HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-OR-13Ordinance No. 2008-OR- ~3 An Ordinance Rescinding Ordinance Number 00-OR-026 "Ordinances Prohibiting Leasing of City Property Beneath The Kennedy Bridge During Thunder" WHEREAS, the Jeffersonville City Council is the legislative body of the City of Jeffersonville and is authorized by Indiana law to adopt ordinances and resolution concerning the general public welfare, safety and health; WHEREAS, as the legislative body of the City the Council is authorized to adopt ordinances and resolutions which control the use of public property and city finances; WHEREAS, Thunder Over Louisville is an event which occurs annually and which results in the influx of tens of thousands of individuals into the city for the purpose of observing this Derby Festival Event; WHEREAS, in 2000 the Jeffersonville City Council passed an ordinance which prohibited the city from leasing public space for "any" purpose; WHEREAS, during the years 2004 through 2007 it was discovered that the property under the Kennedy Bridge was being utilized by private vendors for the purpose of selling concessions. The prior administration failed to enforce Ordinance 00-OR-026; WHEREAS, the present City Council believes that it is reasonable for the city to lease the property under the Kennedy Bridge during Paoe I of i Thunder Over Louisville for the purpose of securing funds for the purpose of off-setting those expenses associated with police, fire, sanitation and other costs incurred by the taxpayers; WHEREAS, the present City Council believes that the City should enter into a contractual agreement with a local company whereby said company would be permitted to occupy the City owned property for the purpose of selling concessions during Thunder Over Louisville; WHEREAS, the City Council would recommend that the contract be negotiated to include a "minimum" fee for the opportunity to utilize the public space. However, the City Council would recommend that the contract include provisions that allow the City to share a portion of the company's "profits" which are over-and above the "minimum" fee; WHEREAS, the City Council believes that it is prudent for the City to take every opportunity available to raise funds to assist in the payment of the costs associated with Thunder Over Louisville thereby diminishing the burden upon the taxpaying citizens of Jeffersonville; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED THAT: t The Jeffersonville City Council hereby rescinds Ordinance 00-OR- 026, effective immediately; 2. The Jeffersonville City Council requests that the City enter into an agreement with a local private company to operate concessions in the area described in said ordinance; 3. The Jeffersonville City Council requests that the City's contract Nae? of 3 I include a "minimum" fee as well as provisions to include additional payments relative to the private company's "profits"; and q 4. The Jeffersonville City Council requests that the funds obtained therefrom be utilized for the purpose of defraying the costs of ~, Thunder Over Louisville as well as to fund additional special events 7 for the citizens of Jeffersonville including, but not limited to, River g Stage; 9 10 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its II adoption. 12 I ~ For: Against: 14 IS / I6 17 18 ~ 19 ~0 21 ~q,~ ~ ~ ~4.te,G-a.e~/ ?