HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSI Energy expires 11/22/2007 08/28/07 TCiE 46:57 FAX 812 285 6634 Information Business Name Cus#orner Name Service Location or Subdivision Service Address i SetVICe Address Service City, Ste#e, Z-pcode I Mailing Name ~'! Mailing Business Name Mailing Address Mailing Address of J¢ffersonville ~ IN ~ 47134 City of jeffersonvilte Jeffer.~onvilte {N 47130 This Agreemen# ha§ 2n Initial Term selected byCustomer- The Irtitial Temt hegins whCrt $ervlce is in o peratlo n: after expiratl9 n thereof, Sb^NIGB co ntlnues. with annual rertC»ars, until either party terminates wkh written nGtiCeto the otherparty. Dotes: _ ~ 001 PRppt7SALS BELOW AREVALlD h'OR90 DAYS FROM THECURRENT DATE PKOPOSAL IXPIRATIt)N IS 11!22/2007 AGREHNl~YT MUST SE51G1V~7 AND R1=Tt3 BEFORE THE F-%PIRATION DATE AltertYte Ini#ial Term expires, the monthlyequiprnentcharges will no longer be reflected on the monthly bill, #hough and energy and maintenance charges con#inue furhhe life of the lighting system covered bythis agreement. ___.---_~.. co nr_Gn o ,m~Mrl EGtU1PMENT MAINT. 8 ~IUERGY TOTAL. SYSTEM Montrity Charge IPMENT PAYIN£NT AMOUNT IiAanthly Operating U$E d ° NUMBER OF CHARGE L P£R L[GWT - CHOOSE TWE tcQU Amount for System Estitttate ' TOTA AND A550CIATED INITIAL TERM, System Par Alm4urd P9r Monthly 3 to LtGW'i QURtN~ URINt's Initial AFTER Initial Option Montb TOTAL Project IN17tAL TERM Tee Term ption -1 Year Agreementlnitial erm $1,08fi-2 :pZ4:Lr ~~~.~v ~ '~,,.""-"" 49 0.6 68.4 5.90 ption C - 3 ear Agreement rnUal Term 375.24 24.27 11.16 290 02 g-34 5-~ ption - 5 Year Agreement Initial erm 4.59 2 7 11 • 6 ption E - Year Agreement initial Term 2Q - ~ 4.27 11.1 S 6 2 .62 3 . 4 5.9 203-1 33.86 5.80 ption F -14 ear Agreemen# n tlal Term 167.77 24.27 11.16 ~ Estimated Energy la based on Current charge per kVYlt and does not inClud€ taxes and energy rate tariff ritlers wh~hwiSt causo Slight tluctuatia n in monthlycasts. ~' The ~1ERGY portion may cover mare than onE lurrinaire w attage size w hick results in estimated Averaged Monthly G4sts show n above. The till-RGY rrgy also be ff this gptian is chosen the Energy usage inforrrratlan above is superceded by the MEfBiED us&ge and charges. See Section 1, page 2 for further lighting equipment and oosk detail. Requests for Changes in number Of lights and poles, pole looatlons, equipment or other requests w ill result in a a recalculation of the amounts above_ Please see attached draw ing or 6chibit'A' for the proposed plaoement of lighting equiprrrrnG DECL[lVE PLEASE INDICATE INITIAL AGRffiVIENT TQ~M CHOICE FROM OPTIONS ABOVE (A,~G,D,>`,F) IN WITNESS Vllt-IFItEDF, the parties hereto have caused tW o popfss of this Agreement to be executed by r3 duly authorized represents#ive(s), effective the GUrrent r.~ate first w r3tten above. Thy Lighting Service Agreement ("AgreernEnY') is made and entered into by the subsidiary of Gnergy Corp named above (hereafter, "company"). Neither Qnergy Corp- nor any of its affiliated companies are partEs~s to the Agreement. CINfERGIr 12EPRESENTATIVE AIVD CUSTi,7MER ! REpRE3ENJTATIVE Signature Signature Printed Name Yin Printed Name Date 0$/x4/2007 Date IF more space is requ[red fo r ad~tlitlonal CustomHr signatures, please attach a dated letterwith signatures on It and reference this Agreement. 