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Ordinance No. 2008-OR-__~_____ An Ordinance Rescinding Resolution No. 2004-R-022; Resolution No. 84-R-07; Ordinance No. 80-OR-01; and Ordinance No. 76-OR-02A; All Ordinances or Resolutions Purporting to Affording "Certain Elected City Officers Indiana Public Employee Retirement Benefits WHEREAS, over the last thirty-two years (32) various Jeffersonville City Councils have adopted ordinances and resolutions that have purportedly created circumstances wherein certain elected city officers were eligible to receive Indiana Public Employees' Retirement Fund (PERF) benefits; WHEREAS, the 2008 Jeffersonville City Council membership believes that the choice to run for the office of City Council is one undertaken for the purpose of service to community; WHEREAS, the members of the 2008 Jeffersonville City Council believe that it is an honor and privilege to be chosen by the citizens of Jeffersonville to serve as members of this esteemed body and believe that the benefit of PERF is unnecessary and unreasonable under the circumstances; WHEREAS, the 2008 Jeffersonville City Council believes that the benefit of PERF should be limited to those individuals that are either full-time employees of the city or full-time elected office holders as defined by Indiana statute; WHEREAS, the 2008 Jeffersonville City Council believes that it is unreasonable to allow members of the legislative body to assert that they are eligible for PERF benefits; WHEREAS, the 2008 Jeffersonville City Council acknowledges, understands and Page 1 of 3 agrees that the part-time position of member of the Council requires many, many hours of hard work and diligence. However, this body asserts that each individual undertook the duty with an understanding that the hours worked were for the gratification of the community and not for the purpose of acquiring retirement benefits. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Jeffersonville City Council that Resolution No. 2004-R-022; Resolution No. 84-R-07; Ordinance No. 80- OR-01; and Ordinance No. 76-OR-02A; and any all other Ordinances or Resolutions Purporting to Affording "Certain Elected City Officers Indiana Public Employee Retirement Benefits" are heretofore rescinded. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that no member of the Jeffersonville City Council, either past or present, shall be eligible for receipt of Indiana Public Employees' Retirement Fund (PERF) benefits. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Voted Against: Page 2 of 3 Passed this ~ day of ~k Qa u A-R ` , 2008. M yor Thomas Gal iga Attest: ~ ~~~ .Pegg ~ Ider, Clerk-Treasurer Presented by me, Peggy Wilder, as the Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said r^ City of Jeffersonville, Indiana on this ~~ day ofi,. `, 2008. . X. Peg ilder, Clerk-Treasurer This ordinance approved and signed by Thomas Galligan, Mayor of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana on this _~ day of r ~ ~t , 2008 Tomas Galliga ,Mayor Page 3 of 3 Laserfiche WebLink (-'its°of~T~fft~rse~n~illc Browse Search ..., • ~ . -~J . .. ~ Template: Resolutions Number 2004-R-22 Title A RESOLUTION DETERMINING COMMON COUNCIL ELIGILITY FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT FUND ("PERF"} Date 8/16/2004 Type Page 1 of 1 Help ~ Logout My WebLink _4~ ~ Page ~..... or 2 Go __.