HomeMy WebLinkAboutMagnolia Avenue Lift Station "C- Ui' ~ ~ \) e ~ .c: -c \IS .$ s: en .- I- :g- o c W \.l N -0 ..., Gl 0 .!il U. r\ ~ 0 0::: a.. ~ Cl In 0::: en ci a:l , 0 ~ u. z E J u. 0::: 0 ii ~ 7- 'r' U ::i a:l ::> a.. (\ c Cl) .:.,: m - ~ :3 u:: ~ J ~ \ Prescribed by State Board of Accounts State Form 52414 Form No. 96 (Revised 2005) CONTRACTOR'S BI D FOR PU BLlC WORK - FORM 96 PART 1 (To be completed for all bids. Please type or print) Date: ~ \\ L\ \ 0 \.p 1. Governmental Unit (Owner): ~er.rCt'"Sb("'\'V\\\.e.. Se.wu BOM d Address: c.\o.x ~ Mt N Lot\.S\YU6~OV""\ I ''''Co-. \\C\'-\ ~tnDV"4 ()\. ~ ~U\-\t. 'D. ~~OJ\dff'l b\A.V-~ \ ~\.\. '-\O\D~ l..1 0 . 4L.2-- 4. 0 toq 2. County: 3. Bidder (Firm): City/State: 4. Telephone Number: 5. Agent of Bidder (if applicable): Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers to furnish labor and/or material necessary to complete r'\ the public works project of .Ma..~ O{"\n \ ,tl fi<<t.-n u (.. Li (:\- '5'ht..~ 0.1\ \6L\D(", ~ Ot{"'\ (Governmental Unit) in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by :\CLc:..o h II 'IOl>'IV\bs. and. Lec..n "Z. . \ nC-. I and dated ]' uJ""'{ 20() (p for the sum of $ The undersigned further agrees to furnish a bond or certified check with this bid for an amount specified in the notice of the letting. If alternative bids apply, the undersigned submits a proposal for each in accordance with the notice. Any addendums attached will be specifically referenced at the applicable page. If additional units of material included in the contract are needed, the cost of units must be the same as that shown in the original contract if accepted by the governmental unit. If the bid is to be awarded on a unit basis, the itemization of the units shall be shown on a separate attachment. The contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall not discriminate against or intimidate any employee, or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the contract. CERTIFICATION OF USE OF UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS (If applicable) \, the undersigned bidder or agent as a contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory obligation to use steel products made in the United States (I.C. 5-16-8-2). I hereby certify that I and all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use U.S. steel products on this project if awarded. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments. o fJ01E-: A-f)ObJO L-l(Y\. -l:l I REL'E1ve-o ;bATf"O B liD I D lp SECTION II PLAN AND EQUIPMENT QUESTIONAIRE MTN Construction, Inc. 1 Plan or Layout for Proposed Work. Proposed Start- 9/15/06 with 4 workers Set wet well valve vault and all manholes except B. Construct building, lay force main, install electrical, set manhole B Start new pump station, demo old pump station, final clean up 2 Names and Address of All Sub Contractors used on Public Works projects during the past 5 years, with a brief description of work done by each. Cherokee Construction Link Electric Encon Environmental Flynn Construction Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Concrete Electric Erosion control Asphalt MBE WBE 3 List of Sub Contractors to be used on this project. Link Electric G & G Masonry Straffer Pump & Supply Sherman Dixie Pre-cast Bagshaw Trucking Jones & Scott Fencing Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Louisville, KY Link Block Masonry Equipment Pre-Cast Trucking Fencing r\ 4 What equipment is available to be used on this project? Any equipment to be used by sub contractors may also be required to be listed by the governmental unit. 210 Volvo Excavator 555 Volvo Excavator 145 Volvo Loader 277 Cat Loader w/ Attachments F350 Foremans Truck 5 Have you entered into contracts or received offers for all materials which substantiate the prices used in preparing your proposal? If not, please explain the rationale used to which would corroborate the prices listed. Yes. r\ . ) ,.,.".,', ";?"&~RT AND ATIACHTO FORM 96, DO NOT USE THE CONTRACTOR'S . . ... BID SECTION ON FORM 96. BE SURE TO SIGN BID, NOTARIZE BID AND EXECUTE NGJN.COLItUSION AFFIIDAVIT; 'Q2NVILLE SEWER BOARD ::':~fCITY.COUNTY BUILDING :.t;CQURTAVENUE :;;'_/1:'.:"'- :.. . . . ;Q}iVILLE, INDIANA 47130 ~::'.r:':,. . <:Ii;;' . :"~"bNOLlAAVENUELlFT STATION. RELOCATION . . "';~.NO. 9735 . J\~rewith, our sealed proposal to furnish all necessary labor, In.aterial and . ~.6t the above captioned project, in accordance with the subject plans and ~unitpriceslisted herein. i' 1....... ;,.;. , ;:, " . ! ~ r'\':0,:. , -.'.."..... , ~: I'it.~: , -":. .. ...... . ,. .... . ....,; '.' :.\..;.~.> PiPt A-205 ....~.. .. .... ..~...-~-,~.._.~..- ..~.- ...'.~' .. ... .-.-. ..~... ..... , ~. ~ . r, ,. (> .1 MAGNOLIA AVENUE LIFTSTATION RELOCATION . .JOB NO. 9735 .________________~_~--~-----~----~------~---~--~--~-~-_____._~----------------------~----M------ ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTIQN WITH UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMT. NO. QUANTITY UNIT ProCE IN FOR BID WRITTEN lNi 'YO~S NUMBERS.. ITEM .____________________________________________________________________M__________________________ .. , J ..I I ;1 J 1 o TONS Crushed Lime~t01ie . . g::~T~...~.:~n.......n............ .......................~...,.......... Dollars ::;,.? Per Ton $ --z...a, $ o ,----------------------------------~"-------------~------------------------~---------------~--- 2 o TONS Bank .RUll Sand For ..~::rl1f.t.~.....;...............,... ..=...............................::::-Dollars Per Ton o ......." I:\~ $ L~. $ ,--~~-----~----------------------"----~-------------------~-----~-----------~------------------ 3 OCY Formed Concrete ~~;~~~~~~~~~.... . ...:...~.......~.....:................ Dollars ~Q Per Cubic Yard $ "E):OO. $ o .,-~-------~---------------~---~------~-----~--------------~-------~---~----------------~------- 4 OCY NOll~Formed Concrete Noil"gginfol'fid . ...fi... n Fat ...J.!1?~...~............ C:{.1H. ~ ......1'.'...:.:,.................:. Dollars Per Cubic Yard $ o . :::l.O "l:..~~. $ ,-------------------------~-------~---~---------~-----~--~--------~-~-------------------------- 5 0 TONS Dense Grade Aggregate Type P (I.b.O.H. Specs) For ..::::rw.,..~.::::..~............. ..::........;......................... Dollars : "" . . Per Ton . $ '""""'""l:.~.4. $. 0 . ._-----------~--~-------------------------------------------------------------~---------------- 6 OLBS Reihfol'~intSteel. :+$ . For ....5.l~.,..l...qlC'................... ........................;.............