HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-06-2007 Special .f JEFFERSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION Meeting Memorandum - Monday August 6,2007 - 5:30 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers Council President Keith Fetz called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M., and on call of the roll those members present were: Councilpersons Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Ron Grooms, Ed Zastawny, Nathan Samuel, and John Perkins. Also present were Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder, First Deputy Barbara Hollis, Chief Deputy Suzy Bass, City Attorney Les Merkley, and Council Attorney Greg Fifer. Councilperson Sellers made the motion to approve the agenda with the addition of a Police Department software demonstration, and moving the annexation discussion to the first item, second by Councilperson Perkins, passing on a vote of 7 -0. Annexation Discussion Council Attorney Greg Fifer explained the amendments and the procedures for the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance. Surveyor David Blankenbeker noted the need to identify properties by name or tax identification number. A general discussion continued regarding Aberdeen Place, Falcon Crest, and Fountain Crest. Following all discussion all agreed to form a committee. Park Board Discussion Council President Fetz complimented the Park Board saying they had been invited to the meeting as a fact-finding mission for improvement and an attempt to break the communication problem. Clerk Treasurer Wilder said she has made numerous requests for records to the Park Board and had to refer her requests to the City Attorney. Clerk Treasurer Wilder held up the State Board Of Accounts manual explaining she takes this very seriously. Receipts must be broken down. She does appreciate the contracts she has received, however they have been after the fact. Paddlewheel Productions has been given $30,000, and claims have been presented for payment. Purchase orders are required for purchases over $1,000. Purchase order numbers have been acquired after the fact. Clerk Treasurer Wilder said this has been a very frustrating process. She feels her office has tried to work with the department. An employee was left off the payroll and the payroll clerk did the extra check. Her purchase order clerk was told to leave the Park office and stop harassing the employees. The Clerk Treasurer's office needs to follow State Board Of Accounts regulations. She invites the Parks Department to "bring on the paper work". She cannot ask for things if she does not have knowledge. Grant information has not been forwarded to the office. Clerk Treasurer Wilder then asked City Attorney Merkley is he agrees she should have the paperwork she has been requesting. City Attorney Merkley replied, yes. Park Board President Kevin LaGrange asked Clerk Treasurer .1 August 6, 2007 (5:30 P.M.) Page 2 Wilder for a list on July 20. Clerk Treasurer Wilder replied she is working on the list. President LaGrange asked if she had the contract for Kids Camp. Clerk Treasurer replied she did. President LaGrange said if Clerk Treasurer Wilder would come to the Board, they would cooperate. Council President Fetz said that is the way it should work with the Department Head. President LaGrange said the Board has confidence in Park Superintendent Rob Poff. He cannot say there has never been an error. It is obvious they want to cooperate and make things work the way they should. Council President Fetz said the taxpayers suffer when there is a power struggle. President LaGrange desires a spirit of doing what is right for the community. He asks why all cannot sit down to a discussion without the public forum. Mayor Waiz takes offence to the accusation of a power struggle. President LaGrange requests all sit down together. Clerk Treasurer Wilder would appreciate that. Council President Fetz said the Park system is how people are touched. President LaGrange offers to