: Client sh811 calise 1111 tests anc:l in.'lpcctioli:!; llfthc site, materials llIld 'WtJTk C timely and properly performed in a.ccordnnee with the plans, s-pooifical.ions and contract oocumc:nt.~, lUld loss, damage:. OT Injury mlll be brought a~llinst HEt by c1iCl\t or atty tl\if(l party 1I1lless all tests and ins ha:ve b unlc:ss HEI'$ recommendations have been followed. Client agrees to Indemnify, defend ano ltQ1d HEl, its officers, em harmte!l5 n-om any and all claims, suits., Ins.'le!l, costs and expertscs. lncluding, but not limited to. C(lurt em.1S and reasonable ' event thai: all such tests and inspections l'ITt: not so performed or J-1F.r~ recommendations arc not SO fallowed ex~t ta the is the res"lt of It negligence, willful or W81\tOn act or omission of HEI, itg officers. agents or Q:Jl-ployees. 3. SCHEDUUNG 01<' WORK: The services get toM in BEl's proposal and client's accqJtancc wiU be accom~he<l in a and "rofcssiona1 mannCt' by HEI persoTlrll~1 at the prices quoted. Jf I-IET is 1'Cquired to delay CO/Tlmcncement of the work- Il1'OTI iIB WOtk, HEI is required to stop Of inttrfll1)t the "rogrcs!' Qf ilq work as a result of changeS in the scope oithe work to fulfill the requirements of third p!lrties, interruptions in the progress of constnlcllon, or other causes l1cyQ1ld the cI1reot HBI, additional ehmge5 wi1\ be applicable and payable: by client 4. ACCESS TO SITE: Client will amlngc and 'PfOVide such aeei::!li\ to the site as is nooe..~ for HEI to pmfcJrm the wo . reasonable measl,lTl:!; and j)recautions to minimi7.e damage to the site and any improvcment~ located tbercon 8!j the result of. . its equillment; however, HEI bas not included in its fee the con of restoration {If damage which may (IeClur. Restoration- dm'l\age to Crops on sgricu1t\m1l land is m;rt included in the fee stated in this propogsl. ClO'.ling of open 90il boring bol- activities is included ;n the fee stated in this pfflPOSal. ]f client desires or requ.irQs HEI to restore the site to its fl:lmIe.'r T"Oqt:lC!lt HEl will perform $Uch additional work a~ i!: necessmy to do so and client ~ to flay to HEI 1he C()5I.1IJ"ereof. 5. DAMAGE TO f.xtSTING I\IAN.M ^' DE OBJECts: tlnle!ll'> :HEl has assumed in writing the n,lS"pQnsibility oflOClltrng !ID 01' latcl1t eonditions. client lipS to indCT.l1nifY nnd Sll'Ve :HEI harmless from all claims, f.ui1s, losses, C(l$1:."l snd expenses, including reasonable litWmey'!; f~s 8.'> a rtI!lult or personal injury. deat'h Of prQ1)CrlY damage O(WTTing with respect to H'BI's performance of its -work and arising fn:ml !a1bstlrface or Intent eonditions (Ir damage to S\Ibs..maet: or latent ob,iccts, stnlctufeS. linc or oonduits wb~ the actUal or llotcntial ~ee and loclllion thereof was not revealed to HEl by cli~1.. ..~~ ,.,,~ 'z~ ...'.....'........,......... . ;'.......'...... . ;-, ,;;.:" 6. PA VMENT~ Client mall be invoiced at tbe camplc;tiM oftb~ work dC$eribed in this prQPOw_ Client ~ to pay the invoice within thirty (30) da)'!\ ofits receipt, 7. TERMINA nON: This agreement may be terminated by either 1)arty upon acven day's poor written notic.c, In th~ event ofterminatian, rTEl shall be Cl)mf'Cl'lSll1ed by client for 1111 serviocs performed LIp to llI\d including the t.ermination dllb:, tnc\uding reimbut'Sllble e..'qlenscs. and ror the completion of !;ucb servicca and records 8S are necessary to plsClt; REl's tiles in I;ll'der and/or protect its professional rej)lltation, S. WAltRANTY: HE1's !\Cf'\Iices will be performed. its finding ObUl:incd i11'Id its .rts pn;pft1'ed jp accordance with it~ proposal. cl~"t's acceptance thereof, these Contt"lIct 1'cmlS, anel with generally acccphxl iltincl1iles and ptactices. In l'crfO!'lTling. its pTofc!;sional serviets, HEI will use that degree of care and skill ordinarily ClCllTei~ under similar circumstances by members of its professiQ1l. This wamnty is il'l1ieu of all other wllmntiCS or fCTlrescntlll:ions, ei~ express or implied. Statemt'r\w. made in tiEl reports are opiTlions based upon ent;ineering jUQgcmcnt and are not to be constrUed as representations of fact. Shol,lld HE1, or any (If its professional employeCi\ be fuund to ha....e been negligent in the performing of pmfessiOllal scmces or work OT b.' ha...e made Ilnd hreached l!1lYexpress or implied Wilmnt)', 1'el'fesentlltirn1 or contrllet, client, all p:artie!l claiming through client lII'Id 1111 1lartics c1aiming to llll'Ve in any way rolied upon HEI'$ services or WQ1'k. ngrcc th. the maxim\lm aggregate lII1lOunt o!the liability ofHE.t, its office'l'S. employees ami agents shall be llmited to SJ ,000,000 or thc tntal amoWlt of' tlle fee pa.id to HEI fur ib work "etfoymed witb respect b:l the project whichev,er amOUt\t is gmtcr. HEI is 111tlu.rcd with t\1c full owing policy limits:GcTlcral Liability, $1 ,OOO,OOO/occU1'l'ence, S2.000,OOO/aggregate: Automobllc Lit1\:tilit)'. $1 ,000,000; Profc~sional Liability, $1,000.000; Workers Compensation, $1 OO,OOO/Ilc.cident. 9. INJ)EMNITY~ Bxctj.'lt to tl1c extent specitica1ly adelressc.d ill pa1'lIgtllJJh 3, client llgI'i::e!\ to indemnify, defend m'Id holel HEl, its officers. em'llloyecs, agents. and inceP'llldent contractors harmless fTom any and .11 claims, suits, losses, CQSts Me! expen.~c:a, including but not 1i1ll~tcd to coun costl; and reasonable lI1tomcy's fees ari~ing or allcsin~ to have lITi~ out of tile j)erfonnance of HEI'5 work. In th: LWellt th~t chcnt or client's princil'a1 shall bring an)' suit" cause of action, claim OT lXIUTltercl1l1nl against liF.il t(.l tbe extl.mt th~ HEl ~hall prevtlll In !lueh 9UI"l. e:mse of action. clllim, or coumcrcleim the party initiating Sltch action shall PllY to HE the Cl)$h\ and CxpC'llllCS sncurred by HE! to answer and/or defend slI.ch std~ c.au.~e of action, claim (IT cr;nl11tercla"im, inclltding TellS01lal}lt attomey's fr;cl;, COllrt cmts. 'Witness ftc.~ 8fId other l'lllaled expeTl~. "HEI PrCJpo~ No. ?G-03/02a- l.ongvicw Beach Sewtm - Jeffersonville, Indial1P D ~~~q}~~ lr~l(