1 CINERGY CLARSSVILLE and Maintenance i _- CL - t00 IQUTdOQR LIGH~'lNG SERVICE AGREEMENT PSI ~ner~ly, Inc. 1t10Q East Main S#reet, Plainfield, IN 4616$ a subsidiary of f~r'UI/E11~rtf'. Corp e ~ 08/28/07 TCTE 06:57 FA% 812 285 6634 CINERGY CLARKSVILLE + QUTDOOR LfGHTING SERVICE ACaREEMENT WITNESSEtN: WHEREAS, Custrmer desires to have: a Company-owned outdoor lighting system ("System"), on designated property, and Yy-HEREAS, Company has the abilityto own, install, operate and maintain an outdoor lighting system. NDW TNEREFQRE, in consideration ofthe mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: $EG710N 1. C-6tUIRMENT AND INSTALLATION 1.1 In accordance with oonditlons setforth herein, Companyagrees tta install for Customer all necessaryequipment to provide, operate and maintain an outdoor lighting'system. The costof anyadditIonal electrical distribution facilities required to provide energyto the System mayormaynotbe included in the monthlyterms ofthis Pgreement according to CompanydiscreHon. 1,2 Adetail ofthe locations ofthe equipmentconstitu#ing said System is sat~dh in a drawing orprintmarked "F.3(F•IIUI`f' A", which is attached hhereta, made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference. 1.3 Thv System Consists ofthe following: A. LUMINA1RirUE1'AIL INFORMATION LUMINAIRE STYLE OESCRIFTIt]n tN~.~~ ~Aprtp IMPACT pNNUAI ATtoN CHG ENERGY OF NPS ~+ Hlgh Prass» Sodium, MH = tytc#a1 l~litle Lamp LUMENS WATTS WATTS Ky[,iH ~ EACH CHG LIGHTS source -- - - -~ I-A - "'t'ariff riders and sales tax are not included, w high mdght cause the amounts to fluctuate up or dove n, B,, B~li?RGY tiSAGE- t3ASm t~l UTILITY REGULATQRY COMIUiESSIQN APPROVI~ RATES 4,000 Current Rate per kWh ~ 1)•0453$7 Rate Effective Cate OS(24/20t}~4 Estimated Annual Burn Hours ~~ "CAI.CLtLA.T1t3N FOR ESTIMATING UNME7ERED ENERGY USAGE y1~paCtWatts=Th66nergyusedbythalampwattsplusbaAastwatta. manthsequals a, tmpsct watts tim65 Cstlmated Annual [ium Hours as C. Annual [cWh givtded bytwelv9 (TZ} shpwnlnlfnesabovCe4ualannualwaithours- monthlykwh. b. Annual~tt hours divideq py'g00 ha urs cgUa~s annual d. M onthty[cwh times current rate pe+' kWh equs~ the C. FOLEIN>=ORMATION - MONrF1LYCOSTSAREINCI.UQEDIMTHLUMINAIRES P L ITEM# POLE DESCR117fIdN QUANTITY 1 $517 Wd, Ga5S 5 (Qt35D123122) 6 TQTAL NUM6ER OF POLES 6 LIGi•lTII3C LAYOUT DESIGN DISCLAIMER CUSTOME.RTO S1GN WHEN APPLtCAB Companyhas in3lalted the System in ay~prdance with Gustvmer's specrfitatlons concerning Ure design and layout (lncludnSPQfe localfons,numbe+'sndtypeseflights)- Compsrryhasndt~eslgnedtheSySt ~~ ~t~ BmeynotbeiYh784cord nceevwYllonlnhmumsrgn endlayoufpftheSystam. CuStomerundarstarnYSthatkadesignarkYrayn fnofcandle and 1lghNngunifbr'm~lrstandard8. TRCYefore, Customer' agrees fa releasc,lndemnify, hd/d lprmtess, and do~m oo Fa ~ from artd agalnstarryartdoll otalms, demands, causes ofactian,1i84nltlea,toss®s, damages,and/or' expenses resut~firtg~t In rrr/es $ tvresuRfrom)thedesignantl/orlayvutoftheSystem,Including damage t4crdestYUCllGnofpersonalAYOpertl:p ~ (Including dearh), endreasoAa0leatiomeys' fsES. r~ao2 CAi3tOtneY~S .