HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-20-2007 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA August 20, 2007 The Common Council of the City of Jeffersonville, Indiana met in regular session in Room 101, City Hall, 500 Quartermaster Court, Jeffersonville, Indiana, at 7:30 P.M. on Monday August 20, 2007. Mayor Rob Waiz, with Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Hollis at the desk, called the meeting to order. Also present was City Attorney Les Merkley. Mayor Waiz welcomed all in attendance, asking all those present to stand as Councilperson Samuel gave the invocation. Mayor Waiz then asked all those present to join him in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The roll was called and those present were; Councilpersons John Perkins, Ed Zastawny, Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Nathan Samuel, and Ron Grooms. Absent: None. Mayor Waiz introduced Jeffersonville High School Wrestling Coach Danny Struck and Assistant Coach Rinehart. Coach Struck introduced each member of Team Jeff noting travels and accomplishments. Coach Struck thanked the Mayor and Council for the support given the team. MayorWaiz presented all members Commodore Of The Port certificates. Following discussion, Council President Fetz made the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of agenda item # 11 A Vehicle ID Ordinance, and agenda item #12A, Council District Ordinance, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 7-0. Mayor Waiz presented the minutes for consideration by the Council. Councilperson Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes of July 30, 2007 (5:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Grooms, passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes of August 6, 2007 (5:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Perkins, passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Wilson made the motion to approve the minutes of August 7, 2007 (5:30 P.M.) as presented, second by Councilperson Perkins, passing on a vote of 7-0. August 20, 2007 2 Councilperson Wilson next made the motion to approve the minutes of August 6, 2007 (7:30 P.M.), second by Councilperson Perkins, passing on a vote of7-0. Deputy Clerk Hollis presented the claim list for consideration by the Council. Councilperson Grooms made the motion to approve the claims as presented, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Don Bucholz, 8609 Eagle Trail noted a number of people in attendance are opposed to the annexation of Area "E". He asks the Council to review annexation of the "Lynn" parcels. Mr. Mike Whitis, representing Building Trades Association of Southern Indiana said the Association does not find the homes proposed to be offensive. He encourages the Council to override the veto to continue progress. Ms. Denise Ware, 8512 Falcon Road requested the Council rescind the annexation amendment regarding zoning in annexation area "E". Ms. Ware's written statement is attached. Mr. Justin Roberts, 8604 Falcon Road, spoke about the five and one half year controversy regarding the "Lynn" property. Mr. Roberts written statement is attached. Mr. David Nachand, Attorney representing Robert Lynn Co., spoke regarding the zoning of the "Lynn" property. This is not a PUD development. Attorney Nachand explained the zonings and the permitted uses (chart attached). He feels the zoning is a "no brainer", and a responsible use of the property. The railroad will not allow another entrance/exit. Attorney Nachand asks the Council to confirm the annexation. Mr. Bob Lynn explained the traffic plan. He has not built a construction road as yet. He has received permission from the railroad to cross for construction. Legal procedures have been followed. He has been open and asked for meetings. Councilperson Perkins asked for the lot size. Mr. Lynn replied 50' x 100' to 150'. Councilperson Zastawny asked about Plan Commission approval. Mr. Lynn replied he would have to go to the Plan Commission. Councilperson Zastawny asked about drainage. Mr. Lynn said he would have to go the Drainage Board. Councilperson Zastawny asked about the size and cost of the homes. Mr. Lynn replied the homes would range from 1200 to 1900 square fees with a price range of$120,000 to $165,000. August 20, 2007 3 Mr. Bruce Herdt, 3016 Apache Drive, feels zoning does not fit with the current neighborhood. The County saw fit to turn this down. Mr. Herdt is concerned for drainage in the Oak Park Conservancy District. Mr. Herdt asks to "stop this thing now". Mr. Brian Smith, 2110 Allison Lane, is concerned about declining neighborhoods. He asks the Council to think about compassion. Ms. Trish Roehm, 514 Camp Creek Road Bethlehem, voiced concerns about the J. B. Ogle Animal Shelter problem. She is concerned the City has all the say. The Animal Shelter belongs to all in the County. She feels there are no checks and balances. There are no volunteers. She asks the Council to consider a board that would have authority, not a board just in name. There is no adoption program off-site. Council person Sellers said there is a volunteer program at the shelter. Ms. Beth Mull said she was a volunteer at the Animal Shelter for four years. She no longer volunteers as she became very discouraged with how it is operated. She would love to see employees have the