HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-R-24RESOLUTION NO. 96-R~ A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A CERTAIN AILRA OF THE cITY OF JEFFEI~ONVIL~.R, INDIANA, AS "ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREAS" WH~KEAS, it has been requested that a certain area within the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, be designated as an econOmic revitalization area pursuant to I.C. 6-1.1-12.1 through I.C. 6-1.1- 12.1-12 and, WHEI~EAS, the Common Council of the City of jeffersonville, Indiana recognizes the need to stimulate growth and to maintain a sound economy within the City of Jeffersonville, and, WHEREAS, this area is located within the corporate limits of the City of Jeffersonville on Highway 62 and having a street address of: 1820 E. 10th Street. Said area has, for a number of years, been undesirable for normal development and occupancy because of the lack of development and cessation of growth, along with other factors which have impaired values or prevented normal development or use of the property. The specific land area for which the economic revitalization area designation is undeveloped land which has been for sale for a number of years, and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville recognizes that providing incentives to local development in under- utilized or distressed areas would be in the city's best interest, and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville further recognizes that it would be beneficial to designate a certain qualified area within the city as an economic revitalization area for the purpose of considering deductions against the assessed value of property for real property tax purposes, and, Wq~kEAS, the Common Council of the City is vested with t~e authority to designate certain areas of the City to be economic revitalization areas; NOW, THEI~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville, Indiana, that: The following area in the city of jeffersonville, Clark County, State of Indiana be declared and designated as an economic revitalization area: Street Address: 1820 E. 10th Street, jeffersonville, IN 47130 See attached survey identified as Exhibit A. Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana law, this area is hereby designated by the Common Council of the city of Jeffersonville as ~n Economic Revitalization Area. BE iT FURTg~R~RESOLVEDthat this resolution and description of the affected area shall be filed with the county assessor. Passed and adopted this /-~ day of ~._~? ., 1996, by the Common Council of the city- of Jeffersonvll~e, Clark County, Indiana. THOMAS R. GALLIGAN, PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE COMMON coUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSONVILLE Presented by me as Cler.k-Tre~surer to the Mayor of the city of jeffersonville, Indiana, this ~ day of May, 1996. this · d , 1996. Approved and signed bY me ~~ d ~~~ T 6MAs LEGAL NOTICE ' Notice is hereby given ~hat on the 15th day o~ April, 1996, the Co.mmon council of the .City .of ~effersonvllle, adopted Resolutaon No. 96-R-20 declaring .a c~rta~n area of _t~.e City ~f located in a portion of jeffersonvll ~ Street, Ta ~.~on=.~'Ycomp'--~]~ description of th? affectea are? aha c~.mmons 1.ca~_=~.~, ~,~ can be i~speuted during normal business ~urs a% the county assessor's OZZlCe. ~ .... ~ereb'* -iven that on the 6th day of _M_a.y, 1996, at o~zce l~ ~ ~ .~ . 7:00 .m., in the Mu%t~TPurpose Hearing Room on the Third Floor of ~h, cP.~tv_Council Building, Room 308, a~ 50~.Ea~ court Avenue, ..... -- .-- ~-~-~ the Co~on counc~ ?~ the. City of jeffersonville, Indiana, ~ntend to conduct a publ~c hearing on the request presented by springhill commons Partnership for the purpose of creating an economic revitalization area and granting property tax abatement for said area described above. At that time the council will be available to receive and hear all remonstrances and objections from interested persons. · ~-~f~rsonville Co~mon council meeting may b~_~on~nu~ - ~x$ ::-l~ie as found' ~ecessary. The je~fersqn¥}l~e_~..~ :ro~ ~me.=~e f±mal action at the oonc~us~on counc~± sna~ = qualifications for an econo to determine whether the d confirming, mqdifyinq and rev ta iza=on are ?e .?eh confirming or resc~n~lng ~.~le rem such notice given and posted this .~o~n day o~ Apr~, C. Richard Spencer, Jr. jeffersonville Clerk-Treasurer ,'.LEGEND~ D£NOT~S IRON PIPE FOUND, ORIGIN UNKNOtt~I DENOTES STEEL PIN FOUND AS NOTED DENOTES CONCRETE R/W MARKER FOUND, AS SET. BY INDOT -~ DENO~S 5/8'x 30' 5EEL PIN AND CAP SET · -- ~'~ OENO~S ~RE FENCE 0 50 h'~ ~/~ OENO~S ~OD FENCE 80' FL41 ORIGINAL LOT 160.31 ~' DEED DRA~.R 21, ~ INS TRUME~ r 250~ SURVEY, DRAKING, AND DESCRIPTION OF PART OF LOTS t3 AND t4 IN WOODLAND COURT AS SHOWN IN PLAT BOOK 3, PACE 97 OF THE CLARK COUNTY, INDIANA RECORDS AND BEING SITUATED ON loth STREET, JEFFERSONt4LLE. THE PROPERTY SHOWN IS NOT LOCATED IN Iq. OOD ZONE A OR B ACCORDING TO FI. OOD MAP NUMBER 180027 0005 D, DATED ~ULY 16o 1995~. No,es: (I),~rit~e examinOlion may reveal other easements on,'~/'~r I¢iqht~ '&? Fv~/= no*. 'hereon. . ~2) All mo~uments shown ~re flt~sh ~ifb Ihe surfnce of Ihe around, unless .~ ~ of Iond shown obove ond I~o~ Ibis survey wos execbJed occordi~g to BLANI(ENBEI(ER ,IIEIG3 A r,~NUE JEFFER3ONVi~ CODE MICHAEL E. & DEBORAH BOHANON 1910 EAST tOTN STREET JEFFERSONI4LLE, IN 47130 ! loa ,Va. o 0 ~0 ?×