HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-07-2007 Special JEFFERSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION Meeting Memorandum - Tuesday August 7,2007 - 5:30 P.M. City Hall Council Conference Room Council President Keith F etz called the meeting to order at 5: 3 0 P.M., and on call of the roll those members present were: Councilpersons Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Ed Zastawny, Nathan Samuel, and John Perkins. Also present were Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder, Chief Deputy Suzy Bass, and Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Hollis. 2008 BUDGETS Clerk Treasurer Wilder suggested the budgets be advertised high. All agreed. Councilperson Samuel inquired if the Department Heads could be given the authority to distribute the total of each department's 4% increase in pay had been considered. Following discussion it was decided this would not be practical Councilperson Perkins suggested all budgets be frozen at the 2007 level with the exception of the 4% increase in salaries. Some areas may be considered. Annexation expenses will be omitted from the 2008 budget allowing for transfers and additional appropriations to be considered as needed in 2008. The budget workshops scheduled for Wednesday, August 8, Thursday, August 9, and Tuesday August 14 are cancelled. The next workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, August 15,2007. Councilperson Grooms arrived at 6:40 P.M. A proposal for the creation of a new position for an Emergency Management Director was presented. CounCIl President Attest: ~-~ \~\--) , \ ,-".e~1 K Clerk rer PeggyWilder PROPOSAL Creation of a New Position for the City of Jeffersonville: Emergency Management Director Current Situation Jeffersonville does not have a full time emergency management director and relies solely on a "added duties" position that is housed in the Police Department. Clark County does have an emergency management director, but the priorities of Clark County rest with county planning, but not specifically programs for local governments in the county. Emergency planning in Jeffersonville has room for improvement, but has been limited by the amount of resources that have been made available through the Police Department. The Police Department has been unable to provide more resources due to budget constraints and personnel resources. Emergency Management was formerly known as Civil Defense. Federal, state and local organizations adopted the name Emergency Management to more clearly state the objectives of the organization. Most residents are familiar with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that assists in major disasters throughout the country. Goal The goal of this proposal is to provide the opportunity to develop a comprehensive emergency management program for the City of Jeffersonville. This program will provide the opportunity to save lives and properties during a disaster by using the Federal Emergency Management Agency paradigm of Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery. In the United States Government's system of emergency management, local governments must be the first to act and attend to the public's emergency needs. The Local emergency management director is charged to develop plans and systems that are essential to protect the public, including warning, education, emergency public information and shelters. While a large disaster may require the assistance ofthe State and Federal agencies, it is the local office of emergency management that must provide for the citizens until (if available) those resources are provided. Proposal Create a position of Emergency Management Director that is charged with meeting the FEMA and Indiana requirements for developing an emergency management program. This position would be dedicated to emergency management, but would be housed in the Police Department to ensure its connection with Homeland Security, the Department that houses FEMA. Emergency Management responsibilities at the local level are outlined in the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (PL 93-288). The role of this position would include the following duties: 1. Development and maintenance of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) specifically for the City of Jeffersonville and that integrates into the Clark County and State plan (IC 10-4-1-100). 2. Coordinate efforts of non-governmental organizations providing assistance to the citizens of the community in times of disasters. 3. Develop and maintain training efforts to ensure that both the public and city agencies are prepared to act when faced by man-made or technological disasters. 4. Conduct exercises to test the City's plans and response capabilities and adjusting the plan to meet any shortcoming identified in their plans. 5. Obtain grants from the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency grants for planning, mitigation and equipment procurement. 6. Coordinate and collaborate emergency management activities with Clark County and the state ofIndiana. 7. Integrate the emergency management program with the Clark County Local Emergency Planning Committee. 8. Develop an emergency planning work group that includes Police, Fire, EMS, Public Works, Utilities, Communications and Waming, Entities sharing the Ohio River, Health Department and Homeland Security. Vision of Operation Emergency management is essential in order to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from major events, including terrorist attacks and natural disasters. This new position would be charged with taking this task to hand and guiding the city into a more prepared government to protect the citizens and their property. Like the city police and fire, emergency management must start on the city level. A county coordinator is responsible to coordinate all efforts in the county, this position would provide for a Director to look out for Jeffersonville specifically and then to coordinate and collaborate with Clark County. This position would be in the Police Department and the Director would serve as an adjunct to the police department providing assistance in communications and hostage negotiations, but the time would be split with .9 full time equivalents (FTE) being dedicated for emergency management and.l FTE assigned as an adjunct employee of the Police Communications Center. The Director would report to the Police Chief, but have a dotted reporting line to the Mayor's office and City Council. PROS 1. Provides for an Emergency Management Director that is centered on the needs of the City of Jeffersonville. 2. Grant applications can be developed and submitted in a more rapid fashion and the chance of obtaining grants will increase. 3. Collaboration and coordination with the county will not be lost. 4. Citizens will feel more protected and prepared with the appointment of a Director. Public information and education will increase. 5. The city will have a clearinghouse for issues involving emergency agencies that transcends the lines of those organizations. 6. The City will have a single individual that will be in a position to deal with non- governmental organizations (NGO's) 7. The city will comply with the requirement of the Stafford act and the Indiana Code. 8. The Police Department will retain the use of a trained, experienced dispatcher, as well as a trained hostage negotiator. CONS 1. Funds will have to be budgeted to cover the salary of the new position. 2. The former position of the Director will have to be filled and the individual trained to be a dispatcher. 3. The table of organization will have to be modified to reflect this new position. A current resume that includes accomplishments, copies of certificates ,available upon request. . BOARDS LEPC - Local Emergency Planning Committee Exercise Planning Committee Clark County EMA Advisory Board Appointed by Clark Couonty Commissioners American Red Cross Disaster Response Team Chairperson Served two years as co-chair American Red Cross Board of Directors BUDGET ITEMS Average salary for state ofIndiana is $33,000. for this position the average In Louisville for this position is $40,000, this covers salary only Transportation - due to on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Cell phone Office Supplies Computer with internet access Training Fees $1000. earmarked for travel, meetings and professional development $1200. earmarked for supplies and expenses G/vu4iL~ tJ7- 3 - 0 7