attitude of going the extra mile. She would like to have a goal for the shelter. Petfinder.com needs to be utilized every week. There needs to be paper work and policies. She never felt welcomed. She would like to see the animals fed Science Diet Food. There needs to be more people involved. Ms. Sandy Langford is concerned about the area Mr. Lynn has proposed to build on. There are sink holes in the area and she has a concern for the water supply. Mr. Ralph Summers, a resident of Indian Hills, thanked Mayor Waiz for his veto of the Annexation Ordinance. Mr. Summers said Councilperson Perkins made a comment about leaving a legacy. He believes the legacy is a gross interpretation. Councilperson Grooms has likened annexation to a merger. Mr. Summers believes it is more of a "hostile takeover". Mr. Summers said the newspaper quoted Councilperson Perkins as saying it will be a proud moment when the council overrides the Mayor's veto. Mr. Summers says, "pride goes before the fall". Mr. Summers is concerned there is no comment time allowed following council comments. Mr. Charlie Milburn, 22 Linden Road, thanked Mayor Waiz for his veto of the Annexation Ordinance. He also thanks Mr. Summers. He believes there will be foreclosures. The Council will have this on their head. He asks the Council to be responsible with government. August 20, 2007 4 Mr. Tom Yingling, Rainbow Ridge, feels he will personally benefit from annexation. He does not feel the Council has done their homework. He said they do not have input from the people they do not represent as yet. They do not have all the input they need. More study is needed. The plan needs to be modified. "One size doesn't fit all". He asks the Council to let the Mayor's veto stand. Elections are coming up. It is bad government when people are not represented. COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilperson Zastawny noted the drainage analogy is not fair as those that pay for drainage will get the benefit. Those in the Oak Park Conversancy District will not be served the same. AGENDA ITEMS: Council President Fetz presented and explained Ordinance No. 2007-0R-45, An Amended Ordinance Requiring Jeffersonville City Vehicle Identification. Following discussion Council President Fetz made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2007-0R-45 as amended on the first reading, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7- O. Council Attorney Greg Fifer explained the rules to override a veto. Attorney Fifer spoke regarding zoning concerns. The process is not perfect. It was as close as possible. Zoning can be changed after the first of the year. Attorney Fifer spoke about the excess levy appeal process (attached). Councilperson Perkins made the motion to override the veto of Ordinance No. 2007-0R-lO, second by Councilperson Zastawny. Council President Fetz commented he intends to vote against the override. He will work to rescind the Ordinance for further study. The motion to override the veto of Ordinance No. 2007-0R-I0 passed on the following roll call vote. Ayes: Council persons, Perkins, Zastawny, Sellers, Wilson, Grooms, and Samuel. Nays: Council President Fetz. Councilperson Grooms presented and explained the need for passage of Ordinance No. 2007-0R-46, An Ordinance Assigning Newly Annexed Territory To Council District Five. Councilperson Grooms made the motion to pass Ordinance No. 2007-0R-46 on the first reading, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of7-0. August 20, 2007 5 Redevelopment Director Barry Cahill presented and explained a worksheet and Tax Abatement Advisory Review for Becker Acroma Corporation related to Resolution No. 2007-R-24, A Resolution Approving Statement Of Benefits For Purposes Of Real Property Tax Abatement, and Resolution No. 2007-R-25, A Resolution Approving Statement Of Benefits For Purposes Of Personal Property Tax Abatement. Director Cahill explained this is "a better than usual" application. Following discussions and recommendations the Resolutions were amended. Councilperson Perkins made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2007-R-24, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of 7-0. Councilperson Perkins than made the motion to pass Resolution No. 2007- R-25, second by Councilperson Wilson, passing on a vote of 7-0. Redevelopment Assistant Director Beth Keeney and Assistant Fire Chief Tony Decker appeared before the Council to request matching grant funds. Assistant Chief Decker thanked the Council for building the new stations. He then presented and explained a staffing request proposal (attached). Assistant Director Keeney explained the Federal grant. Following all discussion, Councilperson Perkins made the motion to provide the matching funds, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of7-0. CLERK TREASURER COMMENTS: There were no Clerk Treasurer Comments. COMMITTEE REPORTS, COUNCIL AND MAYOR COMMENTS: Councilperson Samuel appreciates Mr. Roberts and Ms Ware's comments and concerns for traffic flow and consistency in property values. Other comments will be addressed after January 1,2008. Councilperson Grooms has visited the Bethany Farms area and talked with Ms. Ware and others. This is a tough issue. There is a need to find a common ground. Amending the Annexation Ordinance will be discussed. Councilperson Grooms