~ 0 ~ ~ ..3 36.02% `,+/ Pages 1 to 2 Cdy of Jeffersonville > City Council > Resolutions > 2004 > 2004-R-22 1 Resolution No.2004-R- . ~~- 2 3 BEFORE THE COMMMON CL>UNCIL 4 FOR Tt•IE CITY OF~ JEFFERSONVILLf 5 STATE OP f NDIANA 8 7 A RESbL7tt710N CIETERMFNiNG COMMON GbUNCIL ELIG161LITY FAR 8 PUBLFC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT FUND f"PERF") A tG WHEREAS, I.C. 5-10..3-&-1 states that a gavaming body has the authority 11 to adopt legislation to determine Which city positions are eligible to participate in 12 the Puhlic Empkryees' Retieement Fund ("PERF"}; and 13 14 WHEREAS, monibors of the Common Cnunril for the City of Jeffersonville t5 ("Council") are not cuntntly ebr~ible farT+ERf^;and 16 17 WHEREAS, a position on tho Council normaity roquires 1.000 hours per 18 yearor nacre making said pos§tian eilglble #or PERF per state raw; and 19 2G NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the- Covneit that a 21 position on the Council nnfrnalty requires 1.000 hours per year or more and is 22 hereby eligible for PERF; and z3 2d 17 IS FURTHER RESOLVEp by the Countnt that the determination of the 25 date from which prior sorvlco for a member on the Council shall bo computad 2F from January 1, 1872. 2i 2t's This Resolution shall tsP in full force and effect from anti after its Passage 28 and aplaroval. - ~~'" ~' 30 31 Passed this ~ day of ~~004. 32 J _ .~''r 3s .• 34 ~~ RObeT~t'L. 1/4raix, J~ 3r Presiding Officer/ 37 3Ez 3rJ ~..._._.. _.~. 40 Phal McCain Caun I an .,. 41 42 43 ._.__._-_ 4A Ran xrooms ~~Councilman~ 4a ty 4f3 G/Vl k7 48 rbara aJJitson, Councilman •W-••~ Paga 1 of 2 Powered by Laserfche WebLink version 7.0.5. Laserfche is a registered trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. This copy Is registered to: City of Jeffersonville http://www.cityofjeff.net/publicdocuments/DocView.aspx?id=4594 1/2/2008 Laserfiche WebLink Page 1 of 1 Cltti' O f ~~[f~~ ~~IT~*~1~~ Help ' Logout ' My WebLink Browse S08CCI1 [ ~ ~' Page 2 oft Go ..~_... _ ~..r_-.,., ..~....~.., ....... . .. .. .. .............. .. . _.... , ,.,... .~ °~ -U .~ .-..~ ~U~,,,,. ..~ ~ 4^v ~ 't ~ -' 36.02% f;i Pages z to 2 Template: Resolutions City of Jeffersonville > Gty Council > Resoluhons > 2004 > 2004-R-22 Number 2004-R-22 Title A RESOLUTION DETERMINING COMMON COUNCIL ELIGILITY FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT 1 FUND ("PERF") 2 ,.~~! 8/16/2004 3 ~'i~>~ .rtf.GL'~~t'~.--- q Onntc Sollers, Caunulmafr Type 6 - ~- -..-._ ~ u~ ,, p Keith Fetz Councilman g 10 12 ahrs erkins, f..nuarrilrnan 13 14 15 NT'f'EST: 10 1; (`~-' t9 Pe99Y a" 2U Clerk and Treasurer 21 22 Presented by me as Clerk and Treasurer to the Mayor of said City aF 13 Jeffersanvifle thl3 _,jira.-day of ~i~.., 2©Ci4 at _-..'~~~.5:~ . ~~~... rm. 24 .. z~ 2i3 ~ ~ ~-~ -' 27 f#9y` . r 28 Clerk and Treasu:er F9 3U This Resolution aAprri~ded urrtl si~nect ,iry` ~rt~' ~s - dey of 32 33 ' 3d ......_......_- __...._..__..~M_-,. 3~ Roherf t_. U^Jaiz, r., Petayor ~6 PaQE $ Of 2 Powered by LaserTChe WebLlnk version 7.0.5. Laserfche is a registered trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. This copy is registeredto: City of Jeffersonville http://www.cityofj eff.net/publicdocuments/DocView. aspx?id=4594 1 /2/2008 Laserfiche WebLink Page 1 of 1 -~~1~'S` Ul r~t'1~~1'sOIITr'.