} i ~ ~ Presented by me, as Clerk Tre surer the City of Jeffersonville to the Mayor of /approved end signed br me. Thomas R. Gelligan. Mayor oC Icftersonville on U~is _ ~_ __da~ of_ ~~'2~N_lt 300 TI'lam9S Imo.-~'l allr ~ ~ Yh 44or said City on this _ day of 2008. l ~~P~e~ Peggy ~ der, Clerl<Treasurer Page . of , e _ , a g a~ ~-,§ ~1 ~ . .w~ab a,v~,~c~ 2CtPP¢ts Tm PN IX3gfMNCE PXOHI BITING THE oEas~wor rHECm EROPEUSv eErvEnTn THEUES+xanv aRlPCE OWINGTHJtNEROVER LWISNLLE ~Irz a o00 BmN M,w.se.r _.. ®n®oo~Eaw v>w~, e= eo-yo ~akiwm+w>ery courw=Onna eoxiowze STATE OF RVDWJA BEFORE THEIEFFERSONYILLE GAMMON COUNCIL ORDDIANCE NO. 00-0R-2b N ORDINANCa' PROR1Bl1'IN$~RW~ DP 77~E CITY PROPERTY BFNEATR TILE KENINFDV HRIDGE DURING '^^1NDER0 R_'VF 7/1i118VD-TF W HEREAS. 0e Cnsmmv Cowcii of tha Ciy of JeffmiovW Ile is tlK a71e®sletivc body mdu bylvdlmelawmsWod AbadoN osdvunreswd mmiurionswnrerningthegcnenl pablk welfare ofthezesideW Oftlrc CiryofJeRersonvillG WREREAB, the Thunder War Louisville event nku Plsae emwg oNer places along Riverside Drive b Yac Ciry of]eBvsonville; WRERF.AS. dutivg ThUVdv WaLDUisvWG tMehave been ac®aiw whin the pmperry owved by Wa City oEleRcrmmille bmeeds the Krnoedy Bsidge is loud fm privme w eomm etcial psvpoeu N o vsewm Out preverna dm gweml public f uin6 dle PmPeNY esW viwdng the Thunder Wes Lewisville festiviRU; WREREAS, We Common Cmmcil of de Ciry ofleRasovviile doves to amine tlut We proDRryowsled by the City ofleRersovville benuW the KewedY Bsidgesemaioz fsawd opev m the gewN DuDlic dining Thwtlm Ova [nuizville; NHF.RF,Ag, IheCommw CowNdfdw CiryofleBermnvillebelieveethetdvsivgThwdc Over LouisvilledmpsopertyovmW bytbe Cityofleffersoavill<berceNWKenn 1YBrid%ezhoWd remain fro mW open for the vu aM evjoymea of dse gmael pul+licks opposd to my psivab we; NOW. Tf~REFORE. BE IT ORDAINED tbat Ose ptoperry ovloM by the City of Jeflemonville beveaN the KenrrtdY Bridge shell emmin free aM opm to the geveral'pubtic b she rslust WtOe Pmpesry shWlvetbelused fmpiwtevududeg Thwdm Over Louisville wlusshe lose is wiW We Kcmwky Derby Festival fm Dlattmm of mwd asW lighting equryment fm ThuMm Wa Louisville. Thu Ordiname sM(1 be in rheJal(jarce arW Bu upon W adoption EOORDAiNFD On Nis_dey of Sb00. COMMON COUNCB, OF THE Y ~FFE 'y'1 L LNDIAYA B: `4 Th R. GWligw Psesidvig OfECa httpJ/wunv.cityofjeFf.net/pub licdocuments/Doc V iew. aspx?id=7 590 2/20/2008 ianplMe'Dklnarsaz N~m~a aooaaR.~a nue PN ORDIN4JLE FRd11BITINGTXE '. LHE451HGOFTXE CNY PHOPFRiY EL£ATHMENENA£-YBPIDGE WNNGTWNGEF WEF LOmSNLLE Gale SRNN90 BmN e Ham' o~ .awmLm~ OP~inOooisDx i ~>~., w, Sao, mr -:~ oX,. A//T''T~~EST: \-Ynca i\. 0_n1s-~ Peggy er Guk and Tma'mer PrtcevtW M1Y me n CImY and Trcatu2r m Ne Meym of aid Cily of JcR sonville Nis y1~day o[ ~2000. \~S100yy1J 0 (L~~ Peggy W Gvk eod Treaaumr AFpmwA end signed by me Wia_daY 2000. my R.Gdligem MV or hC[p:/hvww.cityofjcff.r,et/publicdocuments/DocView.aspx?id=1580 2!20/2008 ~~ nap agvm, Mvwettu. ~~+yyB SearcE ~ ~~ ala® F nryvs e 3 ~E3-.