~ Per Pound $ I i I 1 t J .Co-c ~ $ o. ,~------------~--~----~----------~~----~----------------~------~~--------~---~-~--------------- 7 . 0 SY Sod . Fot .....5't.~6.b;....~.................:~ p~.S~~~~:;.Y~~d......:. Dollars $ ,. ~ $ 0 .~__________~______________________~___________~n-----________________________~---__----------- 8 0 SY Seed, Fertilizer ~d Mulching. .. h' For ......~.~~......~.,..... ..~~...................~l'&" ....., cr;- <\ Per Square Yard $ $ 0 .~-------------------------------~---------------------~--------------------------------------- . C:\Sydn.y\wpdoc.\9\9735\wll~ pric...wpd A-20G r-, R~ . .... . I '; . I.- r f MAGNOLIA AVENUE LIFT STATION RELOCATION . JQBNO.9735 ,~-------------------------------------------------------------~--------------~~-~------~------- .. . ITEM APPROXIMATE DESCRIPTION WITH UNIT PRICE NO. QUANTITY . UNIT PRICE IN WRITTEN IN WORDS NUMBERS TOTAL AMT. FOR BID ITEM .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ' . ... 9 o TONS INDOT, Surface Asphalt, Number 11 For ....:............................................ ...........;..,....................... Dollars Per Ton o ::-0 $ \-r...~. $ ,--------------------------------------~---------------------------------~-----~--------------~ Cbnnect new 6" Force Main to existing Manhole For .:.r~.Q..:r.bt!&.~~..Q~... ~~~............... Dollars . . Per Lump Sum .' ._------------------------~---------------~------_._-------------------~-----~---~-----~------- 10 1 LS .1 11 630 LF 6" PVC, C900 Sanitary Force Main. . .. '" -"4_. . F r:::.y-.\... .. t:..ve. :J .?i, ...., or .. t. !!... ;I!:\; ~ ..);.~........ ........4I.If.'r.... ....';;;,............~.................. pollars Per Linear Foot . 2- '6 bCfO, Z-O I .;;;,";J --c..,Q \a ~ ~. .t\~ . *; '\ ~ :::0" .. . o.I!I' . $. ~,.Qo. $ ~-----~------------------~~---~~----~------~~--~--~----------------~----------------~-------~- 12 1 EA Type 'B' Manhole on existing sewer. ~ . For ..n'tf.:Jhv.w.!f.!1..!dJU'.~.... ~ $.',,-- pi~ E;6i~""'" .\............ Dollars $ . S ~ ~ '-0 -: $ <;o,'Q f.c.~ . ' '. " . .' . ,-------------------------------------------------~~------~-----------~---------~-------------- 13 1 LS 300 gpm Lift Station, pumps, building, piping, electrical, conduit, wet well, valve pit, emergency pumpout manhole, drop inlet; reconnect telemetry, pavement ~f~~;:~~~~~~.~yuJ~.QC) .~ ... p;~\~~~~~.s~~...........DollarS $ .. ~)gr~:' $ L~O~ .~~ ,---------------~--------------------~-~-~----------------------------------------------------- 14 34 LF 10" PVC Gravity. sewerR _ For .O'Mr.~.......;~ Q.~.::l<<:t.hfl<?~ Dollai's Per Linear Foot $ "\.c;, ,I '" \~.,')o ~ !: . -'A') Ii {I... <-.t 'n '" . ---' !. 'J ' . ::p $ ~\(.,'C. . ~ ,---~-----~-~------------~---~--~------~-----~------------------------------------------------- 15 1 EA Type "B" Manhole with Sluice Gate Valve For ::f.h,r.t.~.:r.~~..... . .6.~.~jl~k::~... Dollars A Per Each $ ,~.oo. $ \ ~ L\ ::.):.) ..p ,-----------------~-------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- '.) S.