work together. Council President Fetz appreciates the offer but it does take the Department Head. President LaGrange feels the purchase order system is a good policy. There should be some kind of guidance from the Clerk Treasurer's office. Clerk Treasurer Wilder said there are written purchase order guidelines. She set up information session and not one Department Head attended. Park Board member Vickie Conlin feels some want her off the Board; she does enjoy being on the Board. She suggests a purchase order number for each purchase. She wants to make sure things are done correctly. Park Board member Ted Throckmorten feels Clerk Treasurer Wilder frightened high school kids at Riverstage. Park Superintendent Rob Poff said he has addressed every audit finding. He asks Clerk Treasurer Wilder why she hired his bookkeeper if she was doing such a bad job. Mayor Waiz said enough has been aired tonight. President LaGrange had a good idea to sit down together. He appreciates all for showing up tonight. He wants to make it work. Council person Wilson is the liaison for the Park Department. She said these people are dedicated and doing a good job. There is a need to get things worked out. She is proud of all. Park Board member Mike Nelson read a statement suggesting outside professional assistance for conflict resolution and anger management. The meeting was recessed and moved to th~ Mayor's Conference Room. Police Department Software Demonstration Police Captain Kevin Morlan introduced Mr. Mark Lepley of New World Systems. Captain Morlan said the department has looked at several programs. The Police Department and IT Director Roger Hardy agree this is the best system. The current system is a 1993 DOS based system. Their research found other departments left software companies to go to New World Systems. They found none that left New World Systems. The softwarelhardware cost proposal was presented. Council President Fetz asked about a pilot program. Captain Morlan said former Councilman Phil McCauley had reviewed the system and said it should be all or nothing. Councilperson Perkins is leery of spending $700,000, noting the radio system that was purchased and the problems encountered. He would support a pilot program. Leasing was discussed. Captain " August 6, 2007 (5:30 P.M.) Page 3 Morlan feels the current software IS III an emergency status. The program was demonstrated. before the Council, the meeting adjourned at --------- CouncflPresident Keith Fet Attest: Q~Vl0- Clerk 'R urer' Peggy Wilder C IT Y 0 F J E_ F-P-~~" ~r9 _N~;~~:[~t.~L~~;':,,,,~c-~.'-:"~~"_~':':o~^"~,,,, q<~~:'~~~~~ ::__B;":';;:'\~<~";:;7'i':\fJ."",,,;>,~,>,t:~' ',,~5").'.,~li' "'~;~'"''..ti~~"h"",~"*,,,,oJ ~r!'" POLICE DEPARTMENT Robert L. Waiz, Jr. Mayor JOHN P. MONIHON Chief of Police 812 - 283 - 6633 office 812 - 284 - 6536 fax City Hall 500 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 JEFFERSONVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT SOFTW ARE/HARDW ARE PROPOSAL Software: New World Systems 56 Users with Field Reporting Total One Time Cost: $461,750 Annual Maintenance Cost: $67,240.00 *18 Additional Software Licenses (one time cost) for new officers: $25,117.00 Hardware MobileTek Consulting 56 Panasonic Toughbook Laptops (Mobile Data Terminals), Mounts & Docking Stations Total One Time Cost: $252,810.00 * 18 Additional Laptops, mounts, and docking stations: $81,162.00 (approx.) Mobile Data Connectivity Verizon EVDO (Rev. A) Wireless Cards (actual cards are free) Annual Cost/Usage ($48.59/month for 56 users) $32,652.48 *18 Additional wireless cards: $10,368.00 An equal opportunity employer. ~ -~ CD t\1 ..lo:: lIJ (ij .2 ELi >.::l .... a. t\1_ E 0 ._ c a:U) 'a ..lo::_ lIJ 0) CD .- c .... 0::: .- t\1 .c 8:~ .S!' t\1 0 :cElIJ ~ t\1 .c lIJ - CD ..lo:: .... t\1 E 0) c 'w~ 0= -I = ,..0 ..lo::~ .~o 0::: .... .co.. .S!' -g J:t\1 >. lIJ t\1 (I) "C .... C (I) t\10) >..... c (I) t\1 E 0...... E 0 o c o 0 -; co'w E ':;j (/')0 , t\1 ..lo:: .... .~ .g 0:::_ .cCD Ol~ .