thanks Officer Grimes for his attendance. He also thanks Sara from Jeffersonville High School. The emotions expressed are real. He hopes all are able to concentrate on the issues. He is up to the challenge and looks forward to it. Councilperson Wilson agrees with Councilperson Grooms and Councilperson Samuel's comments. Jeffersonville has a lot to be proud of. The recent performances of Footloose at Riverstage and the Concerts In The Park have been wonderful. August 20, 2007 6 Councilperson Sellers also agrees with Councilpersons Samuel and Grooms. If she had known more she would not have included Area E in the Ordinance. Councilperson Perkins announced the new sound and recording system should be installed the first week in September. Councilperson Perkins is amused with the comments to slow down and study annexation. The process started two and one half years ago. He feels this has been done with due diligence. Golfview, Meadows, and Clays burg have been annexed. Annexation is the means for orderly growth while controlling planning and zoning. Council person Zastawny is comfortable with the annexation process that was taken. He is comfortable with the fiscal plan. This will bring new blood to Jeffersonville with increases in health and safety, economics, and politics. Council President Fetz believes some growth is needed. He would like to have seen more controlled growth. It is a struggle now for Police and Fire. He hopes to find a way to deal with this. He feels services will be stretched too thin. Councilperson Zastawny said there is still a lot of work to be done. He promises to do so ifhe is here in January. Mayor Waiz noted Footloose is a great production. Mayor's Night will be held August 27,2007 in Suburban Acres. Redevelopment Director Cahill said Redevelopment has reached an agreement regarding the hospital property with a price adjustment. The agreement would drop the proceeds from $345,000 to $201,931. The consensus of the Council is that this is not acceptable. Director Cahill suggests he be emailed a number the Council would be comfortable with. t e Council, Councilperson Sellers, As there was no further business to Perkins made the motion to passing on a vote of 7 -0. , A .Jl)EST: ~~~ PEGGY ILDER, CLERK AND TREASURER Written Statement by Denise Ware-Poukish submitted to the Jeffersonville City Council on 08-20-07 I am here to request that you as a council rescind the amendment that was passed on 08-06-07 in regards to the two parcels of land owned by Robert Lynn included in Annexation Area E to a zoning more appropriate for the area. Historically, we have been involved in fighting the re-zoning of these parcels to a PUD or your equivalent R-3 zoning since 2002. He has been rejected as many as four times on PUD development of these two parcels at the county level and has now sought refuge with Jeffersonville with a voluntary annexation. I would like to make it clear that our group has never been in opposition of development, quite the contrary. In fact we have been in mediation with Mr. Lynn and proposed to him developing a standard development under county standards. But he refused to negotiate wanting his high density PUD development. The issues are the same now as they were when he proposed this PUD zoning to the county. There is only one entrance and exit into his Falcon Crest development which is thru Bethany Farms. The amount of traffic that will be brought by this high-density housing presents many public safety issues for us. There is no construction entrance available for this development either. The R-3 zoning classification as it causes higher density may work for well more urban areas where people can access public transportation, grocery stores, businesses etc. but it does not fit this area. The reality of both of the properties is that they are a long distance from what even your new boundaries will be, except for the ammunition plant. It is 4 miles to the nearest gas station, 5 miles to the nearest grocery store, and no public transportation exist anywhere near here. It is of our opinion that Mr. Lynn's request in the amendments to give up his M-l zoning that was designated by your fiscal plan in the beginning to an R-3 zoning was an intentional attempt to circumvent the normal change of zoning process. The last minute amendments were done so that no public comment or remonstrance could be made. We were never notified of any of this because we are not part of your annexation but yet directly affected by this decision. R-l zoning, while not completely compatible with this area is a much better fit. It will allow for a much lower density development and will not place a burden on your city for services that an R - 3 zoning classification will, just based on lesser population. I urge you to amend the fiscal plan and designate this area with an R -1 zoning. You are on the cusp of making monumental decisions that will effect Jeffersonville, Clark County and the families that live here for generations. Serving one developer for the sake of all others would be an injustice to our entire democratic system. COMMENTS TO JEFFERSONVILE CITY COUNCIL RE BOB LYNN'S PLANS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE FALCON ROAD EXTENSION My name is Justin Roberts, and I live at 8604 Falcon Road, which is in Bethany Farms and just three doors east