\Sydnoy\wPDOCS\9\9735\wtil prlce..wpd A-207 ...... MAGNOLIA AVENUE LIi?T.STATIONRELOCATIONJOB NO. 9735 '-----~---------~--~-~-~------------~--~-----~-~~~~--------------------------------~------------ ITEM APPROXIMATE -DESCRIPtIO~WITH UNIT PRICE TOTAL AMT. NO. QUANTITY UNIT PRtCE IN FOR BID WRITTEN INfWORDS NUMBERS ITEM '---------------~------------------------------~---~--~~---------------------------------------- 16 1 LS Decollunissionillg of existing Lift St8:.tion ~. . For .6~.nw.~..~........:..s.~~ . P.;;;L~~;~~.s~~~.......:: Dollars $ ~'1lD~\~ $ ~ <o~ _$ '----~~-------------~-----------~--------------~----------------------------------~------------ 17 1 EA Air Rel<:ase Valve and Manhole; Complete . . For ..fiMt::.1.!1P.Mr.i.~............ .....;.;\'.. u.. J,":'J .L1.l.U.:t..l\.I~!r.;...::"Dollars .L\ "Z......... /\ .. Per Each $ -"'l ~~ . $ ..-, 1>::0.:;) .. ._-------~------------------._------~~--------------~--------------------~------------------~-~ TOTAL BID PRICE = Total ofItemsl tbl'U 17 =$ QtloY" ~U" .00 C:\Sydn.y\\Vpdoc.\9\9735\unlltirlc...wpd A-ZOB . ' t I~ .' I ! I' .--- f ~. I' . J I I I. I. I~- ; ,- , ,. BID FOR: MAGNOLIA AVENUE LIFT STATION RELOCATION JOB NO. 9735 CITYOF JEFFERSONVn~Ll!, CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA RESPECTFULLY suBMitTED, ...;....M1:.JJ....G?n~~Q~...lb.S-.:.................... NAME OF FIRM . ===-~ ,..---. . . ..... ......1............. ..... ..... ..... .......... .......... ..... .............. .......... ....... ............... 'PERSON ............r.;................................................................;................................ PERSON A~.....~.................'"... ...... ...f?.. J L':1... t..Q..~................................. ,,:....... .......... .................... DATE C:\Sydney\\vpdooa\9\9735\bIJ fo,.wpd A-209 :u~;. rUl1 ;loIU.::n...LULL.1.UU .un:... .1UUQ E"1:.UR1;. 0- .kU-Uu. .1: .1upm, p.. J; 01:' fi18/lPl/2Y.t1:'lF.r 15:05 18122886656 3ft. ~"AGE 021B3 f JACOdl, TOOMBS AMD LAN2'" INt. (lONSUll'INC raNC'I\IEERS . . . :I 120 Sen Avenue clarksville, mdlana: 47129 (81212SS-6646 (81'212Sfl-6GS6 Fax August 10. 2006 AUDENDUM NO~ 1 Magnolia Lift Station. Replacem~lJ1t. Jeffersonville, Indiana Job No. 9735 The followlrlg re:vi$lions ate hereby incorporated: 1. Electrical Key Noles 13.' &. 1:4 OJ'l: ~heet &- l of tIle plans call fOr NEMA 4X rated tenninal boxes. Tile Hoffman- catalog, number for type 304: stainteu steel t:erminal box. is: A..161lil.ti06SSLPwitb A~16r16SS6; atajnles$: steel panol. 2. 011 plat sheet 2. profile. eartb backfill is, caned' for on the rorlilO Jliain. Gr3:l1ular backfill sban be used under sidewams:~ driveways:~ and' streets.. r.' . 3. TIle chain fink ga.ta~'t ar.e to be Ai-tOt' long slIde gates; a.,q: noted. 4. AttBC11.~d to this AddeJ',tdl1Ul Na. 1 is the: sluice gate manb.Qte detail. 5. The Comractor's attention is: directed! to the SQil boring: sl1ow:n on the pro:ffile, line <3', on plan sheet no,. 3. Please: nOl1e- that the: groundWater At the time o.f the boring is approxiIDRtety 13~ above the bottom of the wet welt Any and aU dewatering or pumping that may be reqiul,red to itlst'llll the wet well: tlhaH be included in tbc price of Bid Item No. 13. 'the Cont:raolor shall ackno'Wtedg~ 1'OO\\.--ipt ~)f this; Addeool.uu No., 1 in writl.'g: on all bid,; wrtre4' in. .~;II..S~I'IMn!l,wrP6(..~',~'H'4.~,IM"""""~ I .,),... ~c>>J , fV\1,J ~ jldv(p