- t\1 :c_ .2 Li ::l co.. o .S ~ ~ o t\1 .E~~ ~Q) V .c..lo::lIJ ~(ijU; gE:2 .- - 0::: (/')U)_ 'ao ..lo::_<( .~ g>(,) 0::: .- .c 0.._ 010.. CD .- t\1 ro J:ElIJ lIJ :!: c-:2 ::l0", lIJc~ lIJ(/')Cl ~a<( 'w C, () ,g .S CD CD a. (ij 0.. ~ ;: .- E ~ ~ 0 ::l lIJ lIJ :2 .- >. I 2:-- ..lo::t\1~ .~ E ~ 0:::';:: 0 .c 0..= 0l"C ..0 .- c ::l J:t\10.. "C 2 t\1 (I) "9 ::l ::; .9C5.9 o (I) ~ lIJ lIJ .~ ::l!1> CD .... 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E '-'....roQ) ..0 > (u~ >.0 :23=U)Q. (/) Q) ro E 5 z....J.- C,).e .5 _0) 0:; C C -; > e.Q 0) !Ii U) ~ .5 a; ~ ro .eQ)Q)0. f->.>~ 13 New World S:ystenz...;" Total Cost Summary 3, 56 Mobile Units w/Field Reporting Jeffersonville Police Department, IN June 11, 2007 A. Application Software 1) licensed Standard Software 2) Demonstration Site Discount $275,000 450,600 (175,600) B. Support Services 1) Project Management 2) Installation and Training 3) Hardware Assurance 4) Interface and Installation Fees 5) GEO File Implementation 159,500 C. Third Party Costs 1) GIS Software (ESRI) 2) Hardware, System Software & Services 27,250 13,700 13,550 D. Other Costs N/A TOTAL ONE TiME COST $461.750 . E. 1) Standard Software Maintenance Agreement (SSMA) (Annual coSt) Includes Emergency 24/7 Maintenance for CAD only Year 1 Cost Year 2 Cost Year 3 Cost: Year 4 Cost: Year 5 Cost: ~~ d0~ t7t' NOTE: New World's cost is based on all of the proposed products and services being obtained from New World. Should significant portions of the products or services be deleted, New World reserves the right to adjust its prices accordingly. This assumes you are purchasing this directly through New World and not thru an RFP procurement procedure. Pricing includes a 90-day warranty, Travel and Living expenses are not included in the Total One Time Cost above. New World estimates there to be 29 trips at $1,ODO/trip (includes airfare, hotel, per diem, car rental, gas), or $29,000. All Travel and Uving expenses will be billed on a weekly basis, but only as incurred. COi-JFIDENTIAL AND PROPR!ETARY JEfFERSONViLllE POliCE DEPARTMENT. !iII Budaetarv Proposal Summary - 56 mobile units w/Field RelDortinca June 11. 2001 ITEM DESCRIPTION CAD (Users included in CAD Base - 2) 1. AegislMSP Single Jurisdiction law Enforcement Computer Aided Dispatch - Call Entry - Call Control Panel - Unit Recommendations - Unit Control Panel - Call Stacking - CAD Messaging - Call Scheduling - Dispatch Questionnaire - Gee-File Verification - Hazard and Location Alerts - Access to AegislMSP LE Records - Note Pads 2. Additional AegislMSP Software for Computer Aided Dispatch4 - CAD Mapping 3.. Aegis/MSP Tillill'd Party CAD interface Software" - E-911 Interface5 LAW ENFORCEMENT RECORDS (Users inciuded in lE Records Base - 25) 4. AegisJlViSP Single Jurisdiction Base law Enforcement Records - Accidents - Arrest - Business Registry - Case Processing - Computer Aided Investigations - Federal Reports (UCRIIBR) - Geo-File Verification - Impounded Vehicles - Incident Tracking - Jacket Processing - Personnel/Education - Property - Traffic Tickets and Citations - Wants and Warrants 5. AegislNISP Federal and State Compliance Reporting for lIE Records - Federal UCRlIBR 3aegrs 56 Un/IS wFP..;:ls Jeffersonville Police Dept" lN Proposal Summa!} NEW WORLD SYSTEMS' Aegis PUBLlC SAFETY SOFTWARE CONFlDENTIAL AND PROPRiETARY Page 2 6. Additional AegisJNiSP Software for Law Enforcement Records - Alarm Tracking and Billing - Briefing Summary/BOLOs - Case Management - Equipment Tracking - Property Room Bar Coding - Gun Permits and Registrations ADDITIONAL PUBLIC SAFETY SOF1WARE 8. AegislMSP Public Safety State/NCBC interface Software6 - AegislMSP State/NCIC Interface Includes 12 - 15 screens 9. AegislMSP Data AnalysisICrime MappinglNianagement Reporting - Base with One Applications (LE Records) 10. AegislMSP Imaging Software - Public Safety line UpslMug Shots 7 _ Digital Imaging 8 MOBilE SOFTWARE MOBILE SOFTWARE ON THE RS/60009 11. Base Message Switch to StateJNCIC (51-'ll 00 Wiser.