~•yRatUfE t7ate AGREFA~I EN7 DA PAGE2 OF 4 OUTDOORLIGHYU'tGSERVECE RSV.B72004 A(,COUNTri 08/28/07 TUE 06:57 FA% 812 285 6634 CINERGY CLARSSVILLE C~j003 Ol"ITDObR L1GHTlNG SERVICE AGR~~MENT $~GTION ll. - CUSTOMI=R OPTIONS FOR SY57EM OPERA-{'ING HOURS ALL H OURS OF OP ERATION FOEZ ANY OPTION M UST B E B 6['WEEN TWEtiOVRSOFDUSK~TO-DAWiV (ONl:HALFHOURAFTER SUNSET TO QNE HALF ryOUR B EFORE 5UN RISE) TO QUALIFY FOR TH><S ENERGY' USAGE RATE. 2.1 OptionA Isthetypicaldusk-to~aumphotoelectrk cell automatlcallyoperat8d System. Lights tum on apprbximatelyV2 Frouraftersunaet antlshut off 92 hour geforesunrisC,Ttslsmayho2monthlyest"vnatstlenergyusagebasbdpn tum3rmlre lmpactwatiage and tamp so urceequallyavbr twehre months (See SCttion l - B, abovd) or metered usirg aptual energy usage plus a ma nthly meterchaige. damagewll be performed o n atlme and material past tras~, in which Instance an estimate of tbSts wll Ue providBd to the GustomBrbofprethe work begins. Co mpanytt;servea the rtgh! to Charge Customerfor repaircostS'snCUrred due tp vandalism. 4.3 Msintdnancedoesr~tintludepartislorfull5ystemreplacementprmal~or repalta due Ed System age. yUhilC many Systems 1<tst t5to 2S years,diffCrent typC,g of Ilghting equipment have diffBrCM life spans. Lighting equipment suppliers lnayslso dscantinue manufacture of certain equipment. End of fife for a System will he determined bythe Company, 4.4 CompanyreservesthedghttoupdatCbrmodlfythemonthlYmalntenance charges to reflect changes Ur Co mpanycbsts formateriais and labor no mo iz, after than uv4rythreeyears b h a Campany~signed echedulB, Wf1ICh maynot cokickiewith the term ofthis A$roement 22 OplibhB -AVASABt.EFORONLYMUNICIRALOPERA7EDAREASAND vVil'HCOMPANYARPROVAL.'ThlsopinonisCxttuslvelyforsCasbnalltghted 4,5 Cpmpanyn3SquestharighttoChar9eafeeequatWarninlmumafone omamentsoperatedfrom'120voltoulletswhicharsntountedneartitGtopof Iwur49trorandtranSpprtationcostSfortdpstodiscannCGtandreaonnsbt Companypgles.Comp<tnYreservestrigrighttpaPprvvatheornamentvuaight, fights in anComparr~awrredllghtingSystamwpenrequastattodpao etas,wattageandattachrnentartangementsbefbtCirtstalation.Thobmament moretlmesthanlheCompanydBCmsneceasary. weight llmft is 25 ppunds. Initial fasts pfwlring, outlets and otherasSbeiated casts will he ho me by the Cuatomervn a time and material Oasis befo re bong SIrC1'ION V. -PAYMENT energ¢ed.Seasonat omamentsl lighting will bpew,rte dr~k to dawn dudng the months of November 15th thro ughthe fallowing January'Bth. ThC total days of apetaUon sic apProxirnately 6't 22.1 Aft¢rthefnltlalpennanentInstalleiionofouUetsonthepofCS,theornemants muattre instated and remavbd seasonallyon Company-0wned Pales between the fro urs of 8:611 axn. and 5:00 p,m. bye qualified electrician. Once an outlet is instated arryadditio naf btrtiet malntenericC wit)result In a C unto merchaige on a time and equipment use basis and billed on a sCparate InvoicB far eaph occasion. 222 SeaspnalOmamCntalL[ghtirigBStirnatedwattagafatCaphomamentis limited to 350watts.TitC estimated Annual usage la 320.333 Kvfi fo r each outlet. SECTIONIII. - ENERGYUSACEGOST CALCULATION -See P~ ~ 7 5,1 QustomerharobyagreeatopayCOmpanythemonthlycoatssetforthin atCO r(lance with the applicable tedff rate for the energy provided far the tBYm of this Agreemerd T11C estimated monlhlyamaunts duo are summarmad on Pegs 1of this agreement and are cunent at the time theAgrCCrrtent Is initiated. A mordhfy bill wit be rendered antl due each month In accordance with the applEcahletariff ratcand payment rules. AnyCusto mbr Charge that is not paid In full o n ar befo re Its due date, shall Incur a laic fee- lit Shau[danyphangeinthaCnergyusagemonlhlychargesbdorderedbythe Cgmmission, then payments by t;tistomerto ComparryforthiS sCNlpe shall tliCreafter be matlC Up4 n the basis of