$ ~~ I Ui ~°nn ~ ©(a 0®7n['' S0% a7 1 _ x . _. _a TenNatt:QYnunv'w CNyolleMmc aGy rqunaa Omva SNJAP~n Nvigme LIC60.4R5 Title FNOPo)IN4iCE %iOHIBITING FIACFMFM OF VENNria ON PoVFPSIpE pNNE iE45i OF NENVEOY pPIWE Wye pmm STATE OF N'DIANA BEFORE THE JEFFERSON V B,I.E C069vI0N COIMCLL ORDNANCE NO. ODOR-~ AN ORnRHANCE PROHDtITINP Pf.ACEMFN'f WHEREAS, du Comvon Council ofthc City of JCAamvville u We city Icgisktive bony avd u. by lndiem law amnoriaedm adopt oNinminaeavdrzsolmions wnuming thegeoeml public avelGre otthc teidrnnof the CiryofJCHeraovvilie; WBEREA$, op ocrnioa dudvg variom festivals vedom have beep placed a[ vmioua lauaons NOng Riveuide Driv<in Ow Clry o/JaR miOe; WHEREAS for thepuryoxoftldaONioamevendars medefiad ss someoaewho opvate e temporary ¢vss sales Emdu oraimilu sI1UelWes for the puapose of seBipg merchrndisc. fond or bnvmage. WBEREAS, the Common fbuwO of We Ciry of leRerwaville doiae to protat Ns rtsidrntial inm®;ry Of Rirmvdc Drivedming Thunder Over [ouisviile; W HEREAS, the Cummon CouKii of the Clty of Jcffersovvi Ile believe The prOltibirion of the placement of vendon oa Riveside Drive teat of the Keeudy Bridge during Thlmdu Over Louirville is in We berv wrcret o[the City; NOW, SREREPORE, BE R ORDAINED that the ple<vnrnl O[vrndom on Riverside Dave cut ofthe Ketmedy Bridgc during Thwder Over Low villa u hertby Dmhibited. TMS adrimee anal bemma~anr emm8 aayoa ua mpprion. SOORDANEDrnihi¢_day of 2000. COIvPAON COONCH OF THE C ~ EFFER, O iV 1 INDIANA B: W muAGelligen Prcaiding Otfiwr ATT^^EST: Peggy Clete end Treasurer http://v/ww.ciryofjeff.neUpub7icdocumeHts/DoeView.aspx?id=1579 2/20/2008 Tengale:ONlnances Nmroers ]OW-0R~IS Title '. AN OROINANLE PROHI9ITING PIACEMFM OF VENDOli3 GN RNER61[E ORIVE (FAGi OF KENNEDY BWDGE) ale BmN xe9 ~. togom. my wen0% t~_- _ eti ~ Prc olz anolren:rso~wi .croc~.i ae~m~a.>zooo>zpoo-o6.u b'fATH OF1NDGfNA HPl'ORE THE JEFFERSIMa1LLE (:OhIMON COUNCIL ORDISANCE NO. 00.0R-'~S pry Ox0 NANCE PROHId1TINf PIaCEMENT V 1 Nfip.REAE, she gammon Council <Ilhe city aflelt nville is the cityledivledve body and isbJ'IMiwo Inu' aulLuairW roatlo4toNLUnmsasltl resolmions ewKemingthe gemN public wcl(orc nl'Ihe msiJents of We Cily of Jeffersonville; WRF,REAS, on Nemsinn dwinP various i'nfivds vendors how bzen plamd m vmious Ivmliovs vlong Riverside Driwin ILe Ciry ol'J<Htmomill<: WttERF.A5,1'orNepmlwwnllLicONiuwxx veivnaedefuW usomrovervLOOpcralm u lmopnmry sbc~<t sales booths or similar mun:u<s for the RUSlncsofsellind mm<bevdix, foN or hevemge. WHDRE.69, tlm C'vmmon C<uovil of tho Gly of Jeffmanvill< deslm: to pmloa IM rea7denlial vl¢pJi1y of ftivemide Drive dwng IDuim Over Louirville; WIIEREAS. Rm Cuummu C'nwmJ of Nrc City oflefinsoncille belies the prohibidml of Ille plae'emm~l of vendors on Rivenid< Dmx ensl of the K<nn<dy HrNde dutinF ihmtler Osrer I.ouisrille is in dl< M.i intarcq ofthc Ciry': FON', THERENOHE, RG Il ORDAINED Ihnl the 41w<mmr of wMon on AiwrsiJe. Drive rase ol'd:<KVm<d> Hridg<dwing TLUndc: Over Lawsville ishereby proLibited. fhia OAixarme shol)de in the luPforn orW ~'ea npon ur adoption SO ORDAINED nn lhis_Jq of .20W. COMMON COTq:{IILOP THE G EFFE 0 ~E. MUTANA H: mnv R. Gnlligan Pmiding btica ATT~E;S\T: r pew. a1 Clarq nM Treammr http://www.eityof efEneUpublicdoeumeDts/DocView.aspx?id=7 579 2Y20/2008 BNW90 iemPlale: aeieanres N~meen 20W-0R.IS rue AN OROINONLE PROHIBITING PtACEMEM0F VENDIXi5ON RNEg51LE BRNE (EgSi OF NENNEOY BgIOGE) Ogre poN. My WepGnY _________ eJe¢3 b3 ... .~... GNorJellasomYka LlNLwnoi>Oklnengn>pMJ>xWOLR-x5 ._.. ...... . -.... _._, i Preuwwl try me m CIer1 oM 4roxnrer m rM hloyor ot'sxid CiV of J<Rm'onvillc Nis ~_dryoT .J.000. Peggy W ~~ Clerk and Trasurcr ApProv~nrW SipMd bymetNS_du~~ 2000. omw R. Lalhpm. http://www.cityofjeff.neUpublicdocumellts/DocView.aspx?id=1579 2/20/2008