~1~# ~: Help ; Logout My WebLink BfOws@ SeafCh ~~ ~"~ Page 1 of 1 Go . o ^ ~ '-~~_'- n ~~ L9' '~[~ . _., , ~._ ..,._. _.,.... ,..... _.. _. ~ . .. _ . _.. ~~ 0 ~ ~ :-~ 36.02% +i Pages 1 to 1 Template: Resolutions Cily of Jeffersonville > Cily Council > Resolutions > 1984 > 1984-R-07 Number 1984-R-07 Title A RESOLUTION TO INCLUDE CERTAIN ELECTED CITY OFFICERS IN THE INDIANA PUBLIC Kh.7SCLJ~I4~N Itit7. u4-R-~,~, EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND Date 2/1 311 9 8 4 ,: I2escli,ti[~n lr, zt~4•ltida ceit.ai.n e3~e;tezl City Officerp ir. the I«cJia«;r Yublir. Enrl~lc~ycte Type KFt >_•emPn?. Fund. W1;EREAS, T,he rergbers of ttte G?m=rctr~ C~un:.l of ih« t::i t.y «X Jt:f.zert3onv5.tlc 3L"~ r:ow engs.~ra-el :sn Ciz,y Uusitnear( z: •~xca>:7s of +,00 Bour,s per ~nnuzn; cftx? Sv'HvKLA~, th9t am0'+trat cif 1'iou7", torzt.s ;uk(z3 Full tztne tz~-cupat.ion and s,ropet-ly alua.ll£ie:o suet nf;^~_i~aLC r::-, pcrrt:.ic;i,f,~:e in r..hc ;Indian; tubi~ F:nl.~loyFMS tiz:+t.:i.~`elz:?nY_ I'utrd« and t,'r.F;HF.F,S, the n:e:trtY,ers of t47r: Comncr; Cnunc-~.1. of Lhe City of l@tY~er-'::U[lb'i17 dt>Clre t.C+ b@ int`$s.(t47t? Arhu i~r~ hr- toelaili±St cf the Inrtzane I~ublir t.rnloy[<~*_; 8e t;~i .:~rc:cnt Eutdr VQtti 'I'ItP.ii[iF(?.tt., it .i.; rrtir:7.:ret] t:ttat: Lh~: rict:k~~LSkaourer - ~yf the Cs-t,/ of J[ ?'1:'.CHUP-'91.1e', 1:, jtit t7=?F;:-'.#:.tl a^.t'~ Ll l.f !'.C'l*?(1 t'.C tuk~ such st~p~ and -.o Etxs+r-ui.e :rta3 r.<itn'pleC.+:: sash ut`ltter: .in~unts.:nt a[~ is necessary t.~ affec+~ ~rtc:'[t aat in.?tuhc,n. Adapted by =_Y:e C©xu+tut'r Ccu>rcil r,,k iha= ;..i°~y ~f Jr•ftee~t?n~iie, InCi.ana, e.it.is ,,,, i5a.y oI Pr_bsur~ryx i~134. ~.~-I~^-~.-~_ HAYUR~~~~ RY.:±i 'kri2.S`d71 :;u:,U' t:y If:(_ tt;; ('.t£'Th-'Fi L'a°JN~C'Z" t+i ~'he+. tfi _yK: r' J!: fI1P City ut' Jeffe[SCi«i'iilf.. ;rtdiana, t:hi.s _ day 3f :~s€~4. (ter: ~/~.'`'' .{~ R.~4h,~kti ~ C. ~PENC££t ,7a. rL LK'f, -T KF; A S d1 Kkh Aprzoted art~i oi~n~-r3 Lry arr t:'r,.as 1~ day =7f F ` MnYL7,' 'i, I' I.. C7Khr! Powered by Laserfiche WebLink version 7.0.5. Lasertiche is a registered trademark of Compulink Management Cenfer, Inc. This copy is registered to: City of Jeffersonville http://www. cityofj eff..net/publicdocuments/DocView. aspx?id=3103 1 /2/2008 Laserfiche WebLink . C'itc~ cif J~ f#ei•~c~~74-ille Browse Search (_`=1 9 -.. Ufa' ~0.... .,. t-1 n4 Template: Ordinances Numbers 1980-OR-01 Title AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 76-OR-2A Date 1 /711980 Board Page 1 of 1 Help Logout ; My WebLink ,,,... ~_ Tl i`; Page 1 of 1 Go . 0 - ~'~ .:- 36.02% ±i Pages 1 to 1 Cily of Jeffersonville > City Council > Ordinances > 1980 > 1980-OR-01 CIRAI1d.'%R7CT+; Nty, 80-r7St-~ An tzdi.;iar;ce Reperlin~ Dr.ilnartr.,a_ tto, 7~-OR-JR t41tRR1;a,S, %ty dr..c1$.r2arice fia, ;~ti-,.pq,.2;., Y.he Corrmort Cc,t.rnci.3 au~?tor,.2r:d par~lcit atian U,y i,Cri riemb~~rn in Lhe F~iLh1i,~ Frrtplnveeu ttt:trizr~rnant °~:rei b;`~;;e:l capon fi00 ]sours anr: 41tidR5;1tg, the Cou.nci3. ar:. ~;}Eio t.i.rue has cnnriudrjti tsaY Y_he mert3;Pra t,r not. anr7 w. l.! nat Paz Prrtp~nrr}; fpr: m totci ref tpo hotrr~ i.n 3ny par*i.cnlar yt=a_,-. d ~p7, 37}6P,1FORE, H;C TT 9RD. PINEO l;?" t^^.lE C'~t'.NC7?I CCJU^7CI,,, ;7F !f1E Cx~y U, FFF~n5G2dY'd,7=;: SFC't~i,pfl ]. c:zriinre Pta, 7C-~~R°-2h, authurizirrg Sue;^, lyarticr;raciez, ho antE tho sane hereby i_~ zopea].ec1. ecr..tcir..~.. TT :, ~zci3,narree shai.t k~e ixi fu.IZ :.'ogee anc' er''ec~ Irom e,r,a Wf.trrx it:s z7assaga_ anc? xpPruva:~,. r Passe) th?z= .. i ~, ALtest•: PrE:senred Av tee as C1ex};-="rerisur-cr tb t.