of one of the two developments Bob Lynn is planning involving ~~xtension of Falcon Road. This is a project that was placed before this 'I"1PII' 1 'f. d'fi' h . d' hi h COunC1"},as a ast mInute mo 1 1catlon to t e annexatIOn or mance w c you are now dealing with. Actually, this is a project which has been the subject of controversy in our area for the last five and a half years. I want to make three points about this ill-conceived plan of Mr. Lynn's. First, the majority of residents of Bethany Farms and Farmington Station are not opposed, nor have they been opposed to development of the property in question IF development is reasonably consistent with property values in the neighborhood. Regardless of personal opinions, that has been our community stance from the start. Second, the crowding of about a hundred dwellings and resident families into a limited area without a second traffic exit, other than Falcon Road, is a travesty on common sense and a shameful inattention to traffic safety. Third, if this area is annexed into Jeffersonville under the plan now on the table, Jeffersonville police and public safety units would have to take the long way around via Bethany Road to respond to emergencies. Time does not allow me to comment on the plans for the property lying between Hight162 and the railroad bordering Falcon Road residences. If time permitted, the gist of my comments would be similar. Frankly, weVuld like to see this whole proposed development mess bulldozed into a sink hol~But,we at the very least ask this council, if you override the annexation veto, to specifically revert~~~ strict city zoning, without any grandfathering clause, for any future development that may take place. Thank you for your attention. CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE, INDIANA EXCESSIVE LEVY APPEAL PROCESS · Any city/town that determines that it cannot carry out its governmental functions for the ensuing calendar year under the levy limitations imposed by statute may .2.!!....!!! before September 19 ofthe year preceding the ensuing calendar year appeal to the Department of Local Government Finance for an increase in levy. · A city/town must consider application for an appeal during budget preparation, advertise the appeal in Col. 4 of budget Form 3 and increase the general fund levy to incorporate the appeal amount. · Copies of any annexation ordinances, plans, and financial information must be submitted to the Administrative Officer of the Local Government Tax Control Board as well as a copy of the ensuing year's maximum levy worksheet. This appeal results in a permanent increase to the unit's maximum levy. · For consideration before the Local Government Tax Control Board, all excessive levy appeal requests must include the following information in addition to the type of information required for the type of appeal under consideration: · Report of appealing taxing unit. · Ensuing year maximum levy sheet for funds under appeal. · Ensuing year budget proof of publication. · Estimate of miscellaneous revenue (Budget Form 2) for funds under appeal · "16 Line" Financial Statement (Budget Form 4B) for funds under appeal. · Resolution from fiscal body approving the excessive levy appeal. · Ten (10) copies of all of the above. · Starting in 2009, all appeals will go before the "local" control boards in each county before going to the DLGF. The state LGTCB is eliminated on Dec. 31, 2008. AUG. 20. 2007 2: 17PM 812 949 8946 NO. 119 P. 1 Falcon Crest 30.241 Acres Zoning Requested Clark County Jeffersonville with Voluntary Specifications Existing Plat Proposed Zon ing Restrictions bv Owner Zone Classification R-2 M-1 R-3 with minimum 101 width of 50' Primary Permitted Useages Duplexes Multi-Family Single Family (Single Family (Single Family Residential Allowed) Not Allowed) Lot Width 37.5' per unit 17.5' per unit 50' (75' for 2 units) (70' for 4 units) # of Dwelling Units 192 363 145 or Maximum Density AlloWed Minimum Sq. Footage 500 sJ. 750 sJ. 960 s.f. Per Unit Density (Unit Per Acre) 6.35 12 4.80 Lot Coverage 30% 65% 30% Jeffersonville's M-1 Zoning Classification does not allow single family homes except by special exception only. Clark County's R-2 Zoning Classification allows single family homes as does Jeffersonville's R-3 Zoning Classification. The specifications of the requested R~ Zoning, with voluntary owner restrictions, match up very favorably in regards to useage and lower density compared to the current Clark County R-2 Zoning of Falcon Crest.. ~~ U, ~ ~ S'-CAo-67 -1-1-1 000 - -- ~Q!.Q!. "'D'll .2.@ ~ CD - ~ ~S;:Q!. g>~~ en:::Tc:; - :::T .,.ww oo.j:>.W .....COCO UlCO""-l Oo):..W Jio,01(O .....WW ~~:..., CD CO (0 1111 CD CD a. a. CD CD ""'l ""'l Q!.Q!. ~~ ;:+0 'O:::T CD '0 ""'l CD Il""'l 1111 11 ww WW ""-IW Cow 01(0 01\.) 0:"" 00 ww WW WO ""-I CO WO) 0(0 0:"" 00 ww 1\.)1\.) .......0 "0"0 CO 0) 001 OW 00 ww 1\.)1\.) 0,0, 0)1\.) 010 0:"" 001 ww -I, o 0 -(') ~Q!. 11 CD a. CD ""'l S;:Q!. ~~ :::Tc:; :::T .,.ww .... ....... COO)W CDI\.)W :':"000, .....j:>...... 1\).......0 oi-JOo~ OOO~ .,.ww .... ....... CDWI\.) OO)W WOO):.. Jio,O)""-I 00 (0 CO ~:...,:...,g: ooOCO~ .,.ww .... CD CO CO CD 0) 0 CIINN 1\)0)0) 1\).............. ~i-Ji-J~ I\)..............~ .,.ww .... ....... .....1\.)01 1\)1\.)0 1DOO"o Jio,o)CO WOI\.) 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