HomeMy WebLinkAboutInstituform Technology USA ~ FROM :JTL, Inc. FAX NO. :812-288-6656 Mar. 18 2008 02:39PM P4 ',., r / ~~~~~...Aa:lOIdI FannNo.lIlS ~ ~ CONTRACTORS BID FOR PUBLIC WORK PART I (To be completed for all bids) (Pie... type or print) ~ight Street Emergency seWer Rehabilitation Morris Street to Short. Ja.C!kao~. ~t~E!~,t ~ JTL Job No. 07159 Date: January 22, 2008 1. Governn18Id.ll Unl (ewr..,: City of Jeffersonville 2. County :_ w ~ c?-ark 3. Bidder (FInn): Addrea: tnaituform Technologies UBA, Inc. 17988 Edison Avenue CJty/8WIt<< Chesterfield, MO 63005 -'1ilI (' 4. T~ Number: 6!6-530-~OOO 5. Agent of ~r (if app1k:able):-!/A PLnUBnt to not:iceIlillven, the underIigned cft'er8 to fumilh f8bor and/or material n8C8888IY to complete v the public WOIka project of City of Jefferso~:,llle, !pdiana (GcNemmentaI Unit) In 4IClClGIdInCI with pl8mJ and .pec:iftcatIons p..,.,.,. by Jacobi, Toombs, and Larlz, J.nc . 120 Bell ^v;;u~ Clarksville, IJ:l ~7129 anddated January, 2008 .. forthesurnaf 'r".,,. h<.A.....J.,-... .....".. #o'-'"<"'-i't..J l I C1/ d ~ '--""to"'- ~\A.~V"G J.. C;; 1......11."""-.,. IP....c ~\\..".(j i {l!A1'S -;;;;.$ 20, I .~ '::f \ . a b The underllgned furtJw ~,.. to furnilh a bond or C8I'tIftIcl chedl; with this bid for 8n 8110Unt speciIIed in the l10tice of the letting. If 8It8m8tIYe bids ~. th. undnlgned submlta . pRlpDIIBl for each In accordance with the nctA. My addendume atl8ched wit be IPICificBIIy referenced It the applicable page. If addIIonal un" of materiII indud8d In the oontrac;:t _ needed, the COlt of unitS muat be tM .-me as lhBl: .hown In the arlgllW1 connct If ICCepted by the GOY8I'nmentll Unit If the bid II to be awerded on a unl bMlI, the /IM1atkln of the unb ehan be shown on a ..... 8IlbIchment. The CGnll&tot and his subcontractors, If MY. shall not dilcttmlnate againlt 01' Intirnldllte any efI1)layee, 01' 8lPPIIC*It for emptoyment, to be emplDyed irt the perfomI&nce of thiI eonb8ct, with r8Ip8Ct to flf/ m6r dlrdy or Ind1ndy rHted to emptoynwnt becau8e of race, religion, color. sex, naIlonel origin or 8nc:eatry. BnIEICh of this coveMRt may be ~ BI 8 rn8I:8rlal breach of thtt c:cmtrac:t. CERllF1CATION OF use OF UNITED STAleS STEEL PRODUCTS (If appIc8ble) I, the undenignlld bfdder or agent . . contractor on II public WOfka project. uncterlt8nd my statutory obtlgltlon tG Ute .. pl'Clduct8 mede In the Unitfld atate.. t.e, 5-16-&-2. I hereby certify d'lld I .nd al IUbcor1IrKtDra employed by me for tNI projed wi UI8 U.S, _I produc:tl on this project if IIW8rd~. I undefatlncl that YIoIdonI....nd... may reeult In forfelture d co~1 payments. ,{ 8-102 ,~~ f FROM : JTL. Inc. FAX NO. :812-288-6656 Mar. 18 2008 02:39PM P5 .. (' The 8boYe l*11111QC8Pted \hie fdIowlng condl\tanS: ACCEPTANCE 1'2> ti2 dayd M4/V~ - /Vot-...Je - .'z,t:O() . 0 . subject to the ~ ..k~oN\JCc.k ~ ~./ .J'. ',{. 'U};- -, . PART II (CclmP- .edIoI. I. II, III. _ rv for all.... _local publla workI prajeCta 81 nsqulred by statUtee If praject II one hundred \ttOUI8I'Id doIln ($100,000) or more. (IC 36-1..12-4) GcNlIrM.... Unl: City of Jeffersonvi.lle 81dder (Finn) Insituform '1'echnologies USA, lnd. o.te: January 22, 2008 r\ ",.. ~ to bit submitted undlr 08th by.-:h biclderwlth - .. a part of his bid. AttaCh eddlllan8l p&geS for each tedIan .. netded. SECTION I EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What publIC wcrb prqecbt ,. pr organiz8don completed for the perlod done (1) year priot to the d8te of the cun'i bid? When Contract Amaunt C" of work ComDlllted Name IIItd Addresa of Owner $ 64, 71~ .00 InaitufOrlll 2007 South lIaven sewer Worka. 'Valoaxoli! $ '74,298.00 InaitufOt'l'll 200'7 c.ity of Evanavi.lle, IN $705,116.50 !nsituform 2007 City of Beech GX'ove, IN $166,437.50 !nsituform ~007 Town of Cicero, IN so. IN 2. wttet tdJIIc worb pmJectllI'8 now in proceH C'A co1WtructiOn by your organization? VVhen to be Contract~ C_ of\NOrk CamDleted Name and Add~ of~ $179,6::30.00 Insituform. ;;l008 Peru Utilities, I~ $615,750.00 Insituform 2009 City of South Bend, IN $415,205.00 Insituform 2008 City of Fort Wayne, IN $786,483.00 Insituform 2008 TOwn of Wolcott, IN r> · EI- '03