such new rates as Changed and approved bythe Commissiion. SECTION VI. ~ l'I=RM OFAQiE~MEN'1' ~.t ServicCUnderthlsAgr~aEmentsha]lcomrrlCnCeassoonaspraptlcableafterthC System is installed and operdti4nal.The Companyshal noEifyGUStomerin wrlting as to ChB tlate on which service will begin, 3.1 F.XCeptasothetwiseProvidedintflisAgreement,CUSiomershaApayCompany themanthlyerrerpycharges, Monthlychargesarebasedanestlmated uluneteredchatgesusingthetalCUlatlonmethodsshownonPagCiofthls AgreBment and adding anyenergytadff riders and applicable sales tax. Bath unmetered and metered o utdOprfightirrg energy usage chargos ate based on the per kilowatt ha ur ama unt approved by the approPAate State Utii'ty Commission. 32 ThC"Spheduleofl~ates,Classifications,RulesandRegulationsfotE:lectrk: ,SBrvitC", andlorGBnbtdlTetmsandCOndEllonsafthBCbmpany,andail amendmert4 thereto. orb fled'~th and approved hytheappro prlate State regulaortyBmtity, (the"Comm iSSlorr") and shall pe deemed a pact pf the Agreemerdasiffulrysetforth hCtein• SECTION IV. - SYST~ MAINTENANCt: 4.1 Normal malntenancB includes the naplacement or repairof arryltem intludod in the System except wasp nal outlets. M aintermnce is performed after notiticationfromthe Gust4merthat a problCm exlats and/or dudng s Company achedulgdmalntenancetytle. Companymnllstppkonlythemastcomman equ[pmerrt;acquisition ofsome repalrpads Could cause a delay m pemtanent rePalr. 8,2 The initial tBirn of thla AgreBrncnt,during which Cusco marshal take and Co mPany shalt rendCr service hereundor, shall be in seta rdance with ChB Option Indicabad b n Page tof this Agreement (" fnitial7erm" )• AftBr the Initial Term, flits Agn3emOril Shalt continue in foroe and effective In successive at1t0 math one-yGarextensions unless terminated by eitherpartyupon shay(BO)days written notice. SEG7lON VII. - QTHER 7SiMS AND CtpI~ITIONS 7.1 Other Terms and Co ndYib M1s set forth in Exhlhh "B° harBOf are incorporated herein by rCference and made a part of this Agreement 72 This AgreementtanstftutesthefinaiwrittenexpresslpnhetweenthCpartles.It is a to mple#e and exclu4lve statemBnt and supersedBS all Pdo r nagotiati0 n3, represBntatlo ns, o r sgreBments, eHharwritten v r orel, with respect to the System HdWever, nothing herelnshall preclude a@herpartyfrom commemeing an action far unpaid bills, otherdamages, orbrBath of prior agreements during fh9 time theywere [n effect. 7.3 Thls AgrCCment,theconstrt~tlon ofthisAgreement,al rights aril obligafians petween thB parties to this Agreement and any and all claims arlsing out of br related to ihC sub)ect matter of this Agreement (rncluding tort Claims), shall fre 4.2 NormalmaintGixfncecovsrsordinarywearendtBarwithproperusaofthe be9ovemedbythelawsofthc5tatelnwhiChtlleservlceisnendergaw{thaut ~ a result Customer-caused regard to Rstonfgctoflaws provistor>s- System. ReparrS o r replacements req>ma as AGR~ENT DA PAGE 3 OF 4 OUTDOOR tlGHrrNG 8E>zVICE REV.9/2044 ACCOUNT # IA ., ~ 08/28/07 T'CTE 06:58 FA% 812 285 6634 CINERGY CLARIiSVILLE EXHiB{T `S' - OTM~i~ TERMS AND CON[~iTIONS t Ati System facd'dies installed byCOmpanyundGtthls Agreamcnt areand 9 shall rentaln the propcMy of Company. Theterminatio n of this Agreement fo rarryrBason w!ffitsoover shall not in anY~Y e~tsuCh owrrership by Company,dcpnve Company of thedghtcitherto removoanyoraNpropatY Comprising UtC SYStem vrany part thereof arto usethe same in orln conncCtb n with tttc rendering o f otheraervics byCompany. 