>) - Base Message SWitch for MDTIMCT - State/NCIC Interface 12. Additional Aegis@) Software i1M' RS/6000 Message> Switch - New World CAD Interface for Aegis MSP (51-100 users) - Mobile Upload Software (51-100 users) 10 MOBilE SOFTWARE ON THE MSP Server 113. Aegis@ Mobile Integration Software - MDT/MCT Base CAD/RMS Interface (51-100 users) MOBILE MANAGEMENT SERVER 14. AegislMSP Mobile Management SeINer Software (51-100 users) - Base CAD/NCIC/Messaging - Field Reporting - Field Reporting Data Merge CLIENT SOFTWARE 15. Aegis@ Law Enforcement Mobile Unit Software (56 Units) Mobile Messaaina LE State/NCIC via Switch & LE CAD via Switch 3aegis 56 unlls wFR.xls Jejfersomille Police Dept., IN Proposal Summary NEW WORLD SYSTEMS' Aegis PUBLIC SAFETY SOFTi'VARE CONFIDEl\7'fAL AND PROPRIETARY Pag. j Field -Based !ReoortinG! LE Field Reporting (Federal Standards) The following 4 New World Reports are included: - Incident (1 form) - Case (1 form) - Arrest (1 form) - Supplement (1 form) LE Fie]d Reporting Compliance Mobile Upload of Field Reports NEW WORLD STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE FEE 450,600 LESS DEMONSTRATION SiTE DISCOUNT (115,600) TOTAL. SOFTWARE LICENSE FEE11.12 $275.000 1. Project Management Services as Required: - Project Management - Overall consultation and communication - Monthly status reports and project updates throughout the duration of the project - Implementation Plan 2. 740 hours of Implementation and Training Services to include, as required: - Software Tailoring and Set Up - User Education and Training - Other Technical Support 3. Windows 2003/0perating System Assurance and Software Installation: - Install and set-up ApplicationlDatabase server(s) - Consult on connectivity to new or existing 2003 environment - Verify 2003 and SOL Server contiguratidn compatibility - Verify 2000/xP Workstation and personal computer configuration compatibility 4. Interface Installation Service Fees: In-Field Support (includes set-up and training): - 911 lnterface - State/NCIC - New World Mug Shots/Imaging 5. GEO File Implementation 14 - New World Implementation Services TOTA~' S~P~~,~T'~ER~i~~s::~~:~:n:1~1i$;;;~:WiI;;~~~~i!!~~!~i7~tt~~~~~~~:!l[:_ Jaegis 56 wuts y.FR.ds JeberSaliVil/e Police Dejft., fN Pf\'1pasal Summary NEf.V WORLD SYSTEMS' AegiS PUBLIC SAFETY SOFTWARE CONFlDENTV.L AiCD PROPRIETARY Pa~e 4- ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. ESRI,5.16.17 GIS Software Geo-File Maintenance Software THIRD PARTY HARDWARE 2. Hardware, System Software lit Services (see attached pricing detail) Message Switch 13.550 TOTAL THIRD PARTY C'O,STS F:~," :.:: ~~:~~;~2~~t~i~;ik~i~~~~~~fl'lli}t:~~~i1!~~~~t~ii~:~f~!O' Not applicable ~ ,'"'''~ ~::"'~ . ~: ~, ~.~ '(~' i; '.~,:Errt.~~:"I'>)?;WA',gii!!$~:t' ;_fJ,..:z":-';rr~;:: ":",(':'V:::;~"~':tr;;:f~-";;"'"~~l\~:~:~ TOTAL ONETIME COST " ' ...., .. ,:' .'~' .. : <,.,:,;-,,;:'''::':'.-'~~'~~.Y:..:,..J~6J,?~O, , ~ v ~,,~ ~^~_~" ,,,,,,.~"'~""~~J;;>,,,.....!)f.>""'" """~'h;l!'lZ_ ~-.- - ",~J" ~ ~ - ""~~4~"'_~t,f$~",~",;';,\;R,<-*!!~,~""~~~b' ITEM DESCRIPTION INVESTMENT ,. STAN::::"'AREIlAIII1ENAN--=====--- Based on a 5-year plan; SSMA to begin at the end of the OO-day warranty. Includes 24/7 Support for CAD Warranty Period Year 1 SSMA Year 2 SSMA Year 3 SSMA Year 4 SSMA Year 5 SSMA 90 days $82,000 $82.000 $82.000 $82,000 $82,000 ITEM DESCRIPTION ____n_______ . . .. ..' ..... ..... .... INVESTMENT 1. TRAVEL AND LIVING EXPENlSES(Estimate) Estimated 29 trips at $1.000 per trip, $29.000 PIR6C8HJG'ifAD..UD T/JoOIROOJGB-U AUGUST 311, 2007. 3Mg,s 56 !mr!s ~:FR.:ds JeJjersonvlfle Police Dept., liV Proposal Summary NEW WORLD SYSTEMS' Aegis PUBLiC SAFETY SOFTWARE CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page j 1. Bar Ceding Scanner Kit 3,650 3!legis 56 unm: v..FR..:ds Jeffersonville Police Depl., IN Proposal Summary; NEW WORLD SYSTEMS' Aegis PUBLIC SAFETl'SOFTWARE CONFIDEATfAL AND PROPlIIETARl' Page (; MSP ENDNOTES Personal Computers must meet the minimum hardware requirements for New World Systems' MSP product. Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP is the required operating system for a/l client machines. Windows 2003 Server and SQL Server 200012005 are required for the Application and Database Server(s). New World Systems MSP product requires Microsoft Windows 2003 Server and SQL Server 2000/2005 including required Client Access Licenses (CALs) for applicable Microsoft products. Servers must meet minimum hardware requirements provided by New World Systems. Suggested minimum: 100MB Ethernet Network. 10MB CATS Ethernet Network may have less than adequate response time. Further consultation would be required to assess your network. Does not include any required third party hardware or software unless specified in Section C of this proposal. 5 May require a uSeria/-to-Ethernet" converter for multiple PSAPs (not included in this proposal). 6 Customer is responsible for obtaining the necessary State approval and any non-New World hardware and software. Requires Pentium PC, Twain 32 Compliant Digital Freeze Frame Video Camera or Digital Camera supplied by Customer, 8 Requires Pentium PC, Twain 32 Camplfant flatbed scanner supplied by Customer. Currently supporting Motorola, Data Radio (DMP & IP), CDPD, EDACS, CDMA, GPRS, 802.11 and Electrocom Mobile Communication solutions only. The Mobile Upload software provides for the automated upload of New World's Law Enforcement Field Reporting data over Customer's mobile data network. Customer is responsible for obtaining from their mobile vendor, the written definition and documentation of the optimal (mobile message) record size to upload laptop data over the mobile network to be used. This definition must be received within thirty (30) days of this Agreement being executed. 9 10 11 Prices assume that all software is licensed. Prices are quoted as preliminary estimates only and are subject to further clarification and confirmation. Any taxes or fees imposed are the responsibility of the purchaser and will be remitted when imposed. Training and Support Services are billed hourly as used. Travel and expenses are not included as they are billed at actual cost New World's GISlGeo-File implementation services are to assist and train customers in preparing their GIS data for use within the AegislMSP software. The AegislMSP software requires specific GIS data layers; the customer is responsible for providing a street centerline layer and an address point layer if applicable with the required data elements. GISlGeofile implementation services will also provide assistance in developing additional required data layers such as police beats, fire quadrants, EMS Districts etc. The GIS data provided by the customer must be in industry standard ESRI format. If some of the required data elements are not included in the provided GIS data, New World will work with the customer to create these data elements as appropriate. The G/S/Geofile implementation packet goes into more specific detail as to the required GIS data elements. All AegislMSP Cuslomers are required to use ESRJ's ArcGJS Suite 10 maintain GIS data. An maintenance, training and on-going support of this product will be contracted with and conducted by ESRI. (This software must be installed on a non-Aegis workstation.) Customer is responsible for providing GIS data to New World in industry standard ESRI format. 12 13 14 15 16 The on-going SSMA cost is required for any Aegis solfware changes related to integration with ESRI software. Maintenance for ESRl's AmView for maintaining GIS data will be contracted separately with ESRI. 17 If a new release of ArcG/S is incorporated into the Aegis software, an associated upgrade fee may be required for the new ESRf software. 3aegJs 56 units ....FR.:;!::.' Jeffersonville Police Dept.. IN Proposal Summary NEW WOP.LD S!'STEMS' Aegis PUBLIC SAFEn' SOFTWARE CONF7DENTlAL AND PROPRiETARY Page 7 JEFFERSONVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT. IN Budaetary ProDosal Summary - 18 Mobile Client Units June 26. 