HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02-2007 Special JEFFERSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION Meeting Memorandum - Monday, July 2,2007 - 5:30 P.M. City Hall Council Conference Room Council President Keith Fetz called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M., and on call of the roll those members present were: Councilpersons Keith Fetz, Connie Sellers, Barbara Wilson, Ron Grooms, Ed Zastawny, and John Perkins. Also present were Clerk Treasurer Peggy Wilder and Deputy Clerk Treasurer Barbara Hollis. Following discussion, Councilperson Grooms made the motion to approve the agenda with the following additions; b) Larry Lynn with an insurance update, and c) audio visual presentation, second by Councilperson Perkins, passing on a vote of 6-0. Fire Truck Lease Presentation Fire Chief Clark Miles presented a bid proposal from Pierce manufacturing (attached), explaining this was the only bid received. Councilperson Perkins asked if the bid requirement were too narrow. Councilperson Zastawny asked if the State bid was looked at. Assistant Chief Tony Decker explained it took six months to compile the bid specs. Councilperson Perkins is hesitant to buy two, as with annexation there may be equipment for sale by McCullough. Assistant Chief Decker explained the two new would replace old equipment. Council President Fetz asked if both are needed now. Both Chief Miles and Assistant Chief Decker replied "yes". Clerk Treasurer Wilder hopes to have the Cumulative Capital Development Fund caught up this year so that Police and Fire equipment payments may be put back in this fund. Chief Miles has financing quotes from Chase Bank and Oshkosh Capital. Clerk Treasurer Wilder said Finance Officer Patty Blair is working on quotes for other financing. Chief Miles would like to keep going in the right direction. Assistant Chief Decker reviewed additional equipment in the amount of $75,000. At the conclusion of all discussion, Councilperson Perkins made the motion to accept the bid for two fire fighting apparatus units and all the extra equipment, with financing to be determined later, second by Councilperson Sellers, passing on a vote of6-0. Insurance Update Agent of record Larry Lynn explained that retirees are able to elect to remain on the City's health insurance until they are 65 years of age and eligible for Medicare. Hearing exams and treatment of morbid obesity have been restored to the policy with no change to the maximum exposure. The employee appreciation lunch and health fair was successful. Agent Lynn gives kudos to HR Director Kim Calabro and Humana Representative Michelle Jones. He asks the Council to consider this as an annual event. Agent Lynn said Director Calabro is working on asking employees to complete a health assessment. Ms. Sandy Halsted presented and explained the attached report for the first five months of this year. A discussion regarding changing to a four-tier benefit plan was held. This will be looked into during contract negotiations. The Council was asked to keep in mind any changes as the renewal process will begin shortly. Agent Lynn suggests looking again at plan choices. Council President Fetz asked if the Purchase Order Department would be involved in the renewal process. Councilperson Perkins informed Agent Lynn the Board Of Public Works and Safety would no longer be approving the contract. Agent Lynn was advised to work with Clerk Treasurer Wilder and the Purchase Order Clerk. At this point the Council moved to Council Chambers, continuing the meeting there. Audio Visual Eauipment Councilperson Perkins introduced Mr. Steve Bean of Central Indiana Marketing. Mr. Bean explained the proposal and price for audiovisual equipment for Council Chambers. An R.F.P. was sent out by the Clerk Treasurer's Office with the quote presented being the only one received. Following all discussion, Councilperson Perkins made the motion to approve the purchase order per the presented quote, not to exceed $36,000 to be paid from TIF, second by Councilperson Zastawny, passing on a vote of6-0. Councilperson Sellers made the motion to adjourn at 7:00 P.M., second by Councilperson Grooms,:Ra . g on a vo Attest: r::::1 \ ~ \. (] ~ II II 9--a^----- Clerk Treas e Peggy Wilder . . .' PERF"ORM. LIKE No OTHER. DATE: June 18, 2001 TO: City of Jeffersonville, Jeffersonville, Indiana The undersigned is prepared to manufacture for you, upon an order being placed by you, for fmal acceptance by Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., at its home office in Appleton, Wisconsin, the apparatus and equipment herein named and for the following prices; ONE (1) Pierce@) Custom, Class A, Triple Combination Fire Pumping Engine complete with all accessories, equipment, and supplies as listed in the following specifications, all to be installed on a new, Pierce@) Velocity 4-Door