2 if Cuata mar requests part or all of the System's removal befo re the Endo f of the System's useful fife,inCluding by reason of terminalionof this Agreement, Customer must pay Contpanysunrecovoredoostsofthe Sysiemminusanysalvsgevalue,tobedetsrminedatthasoledlsr:retion 'rl Compaml, Pius System removal Costs- The phligatio ns of Custo mcr to paythe mo nthly Invo ice and anyapplicablC Este fens orerryameurrtdu6arrldowing to COmpanyasa rcSUltofihis Agrt~mont or kt cornlcctbn wfth the rights and privilCges granted hereby, are independent of the (rdbilikies or obl'gattons of Company hereunder. Customer sharp make all such payments due to Company+Nithoutany setoffs ar counterclslms against suchpaymentsonaccountofany broach ordefault by, or claims agatngt, the Company pursuant tc lhls oro tRCt+MSe aro n actuunt of arryttaims against o r defauk hyany third ' d 5 CompartyainstalkltlonoftheSyStemisconiingentuP°nobtainingadequat8 31 easements and rights•of~•u~Y•lf nec65Sary,and Customeragrees to aSSLst the Company when necessary In obtaining easements o nights-0f--way whim sfra[I includC permission t0 Install and maintain servile elites and facilities rcqulred for s¢rviRg and providing the System. Go mpany la an independent contractor and not an agent a rempbyee of Customer and nothing Contained in lryls Agraemt;nt Shall he sa construed as ,Juatffya finding of the asestence of anyrctatlo nship between Compartyarrct Customer inconsistent with tts+t status. GompanyshaN have ertciusivt3 Control of and r&Spo nslbiCdy fa r ~ labor relatio ns• Company does nalwatl'ant norguarantee the safetyo F Custo merar anythlrti party, no r do es itvrdmant o r guarantee the security of Customer's property o r any thltd partyProptxtY, Ilghting levels, o r uniformity of lighting as a result of customer's use of the System. Company is rtet GaWefdrarryinjurytd Custamq',oranype[sons orpropertyansingout of the System use a therihan that arising from the sole negligenec of the Company. CCIMPANYIXPLICRLYDFSCtA1MS WARRANTiESOF M ERCHANTAB ILIYY OR FtTNt;SS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, EITHER EXPRESSED OR NUl P LIED, OR AR1S W G FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE QF TRADE. If a bleach ordefaUtt occurs, the tp n-breachifi$ party shall provide the breaching partywittl a thlrty(30) day written natitC to Gure such default or hreaGtb or ff the defect camto t be cured within thirty {Sfl) days, the breaching party shall no netheless commence to cure Such defect and shall, in goo d fault, Complete such Cure in as t'smelY and expetlitlo us manner as Is feasible in the circumstances. IFthB bmaChlr~ party fails to Cure o rto Co mmence the Cure of the tlefeot within the prescdbed time f r+dme set fo rth herein, rho no n-breaching Parts: at its sole discretion, shall provide notice to the breschirtg partYof the immediate termirk^ltton of this Agresmcnt. Events {lcypnd Comp'amf s corrtrol,ine(uding but not limited to acts of nature,etecttitity Outages,antl tnabltityto ob[a[n needed replacement pars shalt rat cartsiilute breaches of this Agreement" S CtistomerdesiAngaCarnpanY-instalfedSrjslemanapubficrlghta-af-way ore n othcrproperty not undercusto mCf s iunadlctlon must provide the Comparrywtth written permissio n from the entitywith [seal jurisdittton overihat tight-of-way o r pro PertY beforC lnstallatia n wiN begin. Custo mCt' must