2007 ITEM DESCRIPTION . . INVESTMENT CLIENT SOFTWARE 1, Aegis@ Law Enforcement Mobile Unit Software (18 Units) Mobile Messaaina LE StatefNCIC via Switch LE CAD via Switch $500 ea. $750 ea. Field -Based ReDortina LE Field Reporting (Federal Standards) The following 4 New World Reports are included: - Incident (1 form) - Case (1 form) - Arrest (1 form) - Supplement (1 form) LE Field Reporting Compliance Mobile Upload of Field Reports $1,000 ea. $200 ea. $600 ea. $3,050 ea. Subtotal Less Laptop Software Volume Discount of 25% TOTAL LAPTOP SOFTWARE NEW WORLD STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE FEE LESS DEMONSTRATION SITE DISCOUNT TOTAL SOFTWARE LICENSE FEE 1.2 $9.000 13,500 18,000 3,600 10,800 54,900 -13.725 41,175 41,175 (16,058) lli.11Z 1. STANDARD SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT (SSMA)(Per Year Cost) Based on a 5-year plan; SSMA to begin at the end of the 90-day warranty, Warranty Period Year 1 SSMA Year 2 SSMA Year 3 SSMA Year 4 SSMA Year 5 SSMA PRICING VALID THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2007. MSP ENDNOTES Prices assume that all software is licensed. Prices are quoted as preliminary estimates only and are subject to further clarification and confirmation. Any taxes or fees imposed are the responsibility of the purchaser and will be remitted when imposed. 2 4aegis 18 addl mob clienls.xls Jeffersonville Police Dep/" IN Proposal Summary NEW WORLD SYSTEMS' Aegis PUBLIC SAFETY SOFTWARE CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY Page I 06/01/2007 11:06 5133510610 HAM CTY BUSINESS CTR PAGE 02/04 EK Howard Mandel Managing Partner 1776 Mentor Ave., Suite401 Mall Stop 223 Cincinnati. OH 45212 P 513-731~6800 F 513-351-6800 C 513-310-5411 E hmandel(O)mobile-tek.com W http://www.mobile-tek.com Date: June 1,2007 To: Major Kevin Morlan, Jeffersonville Police Department From: Howard Mandel Re: Ruggedized Computing Proposal - Revised MobileTEK, Consulting, LLC appreciates the opportunity to propose a preliminary ruggedized computing solution for you. Enclosed is the proposal you requested. We believe that MobileTEK Con.sulting and Panasonic can pTovide many benefits to The Jeffersonville Police Department Department. These benefits include: 1) MobileTEK has over 20 years of experience in the Information Technology Industry working with a variety of organizations including state and tocal government agendes. MobileTEK has extensive experience in the Mobile Computing Industry as well working with many police and fire departments. Pr.ojects sucb as the one we are quoting you is the lifeblood of MobUeTEK's business. It is our specialty. 2) Panasonic currently ha.s 75% of the market share in the Ruggedized Computing Industry. With over 500,000 toughbooks installed in the UnHed States, they are truly second to none. 3) All Panasonic Toughbooks are tested according to a rigorous military specification. Each toughbook must pass each test before it can be sold. In the event a product should malfunction, it can be retumed to a Panasonic service facility for repair at no cost to the customer including sh.ipping. The turn around time for these repairs is typically a day and a half. 4) MobileTEK is committed to providing its customers with excellent customer service. We don't just believe in doing the job but in exceeding all of your expectations. Please note, that MobileTEK Consulting can also assist the Jeffersonville Police Department with the design and implementation of 8. wireless network and the physical installation of the mounting equipment in your vehicles. If you sh.ould have any questions or wish any modifications be made to this quote, please don't hesitate to call me. 05/01/2007 11:05 5133510510 HAM Cry BUSINESS erR PAGE 03/04 EK Howard Mandel Managing Partner 1776 Mentor Ave., Suite401 Mail Stop 223 Cincinnati, OH 46212 P 513-731-6800 F 513-351-6600 C 513-310-5411 E hmandel@[T1obile~tek.com W http://www.rnobile-tek.eom RUSUi!edized Compunn2-ProDosal Pan8sonic Tonghbook CF30 ~ Fun Size Fully