Chassis... OPTION FOR TWO (2) IDENTICAL UNITS TWO (2) Pierce@ Custom, Class A, Triple Combination Fire Pumping Engines complete with all accessories, equipment, and supplies as listed in the following specifications, all to be installed on a new, Pierce@) Velocity 4-Door Chassis. . . $ 465,800.00 $ 914,600.00 Said apparatus and equipment are to be built and shipped in accordance with the specifications hereto attached, delays due to strikes, war, or international conflict, failure to obtain chassis, materials, or other causes beyond our control not preventing, within about 240 calendar days after receipt of this order and the acceptance thereof at our office in Appleton, Wisconsin, and to be delivered to you at City of Jeffersonville Fire Department Jeffersonville, IN The specifications herein contained shall fprm a part of the contract, and are subject to changes desired by the purchaser, provided such alterations are interlined prior to the acceptance by the company of the order to purchase, and provided such alterations do not materially affect the cost of the construction of the apparatus. The proposal for frre apparatus conforms with all Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) rules and regulations in effect at the time of the bid, and with all National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Guidelines for Automotive Fire Apparatus as published at the time of the bid, except as shall be modified by customer specifications. Any increased costs incurred by the frrst party because of future changes in or additions to said DOT or NFP A standards will be passed along to the customers as an addition to the price set forth above. Valid thirty (30) days from date of this proposal then the right is reserved to withdraw this proposition. INDIANA SALES REPRESENT A TIVE: Global Emergency Products John Mullin 1605 Prospect Street, Indianapolis 317.339.7377 jmullin@gep3.com PIERCE MANUFACTURING, INC. Page I of 5 PERI'"ORM. l.iKE No OTHER. City of Jeffersonville Fire Department Jeffersordvilley lfU.diama PURCHASE TERM:S 1. If the CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE desires to make any PARTIAL prepayment towards the total price of the apparatus, Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., will discount the price in the amount which would be equal to the earned interest on said prepayment from the date of receipt until delivery of the individual contract items. 2. The Pierce proposal price is contingent upon the CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE paying the balance due of the apparatus after any deductions on delivery day or before. Any remaining balances after delivery day are subject to a finance charge. 3. It is to be understood that for any miscellaneous equipment shortage, payment for the missing equipment may be withheld until such equipment is received and accepted by the CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE. 4. If this apparatus or any other piece of fire apparatus of the CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE requires service, Global Emergency Products, Indianapolis, Indiana is is in a position to provide efficient service and/or maintenance through the regional repair centers located throughout the state of Indiana or by our traveling mechanic repairing the apparatus at Fire Department Headquarters. Additionaal service facilities are located in the cities of Aurora and Washington in the State of Illinois. Page 2 of 5 GLOBAL EMERGENCY lPRODUCTS~ ~NC ::r:::.:.,-,_ - ~~.. "~~~ , ~ ,=-~ 1605 Prospect Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46203 A mMCOcom'ANV June 20, 2007 Chief Clark Miles City of Jeffersonville 500 Quartermaster Court Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Subject: One (1) Custom Pumper, Option for Two (2) Pumpers Dear Chief Miles, With regard to the above subject please find attached our completed proposal. Complete Pierce specifications are attached for your review and consideration. Pricing, has been summarized on the proposal page. Terms and Conditions: Taxes - If Applicable. Freight - F.O.B. - City of Jeffersonville Fire Department. Terms - Net Due Upon Factory Exit. Delivery - 240 calendar days from date of contract signing by Pierce Manufacturing. We trust the above and the enclosed to be full and complete at this time; however, should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 317.339.7377. We wish to thank the City of Jeffersonville for the opportunity to submit our bid, RespectfUI~ ohn Mullin Apparatus Sales Global Emergency Products Ph: 317-632-9336 AUTHORIZED DEALER Fax: 317-632-0272 Pr~scribed by the State Board of Accounts Form No. 95 (Rev. 1987) JBm, OFFER OR PROPOSAlL IFOR SAlLE OR lLEASE OF MA TERlAlLS (Defined at r.c. 36-1-2-9.5) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT DATE: 6/27/07 Governmental Unit: City of