~e Mayor n~ avid ~.ity of Jofftrsoncrsi.7n Chdl~ ~_iiay rai_ i ~ .. RX-'S• .. •E; t ~ 7~F%Ptuvod an c7 rigtrcd gay .a~: ih1~ ciaY o>~,.y~~ ..._,.r Z9f?0. }~ .O Powered by Laserfiche WebLink version 7.0.5. Laserfiche is a registered trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. This copy is registered to: City of Jeffersonville http://www.cityofj eff.net/publicdocuments/DocView. aspx?id=3510 1 /2/2008 Laserfiche WebLink Page 1 of 1 ~~1~V' C)~ ~{'~} f'1.'S(JIl'~4'711f' Help i Logout ' My WebLink Browse Search w*] ~±] Page 1 otz ~e ~y __....~,,...... . ",,. ~... ,,,,, .....~~ .... , _ ._. L'?t , ~ ~ ` ., ~~~ , 11~,..~ 1=J ® ^ ~ ~ .-i 36.02% ±) Pages _~~. l0 2 Template: Ordinances City of Jeffersonville > Cily Council > Ordmances > 1976 > 1976-OR-02A Numbers 1976.OR-2A Title - ~' AN ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE CERTAIN ELECTED CITY OFFICERS IN THE INDIANA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND Date 11711976 Board ORO.Zt;R}•tC;i Ni3. 7G Gi; ?.:, .an Ox•d,":nsn^.n to inclure crz~tair: e-ie.c;ed Cty of£'ice;a Sr, ttst. Ina..anrJ rub].ic Emplayres ~etir~'?f.e;:L ..rd. 'n'atEr"t AS, .the membez'G o:' the rara;,ur, Cou;e1~ cf trie v1t;~ a,` Jt~f':err~rnvi"ale a.rc~ nox en~aRaa 1n Ci~y btisine>~s in axrees of u0i~ }auurs per annu~r,; and 'pi[Ps~RA , th;xt a^:a•,;nt pi' }'o'ars wo;at'tute5 :",.all time n~iau;ia,:ion erc1 }7roperl,' qua~i,`ie9 ~,udti cfilciv' , .,~: psrtlcSpate .n tha inriicr««a Publ:e ErnpioYeee Retircmcni ^a'~.B; nGis tnrret'ore fie it ordained Yry tY_c nor °.ron vau:;ci _ 4~ c ~_;; c" i JeT.''er3onvi7._e ::hat thy: e:eeteci rr~e ~.bere: cP t a %ecuron Counci =~ :a11 be i•:c:luaed ir; ana oe mem.~e.^s C; the '::oia:u 'ubiic ~:~ap.ay~es Rel;aramer„ Funa. .c iC5 Tr " Be St t`wi't::^«~r brtt&113~a that; tT^~ ~i?rk-Tretscurer ai' tire: City i be aut}iorii.ad ar,zi z;ireatetl tia.cxaCUte and c~Wr~p"~:ete euc;:i v;r1tL-en ~nsLru>-rert as necesbary` t;o a°aete sue: 3rcl,xsia. k3k it Pnrttfei• orda'_n a .uL r:ib t},-°~inarae >i'erxll Uesofne eff'ect3ve upon tv Pae,aab,= .and. ap;~Tt~vtil. I ~ 17ater: th>s J,"„~cay a' _~s•~,cxs«, ~, 1~;L. ~u1y actab~tsd t}1'<f ~~ `uay o; ~•~'.,a.._. r "sy'ic. f AtiCBat: y /'~ ~ ~~ J;~ i /~ ~lll1if CL.c.kiK-TRE:,SiI ~F; 7tf,:YiiR Powered by Laserfiche WebLink version 7.0.5. Lasediche is a registered trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. Thls copy Is registered to: City of Jeffersonville http://www.cityofj eff.net/publicdocuments/DocView. aspx?id=3 813 1 /2/2008 Laserfiche WebLink Page 1 of 1 .: ~~1~~' OC~a=ff~I'sc~I1~T.~11E a Help ! Logout My WebLink BrOWSe SeafCh ~ ~' Page 2 oft Go b€b f ~ w ~ .. _, _ _. , ., ...,. ,'.~^" .. --~~ <~ I1C - ~ ® ^ ~ ~ - 36.02% .,±i Pages 2 to 2 Template: Ordinances City of Jeffersonville > Cily Council > Ordinances > 1976 > 1976-OR-02A Numbers 1976-OR-2A Title - ~.,, AN ORDINANC E TO INCLUDE CERTAIN ELECTED CITY OFFICERS IN THE INDIANA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND Date 1/7/1976 Board ~` .3U,31k'.i, `v`veai CO t;:F. b1ay4Y ;lll' :k-i tipxl'UYc11 E: Pt1S tuy f7 S' _~ .L973. ~~~~ f'~ v/ Np~roved Uy me i;ila Powered by Laserfiche WebLink version 7.0.5. Laserfiche is a registered trademark of Compulink Management Center, Inc. This copy is registered to: City of Jeffersonville /~. http://www.cityofjeff.net/publicdocuments/DocView.aspx?id=3813 1/2/2008