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2006 Tax Abatement
> © ~ ~ ~o,oooooooooooooooooooooooo ~ R R ~ =~'~ .... .-.- DEPARTMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT 812 - 285 - 6406 office 812 - 285 - 6468 fax Ciyt-Cotmty Building 501 E. Court Avenue Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130 Robert L. Waiz, Jr. Mayor April 3, 2006 Common Council Attached is a list with the heading, Requested to be Approved April 3, 2006, of 32 businesses for which I request that you approve the annual abatement. These were discussed at the previous council meeting and two have been removed from the list. Just as a clarification you are in the process of having a hearing on four abatements but two have not filed CF-1 's so only two have been removed from this list. If you have any questions please call before the meeting. Executive Director of Redevelopment An equal opportunity employer.