Jeffersonville County: Clark Bidder (Firm): Address: Pierce Manufacturing: Inc. 2600 American Drive City/State: Appleton. WI 54912 Telephone: 317-632-9336 Agent or Bidder (If Applicable): Global Emergencv Products Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers bides) to City of Jeffersonville in accordance with the following attachment(s) which specify the class, item number or description; quantity, unit, unit price and total amount. The contract will be awarded by classes or items in accordance with specifications. Any changes or alterations in the items specified will render such bid void as to that class or item. Bidder promises that he has not offered nor received a lesser price than the price stated s certified check or bond shall be filed with each bid ifrequired, and liability for breach shall be enforceable upon the contract, the bond, the certified check or both as the case may be. Global Emergency Products By (AGENT) W. A TURE OF BIDDER OR AGENT BID OFFER or PROPOSAL Attach separate sheet listin each Item bid based on specifications published by the governing body. Following is an example of the bid format: Class or Item Quantity Unit Description Unit Price Amount PLEASE SEE A TT ACHED BID PROPOSAL NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT Marion COUNTY ) ) 55: ) .TE ofINDIANA The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, states that he has not (nor has any other member, representative or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him) entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be bid by anyone at such bidding; nor to prevent any person from bidding; nor to induce anyone to refrain from bidding; and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement, understanding, or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding. He further state that no person or persons, firm or corporation has or will receive either directly or indirectly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale. County of Residence: Johnson Misty M. Scholl Notary Public - Printed Name Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 27th Day of June 2007 My Commission Expires: September 2. 2011 ACCEPTANCE There now being sufficient unobligated appropriated funds available, the contracting authority of (Governmental Unit) hereby accepts the terms of the attached bid for classes or items numbered and promises to pay the undersigned bidder upon delivery the price quoted for the materials stipulated in said bid. Contracting Authority Members: Date: ~. '~ July 2, 2007 Global Emergency - John Mullin City of Jeffersonville, IN Pierce Custom Pumper $540,800.00 including $75,000.00 in equipment $0.00 $0.00 Standard Annual In Arrears 1 year after lease commencement Upon contract signing with Pierce SALES ORGANIZATION: LESSEE: TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: EQUIPMENT COST: CUSTOMER DOWNPAYMENT: TRADE-IN: DELIVERY TIME: PAYMENT MODE: FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE: 5 5 annual 7 7 annual 10 10 annual The above listed payment(s) reflect all program discounts available exclusively through documentation or closing costs associated with the completion of this financing. 124497.11 93 224.00 70 002.07 Oshkosh Capital. There are no TYPE OF FINANCING: Tax-exempt Lease Purchase Agreement with a $1.00 buyout option at end of lease term. Said agreement shall be a net lease arrangement whereby lessee is responsible for all costs of operation, maintenance, insurance, and taxes. BANK QUALIFICATION: This proposal assumes that the lessee will not be issuing more than $10 million in tax-exempt debt this calendar year. Furthermore, it is assumed that the lessee will designate this issue as a qualified tax-exempt obligation per the tax act of 1986. LEGAL TITLE: Legal title to the equipment during the lease term shall vest in the lessee, with Oshkosh Capital perfecting a first security interest AUTHORIZED SIGNORS: The lessee's governing board shall provide Oshkosh Capital with its resolution or ordinance authorizing this agreement and shall designate the individual(s) to execute all necessary documents used therein. LEGAL OPINION: The lessee's counsel shall furnish OSl1kosh Capital with an opinion covering this transaction and the documents used herein. This opinion shall be in a form and substance satisfactory to Oshkosh Capital. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS: If Lessee is a Volunteer Fire Department, a public hearing under the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be conducted to authorize this transaction. It is recommended that a notice of the public hearing be published 10 to 14 days in advance of the public hearing. This proposal will be valid for thirty (30) days from the above date and is subject to final credit approval by Oshkosh Capital and approval of the lease documents in Oshkosh Capital's sole discretion. To render a credit decision, lessee shall provide Oshkosh Capital with their most recent two years' audited financial statements, copy of their most recent interim financial statement, and current budget. Accepted by: Proposal submitted by: ~~ Lessee Date Kim Simon Oshkosh Capital Locator 16-0056 155 East Broad Street Columbus,OH 43215 Phone: (800) 820-9041, ext. 1/ Fax: (800) 678-0602 '. SALES ORGANIZATION: LESSEE: TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: EQUIPMENT COST: CUSTOMER DOWNPAYMENT: TRADE-IN: DELIVERY TIME: PAYMENT MODE: FIRST PAYMENT DUE DATE: LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE: July 2, 2007 Global Emergency - John Mullin City of Jeffersonville, IN (2) Pierce Custom Pumpers $1,064.800.00 including $150,000.00 in equipment $0.00 $0.00 Standard Annual In Arrears 1 year after lease commencement Upon contract signing with Pierce 5 5 annual 7 7 annual 10 10 annual The above listed payment(s) reflect all program discounts available exclusively through documentation or closing costs associated with the completion of this financing. 245 126.70 183 552.00 137 829.51 Oshkosh Capital. There are no TYPE OF FINANCING: Tax-exempt Lease Purchase Agreement with a $1.00 buyout option at end of lease term. Said agreement shall be a net lease arrangement whereby lessee is responsible for all costs of operation, maintenance, insurance, and taxes. BANK QUALIFICATION: This proposal assumes that the lessee will not be issuing more than $10 million in tax-exempt debt this calendar year. Furthermore, it is assumed that the lessee will designate this issue as a qualified tax-exempt obligation per the tax act of 1986. LEGAL TITLE: Legal title to the equipment during the lease term shall vest in the lessee, with Oshkosh Capital perfecting a first security interest AUTHORIZED SIGNORS: The lessee's governing board shall provide Oshkosh Capital with its resolution or ordinance authorizing this agreement and shall designate the individual(s) to execute all necessary documents used therein. LEGAL OPINION: The lessee's counsel shall furnish Oshkosh Capital with an opinion covering this transaction and the documents used herein. This opinion shall be in a fonn and substance satisfactory to Oshkosh Capital. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS: If Lessee is a Volunteer Fire Department, a public hearing under the requirements of Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall be conducted to authorize this transaction. It is recommended that a notice of the public hearing be published 10 to 14 days in advance of the public hearing. This proposal will be valid for thirty (30) days from the above date and is subject to final credit approval by Oshkosh Capital and approval of the lease documents in Oshkosh Capital's sole discretion. To render a credit decision, lessee shall provide Oshkosh Capital with their most recent two years' audited financial statements, copy of their most recent interim financial statement, and current budget Accepted by: Proposal submitted by: ~~ Lessee Date Kim Simon OSHKOSH CAPiTAl... Oshkosh Capital Locator 16-0056 155 East Broad Street Columbus,OH 43215 Phone: (800) 820-9041, ext. 1/ Fax: (800) 678-0602 (0"' Jeffersonville Fire Departll1ent J TITLE: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO FIRE ENGINES, BACKGROUND: The department requests authorization to purchase two 2007 Fire Engines in the estimated amount of $914600.00 These vehicles will be utilized to respond to fire and other emergencies to mitigate risk and hazards to the community. Both vehicles will be equipped with 750-gallon water tanks, water-pumping capabilities, and ladders that can be used for rescue operations The vehicles are specified as fully equipped in accordance with NFPA standards. The service the fire department delivers is compromised by the age and condition of the fire apparatus. JFD presently has 2 front line1997 fire engines and 2 front line ladder trucks 1996 and 2003. The department presently has 4 reserve units which 2 are over 36 years old, with the remaining reserve units being 27 and 19 years old. Fire engine life expectancy is 20 years. Once the vehicles are received, a front line engine will be moved to Station 4s with the new fire engines positioned at station 1 and station 2. (Busiest stations in city) Additional equipment expenses needed to equip trucks. Estimated amount $150,000.00 '" 444650445 EDIT Fire Truck lease funding, $136,869.35 Maxus Leasing, Pierce Pumpers (2/07) Engine 1 & 2 Oshkosh Capital Ouint 3 (07/09) payoff Annual payment PROPOSED BUDGET IMPACT: (ESTIMATE) 2 new pumpers Truck delivery 9 months $68,942.95 $67.926.40 $136,869.35 $0.00 $135,852.00 Total $914.600.00 ..... Q) w Q) ..J ..t: C/) ..J l..... ~ ~ I"- 0 0 0 C\l 0 () 0 ~ C"') 1:: 0 ~ W Q.. 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