Ruggedized Laptop Core Duo Centri.no 802.11 a+b+g 1.66 gigahertz processor 13.3 inch touchscreen display 1000 NIT 512 megabytes memory 80 gigabyte bard drive Internal 56K modem Integrated Ethernet connection. Integrated Bluetooth Integrated Emissive Backlit Keyboard Windows XP Professional Operating System Unit Price Total Price - Quantity 56 $ 3,609 $202,104 Docking Solution Ledco intel1i.gent CF29X docking station With DC Power Receptacle USB Ports DB9 Serial Ports Speaker MIe PS2 Port Chargeguard Device Unit Price Total Price - Quantity 56 $ 581 $32,536 Mounting Solution Crown Victorias Sidewinder bracket, cobra swing ann, tilt lazy susan device, 5 inch tube UlJit Price Total Price - Quantity 48 $ 319 $15,312 06/01/2007 11:06 5133510610 HAM CTV BUSINESS CTR PAGE 04/04 EK Howard Mandel Managing Partner 1776 Mentor Ave., Suite401 Mail Stop 223 Cincinnati, OH 45212 P 513-731-6800 F 513-351-5800 C 513-310-5411 E I1mandel@!!!Qbile-tek.com W http://www.mobile-tek.com Impala Sidewinder bracket, cohra swing arm, tilt lazy susan device, 5 inch tube U11it Price Total Price - Quantity 5 $ 349 $1,745 Cha,rger Sidewinder bracket, cobra swing ann, tilt lazy susan device, 5 inch tube Unit Price Total Price - Quantity 2 $ 366 $ 732 Dodge RAM Pickup Sidewinder bracket, cobra swing arm, tilt lazy susan device, 5 inch tube Unit Price $ 381 Grand Totsl $252,810 Lease Analysis To lease the equipment mentioned on the previous page would cost the following: $1.00 Buyout Fair Market Value $11,161 $9,936 $7,604 $7,669 $5,827 $6,270 $4,769 $5,213 24 months 36tnonths 48 months 60 months · .... New World Systems" a", The Public Sector Software Company City of Jeffersonville. IN Amortization Schedules o Lease Commencement: September 1, 2007 o First Payment due September 1, 2008 o City is responsible for any of its own fees or expenses, or those of any consultants or advisors it may engage. o The interest rates referenced below are considered firm pending award through July 16, 2007 and are subject to indexation thereafter. #1: $356,250 - 5 Year Term @ 5.060/0 o Amount Financed: $356,250 (Plus all applicable taxes) City of Jeffersonville Amortization Schedule: Totals: $412,106.48 $55,856.48 Payment Amount Interest $356,250.00 Rate 5.060% Purchase Outstanding Principal Price Balance $356,250.00 $64,395.05 $297,692.05 $291,854.95 $67,653.43 $228,685.55 $224,201.52 $71,076.70 $156,187.32 $153,124.82 $74,673.18 $80,020.68 $78,451.64 $78,451.64 $0.00 $0.00 1 2 3 4 5 $82,421.30 $82,421.30 $82,421.30 $82,421.30 $82,421.30 $18,026.25 $14,767.86 $11,344.60 $7,748.12 $3,969.65 #2: $424,750 - 5 Year Term @ 5.060/0 o Amount Financed: $424,750 (Plus all applicable taxes) City of Jeffersonville Amortization Schedule: Totals: $491,346.60 $66,596.60 $424,750.00 Rate 5.060% Payment Purchase Outstanding Amount Interest Principal Price Balance $424,750.00 1 $98,269.32 $21,492.35 $76,776.97 $354,932.49 $347,973.03 2 $98,269.32 $17,607.44 $80,661.88 $272,657.37 $267,311.15 3 $98,269.32 $13,525.94 $84,743.38 $186,219.13 $182,567.77 4 $98,269.32 $9,237.93 $89,031.39 $95,407.11 $93,536.38 5 $98,269.32 $4,732.94 $93,536.38 $0.00 $0.00 Corporate: 888 West Big Beaver Road. Suite 600. Troy. Michigan 48084-4749.248-269-1000. www.newworldsystems.com '-t\ iii' a 1fe:::;!o:!:!~ems' #3: $461,750 - 5 Year Term @ 5.06010 o Amount Financed: $461,750 (Plus all applicable taxes) City of Jeffersonville Amortization Schedule: Totals: $534,147.83 $72,397.83 $461,750.00 Rate 5.060% Payment Purchase Outstanding Amount Interest Principal Price Balance $461,750.00 1 $106,829.57 $23,364.55 $83,465.02 $385,850.68 $378,284.98 2 $106,829.57 $19,141.22 $87,688.35 $296,408.57 $290,596.64 3 $106,829.57 $14,704.19 $92,125.38 $202,440.69 $198,471.26 4 $106,829.57 $10,042.65 $96,786.92 $103,718.03 $101,684.34 5 $106,829.57 $5,145.23 $101,684.34 $0.00 $0.00 Corporate: 888 West Big Beaver Road 0 Suite 600 0 Troy 0 Michigan 48084-4749 0 248-269-1000 0 www.newworldsystems.com ...... 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