reirriburse Ca mpany fo r casts asgocL9ted with obtaining easernCntS- Ca mpan7l reserves the tight to refusC to insta9 Comganyequipment on ono that' S property, howEVer, any Compaml agreement to install System tumlr~iras o r 41her Company factlttles o n po lea o r etnrctusros o weed by a third entity is contingent upo n rGCeiving written Consent for such installation thatentlty. Custorlterwlllberequirodto re3mbursetheComparryformonthiy fees tryatgedfor poloCOrrtacts forSyStem attachments on poles opstructures notownetlbytheCampany,(l.e., ovm6dbyotherufTiticsorentittes).Tryisfee WiI1 be Imposed o nlywhen ca ntaCttng ormodifying exlsfing poles to sllowfor ctearanCes required forthe System equipment. Gomparry ahalE no t be Ilable fo r any claims,demands, cause of auks n, Nsbiliti8s, foss. darnagc orexpense of Whatever kind o r rgttue, including attomeyfees, IrlCUrred try CUStomerforattions Involving a structure not GamparsYawnsdonwtdchttteCOmpanyt,as ptaCedCompamf•owned equipment at Custonterrequest. AdditWrtally,tlteCompanywiNnotbe respo nsible fo ranyrepairS Headed bytlt¢ Structure that is not owned byCampany. If the structurebeeomesurrsrri~ble.orurtsafet0auppart Company-owned equtPment ihC Company tetair+s ttte right t0 remove the equipment fro m thostructure- ff Gomp~ny equipment la removed under these Co ndhlons Customerwill Cure Co mparry a pto•tated amount fo rthe removed cgUlpment Pius removal costs minus salvage value_ l~ 004 rMtenChsngea arefcgUestedbyCustomeratanylirneafterth9System is 1reteNad arld before the no tmsl end of System life, Co mparrywili evaluate and estimate the Costs of theChanges. The changes+nnli be made aftertho Gusto mar pays the agreed upo n amo unt if arryto make changES. Changes InctudesuGl1 matters as r8locating poses, Ctlangir~ tumi[ta[restyles (post tap, cobrahead,floodlight),theirlocalions,wrattegC,and lampsaUrCe{eg. ,metal halide, tUgh preasur6 Sodium). Any such agreed upon changes wiN bC documented elthertzya neworan amended AgreemBnt. Newequipmcnt added to the System will require a newAgreement. Q Ifenypart,term,orprovlsionofthisAgreementisadiudgedbyatoUrtof comp6lent Jurisdiction to De ca rdrary to the IawgovCrn[ng this AgreorYlem, thevalidity d! the remaining parts. terms. and Pravisia nS shall not be affected thereby. 'fi 7h[s Agreement, and sli the terms and provisions heraaf,shall be b-rnding ups n and Inure W the benefd of the partlea hereto and theirrespective t~irs, eroecuKa rs, administrators, successors, personal reptcsentatives, antllor permitted assigns- 'i4 Each partyto this Agreement repres6nts that it is sophisticated and capable of understanding all of the tomes of this Agreement,thet d has had an opportunltyto reviewthls AgreamerK with its to urrsel, and that it enters this Agreement withfull knowledge of the terms of the Agreement •S Nodelayoforomissioninlheexe[cisv~Ofatryright,powerorremedyaCOruing to any party urtderthls A grccment shall itnpalr anysuch tight, pawero r remedy, no r shall h be co nstrued a3 a waiver of anyfuture G7terclse of any right, powerorremedy. 1G Naitlterpartyshal]aSSlgnthisAgreementwithouttheprrorwrittencorrsentaf the ofhet party, which tpnsent, if ghren stpN not raGCVe the partya f tusking such assignment from full mgppnaibNityforthe fuffillmBflt of Ito o bligaUons untlerthisAgraement- PROVIDED,THATtheComperrymaYasslgnthis Agreem~ttn its parentoranysubsidraryentityarto anaf8l'~ate.